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Jan 2nd, 2018
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  2. The Chrysalis
  3. ... Her mind was in a haze. All her training and instincts were screaming for her to be alert, but everything was muted. It took a long time for her to realize that there was an intrusion. It was psychic but completely alien. The familiarity of it startled her when she realized it was the hive mind. Something she had only recently encountered. She was disgusted but could not resist it. It was sedating her. Her feeble mind struggled but made little headway.
  5. Eventually full consciousness returned to her. The feeling of warmth and calm wasn't only telepathic. It seemed she was somehow entombed. A fleshy womb constricted and encircled her. Its alien walls were strangely familiar, invoking subconscious fetal memories. She felt its heartbeat, slowly pulsing unknown fluids around her.
  7. She had a brief but subdued start when she realized she was completely naked. It only made sense that the Zerg had removed her Ghost gear when they took her prisoner. She realized with some concern that there was movement inside of the pod with her. It started as a subtle shifting but the cramped quarters soon grew busy.
  9. Organic limbs and protrusions of strange design began moving around her. Repositioning her and reacting to her awakening consciousness. They latched around arms and legs. She was completely restrained, both physically and mentally. Tentacles began caressing and exploring her body. Her eyes widened in terror but could do little more. The psychic intrusion flipped her psyche rousing an incredible feeling of lust in her. She was both extremely revolted and aroused.
  11. Her body flushed with blood and began reacting to the probing limbs. Her nipples hardened. Quickened moans escaped her barely parted lips. She wanted to die. Not only was her womanhood being plundered, but her humanity as well. She could feel the insidious influence in her mind slowly shuffling feelings and emotions. Her cheeks and loins flushed with blood and her heart began racing. The foreign body matched her hastening pulse.
  13. She didn't know how long the ecstasy lasted but eventually one of the protrusions found its way into her slippery cunt. She orgasmed instantly as the slimy appendage opened her wide and wormed deep inside her. She wanted to scream in pleasure but all she could manage was a long sigh. Another limb took advantage of the expression to plunge inside of her lips. It completely ravaged mouth and throat but strangely she found no gag reflex forthcoming.
  15. Breathing through her nose she instinctively wrapped her tongue around the thing and began licking and sucking. The lower limb snaked in and out of her, striking deep. She was pretty sure it had entered her womb but was barely rational enough to make the observation. A third protrusion nudged aside her muscular buttocks and thrust into her anus. Normally this would have revolted her but she was far beyond that. The influence only nudged her mind a little more releasing further pleasure from her brain. Her reaction was almost instant, sucking as if life itself were within the fellated limb.
  17. The thing's hearbeat quickened again with her own as multiple orgasms wracked her body. She would have screamed, only this time her throat was completely plugged. In reaction to her climax the chrysalis pumped some sort of concoction into her. Straight into her belly, lower intestine and womb. She could feel the liquid filling her. The substance made her tingle.
  19. Her body reacted quickly to the mutagen. She could feel organs inside of her changing and shifting. Glands and other structures she knew even less about grew in cancerous lesions inside and outside. She felt like she was dying but her mind only reacted in ecstasy. All she could think of doing was to continue and submit her body to this creature. She started grinding her hips against the protrusions and milked the organs vigorously. The alien liquid bled from her orifices slowly. The transformation continued.
  21. Days maybe even weeks passed for her. She lost track of time in that fleshy sphere. Her whole life was one endless cycle of pleasure. At some point a new group of limbs had produced themselves. The hardened heads and needle-like points began injecting more of the strange fluids into her erogenous zones. Her tits soon leaked the green mutagen constantly and clitoris ballooned with the stuff. Her skin cracked and broke. Armored plates soon covered parts of her like an exoskeleton. Her hair fell out and a forest of hardened prehensile spikes sprouted from her skull. Her pussy was a molten wreck. Every time she climaxed the green sludge leaked out of it. Her clit continued to grow.
  23. At some point she realized the nub that crowned her womanhood had grown knobby and blunted. It resembled a penis but was so large and flushed that it couldn't be compared to a human organ. A pump like organ had fastened itself to her clit-dick and began sucking her. She returned the favor happily. It seemed that she was no longer just receiving the fluid but her now malformed body was now producing the stuff. Every orgasm sprayed untold amounts back into the alien womb, further accelerating her transformation.
  25. The psychic intrusion slowly relaxed its boundaries over those weeks. The mental ministrations she had received had changed her mind as well. When she realized that she could never go back to humanity with her body like this, the last mental block fell. She WAS no longer human. She was something else... the thought excited her. The thoughts of what she had become alone accounted for a dozen of her orgasms.
  27. She was finally birthed from the chrysalis as a queen. She licked her lips and smiled lasciviously. Her hands immediately went to her Zerg-penis and began working it furiously.
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