
obiwan 7

Oct 17th, 2016
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  1. Obi-Wan has been a very very busy man over the last couple of months, with everything happening around him, he hasn't been able to catch a single break or moment to himself. With more failures and disasters than its worth, and more lives being lost under his command, it a miracle he hasn't broken under all the stress and pressure, even with his Jedi training.
  3. He never thought he'd see the place again, but it seems he always manages to gravitate towards the quotient space station in the outer rim, which for a while he called home. Arriving at the inn, after physically having to pull himself away from everything, Obi-Wan shows all the signs of being tired, from the state his robes, to the heavy bags under his eyes. If there's anything this man needs right now, it's a drink and a good nights sleep.
  5. Lumbering his way through the door connecting the stretch hallway from the hanger to the Inn, he glances around the Inn at the various bystanders, and makes a slow and steady beeline towards the bar. Taking a seat, he lets out of hasty breath, and resists the urge to place his head down on the counter and fall asleep.
  7. Ordering a drink from a very different bartender, Obi-Wan sighs, before lifting his head up from the bar and glancing around the room. It's been a long time since he's been here, and although he once called the inn his 'Home away from home', he hadn't been there in months, and the last thing he needed on top of everything, was someone or something getting the better of him. In a rather conspicuous way, he mentally takes note of the patrons in the room, and maps out any possible escape route he may of missed in the months he'd been away. He took note of everyone in the room, except a rather... odd looking patron seated nearby him, a Red character with a few dozen marks on their face, somewhat surrounded in bottles of booze. He knew this was going to be [i]just a treat[/i].
  9. Sharing a glance with the stranger, Obi-Wan almost instantly looks away, and finds his stare met with the kindly bartender, who proceeds to hand him his drink. Having been several months since he's drank anything, and feeling a sense of defeat, he gingerly takes a swig of the biter drink he'd ordered, and squints at the bitter taste of it. If he had any sense at the moment, he would of stopped there and tried to keep his streak of sobriety, but he didn't, and he wouldn't be continuing for a while. This would be his little dirty secret, and he would take it to the grave if he had to.
  11. Feeling he would only quietly brood and fall into a pit of self pity by drinking alone, Obi-Wan does what he does best, and in a swift motion, move from his seat to the empty seat next to the red person, before using the force in a clumsy manner to pull his drink towards him. "I see you're enjoying a drink at the bar as well, my friend." Smooth Kenobi, smooth.
  13. All confidence Obi-Wan had, had almost instantly disappeared, along with most of the colour in his face. Of course not at the appearance of the woman, as he wasn't a person to be bothered by things like that, but at how...cold she was to even a stranger, and assumptions. "Jedi Master, my dear." He faked a smile, before taking a swig of his drink, as a swell of regret festered inside of him, one at the fact he had broken a several month streak of sobriety, but also at the fact he simply told someone outright he was a Jedi Master, completely ignoring the fact he has a death mark in more than seven systems.
  15. His frowned deepened, and he felt even more inclined to simply move away and let the sorrow and self pity swallow him, but he decided, he would definitely try to make humor out of this, he wouldn't be Obi-Wan if he let anyone get away with trying to out sass him. "Pfft, I wish, although I do get more liberties than most in the order, and having you're own flagship is always a plus in my books." He probably didn't mean that, and he shouldn't be telling anyone he has his own flagship, but even he wanted to get drunk and brg about stuff sometimes.
  17. Okay, despite the womans words dripping with sarcasm, Obi-Wan knew he was going to get some fun out of this. "Please, a strike team would barely be a match for me." He smirked, taking a last sip of his drink and glancing around. This type of arrogance would be normal on someone like Anakin for example, but for him, it was borderline childish, but it was just the distraction he needed from his life at the moment, and it was what he was going to utilize.
  19. "Well my dear, it's not everyday you encounter a Sith strike team, nevermind a singular Sith Lord." Obi-Wan almost rolled his eyes, before thinking for a moment, and then it clicked. He was talking to a [i]Sith Lord[/i] and hadn't even realized it, he had just made a very very bad mistake. "But, if I was to encounter a Sith Lord, i'd hope our differences wouldn't force us to ruin this lovely bar, or ruin the night for everyone, the drink here are too good for me to even think of such an atrocity." Smooth Kenobi.
  21. He processes this information, but it doesn't link with anything he knows, either this Woman is delusional, or another one of the many time hoppers that seem to exist in this part of the outer rim, whatever it may be, it was too much for Obi-Wan to wrap his head around, nor would he bother. "I see, How about I buy you a drink my dear, I know all the best drinks on the menu, whether you like it sweet or bitter as Caf beans, I'm sure there's something you'd like. [i]Come to the drunk side with me.[/i]" Obi-Wan honestly can't believe he just said that.
  23. He couldn't keep himself from laughing anymore, and let out a hearty laughter, filling the area around them with a sense of amusement. He was definitely crossing 'Reduced a Sith Lord to dumbfounds'. "I do seem to have that effect on most people I meet." He smiled, getting a tad bit comfier in his seat. "So will you be taking my offer? Drink will be on me, and I can assure you, i don't cheap out when it comes to getting the best."
  25. "Well, if you do need a drink, be sure to tell me." He smiles, before beckoning over the bartender on call, and ordering a classic pink nebula, which was a sweet cocktail that got its name from how speckles of pink and white would float and gather in the black drink resembling a nebula, truly one of the prettiest drinks he'd seen and tasted. "If i'm not intruding, may I ask what brings you to such a backwater bar?"
  27. "I can...relate in a way my dear." He spoke as his brightly coloured drink arrived, and almost on cue, he took a long sip of the overly sweet drink, before facing the woman again. "I've heard of that system before, It's very isolated. It's almost like other planets have chosen to hide from it." He spoke, and hope he didn't give away too much knowledge of what he knew, the last thing he wanted was a Sith knowing he knew of their sacred planet.
  29. A frown had reappeared on his face, and he felt a sense of... glum from what she said. He knew of the many purges caused by the sith, and he was more than aware of what had happened to thousands of innocent Jedi in the past, whether they be grand masters or younglings. "What kind of Jedi Master would I be if I hadn't at least once made a trip to the Horuset system, although the dust and general desertedness of the whole place wasn't exactly my cup of tea."
  31. What a night he'd had. After breaking a several month streak of sobriety in one night and falling into a pit of self pity and sorrow, Obi-Wan honestly didn't have a good night, but something about waking up in warm, soft sheets in a real bed, not a cot on a star destroyer, almost made all the worries and problems he had fade away, as if they never existed in the first place.
  32. [br]
  33. After several minutes of simply laying there, he finally decides to get up, and against everything he stands for, he doesn't shed the clothes he'd slept in, but simply his longer outer robe before neatly pushing his hair into place, and making his way out of his room. Walking down the stairs, he gently rubs his eyes and makes his way to a more secluded part of the Inn, unlike him to do, but surely noticeable to anyone 'newer' around the inn. Taking a seat a booth, he plops down in the cushioned seat, and begins reading the menu, simply to pass time.
  35. As he usually was after a night of heavy drinking, and mostly in generally especially in the bar, Obi-Wan was completely oblivious to what was going on around him, and had instead opted to pay all his attention to the menu and to his thoughts. Flashes from the long, almost never-ending months of combat and war race through his mind, and bodies, blood, and everything horror in between flash between each shot almost like a slideshow of all his failures and mistakes. He feels personally responsible for every man lost under his command, whether they were clones or not, his conscious stayed the same. [i]He really needed another drink. [/i]
  37. Snapping out of his conscious trance, he shook his head and let out a breath, he was definitely going to get himself a drink. Looking around the bar for a server or anyone really who may work here, his eyes flash over the entrance from the hanger corridor, and over a... very familiar figure. He firstly thinks [i]That could be any togruta[/i], but then it occurs to him, no togrutas markings are the same, and it wasn't likely he'd [i]ever[/i] forget the markings of someone so... Important to him. However, rather than draw attention to himself and possibly out a clearly nervous Ahsoka Tano, he decides against calling out to her, and instead beckoning over the waiter he saw, hopefully she won't take it as an insult.
  39. "I was [i]hoping[/i] you wouldn't leave without saying hello." He spoke in a pleasant but defeated tone as he further sat up in his seat to face the hooded Togruta he'd somewhat considered his daughter. He felt strange in a way talking to her, as he'd ever since she'd left felt partly responsible for what had happened, and how he [i]could[/i] of done something when the whole mess had happened, but he didn't. Shaking the thoughts away, he makes a motion for her to sit down and simply smiles, attempting to lighten the mood.
  41. "I could ask you the same very question." He spoke, and upon realizing he wasn't talking to the padawan and pseudo daughter of Anakin and himself, but a woman isolated from the order and no longer afflicted, he realized it was [i]very[/i] out of line. "I'm here to get away from everything for a bit, What brings you to the [i]lovely[/i] Millennium Inn, my dear?" He rephrased, before gesturing for him to sit in the seat in front of him.
  43. "I-" He paused, a frown steadily appearing on his face at the words of the young Togruta, not because she had said anything remotely offensive, but because she was true. He knew it in his heart, the reason he'd been coming to the Inn was to [i] Get away[/i] from the order he was so readily able to defend, because everything really was just as bad, if not worse since Ahsoka had left. Day by day the order had got even more corrupt and biased, and Obi-Wan knew it was happening, but rather than do anything about it or even try to subject, he simply ran away, but he'd never tell anyone that. "I'm not running away, i'm simply visiting the Inn, the order is [i] fine[/i]." He swallowed, and instantly regretted his words, this is why he doesn't lie.
  45. [i]Anakin[/i], he'd barely seen his former apprentice in the last few months, and it had ate at his feelings and heart every waking moment. He didn't know where to begin, other than giving Ahsoka a short answer, because he honestly didn't know how he'd been. "I'm... Not too sure, we haven't crossed paths as much as i'd like in the past few months, the war has been hard on everyone." Especially him, but he wasn't going to mention that, his singular problems weren't important and it'd be selfish to put his feelings and needs over others.
  47. "Thank you." The words had instantly slipped out of his mouth, and he knew it was from the sense of relief Ahsoka seemed to give off, but deep down, he knew nothing would be that easy, the war wouldn't end like that, war never does. "I'll check on him whenever I can Ahsoka, but..." He pauses, looking around as if someone was watching or listening to his words. "I need to know something, are you okay Ahsoka? I can't imagine anything has been easy for you since everything happened."
  49. "You're doing better than anyone else in your situation would Ahsoka, you're a very strong and mature young woman, and I'm very proud of you." He spoke, and took a sip at the cold glass of water that had arrived at the table a while back, before fishing around in the pocket of his pants. Fishing out what had to be close to 200 credits and placing it on the table infront of Ahsoka. "Please, take these my dear, it's the least I can do to help you."
  51. Obi-Wan frowned, but he knew deep down, he'd overstepped his boundaries, and how it must of looked for him of all people to be giving her credits for no reason other than he felt [i]bad[/i] for everything that happened to her. Not saying a word, he simply gathered up the credit chips, and placed them back in his pocket without a word.
  53. He took in her words, and flashed a warm smile at her before taking another sip of his water, because he knew the question presented at him wasn't going to be pleasant, and he didn't want to lie to Ahsoka again. "I'm going to be honest here..." He paused, frowning and looking down at the table. "The war has been awful, and it's not getting better, nor does it seem like its going to end well for either side. The darkness engulfing the entire order and galaxy seems to be getting larger every waking day, and theres nothing we can do about it, because no one wants to go looking for it, they think they darkness is going to come to them on their terms..."
  55. And like that, Ahsoka Tano has left Obi-Wan's life once again, and he was left feeling numb about the whole situation, sure he had time to talk to her, to know she was okay, but he had just unloaded such a burden on her, and she almost automatically leaves afterwards. Sitting back in his chair, he feels numb, and [i]definitely[/i] needs a drink for real this time. Beckoning over a waiter, he orders himself a gin and tonic, and closes his eyes to think.
  57. Receiving his drink, in a swift movement, he swigs the entire thing as if he hadn't had a several month streak without the toxic liquid that seem to steal the happiness from the next day. Bringing a single hand up to his face, he covers his face as a few stray tears fall from his eyes. He was [i]tired[/i] and just wanted to be done with everything, the war, the armies, the dead men, the bloodshed, [i] the Jedi Order[/i]. He had simply had enough, he couldn't bare himself to fail anyone else.
  59. He simply took a deep breath when he felt the very familiar and warm presence around him, and was quick to gather himself up. He could never let Anakin see him cry over something so, petty and selfish, nor could he let Anakin knew he broke a promise and a several month streak of sobriety either. Without a word, he took the hot cup of tea into his hand and took a small sip, focusing more on the swirling of the liquid inside the ceramic mug more than anything else around him.
  61. He gently placed his half empty mug on the table, and for a final time, wipe gently at his face, swiping any stray tear. Finally looking at Anakin for the few time in a long time, and actually looking at him, not side glances or awkward exchanges during meetings, but actually look at him, he honestly feels sick. Not from Anakin's face of course, but from the fact he hadn't at all been able to even exchange a simple hug in the past few months, and how torn up he was over everything in the galaxy. [i]He was so tired[/i].
  63. Obi-Wan didn't see it coming, but he [i]really[/i] needed that right now, he needed human contact, he needed compassion, he needed love. He didn't care what rules he was breaking, because he was sure as anything that the Jedi were breaking more galactic peace laws than the separatist at this point. He needed this to continue on, to resist the urge to lock himself out on the wrong side of the airlock. Leaning into Anakin's body, he lets another set of stray tears roll down his face, keeping his silence.
  65. "No," Was all Obi-Wan could muster out, as he further leaned into the touch of the other man. The literal last place Obi-Wan wanted to be was the Jedi Temple, and as weird it would seem, he wasn't the biggest fan of the jedi, kriff, he could even go as far to say he didn't like them, because he realized how unlike [i]real[/i] jedi they were. Anyone with half a brain could see it, but no one had the guts to go up against the jedi, because they knew it would mean almost instant exile.
  67. He had almost forgot how it felt to be truly loved, and it made him feel sick that the war and the jedi had kept such an amazing feeling away from him, but that wasn't important right now, what was important right now was Anakin above all things. "And I missed you." He spoke in a somewhat defeated tone, but it was obvious he was feeling better. "Being away from you felt as if the stars themselves had all simultaneously turn themselves off, no matter where I went, how far I'd travel, I couldn't revive that light in the sky until now."
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