
Skyler and his often unaware parents 2

Nov 19th, 2014
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  1. You woke up the next morning, your head swimming from the rancorous evening before. Together, you and you parents discovered just how resilient you were. In retrospect, it only made sense that a spell that caused permanent shrinkage would also give added strength and durability. You just never bothered to explore it out of fear. But Cadance and Shining Armor were put much more at ease, knowing they didn't have to be so careful with you.
  3. No longer reliant on your parents to get you out of bed, you leaped off the nightstand and rolled onto the floor, dusting yourself off. They were both still in bed, so you gradually made your way to the other side, hopeful that they might want to continue last night's experiments. Of course, your dad still had a guard to mantain, but he wouldn't be gone all day. Thinking of him, you circled around until you were on his side. On the floor by the bed were his slippers.
  5. You already knew what you wanted to do. With a running leap, you jumped up the side and climbed in his left slipper, landing on the fluffy sole. It gave under you as you walked further in toward the toe, at when you finally reached the tip, the sole was much more firm from the pressure of his toes. There you waited, hoping he'd get up soon.
  7. You only had to wait twenty minutes or so. Shining Armor began to shift above you, climbing out of bed and standing over his slippers. He slid his foot into the left one first, then he put the right one on, pushing his toes against you and pinning you under them. You expected him to say something or react at all, but he simply walked without any indication that he realized you were there. How lame, he wasn't even going to try and make this fun for you if he didn't know you were in his shoe. You held onto your dad's toe as the slipper slid back and forth.
  9. When he stopped, you heard what sounded like rushing water overhead, and were shamefully aware that your father must be in the bathroom taking a piss. You remained perfectly still, not wanting to alert him to your presence. Suddenly the water overhead roared, meaning that the toilet flushed, and Shining Armor walked out. "Good morning," he said, indicating that your mom must be up.
  11. "Is Skyler around?" she asked. "He's not in bed."
  13. Shining Armor paused, Then, his toes wriggled over you, pulling you under his foot. "Ah," he said, "found him." He slid his foot out and picked his slipper up, looking down at you. "Hey Skyler! I have to get ready soon, you want to spend the day with Mom?"
  15. You nodded, but you already knew what you wanted to do, and you wondered if Cadance would cooperate. Your dad put you on the bed and went into the bathroom again, while Cadance sat up behind you.
  17. "So, what do you want to do today?" she asked. With a wry smile, you turned to her and told her percisely what it is you wanted to do.
  19. Shining Armor came out of the bathroom fully dressed in his armor and tunic. Barefooted, he slid his feet into his black boots and tied the laces that ran up along his shin. "Have a good day you two!" he said, waving to Cadance, and he left for the training field at the base of the castle.
  21. You were curled up in the tip of your father's boot, his big toe pushing against you with every step. It was much darker than your mom's shoe, and there was a noticeable odor, but you still enjoyed it. You were shaken as he went down the stairs, bouncing up and down in the boot. Finally, it stopped, and he went out to the training field behind the castle, stepping out into the warm sun. He stopped eventually, presumably to watch the guards training below.
  23. "Shining Armor!" a voice boomed overhead. The boot turned suddenly, propelling you to the side of his foot. "We're starting soon. Are you coming?"
  25. Without a response, your dad followed him, and as he walked, you found yourself being rolled under his arch. You curled up, but you couldn't keep your balance, and mid-stride, you were pushed under his heel. You quickly flatten yourself out, and your dad's heel bore down on you. You waited for him to stop and pull you out, but he didn't. He apparently couldn't feel you. Gripping tightly onto the insole of the boot, your dad kept walking, stomping down on you with his sweaty sole.
  27. "Alright men!" he called. "I want six laps around the field, let's go!" You felt tremors roll through your body as the guards stampeded along the track. To your surprise, your dad joined them, running and stomping on you in a fast, constant rhythm. You kept flat, but his foot was already beginning to sweat, and the smell inside the boot was becoming more noticeable. Did he say six laps?
  29. As your dad ran on, you rolled back until you were under the balls of his foot. Every step produced an audible squelch from the profuse sweat pouring off his foot. You remained as flat as you could so he wouldn't feel you. It wasn't exactly comfortable, and the smell was overpowering, but you didn't want him to discover you. That would spoil the fun, after all. You waited patiently, trying to enjoy the ride. It wasn't too bad in his boot.
  31. Finally, the running stopped. His pace slowed down, and he walked back up to the castle. You could hear him talking to some guards as he climbed the stairs, and you had no idea where you were going. You heard a door open, and when your dad went in, he took off his left boot. What was he doing now? Suddenly, he began to pull his right boot off, and as he did, you were soon aware that you were stuck to his sole, traveling out of the boot with his foot. Once out, his foot came down onto tiled floor, slamming you into it. Gradually, you began to feel yourself become unstuck from his foot, and in a panic, you finally squirmed to notify him of your presence.
  33. Shining Armor's jerked up, and he stared down at you, crouching low. "Skyler?" he whispered, passing a glance over his shoulder. " did you get here?"
  35. You smiled awkwardly. "I uh, I thought it would be fun to hide in your boot. Mom put me in there this morning."
  37. He blinked. "This morning? You mean you've been in there all day? Geez, I'm sorry, it must have smelled awful in there."
  39. You merely shook your head. "Nah, it wasn't too bad. I liked it. Not the smell," you added quickly, "I mean, not that it was awful. I just liked riding around and...well, being under your foot."
  41. Luckily by now, the room was empty of guards. Still, Shining Armor bent down further and spoke even softer. "Skyler, why do you like our feet so much?"
  43. You looked up at your dad, your face slightly pink. "Well it's uh, I'm not really sure, to be honest. I just know that I like the shape and feel of your sole and toes pressing on me. Mom's too. I can't say whose I like better."
  45. "Do you want to play with mine for a bit?" Shining Armor suggested with a grin. You gave an enthusiastic nod, and your dad lifted his foot over you, rolling you under his toes.
  47. After several minutes of being pushed and pressed under his feet, a guard returned to the room, and your dad quickly picked you back up and dropped you into his boot. "Going home early?" the guard asked. "You haven't come back out to the field."
  48. You watched your dad's foot wriggle back into the boot, his toe pinning you into the insole. "Huh? Oh, uh, yeah, just get someone to take over for me." He slid the other boot on, and soon he was out the door, climbing back up to the room.
  50. You heard the door open and close, and his foot came out of the boot. He picked it up and turned it over, letting you fall into his open palm. "So did you have fun Skyler?" he asked softly.
  52. "Yeah, thanks," you said with a small grin. You were worried henwould be angry that you hid in his boot, but he didn't seem to mind. "Hey, where's Mom?"
  54. Shining Armor looked around. Indeed, your mom was nowhere to be found. "Hmm, she probably went to pick up dinner." He carried you back to the side of the bed and put you down inside his slipper. "Want to hang out here until she gets back?"
  56. You nodded without hesitation, and watched as your dad's foot came over you and into the slipper, enveloping you in his warm sole.
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