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Mar 7th, 2021
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  1. [Debug : 9:42:46.552552] - "badges based on position updated to ::  (\"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"\", \"z\", \"x\", \"c\", \"v\", \"b\", \"n\", \"m\", \",\", \"\")"
  2. [Debug : 9:42:46.552552] - "badges for applet shortcuts updated to ::  QHash()"
  3. [Debug : 9:42:46.564564] - " Indicator Package Loaded :::  \"Latte\"  [ \"org.kde.latte.default\" ]  - [ \"/usr/share/latte/indicators/default\" ]"
  4. [Debug : 9:42:46.564564] - " Indicator Package Loaded :::  \"Plasma Tab Style\"  [ \"org.kde.latte.plasmatabstyle\" ]  - [ \"/usr/share/latte/indicators/org.kde.latte.plasmatabstyle\" ]"
  5. [Debug : 9:42:46.564564] - " Indicator Package Loaded :::  \"Plasma\"  [ \"org.kde.latte.plasma\" ]  - [ \"/usr/share/latte/indicators/org.kde.latte.plasma\" ]"
  6. [Debug : 9:42:46.565565] - "\"Latte\""
  7. [Debug : 9:42:46.565565] - " IMPORTER, STORAGE TEMP DIR :::  \"/tmp/lattedock-seKPPO\""
  8. [Debug : 9:42:46.566566] - "---------------- Plasma Screen Ids ------------------"
  9. [Debug : 9:42:46.566566] - "1   __   \"DP1-3\""
  10. [Debug : 9:42:46.566566] - "2   __   \"DP1\""
  11. [Debug : 9:42:46.566566] - "3   __   \"DP1-2\""
  12. [Debug : 9:42:46.566566] - "4   __   \"eDP1\""
  13. [Debug : 9:42:46.566566] - "5   __   \"HDMI2\""
  14. [Debug : 9:42:46.566566] - "----------------  ---------------  ------------------"
  15. [Debug : 9:42:46.596596] - " Windows default color scheme ::  \"/home/jan/.local/share/color-schemes/Harmony.colors\""
  16. [Debug : 9:42:46.606606] - "package is valid true"
  17. [Debug : 9:42:46.606606] - "connector : \"eDP1\"  -  \"10\""
  18. [Debug : 9:42:46.606606] - "Known Screen -  \"eDP1\"  -  10"
  19. [Debug : 9:42:46.606606] - "connector : \"DP1\"  -  \"11\""
  20. [Debug : 9:42:46.606606] - "Known Screen -  \"DP1\"  -  11"
  21. [Debug : 9:42:46.606606] - "connector : \"eDP-1\"  -  \"12\""
  22. [Debug : 9:42:46.606606] - "Known Screen -  \"eDP-1\"  -  12"
  23. [Debug : 9:42:46.606606] - "connector : \"HDMI2\"  -  \"13\""
  24. [Debug : 9:42:46.606606] - "Known Screen -  \"HDMI2\"  -  13"
  25. [Debug : 9:42:46.606606] - "connector : \"DP1-2\"  -  \"14\""
  26. [Debug : 9:42:46.606606] - "Known Screen -  \"DP1-2\"  -  14"
  27. [Debug : 9:42:46.606606] - "connector : \"DP1-3\"  -  \"15\""
  28. [Debug : 9:42:46.606606] - "Known Screen -  \"DP1-3\"  -  15"
  29. [Debug : 9:42:46.606606] - "connector : \"DP1-1\"  -  \"16\""
  30. [Debug : 9:42:46.606606] - "Known Screen -  \"DP1-1\"  -  16"
  31. [Debug : 9:42:46.606606] - "connector : \"DP-4\"  -  \"17\""
  32. [Debug : 9:42:46.606606] - "Known Screen -  \"DP-4\"  -  17"
  33. [Debug : 9:42:46.606606] - "connector : \"DP-3\"  -  \"18\""
  34. [Debug : 9:42:46.606606] - "Known Screen -  \"DP-3\"  -  18"
  35. [Debug : 9:42:46.606606] - "Latte::Corona the package QJsonObject({\"KPlugin\":{\"Authors\":[{\"Email\":\",\",\"Name\":\"Michail Vourlakos, Smith Ar\"}],\"Description\":\"Shell provided for the Latte Dock\",\"Description[az]\":\"Latte Dok paneli üçün nəzərdə tutulan üzlük\",\"Description[ca@valencia]\":\"Intèrpret d'ordres proporcionat per l'acoblador Latte\",\"Description[ca]\":\"Intèrpret d'ordres proporcionat per l'acoblador Latte\",\"Description[da]\":\"Skal til Latte-dokken\",\"Description[de]\":\"Shell für Latte-Dock\",\"Description[el]\":\"Κέλυφος που παρέχεται από την εφαρμογή Latte\",\"Description[en_GB]\":\"Shell provided for the Latte Dock\",\"Description[es]\":\"Shell proporcionada para Latte Dock\",\"Description[et]\":\"Latte doki shell\",\"Description[eu]\":\"Shell-a Latte Dockentzat\",\"Description[fi]\":\"Latte-telakalle tarjottu käyttöliittymä\",\"Description[fr]\":\"Interpréteur de commandes fourni pour le panneau Latte\",\"Description[gl]\":\"Intérprete de ordes fornecido para a doca Latte.\",\"Description[id]\":\"Shell disediakan untuk Dock Latte\",\"Description[it]\":\"Shell fornita per Latte Dock\",\"Description[ko]\":\"Latte 독용 셸\",\"Description[lt]\":\"Latte dokui teikiamas apvalkalas\",\"Description[nl]\":\"Shell geleverd voor de Latte Dock\",\"Description[nn]\":\"Skal frå Latte-dokk\",\"Description[pl]\":\"Powłoka dla doku Latte\",\"Description[pt]\":\"Consola oferecida para a área acoplável do Latte\",\"Description[pt_BR]\":\"Shell fornecido pelo Latte Dock\",\"Description[ru]\":\"Оболочка для Latte Dock\",\"Description[sl]\":\"Shell za dok Latte\",\"Description[sv]\":\"Skal tillhandahållet för Latte dockningsfönster\",\"Description[uk]\":\"Оболонка панелі Латте\",\"Description[x-test]\":\"xxShell provided for the Latte Dockxx\",\"Description[zh_CN]\":\"用于 Latte 停靠栏的 Shell\",\"Description[zh_TW]\":\"由 Latte Dock 提供的 Shell\",\"Id\":\"\",\"License\":\"GPLv3+\",\"Name\":\"Latte Shell\",\"Name[az]\":\"Latte Üzlüyü\",\"Name[ca@valencia]\":\"Intèrpret d'ordres del Latte\",\"Name[ca]\":\"Intèrpret d'ordres del Latte\",\"Name[cs]\":\"Shell Latte\",\"Name[da]\":\"Latte-skal\",\"Name[de]\":\"Latte-Shell\",\"Name[el]\":\"Κέλυφος Latte\",\"Name[en_GB]\":\"Latte Shell\",\"Name[es]\":\"Consola de Latte\",\"Name[et]\":\"Latte shell\",\"Name[eu]\":\"Latte Shell-a\",\"Name[fi]\":\"Latte-käyttöliittymä\",\"Name[fr]\":\"Interpréteur de commandes pour Latte\",\"Name[gl]\":\"Intérprete de ordes de Latte\",\"Name[id]\":\"Shell Latte\",\"Name[it]\":\"shell Latte\",\"Name[ko]\":\"Latte 셸\",\"Name[lt]\":\"Latte apvalkalas\",\"Name[nl]\":\"Latte-shell\",\"Name[nn]\":\"Latte-skal\",\"Name[pl]\":\"Powłoka Latte\",\"Name[pt]\":\"Consola do Latte\",\"Name[pt_BR]\":\"Latte Shell\",\"Name[ru]\":\"Оболочка Latte\",\"Name[sk]\":\"Latte Shell\",\"Name[sl]\":\"Shell Latte\",\"Name[sv]\":\"Latte skal\",\"Name[uk]\":\"Оболонка Латте\",\"Name[x-test]\":\"xxLatte Shellxx\",\"Name[zh_CN]\":\"Latte Shell\",\"Name[zh_TW]\":\"Latte Shell\",\"ServiceTypes\":[\"Plasma/Shell\"],\"Version\":\"0.9.86\",\"Website\":\"\"},\"Keywords\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[az]\":\"üzlük\",\"Keywords[ca@valencia]\":\"intèrpret d'ordres\",\"Keywords[ca]\":\"intèrpret d'ordres\",\"Keywords[cs]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[da]\":\"skal\",\"Keywords[de]\":\"Shell\",\"Keywords[el]\":\"κέλυφος\",\"Keywords[en_GB]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[es]\":\"consola\",\"Keywords[et]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[eu]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[fi]\":\"käyttöliittymä\",\"Keywords[fr]\":\"interpréteur\",\"Keywords[gl]\":\"intérprete de ordes\",\"Keywords[ia]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[id]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[it]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[ko]\":\"\",\"Keywords[lt]\":\"apvalkalas\",\"Keywords[nl]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[nn]\":\"skal\",\"Keywords[pl]\":\"powłoka\",\"Keywords[pt]\":\"consola\",\"Keywords[pt_BR]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[ru]\":\"оболочка\",\"Keywords[sk]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[sl]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[sv]\":\"skal\",\"Keywords[uk]\":\"оболонка\",\"Keywords[x-test]\":\"xxshellxx\",\"Keywords[zh_CN]\":\"shell\",\"Keywords[zh_TW]\":\"shell\",\"X-KDE-ParentApp\":\"latte-dock\"}) is valid!"
  36. [Debug : 9:42:46.607607] - "Updating Latte Colors Script presence..."
  37. [Debug : 9:42:46.607607] - "kwinrc: recovering values..."
  38. [Debug : 9:42:46.623623] - "current plasma theme :::  \"Harmony\""
  39. [Debug : 9:42:46.623623] - "theme path :::  \"/home/jan/.local/share/plasma/desktoptheme/Harmony\""
  40. [Debug : 9:42:46.624624] - "theme widgets path :::  \"/home/jan/.local/share/plasma/desktoptheme/Harmony/widgets\""
  41. [Debug : 9:42:46.624624] - "plasma theme original colors :::  \"/home/jan/.local/share/plasma/desktoptheme/Harmony/colors\""
  42. [Debug : 9:42:46.626626] - "plasma theme default colors :::  \"/tmp/lattedock-gmjxgq/default.colors\""
  43. [Debug : 9:42:46.631631] - "plasma theme reversed colors :::  \"/tmp/lattedock-gmjxgq/reversed.colors\""
  44. [Debug : 9:42:46.631631] - "Plasma theme is dark..."
  45. [Debug : 9:42:46.635635] - "  PLASMA THEME TOPLEFT SHADOW :: pixels :  784   transparent pixels 784  | HAS SHADOWS : false"
  46. [Debug : 9:42:46.635635] - "PLASMA THEME, calculating roundness from mask..."
  47. [Debug : 9:42:46.636636] - " BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER MASK base line length ::  15"
  48. [Debug : 9:42:46.636636] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED ::  Plasma::Types::TopEdge  | roundness: 14  center_max_opacity: 0.79608"
  49. [Debug : 9:42:46.636636] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED ::  Plasma::Types::TopEdge  | padtop: 16  padleft: 16  padbottom: 16  padright: 16"
  50. [Debug : 9:42:46.636636] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED ::  Plasma::Types::TopEdge  | shadowsize: 0  shadowcolor: QColor(ARGB 1, 0, 0, 0)"
  51. [Debug : 9:42:46.636636] - "PLASMA THEME, calculating roundness from mask..."
  52. [Debug : 9:42:46.636636] - " BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER MASK base line length ::  15"
  53. [Debug : 9:42:46.636636] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED ::  Plasma::Types::LeftEdge  | roundness: 14  center_max_opacity: 0.79608"
  54. [Debug : 9:42:46.636636] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED ::  Plasma::Types::LeftEdge  | padtop: 16  padleft: 16  padbottom: 16  padright: 16"
  55. [Debug : 9:42:46.636636] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED ::  Plasma::Types::LeftEdge  | shadowsize: 0  shadowcolor: QColor(ARGB 1, 0, 0, 0)"
  56. [Debug : 9:42:46.636636] - "PLASMA THEME, calculating roundness from mask..."
  57. [Debug : 9:42:46.636636] - " TOP LEFT CORNER MASK base line length ::  15"
  58. [Debug : 9:42:46.636636] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED ::  Plasma::Types::BottomEdge  | roundness: 14  center_max_opacity: 0.79608"
  59. [Debug : 9:42:46.636636] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED ::  Plasma::Types::BottomEdge  | padtop: 16  padleft: 16  padbottom: 16  padright: 16"
  60. [Debug : 9:42:46.636636] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED ::  Plasma::Types::BottomEdge  | shadowsize: 0  shadowcolor: QColor(ARGB 1, 0, 0, 0)"
  61. [Debug : 9:42:46.636636] - "PLASMA THEME, calculating roundness from mask..."
  62. [Debug : 9:42:46.636636] - " TOP LEFT CORNER MASK base line length ::  15"
  63. [Debug : 9:42:46.636636] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED ::  Plasma::Types::RightEdge  | roundness: 14  center_max_opacity: 0.79608"
  64. [Debug : 9:42:46.636636] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED ::  Plasma::Types::RightEdge  | padtop: 16  padleft: 16  padbottom: 16  padright: 16"
  65. [Debug : 9:42:46.636636] - " PLASMA THEME EXTENDED ::  Plasma::Types::RightEdge  | shadowsize: 0  shadowcolor: QColor(ARGB 1, 0, 0, 0)"
  66. [Debug : 9:42:46.638638] - "Layout file to create object:  \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\"  with name:  \"\""
  67. [Debug : 9:42:46.638638] - "Layout file: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\""
  68. [Debug : 9:42:46.639639] - "Layout name: \".multiple-layouts_hidden\""
  69. [Debug : 9:42:46.639639] - " >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LAYOUTS::STORAGE, TEMP DIR :::  \"/tmp/lattedock-WgXRZD\""
  70. [Debug : 9:42:46.639639] - "Layout file to create object:  \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\"  with name:  \"\""
  71. [Debug : 9:42:46.639639] - "Layout file: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\""
  72. [Debug : 9:42:46.639639] - "Layout name: \"Default\""
  73. [Debug : 9:42:46.639639] - "Layout file to create object:  \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\"  with name:  \"\""
  74. [Debug : 9:42:46.639639] - "Layout file: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\""
  75. [Debug : 9:42:46.6464] - "Layout name: \"Empty\""
  76. [Debug : 9:42:46.6464] - "Layout file to create object:  \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\"  with name:  \"\""
  77. [Debug : 9:42:46.6464] - "Layout file: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\""
  78. [Debug : 9:42:46.6464] - "Layout name: \"Extended\""
  79. [Debug : 9:42:46.6464] - "Layout file to create object:  \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\"  with name:  \"\""
  80. [Debug : 9:42:46.641641] - "Layout file: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\""
  81. [Debug : 9:42:46.641641] - "Layout name: \"Plasma\""
  82. [Debug : 9:42:46.641641] - "Layout file to create object:  \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\"  with name:  \"\""
  83. [Debug : 9:42:46.641641] - "Layout file: \"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\""
  84. [Debug : 9:42:46.642642] - "Layout name: \"Unity\""
  85. [Debug : 9:42:46.642642] - "Universal Settings version :  2"
  86. [Debug : 9:42:46.642642] - "Latte is loading  its layouts..."
  87. [Debug : 9:42:46.642642] - "Layout file to create object:  \"/home/jan/.config/latte/Erweitert.layout.latte\"  with name:  \"\""
  88. [Debug : 9:42:46.642642] - "Layout file: \"/home/jan/.config/latte/Erweitert.layout.latte\""
  89. [Debug : 9:42:46.643643] - "Layout name: \"Erweitert\""
  90. [Debug : 9:42:46.643643] - "Layout file to create object:  \"/home/jan/.config/latte/Latte-layout_Edna.layout.latte\"  with name:  \"\""
  91. [Debug : 9:42:46.643643] - "Layout file: \"/home/jan/.config/latte/Latte-layout_Edna.layout.latte\""
  92. [Debug : 9:42:46.644644] - "Layout name: \"Latte-layout_Edna\""
  93. [Debug : 9:42:46.644644] - "Layout file to create object:  \"/home/jan/.config/latte/Mein Profil.layout.latte\"  with name:  \"\""
  94. [Debug : 9:42:46.644644] - "Layout file: \"/home/jan/.config/latte/Mein Profil.layout.latte\""
  95. [Debug : 9:42:46.645645] - "Layout name: \"Mein Profil\""
  96. [Debug : 9:42:46.645645] - "Layout file to create object:  \"/home/jan/.config/latte/Plasma.layout.latte\"  with name:  \"\""
  97. [Debug : 9:42:46.645645] - "Layout file: \"/home/jan/.config/latte/Plasma.layout.latte\""
  98. [Debug : 9:42:46.645645] - "Layout name: \"Plasma\""
  99. [Debug : 9:42:46.646646] - "Layout file to create object:  \"/home/jan/.config/latte/Standard.layout.latte\"  with name:  \"\""
  100. [Debug : 9:42:46.646646] - "Layout file: \"/home/jan/.config/latte/Standard.layout.latte\""
  101. [Debug : 9:42:46.646646] - "Layout name: \"Standard\""
  102. [Debug : 9:42:46.646646] - "Layout file to create object:  \"/home/jan/.config/latte/Unity.layout.latte\"  with name:  \"\""
  103. [Debug : 9:42:46.646646] - "Layout file: \"/home/jan/.config/latte/Unity.layout.latte\""
  104. [Debug : 9:42:46.647647] - "Layout name: \"Unity\""
  105. [Debug : 9:42:46.647647] - " >>>>> SWITCHING >>  \"Plasma\"  __ from memory:  0  to memory:  -1"
  106. [Debug : 9:42:46.999999] - " ... initializing layout in single mode :  \"Plasma\"  -  \"/home/jan/.config/latte/Plasma.layout.latte\""
  107. [Debug : 9:42:46.999999] - "Layout file to create object:  \"/home/jan/.config/latte/Plasma.layout.latte\"  with name:  \"Plasma\""
  108. [Debug : 9:42:46.999999] - "Layout file: \"/home/jan/.config/latte/Plasma.layout.latte\""
  109. [Debug : 9:42:47.003003] - "Layout name: \"Plasma\""
  110. [Debug : 9:42:47.003003] - "Layout :::::  \"Plasma\"  added containments :::  0"
  111. [Debug : 9:42:47.003003] - "abstract layout is saving... for layout: \"Plasma\""
  112. [Debug : 9:42:47.003003] - " -------------------------------------------------------------------- "
  113. [Debug : 9:42:47.004004] - " -------------------------------------------------------------------- "
  114. [Debug : 9:42:47.004004] - "LOADING CORONA LAYOUT: \"/home/jan/.config/latte/Plasma.layout.latte\""
  115. [Info : 9:42:47.0606] - "Applet preload policy set to 1"
  116. [Debug : 9:42:47.079079] - "Layout ::::  \"Plasma\"  ::: addView was called... m_containments ::  1"
  117. [Debug : 9:42:47.079079] - "step 1..."
  118. [Debug : 9:42:47.079079] - "step 2..."
  119. [Debug : 9:42:47.079079] - "step 3..."
  120. [Debug : 9:42:47.079079] - "Adding view - containment id: 1  ,screen : 16  -  \"DP1-1\"  ,onprimary: true  -   edge: Plasma::Types::TopEdge  ,screenName: \"DP1-1\"  ,forceOnPrimary: false"
  121. [Debug : 9:42:47.079079] - "add dock - connector :  \"DP1-1\""
  122. [Debug : 9:42:47.079079] - "Adding view passed ALL checks  ,onPrimary: true  ,screen: \"DP1-1\"  !!!"
  123. [Debug : 9:42:47.095095] - "setScreenToFollow() called for screen: \"DP1-1\"  update: true"
  124. [Debug : 9:42:47.095095] - "adapting to screen..."
  125. [Debug : 9:42:47.095095] - "setScreenToFollow() ended..."
  126. [Debug : 9:42:47.133133] - "immediateSyncGeometry() called..."
  127. [Warning : 9:42:47.133133] - "wrong location, couldn't update the panel position Plasma::Types::Desktop"
  128. [Warning : 9:42:47.133133] - "wrong location, couldn't update the canvas config window geometry  Plasma::Types::Desktop"
  129. [Debug : 9:42:47.133133] - "syncGeometry() calculations for screen:  \"DP1-1\"  _  QRect(0,0 2560x1440)"
  130. [Debug : 9:42:47.133133] - "syncGeometry() calculations for edge:  Plasma::Types::Desktop"
  131. [Debug : 9:42:47.134134] - "syncGeometry() ended..."
  132. [Debug : 9:42:47.134134] - "SOURCE: QUrl(\"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\")"
  133. [Debug : 9:42:47.134134] - "syncGeometry() called..."
  134. [Debug : 9:42:47.134134] - "dock view c++ containment changed 1..."
  135. [Debug : 9:42:47.134134] - "dock view c++ containment changed 2..."
  136. [Debug : 9:42:47.134134] - "reconsiderScreen() called..."
  137. [Debug : 9:42:47.134134] - "  Delayer  "
  138. [Debug : 9:42:47.134134] - "      D, found screen:  \"DP1-1\""
  139. [Debug : 9:42:47.134134] - "dock screen exists  :::  true"
  140. [Debug : 9:42:47.134134] - "syncGeometry() called..."
  141. [Debug : 9:42:47.134134] - "reconsiderScreen() ended..."
  142. [Debug : 9:42:47.134134] - "WindowsTracker creating..."
  143. [Debug : 9:42:47.134134] - "VisibilityManager creating..."
  144. [Debug : 9:42:47.134134] - "Loading visibility mode: Always Visible , on startup..."
  145. [Debug : 9:42:47.136136] - "immediateSyncGeometry() called..."
  146. [Debug : 9:42:47.136136] - "syncGeometry() calculations for screen:  \"DP1-1\"  _  QRect(0,0 2560x1440)"
  147. [Debug : 9:42:47.137137] - "syncGeometry() calculations for edge:  Plasma::Types::TopEdge"
  148. [Debug : 9:42:47.137137] - "syncGeometry() ended..."
  149. [Debug : 9:42:47.162162] - "Reading resources from configuration: [{\"sourceName\":\"lmsensors/pch_skylake-virtual-0/temp1\",\"alias\":\"\",\"overrideLimitTemperatures\":false,\"warningTemperature\":70,\"meltdownTemperature\":90,\"virtual\":false,\"childSourceObjects\":{\"lmsensors/coretemp-isa-0000/Core_0\":{\"temperature\":0},\"lmsensors/coretemp-isa-0000/Core_1\":{\"temperature\":0},\"lmsensors/coretemp-isa-0000/Core_2\":{\"temperature\":0},\"lmsensors/coretemp-isa-0000/Core_3\":{\"temperature\":0},\"lmsensors/coretemp-isa-0000/Package_id_0\":{\"temperature\":0}}}]"
  150. [Debug : 9:42:47.352352] - "Loading Calendar plugin HolidaysEventsPlugin(0x561064bae150)"
  151. [Warning : 9:42:47.352352] - "file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.eventcalendar/contents/ui/calendars/PlasmaCalendarManager.qml:16: Error: Qt.createQmlObject(): failed to create object: \n    file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.eventcalendar/contents/ui/calendars/inline:1:1: module \"org.kde.plasma.PimCalendars\" is not installed"
  152. [Warning : 9:42:47.378378] - "Entry is not valid \"kontact.desktop\" QSharedPointer(0x561064bb15d0)"
  153. [Warning : 9:42:47.378378] - "Entry is not valid \"ktp-contactlist.desktop\" QSharedPointer(0x561064e50090)"
  154. [Warning : 9:42:47.379379] - "Entry is not valid \"kontact.desktop\" QSharedPointer(0x561064e6e420)"
  155. [Warning : 9:42:47.379379] - "Entry is not valid \"ktp-contactlist.desktop\" QSharedPointer(0x561064b81140)"
  156. [Warning : 9:42:47.384384] - "Entry is not valid \"kontact.desktop\" QSharedPointer(0x561064898b10)"
  157. [Warning : 9:42:47.384384] - "Entry is not valid \"ktp-contactlist.desktop\" QSharedPointer(0x561064fa6c40)"
  158. [Warning : 9:42:47.384384] - "Entry is not valid \"kontact.desktop\" QSharedPointer(0x561064e58810)"
  159. [Warning : 9:42:47.384384] - "Entry is not valid \"ktp-contactlist.desktop\" QSharedPointer(0x561064f35820)"
  160. [Debug : 9:42:47.678678] - " /////////////////////////"
  161. [Debug : 9:42:47.678678] - "\"Plasma Desktop version:  5.21.2 (333058)\""
  162. [Debug : 9:42:47.678678] - " /////////////////////////"
  163. [Debug : 9:42:47.713713] - "Default Wallpaper path :::  \"/usr/share/wallpapers/Next/contents/images/1920x1080.png\""
  164. [Debug : 9:42:47.713713] - "---------------- Plasma Screen Ids ------------------"
  165. [Debug : 9:42:47.713713] - "1   __   \"DP1-3\""
  166. [Debug : 9:42:47.713713] - "2   __   \"DP1\""
  167. [Debug : 9:42:47.713713] - "3   __   \"DP1-2\""
  168. [Debug : 9:42:47.713713] - "4   __   \"eDP1\""
  169. [Debug : 9:42:47.713713] - "5   __   \"HDMI2\""
  170. [Debug : 9:42:47.713713] - "----------------  ---------------  ------------------"
  171. [Debug : 9:42:47.715715] - "syncGeometry() called..."
  172. [Debug : 9:42:47.716716] - "syncGeometry() called..."
  173. [Debug : 9:42:47.716716] - "syncGeometry() called..."
  174. [Debug : 9:42:47.716716] - "syncGeometry() called..."
  175. [Warning : 9:42:47.844844] - "trying to show an empty dialog"
  176. [Debug : 9:42:47.875875] - "SAVING SPLITTERS :: 3 _ 4"
  177. [Warning : 9:42:47.925925] - "file:///usr/share/plasma/packages/org.kde.desktoptoolbox/contents/ui/ToolBoxButton.qml:223: TypeError: Cannot read property 'text' of null"
  178. [Debug : 9:42:47.925925] - "latte view qml source - containment changed 1..."
  179. [Debug : 9:42:47.925925] - "latte view qml source - containment changed 2..."
  180. [Debug : 9:42:47.993993] - "------------   -- Image Calculations --  --------------"
  181. [Debug : 9:42:47.993993] - "Hints for Background image |  \"/usr/share/wallpapers/Next/contents/images/2560x1440.png\""
  182. [Debug : 9:42:47.993993] - "Hints for Background image | Edge:  Plasma::Types::TopEdge , Image size:  2560 x 1440 , Tiles:  10 , subsize:  256 x 24"
  183. [Debug : 9:42:47.993993] - " Tile considering horizontal << ( 1 , 0 ) - ( 255 , 24 ), subfactor:  0.1 , brightness:  63"
  184. [Debug : 9:42:47.993993] - " Tile considering horizontal << ( 256 , 0 ) - ( 511 , 24 ), subfactor:  0.2 , brightness:  55"
  185. [Debug : 9:42:47.993993] - " Tile considering horizontal << ( 512 , 0 ) - ( 767 , 24 ), subfactor:  0.3 , brightness:  45"
  186. [Debug : 9:42:47.993993] - " Tile considering horizontal << ( 768 , 0 ) - ( 1023 , 24 ), subfactor:  0.4 , brightness:  37"
  187. [Debug : 9:42:47.993993] - " Tile considering horizontal << ( 1024 , 0 ) - ( 1279 , 24 ), subfactor:  0.5 , brightness:  29"
  188. [Debug : 9:42:47.993993] - " Tile considering horizontal << ( 1280 , 0 ) - ( 1535 , 24 ), subfactor:  0.6 , brightness:  27"
  189. [Debug : 9:42:47.993993] - " Tile considering horizontal << ( 1536 , 0 ) - ( 1791 , 24 ), subfactor:  0.7 , brightness:  46"
  190. [Debug : 9:42:47.993993] - " Tile considering horizontal << ( 1792 , 0 ) - ( 2047 , 24 ), subfactor:  0.8 , brightness:  40"
  191. [Debug : 9:42:47.993993] - " Tile considering horizontal << ( 2048 , 0 ) - ( 2303 , 24 ), subfactor:  0.9 , brightness:  13"
  192. [Debug : 9:42:47.993993] - " Tile considering horizontal << ( 2304 , 0 ) - ( 2559 , 24 ), subfactor:  1 , brightness:  9"
  193. [Debug : 9:42:47.993993] - "Hints for Background image | Brightness:  36.4 , Busy:  false , minBright: 9 , maxBright: 63"
  194. [Debug : 9:42:47.997997] - "Layout ::::  \"Plasma\"  ::: addView was called... m_containments ::  2"
  195. [Debug : 9:42:47.997997] - "step 1..."
  196. [Debug : 9:42:47.997997] - "step 2..."
  197. [Debug : 9:42:47.997997] - "step 3..."
  198. [Debug : 9:42:47.997997] - "Adding view - containment id: 78  ,screen : 16  -  \"DP1-1\"  ,onprimary: true  -   edge: Plasma::Types::BottomEdge  ,screenName: \"DP1-1\"  ,forceOnPrimary: false"
  199. [Debug : 9:42:47.998998] - "add dock - connector :  \"DP1-1\""
  200. [Debug : 9:42:47.998998] - "Adding view passed ALL checks  ,onPrimary: true  ,screen: \"DP1-1\"  !!!"
  201. [Debug : 9:42:48.002002] - "setScreenToFollow() called for screen: \"DP1-1\"  update: true"
  202. [Debug : 9:42:48.002002] - "adapting to screen..."
  203. [Debug : 9:42:48.002002] - "setScreenToFollow() ended..."
  204. [Debug : 9:42:48.003003] - "immediateSyncGeometry() called..."
  205. [Warning : 9:42:48.003003] - "wrong location, couldn't update the panel position Plasma::Types::Desktop"
  206. [Warning : 9:42:48.003003] - "wrong location, couldn't update the canvas config window geometry  Plasma::Types::Desktop"
  207. [Debug : 9:42:48.003003] - "syncGeometry() calculations for screen:  \"DP1-1\"  _  QRect(0,0 2560x1440)"
  208. [Debug : 9:42:48.003003] - "syncGeometry() calculations for edge:  Plasma::Types::Desktop"
  209. [Debug : 9:42:48.003003] - "syncGeometry() ended..."
  210. [Debug : 9:42:48.003003] - "SOURCE: QUrl(\"/usr/share/plasma/shells/\")"
  211. [Debug : 9:42:48.003003] - "syncGeometry() called..."
  212. [Debug : 9:42:48.003003] - "dock view c++ containment changed 1..."
  213. [Debug : 9:42:48.003003] - "dock view c++ containment changed 2..."
  214. [Debug : 9:42:48.003003] - "reconsiderScreen() called..."
  215. [Debug : 9:42:48.003003] - "  Delayer  "
  216. [Debug : 9:42:48.003003] - "      D, found screen:  \"DP1-1\""
  217. [Debug : 9:42:48.003003] - "dock screen exists  :::  true"
  218. [Debug : 9:42:48.003003] - "syncGeometry() called..."
  219. [Debug : 9:42:48.003003] - "reconsiderScreen() ended..."
  220. [Debug : 9:42:48.003003] - "WindowsTracker creating..."
  221. [Debug : 9:42:48.004004] - "VisibilityManager creating..."
  222. [Debug : 9:42:48.007007] - "immediateSyncGeometry() called..."
  223. [Debug : 9:42:48.007007] - "syncGeometry() calculations for screen:  \"DP1-1\"  _  QRect(0,0 2560x1440)"
  224. [Debug : 9:42:48.007007] - "syncGeometry() calculations for edge:  Plasma::Types::BottomEdge"
  225. [Debug : 9:42:48.007007] - "syncGeometry() ended..."
  226. [Debug : 9:42:48.076076] - "PulseAudio Latte interface was loaded..."
  227. [Debug : 9:42:48.086086] - "Tasks: Applying UNIQUE Launchers List..."
  228. [Debug : 9:42:48.1717] - "syncGeometry() called..."
  229. [Debug : 9:42:48.1717] - "syncGeometry() called..."
  230. [Warning : 9:42:48.182182] - "file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.latte.plasmoid/contents/ui/main.qml: QML Plasmoid: Possible anchor loop detected on fill."
  231. [Debug : 9:42:48.191191] - "SAVING SPLITTERS :: 1 _ 2"
  232. [Warning : 9:42:48.191191] - "file:///usr/share/latte/indicators/default/package/ui/main.qml:99:17: Unable to assign [undefined] to double"
  233. [Warning : 9:42:48.217217] - "file:///usr/share/plasma/packages/org.kde.desktoptoolbox/contents/ui/ToolBoxButton.qml:223: TypeError: Cannot read property 'text' of null"
  234. [Debug : 9:42:48.218218] - "latte view qml source - containment changed 1..."
  235. [Debug : 9:42:48.218218] - "latte view qml source - containment changed 2..."
  236. [Debug : 9:42:48.218218] - "Tasks: Applying UNIQUE Launchers List..."
  237. [Debug : 9:42:48.282282] - "Layout ::::  \"Plasma\"  ::: addView was called... m_containments ::  3"
  238. [Debug : 9:42:48.282282] - "step 1..."
  239. [Warning : 9:42:48.304304] - "file:///usr/share/plasma/packages/org.kde.desktoptoolbox/contents/ui/ToolBoxButton.qml:223: TypeError: Cannot read property 'text' of null"
  240. [Warning : 9:42:48.306306] - "file:///usr/share/latte/indicators/default/package/ui/main.qml:99:17: Unable to assign [undefined] to double"
  241. [Warning : 9:42:48.309309] - "file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.latte.containment/contents/ui/abilities/privates/IndicatorsPrivate.qml:32: ReferenceError: svgPaths is not defined"
  242. [Warning : 9:42:48.324324] - "file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.eventcalendar/contents/ui/calendars/PlasmaCalendarManager.qml:16: Error: Qt.createQmlObject(): failed to create object: \n    file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.eventcalendar/contents/ui/calendars/inline:1:1: module \"org.kde.plasma.PimCalendars\" is not installed"
  243. [Warning : 9:42:48.326326] - "file:///usr/share/plasma/packages/org.kde.desktoptoolbox/contents/ui/ToolBoxButton.qml:223: TypeError: Cannot read property 'text' of null"
  244. [Warning : 9:42:48.345345] - "file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.latte.containment/contents/ui/abilities/privates/IndicatorsPrivate.qml:32: ReferenceError: svgPaths is not defined"
  245. [Debug : 9:42:48.349349] - "5"
  246. [Debug : 9:42:48.359359] - "immediateSyncGeometry() called..."
  247. [Debug : 9:42:48.359359] - "syncGeometry() calculations for screen:  \"DP1-1\"  _  QRect(0,0 2560x1440)"
  248. [Debug : 9:42:48.359359] - "syncGeometry() calculations for edge:  Plasma::Types::TopEdge"
  249. [Debug : 9:42:48.359359] - "syncGeometry() ended..."
  250. [Warning : 9:42:48.369369] - "Cyclic dependency detected between \"file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.notifications/contents/ui/global/Globals.qml\" and \"file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.notifications/contents/ui/NotificationHeader.qml\""
  251. [Debug : 9:42:48.5151] - "Reading places from configuration: [{\"providerId\":\"owm\",\"placeIdentifier\":\"2911298\",\"placeAlias\":\"Hamburg\"}]"
  252. [Debug : 9:42:48.547547] - "Reading places from configuration: [{\"providerId\":\"owm\",\"placeIdentifier\":\"2911298\",\"placeAlias\":\"Hamburg\"}]"
  253. [Debug : 9:42:48.549549] - "\"backend: reading cache, plasmoidId = 92\""
  254. [Debug : 9:42:48.549549] - "\"backend: file /home/jan/.cache/lattedock/plasmoids/org.kde.weatherWidget/plasmoidId-92.json\""
  255. [Debug : 9:42:48.549549] - "backend: reading cache content finished"
  256. [Debug : 9:42:48.555555] - "Reading places from configuration: [{\"providerId\":\"owm\",\"placeIdentifier\":\"2911298\",\"placeAlias\":\"Hamburg\"}]"
  257. [Debug : 9:42:48.594594] - "CUPS-Get-Printers last error: 0 successful-ok"
  258. [Debug : 9:42:48.594594] - "Create-Printer-Subscriptions last error: 0 successful-ok"
  259. [Debug : 9:42:48.595595] - "Get-Jobs last error: 0 successful-ok"
  260. [Debug : 9:42:48.595595] - "Get-Jobs last error: 0 successful-ok"
  261. [Warning : 9:42:48.832832] - "file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.systemtray/contents/ui/main.qml:26:1: QML QQuickItem* (parent or ancestor of QQuickLayoutAttached): Binding loop detected for property \"minimumWidth\""
  262. [Debug : 9:42:48.832832] - "START of SyncLatteViewsToScreens ...."
  263. [Debug : 9:42:48.832832] - "LAYOUT :::  \"Plasma\""
  264. [Debug : 9:42:48.832832] - "screen count changed -+-+  1"
  265. [Debug : 9:42:48.832832] - "PRIMARY SCREEN ::  \"DP1-1\""
  266. [Debug : 9:42:48.832832] - "LATTEVIEWS MAP ::  QHash((\"DP1-1\", QHash((Plasma::Types::TopEdge, (1))(Plasma::Types::BottomEdge, (78)))))"
  267. [Debug : 9:42:48.832832] - "syncLatteViewsToScreens: view must consider its screen... for containment: 1  at screen: \"DP1-1\""
  268. [Debug : 9:42:48.833833] - "reconsiderScreen() called..."
  269. [Debug : 9:42:48.833833] - "  Delayer  "
  270. [Debug : 9:42:48.833833] - "      D, found screen:  \"DP1-1\""
  271. [Debug : 9:42:48.833833] - "dock screen exists  :::  true"
  272. [Debug : 9:42:48.833833] - "syncGeometry() called..."
  273. [Debug : 9:42:48.833833] - "reconsiderScreen() ended..."
  274. [Debug : 9:42:48.833833] - "syncLatteViewsToScreens: view must consider its screen... for containment: 78  at screen: \"DP1-1\""
  275. [Debug : 9:42:48.833833] - "reconsiderScreen() called..."
  276. [Debug : 9:42:48.833833] - "  Delayer  "
  277. [Debug : 9:42:48.833833] - "      D, found screen:  \"DP1-1\""
  278. [Debug : 9:42:48.833833] - "dock screen exists  :::  true"
  279. [Debug : 9:42:48.833833] - "syncGeometry() called..."
  280. [Debug : 9:42:48.833833] - "reconsiderScreen() ended..."
  281. [Debug : 9:42:48.833833] - "end of, syncLatteViewsToScreens ...."
  282. [Debug : 9:42:48.833833] - "DOCK VIEW FROM LAYOUT :::  \"Plasma\"  - activities:  (\"{0}\")"
  283. [Debug : 9:42:48.833833] - "immediateSyncGeometry() called..."
  284. [Debug : 9:42:48.834834] - "syncGeometry() calculations for screen:  \"DP1-1\"  _  QRect(0,0 2560x1440)"
  285. [Debug : 9:42:48.834834] - "syncGeometry() calculations for edge:  Plasma::Types::BottomEdge"
  286. [Debug : 9:42:48.834834] - "syncGeometry() ended..."
  287. [Debug : 9:42:48.834834] - "DOCK VIEW FROM LAYOUT :::  \"Plasma\"  - activities:  (\"{0}\")"
  288. [Warning : 9:42:49.141141] - "file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.private.systemtray/contents/ui/main.qml:30:1: QML MouseArea (parent or ancestor of QQuickLayoutAttached): Binding loop detected for property \"minimumWidth\""
  289. [Warning : 9:42:49.1919] - "file:///usr/share/plasma/packages/org.kde.desktoptoolbox/contents/ui/ToolBoxButton.qml:223: TypeError: Cannot read property 'text' of null"
  290. [Warning : 9:42:49.192192] - "file:///usr/share/latte/indicators/default/package/ui/main.qml:99:17: Unable to assign [undefined] to double"
  291. [Warning : 9:42:49.195195] - "file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.latte.containment/contents/ui/abilities/privates/IndicatorsPrivate.qml:32: ReferenceError: svgPaths is not defined"
  292. [Warning : 9:42:49.2121] - "file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.eventcalendar/contents/ui/calendars/PlasmaCalendarManager.qml:16: Error: Qt.createQmlObject(): failed to create object: \n    file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.eventcalendar/contents/ui/calendars/inline:1:1: module \"org.kde.plasma.PimCalendars\" is not installed"
  293. [Warning : 9:42:49.213213] - "file:///usr/share/plasma/packages/org.kde.desktoptoolbox/contents/ui/ToolBoxButton.qml:223: TypeError: Cannot read property 'text' of null"
  294. [Warning : 9:42:49.225225] - "file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.latte.containment/contents/ui/abilities/privates/IndicatorsPrivate.qml:32: ReferenceError: svgPaths is not defined"
  295. [Warning : 9:42:49.264264] - "<Unknown File>: temperature0 is undefined. Adding an object with a undefined member does not create a role for it."
  296. [Warning : 9:42:49.265265] - "<Unknown File>: iconName0 is undefined. Adding an object with a undefined member does not create a role for it."
  297. [Warning : 9:42:49.265265] - "<Unknown File>: isPast0 is undefined. Adding an object with a undefined member does not create a role for it."
  298. [Debug : 9:42:49.266266] - "3 \"Samsung_SCX-3400_Series\""
  299. [Debug : 9:42:49.266266] - "0"
  300. [Debug : 9:42:49.266266] - "0"
  301. [Debug : 9:42:49.333333] - "immediateSyncGeometry() called..."
  302. [Debug : 9:42:49.333333] - "syncGeometry() calculations for screen:  \"DP1-1\"  _  QRect(0,0 2560x1440)"
  303. [Debug : 9:42:49.333333] - "syncGeometry() calculations for edge:  Plasma::Types::TopEdge"
  304. [Debug : 9:42:49.333333] - "syncGeometry() ended..."
  305. [Debug : 9:42:49.4949] - "OpenWeatherMap.fetchDailyWeatherForecast"
  306. [Warning : 9:42:49.491491] - "file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.eventcalendar/contents/ui/Logic.qml:96: TypeError: Cannot read property 'showMeteogram' of null"
  307. [Warning : 9:42:49.608608] - "file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.eventcalendar/contents/ui/Logic.qml:140: TypeError: Cannot call method 'updateUI' of null"
  308. [Debug : 9:42:49.712712] - " -> Frame Extents ::  Plasma::Types::BottomEdge  __   extents ::  QMargins(0, 75, 0, 0)"
  309. [Debug : 9:42:50.209209] - "syncGeometry() called..."
  310. [Debug : 9:42:50.417417] - "immediateSyncGeometry() called..."
  311. [Debug : 9:42:50.418418] - "syncGeometry() calculations for screen:  \"DP1-1\"  _  QRect(0,0 2560x1440)"
  312. [Debug : 9:42:50.418418] - "syncGeometry() calculations for edge:  Plasma::Types::BottomEdge"
  313. [Debug : 9:42:50.418418] - "syncGeometry() ended..."
  314. [Debug : 9:42:51.386386] - "syncGeometry() called..."
  315. [Debug : 9:42:51.483483] - "syncGeometry() called..."
  316. [Debug : 9:42:51.544544] - "immediateSyncGeometry() called..."
  317. [Debug : 9:42:51.544544] - "syncGeometry() calculations for screen:  \"DP1-1\"  _  QRect(0,0 2560x1440)"
  318. [Debug : 9:42:51.544544] - "syncGeometry() calculations for edge:  Plasma::Types::TopEdge"
  319. [Debug : 9:42:51.544544] - "syncGeometry() ended..."
  320. [Debug : 9:42:51.641641] - "immediateSyncGeometry() called..."
  321. [Debug : 9:42:51.641641] - "syncGeometry() calculations for screen:  \"DP1-1\"  _  QRect(0,0 2560x1440)"
  322. [Debug : 9:42:51.641641] - "syncGeometry() calculations for edge:  Plasma::Types::BottomEdge"
  323. [Debug : 9:42:51.642642] - "syncGeometry() ended..."
  324. [Debug : 9:42:51.708708] - " PLASMA STRUTS MANAGER :: is available..."
  325. [Debug : 9:42:52.204204] - "Loading visibility mode: Latte::Types::DodgeActive  on startup..."
  326. [Debug : 9:42:53.206206] - " PLASMA SCREEN GEOMETRIES, LAST AVAILABLE SCREEN RECTS ::  QHash()"
  327. [Debug : 9:42:53.206206] - " PLASMA SCREEN GEOMETRIES, SCREEN ::  16  -  \"DP1-1\""
  328. [Debug : 9:42:53.212212] - " PLASMA SCREEN GEOMETRIES, AVAILABLE RECT ::  \"DP1-1\"  :  QRect(0,32 2560x1309)"
  329. [Debug : 9:42:53.214214] - " PLASMA SCREEN GEOMETRIES, AVAILABLE REGION ::  \"DP1-1\"  :  QRegion(size=2, bounds=(0,32 2560x1408) - [(0,32 2560x1308), (2559,1340 1x100)])"
  330. [Debug : 9:42:55.216216] - "temp unit: 0"
  331. [Debug : 9:42:58.206206] - "temp unit: 0"
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