
Chuan's Folklore

Jan 8th, 2024
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  3. [Exempt from “Chuan’s Folklore and common Fairy Tales”, Imperial Edition edition.
  4. Origins of “Red Fur Cat and Ugly Toad” (红毛猫和丑蟾蜍, Hóng Máo Māo hé Chǒu Chánchú) are pretty unknown, most likely born from common myths of popular cat cult, mashed together, which most likely can explain peculiar characters for the eponymous main character of a tale, Red Fur Cat. Most likely said tale is partially allegorical tale about crisis of succession, which can explain vilification of the Demon Ice King (冰魔王, Bīng Mówáng). Date of origins unknown, most possibly they go back to the Jianjun dynasty.
  6. Chuan is famous for its reverence for cats, and most tales and myths are centered around cats and cat-like creatures, alongside oddities and anomalies, such as turtles, owls, wolves, pigs and moths. Red Fur Cat and Ugly Toad is a popular tale, with several different versions and variations. Version presented below is one of the earlier versions of such tale, most likely sanitized and censored for younger audience]
  8. Red Fur Cat and Ugly Toad.
  10. Once upon a time, there was a Red Fur Cat that lived in a small house on a hill. Its house was small and poor, but it was more than enough for a Red Fur Cat.
  12. One day, while the Red Fur Cat was near the river, looking for a fatty fish for dinner, it heard how someone was crying. Curious, Red Fur Cat has searched for who could cry so bitterly, and found a small, pathetic, disgusting Ugly Toad, crying bitter tears.
  13. -Hey, Ugly Toad! - Asked Red Fur Cat to Ugly Toad - Why do you cry, so bitterly and loud?! You're scaring my fish away!
  14. -Oh woe to me, woe to me! - cried Ugly Toad - I was not always Ugly Toad! I was once the most beautiful girl in the whole village! But the Demon Ice King, heartless and jealous, once saw my beauty, demanded to become his concubine! I refused, and the furious Demon Ice King has turned me into this Ugly Toad! And he said until I change my mind, I'll stay this small, pathetic and disgusting Ugly Toad! Oh woe to me, woe to me!
  16. Being a virtuous being, Red Fur Cat could not abide the wails of this Toad. Puffing her chest, Red Fur Cat proudly said:
  17. - Don't worry, Ugly Toad! I will find that brute, and make him change you back!
  18. For once, Ugly Toad stopped her ugly tears:
  19. - But how, Red Fur Cat? The Demon Ice King is big and strong, living deep in the mountains! He commands snow and fire, and he ate many brave heroes and wise sages!
  20. - Hah! - said Red Fur Cat, - he may be strong and villainous, but I am virtuous and smart! Just you wait, Ugly Toad, for I am the Red Fur Cat, princess of the whole Cat Kingdom, will free you from Demon King’s sorcery!
  21. And so, Red Fur Cat embarked on its journey to the Demon King’s castle. Before her journey, Red Fur Cat grabbed a broken pot, rusty knife, and stale bread.
  23. As Red Fur Cat was traveling along the way, she found Lame Fox, caught in a poacher’s net. Being a virtuous being, Red Fur Cat has freed Lame Fox with its knife.
  24. - Thank you, Red Fur Cat! - Bowed Lame Fox - I am forever in your debt!
  25. - Then help me to destroy the Demon Ice King! - proudly said Red Fur Cat - For he is a heartless brute!
  27. And so, Red Fur Cat and Lame Fox have begun traveling together. Then, they found a Cowardly Monkey, sitting on a tree, surrounded by wolves. Being a virtuous being, Red Fur Cat chased Wolves away from Cowardly Monkey by using stale bread, making think wolves it’s a juicy piece of meat.
  28. - Thank you, Red Fur Cat! - Kowtowed Cowardly Monkey - I am forever in your debt!
  29. - Then help me to destroy the Demon Ice King - proudly said Red Fur Cat - For he is a villain without peers!
  31. And so, Red Fur Cat, Lame Fox and Cowardly Monkey have begun traveling together. And lastly, they found Mute Rooster, trapped in an Ogre’s pot. Being a virtuous being, Red Fur Cat saved Mute Rooster, by plucking him out from the Ogre’s pot using a broken clay pot.
  32. - Thank you, Red Fur Cat - scratched on a dirt Mute Rooster - I am forever in your debt!
  33. - Then help me to destroy the Demon Ice King - proudly said Red Fur Cat - for he is a cruel and wicked master!
  35. And thus, Red Fur Cat, Lame Fox, Cowardly Monkey and Mute Rooster traveled together, until they reached the Demon Ice King domain. But before they could reach his castle, they must first traverse his realm, which consisted of Hungry Ghosts Caverns, Endless Ravine and Demon Snake Plains.
  37. Hungry Ghosts Caverns were a dreadful place, full of hungry ghosts, bloodthirsty jiangshi and venomous spirits, all that were formed from souls of heroes and sages that dared to oppose Demon Ice King. But they were crushed, and their souls were damned to live in this caverns, preying upon brave and unfortunate ones.
  38. - How scary! - howled Cowardly Monkey, clinging to his compatriots. - We must go back, for this place is dark and awful!
  39. - There is no light! - scribbled out Mute Rooster - We must go back to the sun!
  40. - Dont worry! - said Lame Fox, valiantly, - i will guide you through this cavern! Follow me, for I am a saintly being, thus no ghost can harm me!
  41. And thus, Lame Fox showed the way out from Hungry Ghosts Caverns, purifying these gloomy caves and exorcizing evil ghosts, making them safe to traverse forevermore.
  43. And when they left Hungry Ghosts Caverns, they stumbled upon Endless Ravine, so deep and vast that if you fall into it, you will fall for days without seeing the bottom! And if you are careful where you step, you will be impaled by the sharp rocks.
  44. - Im blind, I surely will fall into this deep pit! - complained Lame Fox
  45. - It's too vast for me, I can't fly through it! - lamented Mute Rooster with scratchings.
  46. - Dont worry! - said Cowardly Monkey - I will build a mighty bridge through this ravine! I may be small and cowardly, but I can build things like no one can!
  47. And thus in a flash, the Cowardly Monkey built a mighty stone bridge, wide and long, so wide you can fit three carts easily on it!
  49. But after they left the bridge, our heroes stepped into the Demon Snake Plain, last stretch before the Demon Ice King castle. Here, lived a vicious and ancient demonic serpent that once swallowed the whole army that tried to subjugate the Demon Ice King! It burrowed deep in plains and was able to lay traps upon unsuspecting travelers
  50. - Scary, scary! - wailed Cowardly Monkey - We are doomed! Demon Snake will gobble us for sure!
  51. - I can deal with ghosts and spirits, but not the demons! - lamented Lame Fox.
  52. - Stand back! - proudly puffed his chest said Mute Rooster, - i can conquer this Snake Demon!
  53. And thus, Mute Rooster leaped forward and when Demon Snake showed up, swallowed it up like it was not a Demon Snake, but a common worm!
  55. And at long last, our heroes were standing before the Demon Ice King gates. It was a gloomy and evil looking tower, bones of heroes strewn around barren soil and only ice and snow was the only nourishment for anyone foolish to live here. Truly, a place for the Demon Ice King to squat, poisoning air and land with its noxious fumes!
  56. - Thank you for your valiant help, Lame Fox, Cowardly Monkey and Mute Rooster! - said Red Fur Cat to its companions - When I come back, I will reward you with Demon Ice King riches!
  57. -Oh woe to us, woe to us! - cried Cowardly Monkey - You poor, poor Red Fur Cat will surely fail, for the Demon Ice King is capable of turning blood to ice with its glare!
  58. - And turn into monstrous beings at a whim! - wailed Lame Fox.
  59. Even Mute Rooster shed a single tear for a small Red Fur Cat, sure of her impending demise!
  60. -FOOLS! - screamed Red Fur Cat, holding her head high - I AM THE RED FUR CAT, REGAL, MAGNANIMOUS, GLORIOUS AND VIRTUOUS! No Demon can ever defeat me, even as vile as Demon Ice King! Wait here for three days, and upon the third day, I will emerge victorious and triumphant!
  61. And thus, Red Fur Cat strutted into Demon Ice King castle, as her companions were mourning over her gloriously silky fur.
  63. In the castle itself, Red Fur Cat witnesses the most gruesome and vile scenes of debauchery and treachery. The floor was littered with bones of valiant heroes, their pure souls were chained to walls and used as lanterns. The air was filled with sobbing and wails most pitiful, and smells of blood, rot and polluted snow permeating in these accursed halls. But Red Fur Cat was valiant and mindful of its purpose.
  65. At long last, she reached the throne room, where the Demon Ice King meditated. He looked upon the small and innocent looking Red Fur Cat, which was pretty busy washing herself from muck and dirt of the castle.
  66. - HAR HAR HAR! - roared Demon Ice King - And this is my newest challenger?! Oh me, oh my, you are such a small and weak creature, I will surely crush you with only my pinky finger!
  67. He tried to grab Red Fur Cat with its gigantic hands, but Red Fur Cat gracefully dodged the assault of the Demon Ice King, for the Red Fur Cat is a gracious and virtuous being.
  68. - Yawn, how boring you are at games, Demon Ice King! - purred Red Fur Cat, preeing itself once more. - No one can't catch a cat when they don't want to be catched!
  69. -Harumph! - Huffed and puffed Demon Ice King, - well then, if i cant catch you, then i shall freeze you to death!
  71. And Demon Ice King breathed out a snow storm so cold it could chill the hell itself! But Red Fur Cat, being a virtuous and austere being, just puffed its luxurious fur coat, completely negating the effects of this storm!
  72. - Oh, you call this a deathly cold? I can barely feel it! - Smugly said Red Fur Cat.
  73. - GRRRRRR! - roared Demon Ice King, furious at a Red Fur Cat easily avoiding its deathly sorcery. And then Demon Ice King turned itself into gigantic demon form, with three heads, body of a toad, paws of a tiger and crow wings!
  74. But Red Fur Cat, a virtuous and sagacious being, saw through its trickery, and only flicked its tail, dispelling the mighty and fearsome Demon Ice King true form!
  75. - You call this a fearsome transformation? Bah, I saw a turtle doing this the next day! Everyone can transform into such big and brute form! I bet you can’t turn into something small and simple, such as a mouse form!
  76. -HARHARHAR! I CAN DO THAT EASILY, RED FUR CAT! WATCH THIS! - And the Demon Ice King turned itself into the common mouse.
  78. And at this moment, Red Fur Cat pounced on Demon Ice King, killing it instantly. Suddenly, air around the former Demon Ice King castle transformed into the lush forest, full of life, trapped souls of valiant heroes were free and avenged, and even walls of this dreadful place were turned into glorious red! But most importantly, his vile sorcery dispelled, freeing the world from its yore!
  80. Red Fur Cat emerged from the Demon Ice King’s castle with riches most valuable and rewarded her companions, returned to the Ugly Toad, which turned back into the jade beauty once more and all of them moved into a transformed Demon Ice King castle together, living happily ever after.
  82. THE END.
  87. [Exempt from “Chuan’s Folklore and common Fairy Tales”, Imperial Edition edition.
  88. The Cat Empress (猫皇后, Māo Huánghòu) is one of the classical examples of rather popular “Animal Bride” type of stories, like “Snow Fox and Monk” (雪狐与和尚, Xuě hú yǔ héshàng) “the Frog Princess” (青蛙公主, Qīngwā Gōngzhǔ) and “Crane's Return of a Favor” (白鶴報恩, Báihè Bào'ēn). In these stories, animals fall in love with mortal men, transform into beautiful women, and then willingly marry him. There is a bit more rare variation, where animal transforms into the man and marry a mortal woman, such as “The Tiger King” (虎王, Hǔ Wáng). The “Animal Bride” stories are usually well loved, popular and preserved in mostly unchanged forms. The Cat Empress, however, is an expectation from this list.
  90. This particular story has been redacted, republished and twisted numerous times, until there was nothing left of the original tale. Most surviving copies of this tale were fractured and brutally vandalized, be it by slashing, burning or other, rather creative, means of censorship. Most intact copies were found in the Ling’s region, in a catacomb under ruined mansion, alongside with its presumed owner’s mummified corpse. In that chamber were also found well preserved copies of other stories, alongside with numerous cultural artifacts, most of them are of fertility nature]
  92. A long time ago, in a small village, lived a young lumberjack named Fu with his small sister and sick mother. He was poor and frail, but of good heart and virtuous. Everyday, he goes to a forest, gathers firewood and lumber, and then sells its meager finds for scraps and pittance.
  94. And one day, when he was gathering firewood, he saw a peculiar thing: a mighty old tiger had trapped a small red furred cat on a tree. Being a benevolent being, Fu hefted his trusty ax and chopped off the tiger’s head, but, alas, he broke his ax. He sighed, and watched as a pet merely disappeared from the tree deeper into the woods. Then, Fu collected lumber and came back home. But when he came back, he saw the strangest sight: next to his dilapidated hovel stood a palanquin of the most opulent kind: decorated with precious metals, gems and jade. Next to this palanquin, stood at least forty four guards and eighty eight servants, all wearing cat masks. Among them, proudly stood an official wearing a green silk robe and also a cat mask. When he saw Fu, he trotted to him:
  95. - Lumberjack Fu, by the order of the Cat Empress, we are here to pick up so you may see her!
  96. - But why? I'm just a poor lumberjack. - asked Fu
  97. - Do not question the wisdom of the Cat Empress! - Official reprimanded Fu. - Get into the palanquin, boy!
  98. - But I still have to sell my lumber, and cook dinner for my sick mother… - Said Fu, but he was interrupted by the Official:
  99. - The Cat Empress’s servants will take care of them! We must move with haste! - And immediately, an army of servants rushed to Fu’s hovel, and one of them took Fu’s lumber. In a flash, near the old shack of Fu rose a mighty mansion, fit for a wealthy merchant. His meager possessions have been transferred to that mansion, the larder has been filled with food, and a wise and old physician has begun tending Fu’s sickly mother.
  101. Without any further protest, Fu climbed into the palanquin, and waited. When they stopped, Fu saw that he was standing before the mighty palace most opulent. Then, he was escorted inside, given new clothes, a bath and then, at last, he was presented to the Cat Empress: a beautiful girl of his age, with vibrant wild long red hair, wearing clothes out of finest red silks. She stood up from her throne, and deeply bowed to a poor lumberjack Fu:
  102. - Lumberjack Fu, today you saw a tiger and a cat in the woods, and with a pure heart, killed the mighty beast and set the red furred cat free. It was me, the Cat Empress, and my assassin after me, Tiger General. But I was saved by you, and for your bravery and kindness, we shall marry, Lumberjack Fu!
  103. - But i’m just a poor, frail lumberjack, Your Highness - Fu prostrated before the Cat Empress, not daring to even look at her jade-like visage. - I’m not worthy of such high honor!
  104. - Nonsense! For I am, the Cat Empress, have been living for over a thousand years, studied Dao and achieved enlightenment, thus, learned to see into the hearts and minds of people, and I saw your golden heart and pure soul!
  106. Cat Empress clapped her hands, and preparations for a marriage feast began immediately. The throne room suddenly has been filled with vast tables, all bursting with extravagant delicacies, gigantic wine barrels. Numerous guests, all wearing animal masks walked in, praising both Cat Empress and Lumberjack Fu. All drank, danced and were merry for the long awaited marriage of Cat Empress.
  107. But, right in the middle of celebration, dark clouds filled the skies, and fumes of resentment and grudge filled Cat Empress’s palace. Food spoiled, wine has soured and dread has filled the hearts and minds of guests:
  108. - It's the Black King! - brayed a noble in a goat’s mask - Ruler of the Undead! Overlord of the Winter and Decay!
  110. And indeed, in a middle of a throne room, where noxious fumes has been particularly thick, appeared the loathsome and fearsome visage - his once lavish clothes were tarnished and soiled with all sorts of stains, and his body was held together by the pure hatred to the living alone. Deathly chill and smell of rot, mass graves and blood was permeating from his mummified frame.
  111. - Cat Empress! - roared The Black King, pointing his thin arm, monstrous arm to a Cat Empress - For a last thousand of years, you have evaded your retribution! Your unfulfilled promise! Now, you will become my wife, or else my undead army will slaughter the whole world!
  112. - I will never become your wife! - defiantly roared Cat Empress, rising from her throne.
  113. - It is not for you to decide, Cat Empress, for i am, Black King, has power over you! - and then, Black King has casted spells most foul, turning her whole court into the animals, and then putting Cat Empress to sleep.
  114. Lumberjack Fu, valiantly tried to rush to Black King. But the wicked Black King, laughing mockingly, has snatched Cat Empress and disappeared in the fog, dragging her into his underworld realm.
  116. - Oh woe to us! - cried out Owl Judge, - Black King has dragged our beloved, just, and fair Cat Empress to his accursed realm of death and strife! Without her, our court will fall into despair, living the rest of our lives as mere animals!
  117. - What are we going to do?! What are we going to do?! We are doomed! - panicked Snake and Fox Princesses.
  118. - Please, noble Lumberjack Fu, help us! Save the Cat Empress from the Black King! - begged the Frog Scholar to Lumberjack Fu.
  119. - But how? I don't know where he lives, and I'm frail and weak! - sadly said Lumberjack Fu.
  120. - Don't worry, Lumberjack Fu! - said the Red One-eyed Cat - I am sister of the Cat Empress, and I will guide you to the Realm of Black King. As for strengths, I will show you the most valuable treasure of Black King: Crimson Fruit, one seed of which grants anyone the vigor of ten men and a hundred years of life!
  122. And so, Red One-Eyed Cat and Lumberjack Fu have traveled north, to accursed mountains where Black King’s undead realm lies. Even gods themselves, once buried the wicked Black King and his unrighteous court, but their wickedness was so vast they broke free from their captivity, carving the whole kingdom under his yore. Only way to enter his realm was through Spirit’s Gate, once sealing putrid Black King. And before the gates, stood a massive Rooster General, once a proud and honorable man, driven mad by machinations of the Black King’s court. Once he spotted Lumberjack Fu, he rushed towards him, hefting his massive axes, intending to cleave Fu in twain. But, Fu despite his small and frail frame, was quick and nimble, and swung his broken ax in retaliation. Their duel lasted for seven days and seven nights, but in the end, Lumberjack Fu emerged victorious, and pacified restless spirit. Mad General, once more free from madness, kneeled before Fu and gifted him his axes. Unimpeded, Fu and Red One-Eyed Cat have descended into the cave beneath the mountain, deep into the Undead Realm.
  124. There, ghosts and spirits of once virtuous men have been driven mad by sheer enmity of Black Kings towards all things that breathed, but after countless battles, Lumberjack Fu finally emerged in the Blood Garden, where Crimson Fruit grew. It was a perversion of an earthly orchard, where rivers of blood flow like water, where from raw flesh rose bone trees, with leaves made out of skin. But, among such depravity, grow a mighty tree, and on top of it, a lone fruit, round as a sun and with color of pure ruby. Lumberjack Fu immediately recognized fabled Crimson Fruit. But the tree was guarded by the three headed Demon Dog, one head spewed fire, other chilling cold and third was poisonous miasma. It stood diligently before the tree, watching for any intruders.
  125. - How can I get Crimson Fruit, if such demon stand guard? - pondered Fu
  126. - Worry not, Lumberjack Fu - said Red One-Eyed Cat, smirking - I will sing a sweet lullaby for Demon Dog, and while it's asleep, you will climb the tree and snatch the Crimson Fruit.
  127. And so, Red One-eyed Cat leaped from its hiding place and began singing with a voice of maiden to Demon Dog, lull it into deep slumber. Careful not to wake Demon, Lumberjack Fu climbed on top of the tree and ate the Crimson Fruit whole, feeling how its marvelous and mysterious energies energized his whole body. He rose as a mighty man, worthy of his pure heart and virtuous mind, wielding twin axes of the Mad General with the ease of a common man picking up a blade of grass! With a mighty roar, he jumped down from the tree on top of the Demon Dog, beheading its three heads as one!
  129. Now, confident in his strength, he rushed towards the palace of the Black King, but before he could do it, Bugs Generals rose before him, leading a massive army of the undead creatures of the most foul kind! Cackling like a madmen, these Bugs Generals began their unrelenting assault, trying to kill the now mighty form of Lumberjack Fu, but nothing could stop the righteous fury of his. He hacked and chopped bloodthirsty Jianghu like they were common shrubs, but they rose up again. He cleaved ten ghosts with one swing, but more rose from their despoiled graves. He killed ten so a hundred would rise from Bugs vile sorcery. Eventually, Lumberjack Fu’s body became tired, but before he was overwhelmed, Red One-Eyed came to his rescue, with an army of Animal Court! And with such an army, they broke through, and allowed Lumberjack Fu to enter into the Palace of the Black King.
  131. There he was at last, he stood before Black King with all its undead might. His deadly chill almost froze Fu’s body, but hatred in his eyes burned bright as a funeral pyre. But Fu's eyes widened in shock when he saw the Cat Empress besides Black King, with blank vision: Black King, while being unable to make Cat Empress love him, froze her heart in most vile sorceries, rendering her as mindless puppet.
  132. - So, it is you who came to my domain, to challenge me?! - mocked Black King - Thief! Intruder! For your transgressions, I will flay you alive and cook your still beating heart in oils! I will torture you to death, rise you as a mindless corpse and torture you more! You are nothing but an insect to my might!
  135. And so, Black King and Lumberjack Fu began their duel, vile sorcery against righteous steel, wickedness against righteousness. But, their strengths were matched, and no one could get an upper hand against the other. And so, in a desperate gambit, Black King resorted to trickery, and created an army of illusions to battle Lumberjack Fu. But Fu prevailed, and pierced through to the Black King’s shriveled heart, destroying him! Alas, he got the last laugh, chopping off Lumberjack’s Fu head.
  137. The Cat Empress awoke from a terrible spell as Black King died, and saw her love without the head. She rushed towards him, and mourned him with tears and wails. But the Five Colour Emperor himself saw the plight of the enlightened Dao student and to alleviate her sorrows, came from his Heavenly palace and returned life to the Lumberjack Fu.
  138. - Your pure love and hearts moved me, Cat Empress and Lumberjack Fu - proclaimed Five Colour Emperor - may you live in harmony and peace.
  140. Then the Five Colors Emperor brought the Cat Empress, Lumberjack Fu and Animal Court back to their kingdom, and even attended the wedding. Cat Empress happily married now strong and powerful Lumberjack Fu, and celebration of their wedding lasted for the whole month. And then, Cat Empress and Lumberjack Fu lived happily ever after.
  142. THE END.
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