

Dec 31st, 2014
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  1. honestly if we're going down the symptoms thing it kinda is a bit bigger than just this tier.. I think it's fair to say that few to none are really qualified to discuss it; the issue is mostly simulator philosophy - what should be done to make the metagames more competitive etc.
  3. ugh it is really fkin complex, but it involves understanding the official rules throughout the generations, the past events related to clausing and banning (from sleep clause in RBY to Salamenceite's ban in ORAS OU - you should know when things happened, why, and understand the typical player philosophy from the appropriate era and understand how that affected the results, evaluate that philosophy's value, and try and guage how they differ, trying to apply a similar philosophy to other suspects (from the successful bans of DPP Garchomp and XY Funbro to the lack of success with ever trying to question Snorlax's existance in GSC OU to the failures of the Shadow Tag suspect, to the creation of Anything Goes, to the complexities of freeze clause in RBY - learning exactly what broken and uncompetitive mean and how relevant they are).. there's a lot of sheer data and knowledge, combined with high battling skill and experience (I think I more or less have the background knowledge except in the very deepest areas probably, but I don't play many tiers to a high standard [even my main tier I'm not good enough to have been bought for in the most significant of Smogon tournaments (well.. gotta be some adjective for it I'm not sure quite which though)]). I think M Dragon probably is the only person you could say even satisfies these criterion, and no-one is perfect or without areas to improve, so having 1 person dictate how this works [bear in mind he might well not even want to, and it could also be argued within Smogon's power structure that he oughtn't] is inappropriate.
  5. Add in the mixture of dynamics of considering our stance on Nintendo's rules, rules that other communities use, what other people think of Smogon, etc. it's so multifaceted, complex, and chronologically perhaps spurious.. I don't know what to do?
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