
fuck my life rlly

Oct 6th, 2017
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  1. Okay, so let me just explain what went wrong here to begin with me at the hospital and why I was there in the first place.
  4. 1.
  6. I went to go to apparently one of the best doctors they had to offer there, because I've had bodily complaints about my funnelchest for a while now. (3 years)
  8. We had a conversation about the operations possible, which will be around december from what I heard from her then.
  9. What will happen in the operation, and we need to have more information about what they are allowed to do and what not.
  11. I need to take a picture of my back, due to the scoliosis. They want to know if the operation will only worsen it or if it will be fine. I also needed to have my blood checked for allergies, mostly the one of the stuff that is inside the hospital Iron they'll put in the potential operation between my ribcage.
  13. I got send away after our conversation to have blood taken from me, and so we went to there.
  16. 2.
  18. I was redirected to there to have blood taken from me and I didn't have a hospital card, as it was my first time being there.
  19. So we ended up needing to pay the full price for that.
  21. I got a number, which would show up on the board.
  22. It was 13, which created a lot of irony because this was going to be a really bad day.
  24. We went into the room from there.
  25. I was pretty scared I told my parents because ofcourse they are pretty much needles going into your arm.
  28. 3.
  30. The woman who took my blood told me to tense my arms, told me my arteries were pretty good.
  31. She put the needle in and took blood from me.
  33. She then proceeded to ask if I took any blood thinners.
  34. I was somewhat shocked and said "No, I don't"
  35. This was because my blood was pretty much water. It was extremely thin.
  37. I told her that this sucked as much as I expected it would and that I wouldn't take 10 of those in a row if I needed to.
  38. I then stood up, walked out starting to overheat and the following happened randomly.
  41. 4.
  43. I closed the door, while starting to sweat and I walked to my parents thinking I was pretty much fine. But by the time I was 2 seconds standing beside them I said that I was feeling extremely dizzy and I started to collapse a bit and my mom told me to sit down immediately, as she has been a nurse before aswell I then said that I pretty much couldn't see anything anymore now and then it happened and my mom was sure I wasn't just blacking out at this point the moment she notied that:
  45. I was apparently turned green and my eyes (sclera) were yellow.
  46. My liver apparently failed and my brain was not getting blood to it.
  47. My mom wanted me to sit up because she wanted to look at my eyes, as there is where everything went down.
  48. My eyes faded away and I started to shake and have an epilepsy attack all of a sudden.
  49. My mom her instincts kicked in and she immediately laid on my side and went to get something immediately to put in my mouth, to avoid that I would bite my tongue.
  51. This lasted about 6 seconds, which is good because longer than a few seconds would cause brain damage, as this was the end of my moms dad, who had diabetes, but never got checked on it.
  53. I became conscious again after that short time and I needed to go back to the room immediately as they before I woke up couldn't find a heartbeat because it got so low, it was on Save Mode and because I concerned the FUCK out of them with the colour that I was and my sudden epilepsy.
  55. I told them that I felt really extremely sick and while they were carrying me that I needed to puke, so I ended up gagging and spitting stomach acid on the hospital floor.
  58. 5.
  60. They had a small container for me to have beside the bed and they measured my blood pressure and my heartbeat while I was on the bed, laid down on my side.
  62. My blood pressure was extremely low probably a bit before that, as my blood pressure when I was conscious for a moment already and they put it on me to measure it, it was 32, which is still low.
  63. Usually in the hospital a small alarm goes off somewhere if it hits under 50.
  64. An actual alarm goes off in the place when it hits -40
  66. My heartbeat was extremely low and was still recovering, I don't recall how much that was. (Maybe my family does)
  67. The heart team was called during my epilepsy and the small room was filled with 7 people ready to save me if I ended up having a heartfailure or something.
  68. The people from the heart team never saw a colour like this before the way it was now, possibly because I'm a thinner person that is way below average in weight it was most likely way more visible.
  70. I was send to the emergency room/First Aid immediately. I noticed that everytime my bed slowed down with riding, I could feel that I needed to puke again.
  71. I kept on following their advice to take slow breaths and try to calm myself down that way and that I needed to stay on my side, for my stomach.
  74. 6.
  76. The doctors left me, wished me goodluck and all said goodbye to me and were extremely kind to me.
  77. The hospital reacted immediately unlike the other places we have. I knew I was in good hands, as this was the best hospital available in the north.
  79. At the first aid they kept me on the machine for 2 and a half hours of me laying there.
  80. I noticed that my blood pressure was extremely weird as on one point it could be 86, and then bomb down by 20, 10 and sometimes even 30 immediately in just one second.
  81. At some point it hit all the way to 40 again, and I continued staying dizzy for quite a while.
  82. Eventually it would stop, and it would continue a little later again.
  84. At a certain time a doctor came, wanted to attempt me sitting up, standing up eventually and then he went away again.
  85. After a small time that went wrong and my stomach started freaking out again, I started getting really pale again, I became really dizzy again and I laid down immediately after that.
  87. Dad gave me a piece of bread. (For the record: Yes, I ate before the hospital event took place.)
  88. I started to slowly recover from it all, was absolutely broken and tired from the smash my body took from everything.
  89. This constant laying in bed took a while, so my mom called my friends on Messenger so I could explain what happened and that I'm fine.
  91. Eventually I was moved rooms and shortly afterwards when I was given some soup to get some salt inside aswell, I was allowed to leave.
  94. 7.
  96. My mom and dad went with me in the shop, got bought a smoothie with Pear, Pumpkin, Cinnamon, Apple and Ginger.
  97. A baguette with mozerella, pesto, rucola and some Optimel, which is yoghurt with 0% fat with a flavour.
  99. We stayed in the hospital a moment so that I could eat, my mom never left my side again in fear that anything could happen again in the main time we explained things further to my girlfriend who was still freaking out about the situation.
  101. My mom, my dad and me went to my sister afterwards where my mom burst out crying when it sunk into her what truly just happened.
  102. We talked a lot through and we're going to get answers.
  104. In this period of 2 months I'll have 3 or 4 more appointments over there.
  105. The results of the blood tests, the photo of my back a conversation with my doctor about the funnelchest and probably everything that went down aswell and most definately one upcoming really soon because:
  108. 8.
  110. Today, one day after the happening in the hospital my mom called my personal doctor who wasn't there at the time.
  111. A different piece of shit jerk picked up so said that they don't have results yet from the hospital in Groningen and that my mom was overreacting and they simply said I passed out and that sometimes it may look like an epilepsy.
  112. My mom being a nurse witnessed where she worked a lot of people passing out, because she also injected enough needles into people.
  113. This definately was different. But the guy kept on saying that she was overreacting and that they won't look into me.
  114. Tomorrow my mom will call once more and simply force an appointment because she knows when there's a sparetime there where they don't have any appointments and she'll call one for during that time.
  116. Contact will be searched with my personal doctor and I'll be checked on ALL of my organs, but first my liver.
  117. I did not have blood pressure problems in the past at all. This developed somehow, somewhere, someday.
  119. We learned something very important that day though, in the worst way possible.
  121. If I took that operation on my chest while this was going on, it definately would've been extremely bad.
  122. My chances would've increased that I wouldn't be typing this right now.
  124. I've had this issue for a long while and I recognize some of the happenings that it causes from other times, like the heart pulsations, losing sight suddenly and getting extremely overheated and the constant feeling tired, always a headache. I recently lost sight in my eyes a bit, suddenly needed glasses. Through these few years something seems to have happened and we're going to find out what happened.
  126. But right now, I am taking things easy. I will be relaxing and just eating my pizza slices.
  128. I hope that this explains things a bit better. We don't know everything ourselves yet either.
  129. But let me know if you want to be kept contact with about the situation if we know more about it.
  131. Sorry that I made everyone extremely worried. I'm fine now! (Kinda)
  134. -Stuckerrs
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