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May 20th, 2017
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  1. 20:28 Knight Of Nubs [301]: I'm not donating again
  2. 20:28 Knight Of Nubs [301]: because what if the server shuts down again, and I wont get my stuff back AGAIN
  3. 20:29 Knight Of Nubs [301]: To be honest, I need to talk to Justin =/
  4. 20:29 HGM Ravenia [527]: well, the good thing is that this server will be enjoyable for non donors as well
  5. 20:29 Knight Of Nubs [301]: Yea but like
  6. 20:29 Knight Of Nubs [301]: I wasted around $170
  7. 20:29 Knight Of Nubs [301]: And now I got nothing to show for it
  8. 20:29 Knight Of Nubs [301]: Because some dickhead made the server shut down
  9. 20:29 HGM Ravenia [527]: we all paid for our stuff, and got our money's worth I think
  10. 20:29 HGM Ravenia [527]: that godset was rediculous
  11. 20:29 HGM Ravenia [527]: Yeah thanks to Eryx..
  12. 20:30 HGM Ravenia [527]: x.x
  13. 20:30 Knight Of Nubs [301]: Plus, better not waste money again
  14. 20:30 Knight Of Nubs [301]: because an old player on this
  15. 20:30 Knight Of Nubs [301]: Told me some guy
  16. 20:30 Knight Of Nubs [301]: Is hacking Justin
  17. 20:30 Knight Of Nubs [301]: ANd fucking the server up =/
  18. 20:30 HGM Ravenia [527]: ahh, who?
  19. 20:30 Knight Of Nubs [301]: I dont know who
  20. 20:31 HGM Ravenia [527]: What player told you though?
  21. 20:31 Knight Of Nubs [301]: An old friend
  22. 20:31 Knight Of Nubs [301]: I dont name names
  23. 20:31 HGM Ravenia [527]: then in my opinion you're just as guilty as the guy hacking lol
  24. 20:31 HGM Ravenia [527]: because it could be avoided
  25. 20:31 Knight Of Nubs [301]: Not really
  26. 20:31 Knight Of Nubs [301]: He doesn't play Helt
  27. 20:31 Knight Of Nubs [301]: He doesn't know Justin
  28. 20:32 Knight Of Nubs [301]: The old player told the guy that Justin fucked him about
  29. 20:32 Knight Of Nubs [301]: With the donations
  30. 20:32 Knight Of Nubs [301]: I thought I'd be friendly and give yous a heads up
  31. 20:32 HGM Ravenia [527]: well thanks for the heads up but it doesnt change anything
  32. 20:32 HGM Ravenia [527]: sad news..
  33. 20:33 HGM Ravenia [527]: ill brb
  34. 20:33 Knight Of Nubs [301]: To be honest, I could hack justin if I wanted to
  35. 20:33 Knight Of Nubs [301]: But I'm not like that
  36. 20:58 HGM Ravenia [527]: i think its pretty fucked up that everyone gets all butthurt and uses hacks and shit to what? punish justin? when he's not the only one that works on this server
  37. 20:59 Knight Of Nubs [304]: Its the fact that Justin isn't giving the people their donation stuff back even tho they've paid good money for it
  38. 20:59 Knight Of Nubs [304]: They are just pissed about it, I am too Kinda but still
  39. 21:01 HGM Ravenia [527]: well I don't know what this is..or how to take it or what to say..but OT's arent always reliable and a donation is a donation, if worried about getting your monies worth then dont donate in the first place?
  40. 21:02 HGM Ravenia [527]: seriously its more of a waste of time to 'hack' a server then to just say fuck it and move along..
  41. 21:02 Knight Of Nubs [304]: But still, he should give back ATLEAST half your money's worth of donations
  42. 21:02 Knight Of Nubs [304]: Becasue they did Donate for it but yea
  43. 21:03 Knight Of Nubs [304]: Nah Ravenia
  44. 21:03 Knight Of Nubs [304]: The person has something AGAINST Justin
  45. 21:03 Knight Of Nubs [304]: Its kinda more personal then just Justin "fucking him over"
  46. 21:03 HGM Ravenia [527]: sounds like you know this person pretty well but you cant say you know his name lol
  47. 21:04 Knight Of Nubs [304]: I know 1 of the people really well
  48. 21:04 Knight Of Nubs [304]: The other one is a total random
  49. 21:05 HGM Ravenia [527]: so, you know a guy who has a personal problem with justin, and he knows a guy whos gonna hack the server for it?
  50. 21:05 Knight Of Nubs [304]: Kinda, I know the guy with a personal problem, he is hacking the server, PLUS he knows another person who's doing it to
  51. 21:05 HGM Ravenia [527]: lawl this is fun
  52. 21:06 HGM Ravenia [527]: well its not going to stop me from helping justin update, I dig the server alot and wanna help make it better
  53. 21:06 HGM Ravenia [527]: hacking always can only go so far, if they are even successful
  54. 21:07 Knight Of Nubs [304]: Its not just hacking Heltera,but I rather not say
  55. 21:07 Knight Of Nubs [304]: Because its a secret ;D
  56. 21:07 HGM Ravenia [527]: apparently so
  57. 21:07 Knight Of Nubs [304]: I only learnt how to hack about 3 days ago, not so good at it yet but I will be lol
  58. 21:08 HGM Ravenia [527]: I can't imagine someone with that much of a problem with someone to waste time hacking
  59. 21:08 HGM Ravenia [527]: what's it prove and what does it accomplish?
  60. 21:09 Knight Of Nubs [304]: Idk but I kinda feel as if Justin in a way deserves it, because like yea we donated, who cares if the server fucked up, we should still be able to get our stuff back or atleast soem of it
  61. 21:11 HGM Ravenia [527]: sounds like there really is not personal problem, just a bunch of guys pissed about not getting their donor shit back
  62. 21:11 HGM Ravenia [527]: no one deserves to get hacked
  63. 21:11 Knight Of Nubs [304]: Me and a couple others think so
  64. 21:11 Knight Of Nubs [304]: But I'm only pissed coz Me and Justin had a big ass fight before the server fucked up
  65. 21:12 HGM Ravenia [527]: but you guys dont realize that you're not only affecting Justin, but an entire shitload of people by doing it
  66. 21:12 Knight Of Nubs [304]: When he was gonna deleted my account, Ip ban me and shit like teh day after I donated $50
  67. 21:12 Knight Of Nubs [304]: RAvenia, thats the thing, I dont care about anyone else but me, unless I know the person in real life
  68. 21:12 Knight Of Nubs [304]: If I feel as if I've been fucked over in ANY way, I'll do something about it
  69. 21:12 HGM Ravenia [527]: rofl that's not something to brag about.. >.<
  70. 21:13 HGM Ravenia [527]: he had to have a reason toban you correct? He doesnt randomly pick somone off a list and say fuck it I'm banning this bitch today..
  71. 21:13 Knight Of Nubs [304]: He was in a really shitty mood, We had a fight, I called him an asshole, and he called me ALOT worse
  72. 21:14 Knight Of Nubs [304]: He thinks just coz he owns the server, he can say whatever he wants and not expect it back in return
  73. 21:14 Knight Of Nubs [304]: if he was in a shitty mood or not, still no excuse start a fight then abuse the shit out of me the DAY AFTER I donated another $50
  74. 21:16 HGM Ravenia [527]: but I'm getting one side of a story here, everyone has their story and I know justin better than anyone I've been here since day 1 and he doesnt just spout off cuz he had a shitty day..that may have escalated the argument or fight but it's definately
  75. 21:16 HGM Ravenia [527]: not what caused it
  76. 21:16 HGM Ravenia [527]: everyone thinks their innocent
  77. 21:16 Knight Of Nubs [304]: No what caused it is my fight with Robin and Jon
  78. 21:16 HGM Ravenia [527]: and they did nothing wrong, and put the blame on other people
  79. 21:17 HGM Ravenia [527]: what about Robin and Jon?
  80. 21:17 Knight Of Nubs [304]: And Justin had enough of it then he was in a shitty mood then decided to ban me, I got on my pally, then that fight started
  81. 21:17 Knight Of Nubs [304]: I was in a fight with Robin and Jon
  82. 21:17 Knight Of Nubs [304]: For abotu 2 months
  83. 21:17 HGM Ravenia [527]: Jon = Kio?
  84. 21:17 Knight Of Nubs [304]: Yea
  85. 21:17 Knight Of Nubs [304]: Robin = Ashanie
  86. 21:17 HGM Ravenia [527]: I know robin
  87. 21:17 Knight Of Nubs [304]: Lol k just making sure
  88. 21:17 HGM Ravenia [527]: but my hubby is Jon too lol
  89. 21:18 HGM Ravenia [527]: different jon
  90. 21:18 Knight Of Nubs [304]: Ahk lol
  91. 21:22 Knight Of Nubs [304]: But yea still in my opinion
  92. 21:22 Knight Of Nubs [304]: Justin deserves what he has comin
  93. 21:24 Knight Of Nubs [304]: Lol he wont fail, he got through my firewalls and everything
  94. 21:24 Knight Of Nubs [304]: And he wasn't even trying
  95. 21:24 Knight Of Nubs [304]: He left me a message when I was out
  96. 21:24 Knight Of Nubs [304]: -.-
  97. 21:24 Knight Of Nubs [304]: "justin get the fuck on msn before I rape your ass"
  98. 21:25 HGM Ravenia [527]: Don't ya think that an owner of an OT has got better Firewalls and types of security than just say...some random person?
  99. 21:26 Knight Of Nubs [304]: Lol I've spent over $700 on my virus protection shit, I bought a $600 router
  100. 21:26 Knight Of Nubs [304]: ANd everything
  101. 21:26 Knight Of Nubs [304]: But yet again, I haven't set my router up yet
  102. 21:26 Knight Of Nubs [304]: Its still in its box
  103. 21:27 HGM Ravenia [527]: I almost wanna ask your friend to get into my computer and do something noticeable..
  104. 21:27 HGM Ravenia [527]: because I don't believe any of this shit
  105. 21:27 Knight Of Nubs [304]: Lol the virus is already on Justin's computer
  106. 21:28 HGM Ravenia [527]: then what are you guys waiting for?
  107. 21:28 HGM Ravenia [527]: O.o
  108. 21:28 Knight Of Nubs [304]: But yea whateva I'm off I rather let the shit happen then tell you's too much
  109. 21:28 Knight Of Nubs [304]: He's waiting for lots of people to donate ;D
  110. 21:28 Knight Of Nubs [304]: Seeya
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