
Leader Decision

Aug 28th, 2019
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  1. Leader Decisions: Adopt Foreign Tactics, Instill Diligence, Allocate Land, Focus on Economy, Focus on Agriculture, Focus on Military, Select Workers, Improve Infrastructure, Finance Mercantile Trade, Oversee Natural Economy, Set up Markets, Seek out Sacred Places, Organize Fairs, Seek out Sacred Places, Seek Ancient Knowledge, Military Discipline, Elite Retainers, Expand Supply Chain, Assume Crown Authority, Build Legend, Perform Charity, Zealous Labor, Compile Code of Laws, Extend Commoner Rights, Promote Trusted Councillors, Establish Vigorous Administration, Reclaim Land, Plan Irrigation Infrastructure, Tax the Nobility, Gather Herdsman, Gain Recognition, Improve Housing, Allocate Land, Focus on Breeding, Organize Feast, Restore Tradition, Invoke Blood Ties, Pay Respect to Ancestors, One-on-One Training, Thaldian Manufacturing Techniques, Live off the Land, Foraging Parties, Authorized Pillaging, Expand Retinue, Research Siege Specialization, Honor Veterans, Repay Debts, Take a Loan, Influence Nobles, Secure Legitimacy, Establish Household Guard, Designate Successor, Select Regent, Train up Marines, Order Additional Baggage Units, Rekindle Old Rivalry, Regine Naval Artillery, Become Regent, Extend Labor Facility, Restrict Colonial Independence, Commence Grand Construction, Procure Grain, Restore Markets, Regulate Commerce, Monetary Reformation, Appease the Masses, Finance Inventors, Promote Religious Tolerance, Elevate Culture, Educate Emissaries, Exploit Diplomatic Opportunity, Send Diplomatic Gifts, Apply Reforms, Reorganize Army, Expand Tactical Exercises, Employ Skilled Individuals, Practice Strategic Maneuvers, Restore Royal Nave, Incite Bloodlust, Royal Recognition, Promise of Glory, Trusted Retainers, Intimidate Opposition, Show of Force, Oaths of Fealty, Appoint Lawgiver, Basic Hygiene, Incite the Tribes, Proclaim Legendary Kingdom, Religious Processions, Send out Minstrels, Revive Bardic Traditions, Uphold the Old Ways, Lead By Example, Assume Power, Enforced Conscription, Prosecute Official Misconduct Motivate Hirelings, Attempt Naval Dominance, Reorganize Military Hierarchy, Exact Levies, Control Trade Routes, Extend Royal Benevolence, Institute Instill Military Disciplinr, Royal Bazaar, Hire Translators, Establish Royal Currency, Mercenary Patrons, The Elegant Slave,
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