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Sep 21st, 2019
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  1. # Note: np = No permission. p = Prefix.
  3. options:
  4. np: &6&lRANKS &8| &cNo permission.
  5. p: &6&lRANKS &8|
  6. # [SmartFix] TODO
  9. command /rank [<text>] [<offline player>] [<text>]:
  10. permission: ranks.rank
  11. permission message: {@np}
  12. aliases: grant, setrank
  13. trigger:
  14. if argument 1 is "set":
  15. send "&6&m&l--------------------------------------------------"
  16. send "&e/rank set (player) (rank) &8» &7Sets a player's rank."
  17. send "&e/rank list &8» &7Shows a list of all the groups on the server."
  18. send "&e/rank info &8» &7Shows info about the Skript."
  19. send "&6&m&l--------------------------------------------------"
  20. if argument 2 is set:
  21. if argument 3 is "Administrator" or "Admin":
  22. set {rank.%arg 2%} to "&c&lADMIN&c"
  23. send "{@p} &e%arg-2%'s &7rank is now to set to &c&lADMIN&7."
  24. send "{@p} &7Your rank has been set to &c&lADMIN&7." to argument 2
  25. else if argument 3 is "Mod" or "Moderator":
  26. set {rank.%arg 2%} to "&e&lMOD&e"
  27. send "{@p} &e%arg-2%'s &7rank is now to set to &e&lMOD&7."
  28. send "{@p} &7Your rank has been set to &e&lMOD&7." to argument 2
  29. else if argument 3 is "Helper" or "Support":
  30. set {rank.%arg 2%} to "&b&lHELPER&b"
  31. send "{@p} &e%arg-2%'s &7rank is now to set to &b&lHELPER&7."
  32. send "{@p} &7Your rank has been set to &b&lHELPER&7." to argument 2
  33. else if argument 3 is "default":
  34. set {rank.%arg 2%} to "&7"
  35. send "{@p} &e%arg-2%'s &7rank is now to set to &7default."
  36. send "{@p} &7Your rank has been set to &7default." to argument 2
  37. else if argument 3 is "Owner":
  38. set {rank.%arg 2%} to "&4&lOWNER"
  39. send "{@p} &e%arg-2%'s &7rank is now to set to &4OWNER."
  40. send "{@p} &7Your rank has been set to &4OWNER." to argument 2
  41. else if argument 3 is "CoOwner":
  42. set {rank.%arg 2%} to "3&lCO-OWNER"
  43. send "{@p} &e%arg-2%'s &7rank is now to set to &3CO-OWNER."
  44. send "{@p} &7Your rank has been set to &3CO-OWNER." to argument 2
  45. else if argument 3 is "Dev" or "Development":
  46. set {rank.%arg 2%} to "&a&lDEV"
  47. send "{@p} &e%arg-2%'s &7rank is now to set to &aDEV."
  48. send "{@p} &7Your rank has been set to &aDEV." to argument 2
  49. else if argument 3 is "jrmod":
  50. set {rank.%arg 2%} to "&e&lJr.MOD"
  51. send "{@p} &e%arg-2%'s &7rank is now to set to &eJr.MOD."
  52. send "{@p} &7Your rank has been set to &eJr.MOD." to argument 2
  53. else if argument 3 is "srmod":
  54. set {rank.%arg 2%} to "&e&lJr.MOD"
  55. send "{@p} &e%arg-2%'s &7rank is now to set to &eSr.MOD."
  56. send "{@p} &7Your rank has been set to &eSr.MOD." to argument 2
  57. else:
  58. send "{@p} &7Please specify a user to set the rank for."
  59. #STARTS AT LINE 20
  60. else if argument 1 is "list":
  61. send "&6&m&l--------------------------------------------------"
  62. send "&4OWNER &8&l» &7Has OP."
  63. send "&3CO-OWNER &8&l» &7Has OP."
  64. send "&aDEV &8&l» &7Has OP."
  65. send "&cADMIN &8&l» &7Has every permission."
  66. send "&6Builder &8&l» &7Has build,gamemode, and punishment permissions."
  67. send "&eSR.MOD &8&l» &7Has most permissions."
  68. send "&eMOD &8&l» &7Has punishment and gamemode permissions."
  69. send "&eJR.MOD &8&l» &7Has most punishment and gamemode permissions."
  70. send "&dHelper &8&l» &7Has kick and fly permissions."
  71. send "&7default &8&l» &7Not much."
  72. send "&6&m&l--------------------------------------------------"
  73. else if argument 1 is "info":
  74. send "&6&m&l--------------------------------------------------"
  75. send "&7This Ranks Skript was created by"
  76. send "&ePlaneGlueX."
  77. send "&6&m&l--------------------------------------------------"
  79. on chat:
  80. set chat format to "%{rank.%player%}% &7%player% &6&l» &f%message%"
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