
XBOX Rewards

Nov 27th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. # Written January 21, 2020
  2. # Thomas Deans - thomas [dot] deans [at] gmail [dot] com
  3. # Requires Google Chrome & Chrome UserAgent Switcher Extension
  4. # Setup Custom UserAgents under UserAgent Switcher options.
  5. # The latest Mobile iPhone is 6, so I add iPhone X under Custom
  6. # UserAgents.
  7. # Microsoft Edge will suffice for both the Edge Search and the
  8. # PC search concurrently, I've written the code to work in this manner.
  9. # After installing UserAgent Switcher, Right-Click UserAgent Switcher icon
  10. # in Chrome and click Options. On the Options page, click Custom User Agents on the left.
  11. # Add as follows
  12. #
  13. # UserAgent Strings
  14. # New User-Agent Name | New User-Agent String                                                                                                                   | Group        | Append? | Indicator Flag
  15. # Microsoft Edge      | Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/79.0.3945.79 Safari/537.36 Edg/44.18362.449.0   | Bing Rewards | Replace | Edg
  16. # iPhone X            | Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 11_0 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/604.1.38 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.0 Mobile/15A372 Safari/604.1 | Bing Rewards | Replace | iPX
  17. #
  18. # To use UserAgent Switcher, left click the icon in chrome and navigate the menu to select the UserAgent you want chrome to appear as.
  19. # You can subsequently check this by visiting http://www.whatismybrowser.com
  20. #
  21. # Using PC Edge UserAgent earns Edge and PC Bing Search concurrently
  22. #  ----------------------------------------
  23. # | Points Earned | Num.  Req.(5 pts/srch) |
  24. #  ----------------------------------------
  25. # | Edge: 020     |           04           |
  26. # | PC:   130     |           26           |
  27. # | PC: Rnd(1-10) |          1-10          |
  28. #  ----------------------------------------
  29. # |     Total     |    Random: 31 to 40    |
  30. #  ----------------------------------------
  31. # Using iPhone UserAgent earns Mobile Bing Search points
  32. #  ----------------------------------------
  33. # | Mobile: 100/200   |        100-200     |
  34. # | Mobile: Rnd(1-10) |          1-10      |
  35. #  ----------------------------------------
  36. # |     Total         | Random: 101 to 210 |
  37. #  ----------------------------------------
  38. # ** The random number helps cloak program
  39. # based searching from day to day
  40. cls
  41. $Autoclose = $true # Autocloses groups of tabs after loading
  42. $Payload = $true # Open Chrome Tab with each search on/off (for testing new features)
  43. $Double_Points = $fa # if your Mobile search gives you 200 points set this to true otherwise set to $false
  44. $Animal = ('armadillo','beaver','cow','donkey','elephant','ferret','giraffe','hippopotamus','iguana','jaguar','koala','lemur','monkey','nightingale','otter','platypus','quail','rabbit','skunk','toucan','Uakari','vulture','walrus','Yak','donkey','elephant','ferret','giraffe','hippopotamus','iguana','jaguar','koala','lemur','monkey','nightingale','otter','platypus','quail','rabbit','skunk','toucan','Uakari','vulture','walrus','Yak','Zebra')
  45. $Food = ('apple','banana','carrot','donut','egg','fajita','gumbo','hummus','ice','jello','kiwi','lasagna','meatballs','noodles','onion','peas','quesadilla','raspberry','salmon','turkey','ubatzda','veal','walnut','yogurt','ziti')
  46. $Verb = ('ate','bought','craved','devoured','earned','feared','got','handed','inspected','juggled','kept','licked','moved','nudged','ordered','pierced','raised','slurp','touched','washed','yanked')
  47. $Joiner = ('in','grown+in','from','from+a+friend+in','from+a+friend+from','near','from+someone+in','from+someone+from','from+near','from+a+friend+near','from+someone+near','by')
  48. $Place = ('Argentina','Bolivia','Canada','Denmark','Ethiopia','France','Greece','Holland','India','Jordan','Kyrgyzstan','London','Mexico','Norway','Ontario','Persia','Quebec','Russia','Somalia','Turkey','Ukraine','Vietnam','Wales','Xalapa','Yemen','Zimbabwe')
  49. $Chrome = "$(${env:ProgramFiles(x86)})\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"
  50. if ($Payload -eq $true) {
  51. start-process -FilePath 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe' -ArgumentList 'https://account.microsoft.com/rewards/pointsbreakdown'
  52. }
  53. Write-Host "Change UserAgent to Microsoft Edge. `nCheck that You're logged into bing.com `nwith your XBOX account." -F Cyan -B Black
  54. pause
  55. cls
  56. $c=1
  57. $Iterations = 30+(Get-Random -SetSeed (Get-Date).Millisecond -InputObject (1..10))
  58. $Type = "Edge"
  59. if ($c -ne 3) {
  60. foreach ($o in (1..2)) {
  61. if ($o -eq 2) { $Type="iPhone X" }
  62. if ($Iterations -eq 0) { if ($Double_Points -eq $true) { $Iterations = 40+(Get-Random -SetSeed (Get-Date).Millisecond -InputObject (1..10)); cls } else { $Iterations = 20+(Get-Random -SetSeed (Get-Date).Millisecond -InputObject (1..10)); cls } }
  63. "Remaining tabs($Type): $Iterations. Set: $o`n"
  64. do {
  65. if ($Iterations -ge 10) {
  66. # Starter Tab to load
  67. if ($Autoclose -eq $true) {
  68. start-process -FilePath $Chrome -ArgumentList 'https://www.google.com'
  69. Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
  70. Write-Host "Loading first tab: " -B Black -F Cyan
  71. foreach ($n in ((1..20)|sort -Descending)) { Write-Host "$("{0:D2}" -F $n)..$(if($n -eq 1 -or $n -eq 11) {"`n"})" -B Black -F Cyan -NoNewline; Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 }
  72. }
  73. foreach ($s in (1..10)) {
  74. $Reason = ('Check+Spelling+of','Check+grammer+of','How+common+are+the+words+in',"How+many+$(Get-Random -SetSeed (Get-Date).Millisecond -InputObject $(foreach ($chr in (65..90)) { [CHAR]($chr) }))'s+are+in",'Character+count+of','Word+count+of','Numerical+value+of','Word+study+of','Character+analysis+of')
  75. $RS_Pt3 = Get-Random -SetSeed (Get-Date).Millisecond -InputObject $Animal
  76. switch ($RS_Pt3) {
  77. 'armadillo' { $Start = ('A','An','The','My','Your','His','Her','Their') }
  78. 'otter' { $Start = ('A','An','The','My','Your','His','Her','Their') }
  79. default { $Start = ('A','The','My','Your','His','Her','Their') }
  80. }
  81. $RS_Pt1 = Get-Random -SetSeed (Get-Date).Millisecond -InputObject $Reason
  82. $RS_Pt2 = Get-Random -SetSeed (Get-Date).Millisecond -InputObject $Start
  83. # Set Above $RS_Pt3 - Animal
  84. $RS_Pt4 = Get-Random -SetSeed (Get-Date).Millisecond -InputObject $Verb
  85. $RS_Pt5 = Get-Random -SetSeed (Get-Date).Millisecond -InputObject $Food
  86. $RS_Pt6 = Get-Random -SetSeed (Get-Date).Millisecond -InputObject $Joiner
  87. $RS_Pt7 = Get-Random -SetSeed (Get-Date).Millisecond -InputObject $Place
  88. $Search = "$($RS_Pt1)+$($RS_Pt2)+$($RS_Pt3)+$($RS_Pt4)+$($RS_Pt5)+$($RS_Pt6)+$($RS_Pt7)"
  89. "$("{0:D2}" -F $Iterations) - $Search"
  90. $RandomWait = (Get-Random -InputObject (3..7))
  91. foreach ($n in ((1..$($RandomWait))|sort -Descending)) { Write-Host "$("{0:D2}" -F $n)..$(if($n -eq 1){"`n"})" -B Black -F Cyan -NoNewline; Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 }
  92. if ($Payload -eq $true) {
  93. Start-Process $Chrome -ArgumentList "https://www.bing.com/search?q=$($Search)"
  94. }
  95. $Iterations--
  96. }
  97. if ($Autoclose -eq $true) {
  98. Write-Host "Autoclosing Chrome tab groups" -F Cyan -B Black
  99. } else {
  100. Write-Host "Close tabs after loaded" -F Cyan -B Black
  101. }
  102. # Kill Chrome after group of tabs loaded
  103. if ($Payload -eq $true) {
  104. foreach ($n in ((1..10)|sort -Descending)) { Write-Host "$("{0:D2}" -F $n)..$(if($n -eq 1){"`n"})" -B Black -F Cyan -NoNewline; Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 }
  105. Get-Process -Name Chrome | Stop-Process -Force -Confirm:$false
  106. }
  107. if ($Payload -eq $false) { pause }
  108. cls
  109. } else {
  110. # Starter Tab to load
  111. if ($Autoclose -eq $true) {
  112. start-process -FilePath $Chrome -ArgumentList 'https://www.google.com'
  113. Write-Host "Loading first tab: " -B Black -F Cyan
  114. foreach ($n in ((1..20)|sort -Descending)) { Write-Host "$("{0:D2}" -F $n)..$(if($n -eq 1 -or $n -eq 11){"`n"})" -B Black -F Cyan -NoNewline; Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 }
  115. }
  116. foreach ($s in (1..$($Iterations))) {
  117. $Reason = ('Check+Spelling+of','Check+grammer+of','How+common+are+the+words+in',"How+many+$(Get-Random -SetSeed (Get-Date).Millisecond -InputObject $(foreach ($chr in (65..90)) { [CHAR]($chr) }))'s+are+in",'Character+count+of+"','Word+count+of+"','Numerical+value+of','Word+study+of','Character+analysis+of')
  118. $RS_Pt3 = Get-Random -SetSeed (Get-Date).Millisecond -InputObject $Animal
  119. switch ($RS_Pt3) {
  120. 'armadillo' { $Start = ('A','An','The','My','Your','His','Her','Their') }
  121. 'otter' { $Start = ('A','An','The','My','Your','His','Her','Their') }
  122. default { $Start = ('A','The','My','Your','His','Her','Their') }
  123. }
  124. $RS_Pt1 = Get-Random -SetSeed (Get-Date).Millisecond -InputObject $Reason
  125. $RS_Pt2 = Get-Random -SetSeed (Get-Date).Millisecond -InputObject $Start
  126. # Set Above $RS_Pt3 - Animal
  127. $RS_Pt4 = Get-Random -SetSeed (Get-Date).Millisecond -InputObject $Verb
  128. $RS_Pt5 = Get-Random -SetSeed (Get-Date).Millisecond -InputObject $Food
  129. $RS_Pt6 = Get-Random -SetSeed (Get-Date).Millisecond -InputObject $Joiner
  130. $RS_Pt7 = Get-Random -SetSeed (Get-Date).Millisecond -InputObject $Place
  131. $Search = "$($RS_Pt1)+$($RS_Pt2)+$($RS_Pt3)+$($RS_Pt4)+$($RS_Pt5)+$($RS_Pt6)+$($RS_Pt7)"
  132. "$("{0:D2}" -F $Iterations) - $Search"
  133. $RandomWait = (Get-Random -SetSeed (Get-Date).Millisecond -InputObject (3..7))
  134. foreach ($n in ((1..$($RandomWait))|sort -Descending)) { Write-Host "$("{0:D2}" -F $n)..$(if($n -eq 1){"`n"})" -B Black -F Cyan -NoNewline; Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 }
  135. if ($Payload -eq $true) {
  136. Start-Process $Chrome -ArgumentList "https://www.bing.com/search?q=$($Search)"
  137. }
  138. $Iterations--
  139. if ($iterations -le 0) { $Iterations=0 }
  140. }
  141. # Kill Chrome after group of tabs loaded
  142. if ($Payload -eq $true) {
  143. if ($c -eq 1) {
  144. Write-Host "Change UserAgent to iPhone" -F Cyan -B Black
  145. }
  146. pause
  147. if ($Payload -eq $true) {
  148. Write-Host "Autoclosing Chrome tab groups" -F Cyan -B Black
  149. }
  150. foreach ($n in ((1..10)|sort -Descending)) { Write-Host "$("{0:D2}" -F $n)..$(if($n -eq 1){"`n"})" -B Black -F Cyan -NoNewline; Start-Sleep -Seconds 1 }
  151. Get-Process -Name Chrome | Stop-Process -Force -Confirm:$false
  152. }
  153. }
  154. } until ($Iterations -eq 0)
  155. switch ($c) {
  156. 1 { $c++ }
  157. 2 { $c++ }
  158. }
  159. }
  160. if ($Payload -eq $false) { pause }
  161. cls
  162. Write-Host "Rewards Earnings Complete. Change UserAgent back to Default. Check your rewards page" -F Cyan -B Black; pause
  163. }
  164. # Reopen rewards page
  165. if ($Payload -eq $true) {
  166. start-process -FilePath 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe' -ArgumentList 'https://account.microsoft.com/rewards/pointsbreakdown' -WindowStyle Maximized
  167. }
  169. <#
  170. $Wait = 20
  171. for ($i = $wait;$i -le $Wait; $i--) {
  172. Write-Progress -Activity “Opening startup tab...” -status “$i seconds remaining” -percentComplete ($i / $wait*100)
  173. Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
  174. if ($i -eq 0) {break}
  175. }
  176. #>
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