

Oct 16th, 2011
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  1. The Ritual
  2. By
  3. Susan Waterflower Bell
  4. Sequel to ‘Heart to Heart’
  6. The old house had seen better days that was for sure. The roof was starting sag in places and the once fire engine red bricks had long since started to show signs of wear from the passing of years and the cycle of seasons. Ivy green mildew now covered a good bit of the brick walls.
  8. The yard too showed signs of ill care the tall dark brown grass swaying in the late autumn wind. Old rusted bike wheels and a host of other trashy treasures littered the lawn. Bones possible the leftovers from chicken fried chicken meal lay scatted around the broken sidewalk. The cobblestone walk way too, something that once might have been the crowning jewel of the house now lay broken with many of its brown square stones overturned, chipped and even covered in mossy mildew.
  10. “If there was ever a haunted house this might be one of them.” Said Susan appearing from the dark night. The young women was dressed in a simple outfit. A White and Pink hoodie worn over a long sleeve white blouse. The blouse was tucked into the waistline of a double layered cotton navy skirt. Oversized white socks paired with pink and white sneakers completed her outfit.
  12. “I promise you, its not haunted.” Said a young women appearing in the doorway of the old house. She wore a light cotton dress. Snow white lace lined the cuffs and the helm of the dress. White stocking in and black low heel shoes completed the look. Her soft French vanilla face was framed by long flowing locks of deep hair.
  14. Susan peered toward the women in wonder. Slowly abroad smile formed upon her face. The voice belonged to none other than Keiko the current presented of Oshima Middle School’s Super Natural Club. Slowly she folded her hand in front of her and then as tradition and proper social manners demand she offered a small bow to her.
  16. “There no need to bow my dear Susan.” Came Keiko’s voice. Her ghostly white cheeks now glowed like two round red glowing orbs. “You are my senior in a way, how many locations have you explored now. More than any of use would dare to. it’s a shame though, your about to graduated and thus we will only get to enjoy your company for a short time.”
  18. “I was afraid to join before now.” Said Susan lifting herself up from her bow. Keiko’s encouraging words gave her new courage and with this new found strength she stepped onto the broken stone path. The stray pieces of rock shifted and cracked under the pressure of the solo’s of her shoe.
  20. With each step she took down the old broken walkway a feeling of dread seemed to shadow her heart and chill her blood. As she drew closer to the house she started to make out more physical appearance. Ponds of shatters glass lay beside the crumbling walls. A low groaning sound filled the air as the old rotten boards and beams of the house rocked back and forth. It was almost like the house was voicing its disproval.
  22. “The spirits, have gathered here tonight. Can’t you feel them my dear. They have gathered here to witness the welcoming of are newest member.” Said Keiko smiling as her eyes followed Susan down the old broken walkway. Slowly she reached into her pocket and pulled out a small black box.
  24. Susan blinked and stopped dead in her tracts when she heard Keiko’s little statement. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Once her longs had drank in there feel of the cool night autumn air. As she slowly released a small smirk formed upon her lips. It seemed Keiko’s little speech was just for dramatics.
  25. A light chuckle escaped Keiko’s lips as she caught sight of small smirk that had formed upon Susan’s face. Slowly though she looked over her shoulders and peered into the darkness of the hallway that connected the many rooms of the house together.
  27. “This house, reminds me a house mentioned in a popular Gakko no Kaiden.” Said Susan as she placed a foot upon the old wooden porch steps. The old boards seemed to groan and kiss under the weight of the force bearing down upon them.
  29. “Yes, the one of the Slit Mouth Women, This house does fit the description found in the tale does it not. With its saggy coal black slate roof. The overgrown yard chocked full of weeds and trashy treasures. And might I add the house number is the same four hundred and forty four.” Said slipping the black box once more into the pocket of her skirt before she offered Susan a helping hand.
  31. Susan smiled and too the offered hand as she made her way up the squeaking and groaning steps. Soon she standing shoulder to shoulder with Keiko. Slowly the turned her head toward the girl and then she turned it toward the darken hallway.
  33. “Care to play a game of Hyakumonogatari Kaidankai with me?” Said Keiko smiling toward Susan as she gently placed her hand upon the girls shoulder. “A scaled down version though, only twelve candles and not the traditional one hundred shall be used. Its part one of the ritual.” She said leading the girl further into the house.
  35. Susan took a deep breath as a sudden chill washed over it. Every inch of her person went cold like she had been dunked in a tank full of chilly ice water.
  37. “Sure, I’m sure I can gather six good bone chilling stories for you.” She said finally shaking off the feeling of dread and chill that seemed to have surrounded her a few minutes ago. Finally after passing through room after room of darkness and negotiating a maze of covered furniture and old tables they came to the chosen room.
  39. The sight that greeted Susan was a strange one indeed. A old card table sat at the center of the room. A dozen or so candle brought from the local one hundred yen store sat in a circle. Orange and yellow flames danced upon the head of the white tightly spun wicks. The light cast by the handful of handle seemed to lend a air of mystery to the room.
  41. “Welcome Susan, not before you can claim your ring and your position of leadership among us. You must first undergo a test we all have undergone. First you shall endure twelve solid licks with the clubs paddle. Then you must brave a game of Hyakumongatari Kaidankai with me. As you will noticed there are twelve candles standing in a circle. Each one stands for one of the twelve founding members of the club.” Keiko said casting her hand around the room. As her hand moved around the room each object present seemed to fall under her encompassing circle.
  43. Susan nodded her head along with Keiko’s little lecture, She took a deep breath and felt her cheekbones flush a light pink when she heard about the paddle, as if playing any version of the blood nightmarish game was not enough they had to throw that in.
  45. “Well..” Said Susan at last gathering her wits about her. “I’m sure we best get the Ritual started then,” She said using her gathered courage to thrust down her panties. Quickly she raised reared up her legs and gently stepped out of the stripped pink and white panties. Once the underwear where off of her person she placed them gently to the side and walked over to one of the near by chairs. Quickly she placed her hands down in the seat of the old oak chair and drew in a deep breath.
  50. A small smirk formed upon Keiko’s lips as she walked over a corner of the room that was covered in dark shadows. Slowly it seemed the dark murky shadows consumed her little body though in the span of only a few seconds the hourglass shape of her figure appeared once more.
  52. “Good to see you have so willing assumed the position. Now my dear.” Whispered Keiko flipping the helm of her skirt with the blade of the wooden paddle. She smiled softy toward the two orbs that greeted her. Each one seemed to be calling out to her to be blistered and redden under her guiding hand. And how the thought of turning that smooth French vanilla bottom a ruby red thrilled her to no end.
  54. Slowly Susan released her held in breath as she raised her bottom into the air giving Keiko a target to aim for in the dimly lit room. A sudden chill ran down her spine as the cool autumn hair came into contact with her skin.
  56. Slowly Keiko drew back the paddle and then drawing in a deep breath brought the flat piece of wood hard upon her bottom. A loud crack filled the air as the wooden board delivered the first of a dozen stinging swats. A wonderful rush of glee overcame Keiko as she watched the two round bottom cheeks bounce under the force delivered by the smack.
  58. Susan took a deep breath and quickly released a loud scream as she felt the wooden surface come into contact with her bottom. She felt her fingernails digging into the seat of the chair as she sting rolled into her bottom and flooded her system. As the second smack came she felt her last reserve of strength leave her.
  60. Keiko took a deep breath as she drew the paddle back once more. The tool of pain seemed to almost hover for a second over the quickly forming form spots of red. Then in release of breath the wooden surface came swinging in and once it made contact a wave of sting rolled into the two around orbs making them bounce like a child’s bouncing ball.
  62. A soft groan escaped Susan’s mouth as she felt the second wave of sting roll over her body. As the sing seemed to sink into her bottom she felt her nails slowly grinning in to the wooden seat of the chair and the a flash of different hues seemed to fill her eyes.
  64. Soon Keiko feel into a steady rhythm of delivering. Each roll of the blade seemed to crack and spin into the bottom. At end of each spin there was a flood of sting and burn that followed behind it. Each cracking smack of the paddle brought with loud eco that seemed to flood the room.
  66. Slowly Susan felt her groans grow in both pitch and tempo. Till finally it felt like somebody had lit a small fire in her bottom. Each felt like the blade of a woodcutters axe chopping away at her will to keep in position.
  68. The shading progress of the bottom had pleased Keiko greatly. The once smooth bottom cheeks where now shaded a deep ruby red hoe. Each one was hot to the touch and in the sparely light room seemed to glow bright like a heated ball iron straight from the blacksmith forge. She had seen many of bottom tanned in her time but this one took the cake, yes it was a pity she would be graduating soon. She would have really enjoyed a second chance at coloring this one mellows again.
  70. “Very good Susan, it seems you are both mental and physical fit, but are you ready for the second stage of your right of passage.” She said laying her hand before the twelve candles that sat in a circle upon the old surface of the card table. Tiny balls of melting white wax ran down there slim bodies. Around each one a pool as smooth as a pond frozen over had formed. In a way gluing each on to the table.
  72. “Yes club present I am!” She said removing her hands from the seat of her the chair. She took a deep breath and using every ounce of self control she could muster she picked up her panties and exited the room. A few seconds passed before she returned to the room. Her high facile cheeks now matched her bottom in that a warm pinkish hue had now settled in.
  74. “Good,” She said walking over to the table. She took a deep breath and collected her thought’s as she came down from her little high one could say. Quickly she cleared her throat as was demand by her position as head of the club it was up to her to start the game out right.
  76. And so the second of the Ritual started. Keiki started off the game by telling the classic Kaiden of a young women that was one enrolled in the service of a powerful prince in the olden days. This prince was a lustful one and held in his position ten imported porcine plates. The prince in a act of lustfulness broke one of the plates and blamed it upon the severing women. The women was offered a possible away to escaped the fate of death that waited but here. But she was a women of honor and refused his lustful plea’s.
  78. The prince in a fit of rage drew his sword and beheaded the serving
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