

Sep 15th, 2014
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  1. local side = "right"
  2. local Antwort1 = "Ja"
  3. local Antwort2 = "Nein"
  4. local opentime = 3
  5. local left = "left"
  6. local master = "config"
  8. while true do
  9. term.clear()
  10. term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  11. print(" ")
  12. print(" ")
  13. print(" ")
  14. print(" ")
  15. textutils.slowWrite(" Oemer Test v2.0", 15)
  16. print(" ")
  17. sleep(0.8)
  18. textutils.slowWrite(" by The Fappening", 17)
  19. sleep(2.0)
  20. print(" ")
  21. print(" ")
  22. print(" ")
  23. print(" ")
  24. print(" Ist Oemer Schlau? (Ja / Nein)")
  25. write(" Antwort:")
  26. local input = read()
  28. if input == Antwort1 then
  29. term.clear()
  30. sleep(1.0)
  31. print("Falsch")
  32. sleep(1.0)
  33. print(" Falsch")
  34. sleep(1.0)
  35. print(" ")
  36. sleep(1.0)
  37. print(" Falsch")
  38. print(" ")
  39. print(" ")
  40. sleep(1.0)
  41. print(" Falsch ")
  42. print(" ")
  43. sleep(1.0)
  44. print(" Falsch")
  45. print(" ")
  46. sleep(1.0)
  47. print(" Falsch ")
  48. sleep(5.0)
  49. os.reboot()
  50. elseif input == Antwort2 then
  51. term.clear()
  52. print(" ")
  53. print(" ")
  54. textutils.slowWrite(" Richtig", 15)
  55. sleep(1.5)
  56. term.clear()
  57. print(" ")
  58. print(" ")
  59. print(" ")
  60. rs.setOutput(side, true)
  61. rs.setOutput(left, true)
  62. sleep(opentime)
  63. rs.setOutput(side, false)
  64. rs.setOutput(left, false)
  65. os.reboot()
  66. else
  67. term.clear()
  68. term.setCursorPos(1,1)
  69. print(" ")
  70. print(" ")
  71. print(" ")
  72. print(" Antworte mit Ja oder Nein ")
  73. sleep(1)
  74. end
  75. end
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