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Dec 5th, 2019
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  1. All scores:
  2. awhile2 11
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  60. LordCudi 7.5
  61. scaredow 7.5
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  64. wfm89 7.4
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  81. giantcity212 6.5
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  93. LurknMoar 5.9
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  111. 1440924 4
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  122. notdallin 3.7
  123. DeanPortman 3.5
  124. sandpaper_dildos 3.5
  125. 18rent 3
  126. ElDuderinoSE 3
  127. gren0s 3
  128. HalcyonReadersDigest 3
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  132. mko0987 3
  133. NevenSuboticFanNo1 3
  134. R_E_S_I_G_N_E_D 3
  135. albertfr0nch 2.5
  136. Beelzaboop 2.5
  137. apenumbra 2
  138. BertMacklinMD 2
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  142. nijinokanata 2
  143. aberon34681 1
  144. fiendishtastes 1
  145. ImADudeDuh 1
  146. Thelionnl 1
  147. AlejandroSM 0
  148. CreepyMannequin 0
  149. undine_ 0
  150. zetupequi 0
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