

Jan 20th, 2020
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  1. return {
  2. title = "DragonShop", -- Name of the shop, for logging purposes only
  3. -- slackURL = "<url>", -- The slack webhook url for logging to a slack channel
  4. -- slackName = "myUsername" -- Your username in slack for mentions
  5. discordURL = "<>", -- The discord webhook url for logging to a discord channel
  6. discordName = "270210946201288714", -- Your discord user id for mentions (Find this by typing '\@yourUsernameHere' in Discord)
  7. logger = { -- Which events are worthy of a message/mention in slack / discord
  8. -- Valid values are false = no message, true = message, "important" = mention
  9. purchase = true, -- When someone purchases anything
  10. outOfStock = "important", -- When someone purchases all remaining items of a certain type
  11. crash = true, -- When Xenon crashes
  12. },
  14. layout = "layout.html", -- The file from which xenon should load the layout
  15. styles = "styles.css", -- The file from which xenon should load the stylesheet
  17. host = "kp06692kur", -- * The Krist Address to listen to (*Required)
  18. name = "shop", -- * The Krist Name to use for purchases (*Required)
  19. pkey = "(pkey goes here)", -- * The private key to use for refunds (*Required)
  20. pkeyFormat = "kwallet", -- Either 'raw' or 'kwallet', defaults to 'raw'
  21. -- NOTE: It is not recommended to use kwallet, the best practice is to convert your pkey (using
  22. -- kwallet format) to raw pkey yourself first, and then use that here. Thus improving security.
  24. -- If you want to run Xenon on a computer instead of a turtle, and spit the items out of a chest, specify the name of the chest below.
  25. -- outChest = "chest_1",
  26. outChestDir = "forward", -- The direction, relative to outChest, that items should be spit out.
  28. self = "DragonShop", -- * The network name of the turtle running Xenon (e.g. 'turtle_64')
  29. -- NOTE: If the chest and turtle are connected by adjacency and not by a wired modem/cabling
  30. -- then 'self' MUST be defined as the position of the turtle relative to the chest, for example:
  31. -- If the turtle is east of the chest, then self should be 'east', NOT 'right' or 'left' etc.
  32. textScale = 0.5, -- The text scale to draw the monitor with
  33. monitor = "up", -- The network name of the monitor to use (If not present, peripheral.find is used)
  34. chest = "back", -- * The direction/name of the storage chest (*Required if 'chests' is not present)
  35. -- chests = { -- * An array of the directions/names of the storage chests (*Required if 'chest' is not present)
  36. -- "minecraft:chest_1",
  37. -- "minecraft:chest_6",
  38. -- },
  39. updateInterval = 30, -- The time in seconds between stock updates, defaults to 30 seconds
  41. redstoneSide = "left", -- The side for redstone heartbeat, if not present, heartbeat is disabled
  42. redstoneIntegrator = {"redstone_integrator_2", "top"}, -- Redstone integrator net name, and side to actuate on
  43. redstoneInterval = 5, -- The time in seconds between redstone heartbeats, defaults to 5 seconds
  45. messages = { -- Message templates for refunding scenarios, what you see here are the defaults
  46. overpaid = "message=You paid {amount} KST more than you should have, here is your change, {buyer}.",
  47. underpaid = "error=You must pay at least {price} KST for {item}(s), you have been refunded, {buyer}.",
  48. outOfStock = "error=We do not have any {item}(s) at the moment, sorry for any inconvenience, {buyer}.",
  49. unknownItem = "error=We do not currently sell {item}(s), sorry for any inconvenience, {buyer}."
  50. },
  52. showBlanks = false, -- Whether or not to show items that are not in stock on the list, defaults to false
  53. items = { -- An array object of all the items you wish to sell
  54. {
  55. modid = "minecraft:melon",-- * The modid of the item you wish to sell (*Required)
  56. damage = 4, -- * For items that are distinguished by their damage value (*Required if the item is a super-item)
  57. price = 0.05, -- * The price in kst each unit of this item should cost (*Required)
  58. disp = "Melon", -- The name to display in the table, not technically required, but highly recommended
  59. addy = "mln", -- * The krist metaname to assign to this item, e.g. this one points 'llz@name.kst' to lapis (*Required)
  60. order = 1 -- The priority order this item should get in the listing, 1 means it
  61. -- will be the first item, 2 would be the second, and so on.. (if not
  62. -- present items will be sorted alphabetically)
  63. },
  64. {
  65. modid = "minecraft:baked_potato",-- * The modid of the item you wish to sell (*Required)
  66. damage = 4, -- * For items that are distinguished by their damage value (*Required if the item is a super-item)
  67. price = 0.001, -- * The price in kst each unit of this item should cost (*Required)
  68. disp = "Baked Potatos!", -- The name to display in the table, not technically required, but highly recommended
  69. addy = "baps", -- * The krist metaname to assign to this item, e.g. this one points 'llz@name.kst' to lapis (*Required)
  70. order = 1 -- The priority order this item should get in the listing, 1 means it
  71. -- will be the first item, 2 would be the second, and so on.. (if not
  72. -- present items will be sorted alphabetically)
  73. },
  74. },
  75. example = { -- Example chest data to be used with layoutMode (xenon --layout)
  76. ["minecraft:gold_ingot::0::0"] = 212, -- Key is modname:itemname::damage::predicateID
  77. ["minecraft:iron_ingot::0::0"] = 8, -- Value is amount in stock
  78. ["minecraft:diamond::0::0"] = 27,
  79. ["minecraft:diamond_pickaxe::0::1"] = 2,
  80. ["minecraft:dye::4::0"] = 13,
  81. }
  82. }
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