

Jan 29th, 2017
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  1. Hachi is born to the Kame clan in Iwagakure, and does not remember much of his childhood. While he was still a little boy, he knows that some disaster happened in which almost half of the clan - the more significant half - had died, including his father.
  3. The clan has subsequently been exiled from the village. First thing of his entire life that Hachi remembers is his feet hurting as he half walked and half been carried across a far-stretching desert, and the feelings of uncertainity all around him, before they had arrived to Konoha. There, Hachi grew in peace, and as his past became a blank void, he had the opportunity to have an actual childhood. While he got into numerous fights over being called a mommy's boy, he slowly understood that in Iwagakure, it would be much worse.
  5. Later on, as he was attending the academy, it would become no secret to him that the Kame clan in Iwagakure used to specialize in wetwork. Apparently, his father and his close associates had been involved in some shady scheme, which had been ultimately revealed and deemed unacceptable by the village leadership. Their death was completely deserved and just, per the words of Hachi's mother. It was fortunate, as she says, that the clan's distant relatives, the Hyuga, were benevolent enough to give the clan a second chance in the Hidden Leaf.
  7. Relatedly, people of Iwagakure are known to be pretty hairy, but the Kame clan actually has a minor Kekkei Genkai that allows the user to far more easily control the flow of chakra in their hair - or, in the case of men, even beards - and use them for Taijutsu techniques or even chakra release. Hair of the Kekkei Genkai user would appear very floaty, and alive. While the Hair Binding Technique is not uncommon among all ninjas, the natural thickness, toughness, early onset, and quick growth of the clan's body hair, combined with the speed and precision provided by the rest of their heritage, allowed for proper offensive strikes. Unfortunately, at some point, one of the genes allowing for its use has become recessive, and Hachi's mother is the only living member of the clan who has it. Hachi does not, and neither do either of his siblings. Since his mother cannot have children anymore, should another child with it be born in his generation, even if their relation was indirect, they would be set up with the position of a clan head. At the moment, though, Hachi is the heir.
  9. The loss had contributed handily to the family's exile, but his mother sees it as an opportunity for the rest of the clan to learn some humility before it can come back into its own. She says that it would be good if Hachi could inherit his father's strength, and had the rest of the clan try to impart his father's jutsus on him with solid success, but she also tells him to learn from Konoha's benevolence, and seek his own way.
  11. UA
  12. Aspect - Chest hair
  13. Grants natural 5 points of mundane DR, which stack with armor. This DR can be damaged or negated by effects that can do that (like wind element), after which it is assumed the opponents are going for the wounds. If armor is worn over it, the higher value (starting with the armor on the outside if they match) applies first, and the DR that was in effect is lowered. When the character is healed to full HP, the DR coming from this aspect is fully restored.
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