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a guest
Mar 5th, 2020
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  1. == MCP 9.40 (data: 9.40, client: 1.12, server: 1.12) ==
  2. "scalac" is not found on the PATH. Scala files will not be recompiled
  3. # found ff, ff patches, srgs, name csvs, doc csvs, param csvs, astyle, astyle config, rg, ss
  4. Looking in C:\Users\enzoj\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\versions for mc installs... OK
  5. Copying assets... OK
  6. Parsing JSON file... OK
  7. Looking for minecraft main jar... Not found
  8. Copying minecraft main jar... OK
  9. > Checking libraries...
  10. Copying library jinput... OK
  11. Copying library icu4j-core-mojang... OK
  12. Copying library httpcore... OK
  13. Copying library log4j-api... OK
  14. Copying library commons-lang3... OK
  15. Copying library jna... OK
  16. Copying library lwjgl-platform-natives-windows... OK
  17. Copying library libraryjavasound... OK
  18. Copying library jopt-simple... OK
  19. Copying library text2speech... OK
  20. Copying library guava... OK
  21. Copying library oshi-core... OK
  22. Copying library httpclient... OK
  23. Copying library commons-compress... OK
  24. Copying library text2speech-natives-windows... OK
  25. Copying library fastutil... OK
  26. Copying library platform... OK
  27. Copying library codecjorbis... OK
  28. Copying library soundsystem... OK
  29. Copying library librarylwjglopenal... OK
  30. Copying library lwjgl_util... OK
  31. Copying library commons-codec... OK
  32. Copying library jutils... OK
  33. Copying library patchy... OK
  34. Copying library commons-logging... OK
  35. Copying library lwjgl... OK
  36. Copying library commons-io... OK
  37. Copying library realms... OK
  38. Copying library authlib... OK
  39. Copying library gson... OK
  40. Copying library jinput-platform-natives-windows... OK
  41. Copying library codecwav... OK
  42. Copying library log4j-core... OK
  43. Copying library netty-all... OK
  44. > Checking Natives...
  45. Extracting native lwjgl.dll... OK
  46. Extracting native OpenAL32.dll... OK
  47. Extracting native jinput-dx8_64.dll... OK
  48. Extracting native SAPIWrapper_x86.dll... OK
  49. Extracting native jinput-wintab.dll... OK
  50. Extracting native jinput-dx8.dll... OK
  51. Extracting native jinput-raw.dll... OK
  52. Extracting native OpenAL64.dll... OK
  53. Extracting native SAPIWrapper_x64.dll... OK
  54. Extracting native jinput-raw_64.dll... OK
  55. Extracting native lwjgl64.dll... OK
  56. > Copying jsr305-3.0.1.jar to Libraries
  57. > Copying jsr305-3.0.1-sources.jar to Libraries
  58. == Decompiling client using fernflower ==
  59. > Creating SRGs
  60. > Applying SpecialSource
  61. > Applying MCInjector
  62. > Creating renamed srg
  63. > Filtering classes
  64. > Decompiling
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