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May 28th, 2016
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  1. Victory was theirs, Tilandre had fallen into their hands, just as planned. Now it was time to finish the remainder of their plan, and sink the accursed city of Belial to the depths of the ocean. A fitting revenge, considering what had happened to the bridge. Raising his hands into the air, the Oscuri's rieka lines began to glow a bright green, and the nearby oceans began to rise.
  3. The waters began to crash against the coastline, ripping off chunks of rock and debris. Slowly but surely the sea level would rise, but far too slowly. Ryan knew he couldn't sink a city alone, even he couldn't manipulate enough water to do such a feat. Assistance would be needed, more power was required.
  5. As the waters churned, Ryan's rieka lines continued to grow brighter and brighter, his eyes igniting into a bright green light. Soon the curse of Azrael manifested, causing large wings of pure green rieka to emerge from his back, slowly lifting him off the ground. Floating in the air, his hands raise up, causing the torrential waters to rise, and soon began to seep up on the city itself, covering the ground with a thin sheen of water at first. It would take time for the waters to rise.
  7. Turning to the others, a deep breath was taken. "Now Eredis, Dravus, everyone here, bring your rage down upon the city, and let us purge the city of Belial, once and for all!" Would they assist as planned? Time would tell!
  9. And would 'she' show up?
  11. Time would most certainly tell.
  12. (Ryan Kyros)
  13. Shepherd whispers something.
  14. Henri Rosengard: <*Nods*> Agreed.
  15. Ashura: < *glances towards Henri. . . It's a bit late now* >
  16. Henri Rosengard whispers something.
  17. Shepherd: Shepherd has of the plannings to make.
  18. Shepherd: After this filthy city is of the dealt-with, perhaps Eredis would care to join of the Shepherd in debate, yes?
  19. Shepherd: Seeks to intrigue.
  20. Masa: Shepherd is other mimic!
  21. Ashura whispers something.
  22. Eredis: Sounds like a fun time.
  23. Ashura whispers something.
  24. Ashura whispers something.
  25. Ashura whispers something.
  26. Ah giddy excitement. "He's doing the thing, aha! He's doing the thing!" She spoke raising her hand into the city! Her power was.. Mundane, but it was the thought that counted, an application of gravity magic, befitting of the weak yet surviving skeleton.
  28. She too, tried to aid in the destruction of Tilandre, through the sheer force of magic alone! Her right eye flickering a bright flamboyant pink as a low 'Hnnnn' emitted from the skeletal jaw, whisps of depraved mana erupting from her body.
  30. But there was only so much a little skeleton could do! It was undoubtly up to the rest of them!
  31. (Indomitable)
  32. All too cheerful, at Ryans words, the flambouyant male released his grip on the mimic and stepped forwards. Fingers splayed, happy to oblige. It was time to sink this pointless place, to cleanse the world of that influence. He was annoyed, angry even, and it was a wonderful way to free himself of those feelings.
  34. More than anything, though, he knew the true reason for sinking the city, and he was hopeful for what would come of it. Waters came at his command, straining his circuits as he channelled. Mana came in thick streams of color from the corpses around, drawn through his circuits and then out again. A steady stream that allowed him to push further than he had before, using what remained in the dead to his advantage.
  36. The city would fall, it would pay for the wrong-doings it had done. She would be fed, and his gaze slid to the water, hopeful to catch a glimpse, eager. His steps, leaving him at the edge of the sloshing waves until they sat around his waist. The wetness devouring his lower half didn't bother him in the least. He welcomed it, not fearing the deep, which was a home to him more than any other. Eyes closed, and a smile that was almost peaceful touched his lips.
  37. (Eredis)
  38. New Alteros had won, and it was time for their plans to move forward. Tyus would first turn his head to look towards Ryan though whom's command he awaited on. As he did this, he would soon begin to see how his master had been controlling the waters around them. Tyus raised a brow, surprised in all honesty that his master could even do something like this. Soon, Ryan began to lift up into the sky as his rieka formed into wings even! Tyus could only chuckle as he knew that soon the destruction of this city would come.
  40. Then the man had come, asking for help and what not in assistance with the whole sinking the city thing. Well what was a necromanced skeleton to say to its summoner? Not a damn thing, instead, Tyus would just do as the man said. Soon grabbing his scythe and covering it with his fire magic as he began to swing it around. "Understood boss!" Tyus would say just before moving on to swinging around his scythe as flames had come from it and out onto the land.
  42. Buildings were now being hit with the skeletons fire magic, grass and what not burning because of his magic. Tyus didn't plan on stopping until, well until Ryan wanted him to or whatever. Until then, he'd just be walking around destroying statues and buildings.
  43. (Tyus Shire)
  44. To his credit, Aita was a very practical child. He wasted but a few moments wondering vacantly if they were serious. They were Azrael's minions, and they didn't joke around when it came to big, dramatic maneuvers. Still, this was beyond what had been attempted now or ever before. Except for the likes of Kokb'ael Kzer-Za in Danarium...
  46. That they were going to follow in the footsteps of the second most destructive being in Valmasia's history really spoke to the sense of scale these people thought on.
  48. It should be easy to consider. But for some reason, his mind had gone completely blank. How enormous it was - that was what caused him to stall. What caused his mind to catch and freeze. What a concept. Tilandre had tens, dozens, of thousands of people living in it. They were all about to be gone. The palace, the famed inn, the docks - all gone with them.
  50. Aita really should have left. But if he had a weakness, it was in his inability to look away from a hard truth staring him in the eye. So the young Nostvalian boy watched...As the forces of Azrael prepared to make a city die.
  52. Even if he'd wanted to stop them, it wasn't like he could.
  53. (Aita Kovac)
  54. Hermione Augustine: Nostvale is the city of Belial, dumbass.
  55. Hermione Augustine: TIlandre just keeps getting thrown back and forth.
  56. Blood.
  58. It is something that she has desired for quite some time. Something that she knew that she would need if she were going to cultivate the power that her body is able to take. Magic. What she needed is rather simple at this particular moment. The destruction of an entire city will perhaps. . .Due for the things that she was preparing for. But regardless, Ashura soon becomes airbourne amongst the realm, her smile beginning to widen as darkness looms within the air.
  60. It twists and turns. Winds and tornadoes soon cycle around her form in a vicious manner. They howl and shriek, tearing at the limbs and flesh of all those that worshipped Belial. There is no turning back now. Just as she had spoken to Rylus about Ariadne. There is nothing that'll make us look away. She had no choice. She'll never have a choice in the matter. Now that she has fully opposed her own friend, someone whom she once trusted, she cannot turn back. I'm sorry.
  62. But is she truly sorry for the things that she has done? Not quite. Ashura dances amongst the realm, the sound of citizens screaming - the sounds of flesh being torn into shudders and shocks then land as she gathers each and every one of their lives. She will be fed. Sickening. Nasty. The young girl finds herself beginning to lift once more - brilliant energy spinning around the center of her hand, a sickening beam crashing into houses.
  64. And so, so much more.
  66. The very tornadoes that span around her form only drifts into the waters, charging, increasing within their size and power, only to add to the further sinking and full destruction of Tilandre. Next. . .Will be Nostvale.
  68. (Ashura)
  69. Aita Kovac whispers something.
  70. Aita Kovac whispers something.
  71. The serpent would simply look towards Ryan, gazing as he would begin to order along some of his allies to help in his plans to sink the likes of Tilandre. It was rather interest, he figured that this was bound to happen, but the yokai did not care much to assist. He only wished to watch the destruction, but an idea came into his head. He smirked, speaking to those who would help with the destruction.
  73. "I don't care much for sinking this place, the true target is Nostvale. I doubt it will mean much to the cultist Either. If this place truly meant anything to the cultists, their prophet would have been here to defend it. This was simply an extension of their power. You should know where this began Ryan, after all, it was you along with the others that were forced to leave from Nostvale."
  75. The serpent did have one request though, he would usher out an order to his yokai that came to assist, and others that were willing. "Bring any cultists that still remain in Tilandre to me, I'll make use of them." The serpent said. It seemed that those who worshipped Bellial liked to make sacrifices to their god, and Dravus had something similar in mind planned. But of course, he worshipped no one.
  77. "I'm rather upset that I have yet to see any of those apostles that Judas threatened to be all so mighty and powerful. Perhaps when I kill their prophet I'll have the chance."
  78. (Admiral Dravus)
  80. Regional Announcement:
  82. The turbulent waters of the inner gulf bubble black first, and then part.
  84. Something stirs from the depths. A black beast, a leviathan under the water. A massive, tree-trunk sized tentacle first emerges, sweeping at a building amongst the horrendous typhoon summoned by all of the present magi. And from it- Another, larger one, the size around of a small hut. Claws. Pincers. Frilly antennae laced with stingers- A small forest of them with brine and sleucing saltwater pouring off of it... From one massive source. Orange lights, pinpricks on the beast all flick around, blinking asynchronomously.
  86. It has no apparent interest in them, unless assaulted- And the force brought to bear perhaps warns against it.
  88. It is easily the size of half the city- These raking prongs and tentacles, all ooze some horrid anthracitic goop- And it fills the air with a rank, vile gasoline scent. If only that was the only effect for the people of Tilandre. While those fleeing the borders gained none of it's interest, the threshing, reaving tendrils grab at buildings, foundations- All of it, and begins to melt them in a massive, horrible slurry.
  90. Perhaps those who knew what a mimic was capable of on a small scale could know of their blood and fluid's properties. This was a caustic slurry oozed out on a mass scale, diluting in the water, and spreading overtop it- Melting boats apart and scarring metal- Warping as far as the eye can see.
  92. It attempts to melt as much of the wooden docks and houses that the magi were tearing at with their magical hurricane apart, turning them into a sick mulch, and the entire mana of the region bends and siphons away, drawing the focus with it- The entire magical defenses of the castle and the like being stripped in a vicious inversion.
  94. Any theft or carrying off of bodies would have to be done rapidly! Ryan's call did the trick.
  97. Well, they were going to do it.
  99. He didn't agree with it- he never did, this senseless violence and killing. He....didn't like this, not one bit. Still, Ryan was someone he was loyal to, his mentor and someone he thought of as a surrogate father of some sorts even if he wasn't very...father like. Still, he was powerless to do anything - to stop this upcoming carnage.
  101. And entire city, sunk from the rage of one man was....was...terrible. He couldn't even begin to understand it properly. He would kill for him yes, he would burn entire buildings, burn fields, destroy everything in his path for him yet....This was a city full of people that weren't connected with the cult or anything that has happend with Ryan.
  103. He just...couldn't watch this...
  104. (Arthur Kasreith)
  105. Ryan Kyros: <*QUICKLY RAIDS THE VAULT!*>
  106. Shepherd: hello great grandma
  107. Indomitable: *Is a Skeleton, probably is ent to raid the vault while Ryan works...*
  108. Indomitable: *Totally*
  109. His teeth were chattering even as he made a couple of sarcastic asides to Clemont, though they might well have held an accusatory air underneath them. But everything, including his usual flippant stoicism was wiped clean from his face at the sight of the water turning black.
  111. As a general rule, that wasn't a great sign.
  113. Damned be to his curiosity, but he couldn't stand still. Hurrying forward, remaining on the outskirts of the assorted Bysonians (who thankfully seemed to care little or less for his presence, if they noticed it at all), Aita's eyes only widened further at the sight of the ancient horror rising from the depths.
  115. Of course he knew what this was. He'd read about it. Maybe even met it, if his theory was right. But reading about something and seeing it in action were two entirely different things. And at any rate -
  117. Nothing in the notes of the scholar king, even, had suggested that "she" was capable of this. That THIS was "her" true form.
  119. As the horrific mass of caustic death neared, Aita felt his entire body trembling with shameless terror. His arms hung lose, and he -
  121. He just stood there. Admist the screaming, admist the deafening noises of destruction, he stood there and watched as Tilandre died.
  122. (Aita Kovac)
  123. Eredis: <*tempted to hug a tentacle...*>
  124. Arthur Kasreith: <-God damn it Eredis, no->
  125. Eredis: kk ill bring my alt
  126. I will need regenerate...but first...find safety..."
  128. She thought to herself as she moved under the ground to avoid any possible contact, with her shell destroyed and skin damaged she was left exposed and vunerable, combined with her exhustion she had no choice but to make her way towards nearest safe place she could have thought of, the bridge itself, place which she hoped fas held by Alteros forces, She sensed familiar energy around the bridge, one that made her believe that itwas safe to emerge from under the ground from where she would have mde her attempt to either rest or continue her escape.
  130. Ground began to tremble and tear as she suddenly began to making her way towards the surface with her arms emerging first, all bloodied and far thinnier than usualy. Next that appeared was her head and back, finally came her legs, which she dragged with her entire from trembling just as she kept growling and snarling loudly from pain and exhusiton. Too weak and tired to move she simply fell on the ground while grunting loudly as her thick blood oozed from her wounds, visible through bits of destroyed shell and skin of her own.
  131. (Berehynia)
  132. Hermione Augustine: I smell rosengard.. *sniff*
  133. Eredis: <*hugs a passing tentacle*>
  134. Hermione Augustine: ...
  135. Hermione Augustine: No touching the... thing.
  136. Eredis: Ryan, your skeleton is being offensive.
  137. Hermione Augustine: .... How the fuck was that offensive?
  138. Shepherd: You are of the offensive altogether, bones.
  139. Hermione Augustine: If I knew Ice magic I'd zap you-- Ryan, give me my sword.
  140. Hermione Augustine: .. For a moment.
  141. Eredis: <*continues hugging a tentacle*>
  142. Shepherd: Pff- maybe if you team up with of the cheating blue-man.
  143. Hermione Augustine: ....
  144. Hermione Augustine: <*Backhands the mimic*>
  145. Hermione Augustine: Who's this cheating blue-man?
  146. Shepherd: <* :I *>
  147. Success.
  149. Torrential waters and powerful tornados fueled by Kaor and immensely powerful witches were brought down upon the city-state, tearing through the buildings like paper. To make matters worse, large tentacles began to emerge from the waters around them, latching onto nearby buildings and tearing them to shreds. It was a beautiful sight to observe, and an even better feeling to be one of the few who caused it.
  151. His hands still raised into the air, his Rieka lines still glowing bright, the waters continued to surge forth. Tilandre would not be spared, it would soon join Alteros' fate. To be sunk to the bottom of the ocean. As the chaos continued, Ryan ordered a handful of Skeletons to charge towards the castle before it was entirely destroyed. Their orders were simple.
  153. To raid the vault, before the entire city is destroyed.
  155. After the skeletons had taken anything of worth from within the castle, the onslaught would continue. Waves would clash against the shores, washing up over the walls and destroying buildings, large tornados would tear through entire structures, ripping off roofs and more. And the tentacles that had emerged finished off what was started.
  157. Today, Tilandre would fall.
  159. And this was only the beginning.
  160. (Ryan Kyros)
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