
20 Lesta Nediam LNC2017-12-14 1420 +nationalparksign

Dec 13th, 2017
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  1. Lesta Nediam LNC2017-12-14 1420 +nationalparksign
  4. __
  6. +nationalparksign __ *The body-cam was necessary for the shooting officer to be found _not guilty_ of any murder charges.* The body-cam was a _necessary element_ of the overall ploy. If the jury were evaluating the incident *only* by verbal descriptions and/or audio recordings I think a jury would convict. But, the movement Mr Shaver (who needed a good shave) made was *similar enough* to that of reaching for a gun - and _that_ was conveniently captured on video. _How fortunate for Mr Brailsford._
  8. Undeniably, a split-second decision needed to be taken. The shooting becomes "justified" _in the heat of the moment_ though of course in hindsight it becomes apparent Mr Shaver's gesture was innocent (for he had no weapon). Of course, hindsight is 20/20 and Mr BRAIL[LE]sford cannot be blamed for lacking it.
  10. This is why I am suggesting the incident was an *"intelligent murder"* since Mr Shaver was put into a situation where, statistically, it became an option to shoot him dead - _with ultimate impunity_ - because the body-cam shows the decision was justified, albeit tragic/unfortunate. (From the *low-quality footage* it sort of looks like he _did_ grab a handgun!)
  12. To think that whoever designed the "arrest protocol" hadn't foreseen a problem with loose clothing - and that _some_ innocent suspects would reflexively pull up at them (since such nakedness in front of strangers is socially abnormal) - is absurd. *I am suggesting that the arresting team (as a whole functioning as one) knew very well what was happening, what was possible to happen, and what the outcome of that would be.*
  14. Who knows how often this kind of "unfortunate but justified" shooting happens from year to year. *Roll the dice enough and eventually you'll get the result you want.*
  16. And then there is the wider "public service announcement" which "normal people" (especially criminals) will receive loud and clear: *Whatever your skin colour: you had better obey the police to the letter, no matter how absurd the command, else you risk losing your life.*
  18. _If you fall, you'd better fall on your face!_
  20. Though I would think that had Mr Shaver fallen instead of motioned to pull up at his pants he would still have also been shot dead. He had been *trapped* by *intelligent professionals* with no real way out _since the incident itself could have been easily avoided a hundred different ways._
  22. It will be interesting to see what kind of multi-million dollar settlement results.
  27. __________
  28. 2017-12-15 0610
  30. +Terran Downvale __ If the incident genuinely happened - and wasn't merely propaganda - then the universe has managed to land a few quality puns. On the other hand, if the incident was merely propaganda - then the lie system managed to land a few quality puns! It can also be a genuine event that's being used for propaganda purposes:
  32. Personally, I'm inclined to _accept_ it was a genuine event because the lie system's _modus operandi_ is to avoid, _as much as possible,_ showing us any kind of "sufficient proof". Of course, until the body-cam footage had been released to the public the population had to use its imagination to fill in the blanks. And that conforms to the lie system's presentation protocol.
  34. When "sufficient proof" for an event *does* exist, the lie system drags its heels to show it and endeavours to get as much mileage as possible from people forming "unjustified beliefs".
  36. Also, if you went purely by verbal/audio descriptions you would be more inclined to believe the shooting officer was guilty of second-degree murder. But, the footage shows us that his action was "justified" (though tragic/unfortunate) under the circumstances. This supports the idea it was a real event being used for propaganda: let people form an unjustified belief and then disrupt that belief with the body-cam footage.
  38. (Many who have already formed an unjustified belief will double down when provided with contradictory evidence! So, the event can also be used to agitate/divide the population in that way.)
  40. Given the bizarre ritual that Mr Shaver was put through I am able to view the incident as an "intelligent person's opportunistic homicide". The shooting officer did not necessarily know he would be shooting Mr Shaver on that day, but the officer took the opportunity to execute Mr Shaver with impunity (thanks to the body-cam showing his action was "justified").
  42. I wonder, though. If you were to choose an event you *know* to be genuine (perhaps something from your personal life), if you were to then examine the names, locations, objects/items/etc., involved - I wonder if it would be possible to construct a series of "nutty connections" (and "puns") that would lead an unrelated skeptic (who doesn't know it was genuine) to think it could be fake/staged.
  44. I think that would be the case: the human mind is skilled at discerning patterns/connections that don't really exist in random things, and the more often we practise doing it the easier it becomes! So the question becomes: how do we know when we're wrong to be doing it?!
  46. *This is why "sufficient proof" must always be our gold standard.* It's why we must *always* _accept_ an event as genuine when "sufficient proof" for it has been presented - _even if the "sufficient proof" is fake!_ Long-term, it is better to be wrong from time to time than to end up doubting everything that's real (because we have trained ourselves to notice what's not really there) to avoid being wrong just once.
  48. We can be confident with this approach (and rely on it) because the lie system's _modus operandi_ is to *avoid* presenting us with "sufficient proof" as much as possible! And so if we do see "sufficient proof", _and it has been faked,_ then we can know we're dealing with the work of pranksters and criminals _rather than humanity's farmers._ Why? Because to show "sufficient proof" just once is to create an expectation for seeing it again. It undermines the ability to get the population to accept lies as truth when it becomes necessary.
  50. It is not worth undermining that long-term strategy just to trick _a few people_ into believing a small-time "current event". Plus, we'd see fake "sufficient proof" for far more things and the technique would then be ruined.
  52. In summary: just because we can find puns in an event does not mean that event was staged! Rather, it's more an indication that we have a clever and witty sense of humour, and that perhaps the universe does too!
  57. __________
  58. 2017-12-16 2025
  60. +Terran Downvale __ Every generation feels that it is "the best of times and the worst of times". Many in every generation feel at some point that the world is nearing an end! Given that there had been several dubious "car attacks" it did seem unusual that we got to see CCTV footage of the The Times Square car massacre. Showing "sufficient proof" for that event had the benefit of reinforcing trust and belief in all of the prior "terrorist car attacks" where no "sufficient proof" had been presented (and there was no good reason why not).
  62. As for the Daniel Shaver shooting - that incident happened in January 2016. We are only now able to see what happened (from one person's perspective) almost two years later. Everyone paying attention to that event back then had long ago formed an "unjustified belief" without "sufficient proof". No doubt most of those people would have been self-convinced it was outright murder because one needs to view the body-cam footage to see _and understand_ that Daniel Shaver really did make a "gun drawing motion" (even though he was unarmed). Thus the shooting was "justified", though tragic.
  64. This is why I say it was an "intelligent murder" because it was a predictable consequence of the bizarre commands followed, but there's no way to "prove" to "normal people" that this was the intent behind issuing them. On the shooting, all I can do is repeat the Tweet from above: _"Since 9/11 there has been unprecedented Internet censorship *and so if you are permitted to watch violent deaths* you are watching propaganda."_
  66. The event gives agitators ammunition to tell the population not to trust police, and it sends a signal that you'd better obey the police else lose your life. Tension in the population has increased. I have read comments where people express a desire to form "vigilante groups" to get "street justice" for Daniel Shaver. Everything is falling into place.
  68. The problem is that if you want to interpret events as fake and staged, then it becomes very easy to do so! Every time we examine an event in that way we get more and more efficient in arriving at that conclusion! This is because of the way events are routinely presented to us. _That is no accident!_ As much as possible, events and claims are presented to us in a way that can be doubted by intelligent people. _*Such people will always represent a thorn for the lie system, and the most effective way to deal with such a threat is to have the intelligent drive themselves insane with paranoia and doubt.*_
  70. Once we get into the habit of viewing events on the nightly news as staged it becomes difficult to see _anything_ on the nightly news as real. Even when events on the nightly news _are_ real! This is why it's important to take an event that you _*know*_ is real and see if you can find any puns with it. If you can - then you have proven to yourself that it can also be happening with other real things.
  72. If "sufficient proof" is presented for an event, then stop trying to find ways for it to be fake! Accept it was real and move on. _Let it be!_ Why? Because you'll *always* be able to find a way to doubt something! _The more intelligent you are the more ways you will find!_ And that will cause you to reject "sufficient proof" when it exists because something else seemed unlikely. This is what every insane person does - so don't do it! _This is not a game you can win!_
  74. *When a person interprets reality as fantasy he or she has become pushed in the direction madness. _It is important and urgent that you recognise and step out of the trap before it is too late!_*
  76. Farmers may care about their crops as a whole, but care relatively little about _individual_ plants and animals. When it comes to the lie system and humanity's farmers, genuine dissidents are not even worth as much as a single plant or animal to a farmer! Genuine dissidents are more like the weeds and pests a farmer has to *eradicate* because such weeds and pests are potentially able to _disrupt_ the rest of the crops.
  78. The lie system doesn't necessarily know when and where a genuine dissident will spring up and so built into its presentation protocol is everything needed for those "waking up" to drive themselves insane. _There is no need for direct and personal involvement because each dissident ends up ruining themselves!_
  80. *Don't let it happen to you!*
  82. Overall, humanity's farmers may care a great deal for what its human crops can do for them, but the lie system and its farmers are not ever your friend! The lie system will only help you to drive yourself insane, to suicide, to ruinous drugs, to any kind of self-destructive behaviour that will destroy your ability to disrupt what is being done with its highly-prized crops (the human mind).
  85. ____________________________________________________________
  86. My name is Lesta Nediam and I am cracking reality like a nut.
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  94. Lesta on Google Plus
  97. What does not exist - exists to exist.
  98. What exists - exists to always exist.
  99. As it is written - so it is done.
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