Guest User


a guest
May 28th, 2018
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  1.'/register', [
  2. check('username')
  3. .isLength({ min: 4 })
  4. .withMessage('Please provide a username of at least four letters')
  5. .trim(),
  6. check('email')
  7. .isEmail()
  8. .withMessage('Please ensure that your email address is properly formatted')
  9. .trim()
  10. .normalizeEmail(),
  11. check('password')
  12. .isLength({ min: 1 })
  13. .withMessage('Please provide a password.'),
  14. check('passwordconfirmation', 'Password confirmation field must have the same value as the password field')
  15. .exists()
  16. .custom((value, { req }) => value === req.body.password)
  17. ], (req, res, next) => {
  18. const errors = validationResult(req)
  19. const mappedErrors = errors.mapped()
  20. console.log('mappedErrors obj is:', mappedErrors)
  21. const mapErrors_noErrors = Object.keys(mappedErrors).length === 0
  22. console.log('is mappedErrors an empty object (b/c there are no errors)?', mapErrors_noErrors)
  26. validationResult(req);
  28. // If there are no registration form validation errors we can move on to:
  29. // A - looking up registration request's user info by email to see if this account exists already.
  30. // B - if user obj does not exist, we can safely create one
  31. // C - if it does exist, let the visitor know so they can correct their actions
  33. if(mapErrors_noErrors == true) {
  36. // A - Try to get user by email. If its possible, we know that one is taken, so cant use it
  37. return Promise.try(() => {
  38. // Here, we return the result of calling our own function. That return value is a Promise.
  39. return User_fns.getUserByEmail(;
  40. }).then((user) => {
  41. // B - if user obj does not exist, we can safely create one
  42. // an empty user object appears as empty array: []
  43. if (user === undefined || user.length == 0) {
  44. // array empty or does not exist
  45. console.log('user obj is empty or does not exist');
  46. // safe to create user, b/c this one we searched for does not exist.
  47. // - B1. hash pw.
  48. console.log('pw avail?', req.body.password);
  49. var password = req.body.password;
  50. // var hashed_password = User_fns.hashPassword(password);
  51. // console.log('hashed pw?', hashed_password);
  53. return Promise.try(() => {
  54. return User_fns.hashPassword(password);
  55. }).then((hashed_password) => {
  56. User_fns.createUser(req.body.username,, hashed_password)
  57. req.flash('success', 'Thanks for registering.')
  59. })
  60. // - B2. insert user into users table.
  62. // passing in the request objects from form, and hashed_password
  64. // should even pass in some of their info, such as username, so its clear that it worked
  65. // - B3. flash confirmation
  66. } else {
  67. console.log('User object exists already, so we will notify visitor', user)
  68. // the user object based on the email already exists
  69. req.flash('success', 'Sorry, a user with that email address already exists. You may already have an account, or perhaps you mistyped your email address.')
  70. // flash some error message to the user.
  72. }
  74. console.log('notice: there are no errors from validation result');
  75. res.render('pages/register', {
  76. data: req.body, // { message, email }
  77. errors: errors.mapped(),
  78. env: process.env.NODE_ENV
  79. })
  80. });
  83. } else {
  84. // This will push data to the template to make it highlight the error fields
  85. console.log('notice: there ARE errors from validation result');
  86. res.render('pages/register', {
  87. data: req.body, // { message, email }
  88. errors: errors.mapped(),
  89. env: process.env.NODE_ENV
  90. })
  91. }
  93. // The matchedData function returns the output of the sanitizers on our input.
  94. // i.e. this is the sanitized req.body
  95. const data = matchedData(req)
  96. console.log('Sanitized:', data)
  98. });
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