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Mar 25th, 2016
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  1. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬.ılılıll|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|llılılı.▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬​
  3. Application format​
  5. IGN - Z3Z
  7. Previous IGN (If changed in name changes) - Kuisser, Snickzz, and Zuwp.
  9. Say YES if you understand that asking a staff member about your application means an instant rejection of your application -​ Yes, I understand the consequences!
  11. Age - I am currently 17 years old!
  13. Are you VIP? If so when did you purchase? (NOTE: You must be VIP to apply) -​ yes, I am currently of the rank VIP and I purchased it roughly a couple months ago.
  15. Timezone - My current time zone is PST (Pacific Standard Time)
  17. Do you use the teamspeak and a microphone? - Yes, I currently have teamspeak 3 and I have a Turtle Beach Px3 headset with a microphone on it.
  19. Link to gaming twitter account (if you have one) -​
  21. What time are you most often on? (your time) -​ I am mostly on at these times: (Weekdays: 6-9pm PST)/(Weekends: 9am-1pm PST)
  23. Are you multilingual (Speak more than one language)? -​ I do not currently speak more than 1(one) language my current language is english.
  25. When did you first play Minecraft, how often do you play? -​ I started playing minecraft as of March 22, 2012 on version 1.2.4 and I was super stoked about playing this game that I even went too the extent of teaching myself how to code plugins for spigot using java coding methods. I often play everyday with the exceptions of doing family activities like camping family dinners and of course homework is another priority.
  27. Have you ever been banned or temp banned on any server? -​ Yes, I have been banned on a server for bugging the staff too much I was asking if I could help them in any way and i was being way too annoying and I realize my mistake now that I need to let staff have breathers they are human too and the more you bug them the more they will want to deny your offers!
  29. What is your previous experience in any type of moderation? -​ My previous moderating skills are on a server called Mine-Hub I was a moderator, and I have owned a few servers for developing testing and sometimes even a factions server here and there. I really enjoy interacting with the players but at the same time i do realize that I need to do my job and part of being staff. The reason why i'm telling you these things are because i think it is important to show that I really can be a responsible staff member!
  31. Where are you most active on the server? -​ I am really active on SkyWars and Warlords those would have too be my favorite games on the network and I really like the games for their 3d models map updating as in wiping the map clean and generating a new one and i really like the effects on warlords with all the particles and blocks with the cool models.
  33. How many hours can you contribute per day? -​ I can contribute atleast 3 hours a day as I also need too take time to do schoolwork as of homework studying and tutoring.
  35. What advice would you give someone who had to deal with people younger than they? - I would tell the person that is talking or dealing with the younger person too stay calm and give the other person some respect and a chance to voice themself while at the same time getting your opinion or voice across and try not too be hostile in any way treat it like you're dealing with a family member don't be hostile or there will be consequences and i say this only because of personal experience of getting in trouble with family for being rude and disrespectful too others.
  37. SCENARIO : "You come home from school and have ton of homework to do, you think to yourself I'll just take a 5 minute break before I start and get on Hypixel. The next thing you know 2 hours have passed and you've been on the server all that time." Does this scenario sound familiar to you? - This scenario used to be a situation that i would occasionally stumble upon until i realized that i needed to take action and be responsible enough to do good in school so i can have a great life and great job when i grow up too support a family and i realize that life isn't always about games its about doing whats right and that doesn't always mean doing it for only yourself!
  39. Do you have any experience with depression? How have you dealt with this? -​ Yes, I have been depressed because my mom's boyfriend threatened my life when i was 12 and thats kind of why i have stayed on minecraft i deal with this depression by using my computer in good ways like coding plugins and building and playing Hypixel because Hypixel really motivated me in 2012 to realise that there is more too life than just the people around you and you can meet people all around the world and make great friends and possibly meet them one day and share the great experiences you have had with them!(Im telling you guys this personal information in hopes that you will understand why i am so happy with what i do and why it would mean everything too me to be staff on hypixel and this would be another good reason as too why i would not ruin this opportunity to become a great staff member!)
  41. Are you able to record? -​ Yes, I am able to record in full 1080p HD video quality with sound and voice recording.
  43. How many Hypixel staff applications have you made before? -​ Not Applicable(None that i recall)
  45. What is the date of the last application you made? -​ Not Applicable(I say this because i do not recall making any other staff applications!)
  47. Anything else we should know? -​ I currently love developing in java and making plugins too mess around with i also love too hang out and interact with friends over skype and i like too talk with new types of people too see what the world can be!
  50. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬.ılılıll|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|llılılı.▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬​
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