
Über Jason fireproof

Sep 12th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. Slinging the weapon on her left crosswise over her shoulder, she grabbed the other and dived through the passenger-side door practically all in one uninterrupted motion, landing on the ground in prone firing position. Twenty feet ahead of her, the surface of a small, lagoon-like section of Veronica Lake seemed to be shuddering in sympathy with the weapons-fire and the screams coming from somewhere beyond a cluster of slender, prickly birch trees and poisonberry bushes.
  3. Abruptly a volley of kill-shot tore through the leaves and branches. Reflexively, Sofira ducked, watching as the line of fire moved from right to left through the trees, slanting upward until the shooter was firing into the air. She started to raise her head and flattened again when she heard more firing. No kill-shot came through the trees in her direction this time but her relief was quickly replaced by worry at the sudden new smell in the air.
  5. The trees that the kill-shot had torn through were now on fire.
  7. "Sofira to Squad Leader," she yelled. "We're on fire here. Repeat: we are on fire!"
  9. "I know that, Sofira. Shut up and hold your position!" the squad leader snapped. "Cease fire, cease fire! Who the fuck is using incendiary load?!"
  11. Someone burst out from behind the trees but Sofira could not tell who it was; every inch of the struggling, flailing figure was covered with flames.
  13. "The lake, straight ahead of you!" she screamed.
  15. The burning figure gave no sign of having heard her but whoever it was began stumbling toward the water. Just as Sofira got to her feet intending to get over there and help, the figure fell face-first into the lake. She slung her weapon over her right shoulder and called out that she was coming to get him but before she could take a step, a new figure suddenly stepped out of the flames and she stopped dead in her tracks.
  17. This figure was not on fire, didn't seem to be even slightly singed, and from the way he was walking, Sofira got the impression he wasn't even particularly warm. Fire-proof suit, she thought, then dismissed that idea immediately. What he was wearing didn't bear even a passing resemblance to the anti-inferno gear they had; in fact, she had never seen anything like this guy's outfit. The way he was moving, it looked like it was painted on, or like it had grown there right over his skin, or instead of his skin...
  19. He stopped in front of the poisonberry bushes, which were really starting to burn now. That had to be one more-than-outstanding suit, Sofira thought; otherwise, his ass would already have passed the delicate golden brown stage and would be well on its way to char-grilled.
  21. Then her gaze found his face and it seemed to snap into focus for her almost as if she were seeing it through the lens of a body-cam. But only for a moment. Suddenly, she was wracked with a violent coughing fit and tears were blinding her as they poured out of her eyes and down her face. In spite of that, she had somehow managed to shrug the weapon off her right shoulder and into her hands without even thinking about it.
  23. "You! Step forward five paces toward the water's edge and stop!" she bellowed, red-dotting the center of his torso. "Now! Or I'll shoot!"
  25. The bizarre metal gargoyle face looked down at the laser-sight and then back up at her. No language problem, apparently. Now she had to find out just how bughouse the son of a bitch really was. There was no doubt in her mind that this was the homicidal maniac they were chasing; she would have been certain of it even if he hadn't been carrying a blood-drenched machete as long as her arm. She hefted her weapon emphatically, as if she were getting ready to fire.
  27. He moved toward the lake as she had told him but instead of stopping at five paces, he went all the way to the edge of the lake and stood over the corpse of the soldier still lying facedown in the shallow water.
  29. "That's far enough!" Sofira bellowed at him.
  31. "Don't move, don't even twitch!"
  33. The steel gargoyle face tilted to one side with a bizarre suggestion of mild curiosity; then the figure put one foot on the corpse in a bracing position, bent down, and tore one of its legs off.
  35. Without hesitating, Sofira opened fire, giving him a five second burst, and then stopped to wipe her eyes.
  37. The smoke was getting worse but she was able to clear her eyes well enough to see him standing there holding that machete in one hand and the charred leg in the other, still starring at her with his head tilted to one side as if nothing had happened.
  39. Then she heard a sound like a giant fist slamming into the earth. Sofira felt herself lifted off her feet and flung backwards. The last thing she saw were burgeoning storm clouds of fire surging toward her as if they were chasing her on purpose, swallowing up everything as they went, even setting the air itself aflame.
  41. Jason X: The Experiment - Pages 89-92
  43. Sofira struggled to a sitting position and found she was sitting on the grass about twenty yards away from the inferno that had once been the forest surrounding Veronica Lake. "H-how..." the word dissolved in a spasm of coughing before she could choke out a question. "How'd you get me out of that?"
  45. Jason X: The Experiment - Pages 95
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