
I dont fucking know

May 22nd, 2019
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  1. bbu: Im pretty annoyed with you :l
  2. bbu: Why did you leave?
  3. JustOverEchelon: hey
  4. bbu: Hi.
  5. bbu: Why did you leave?
  6. bbu: Im annoyed that you did.. seems like you were throwing a fit cause things were quiet
  7. JustOverEchelon: z
  8. JustOverEchelon: -.-
  9. JustOverEchelon: nah man
  10. JustOverEchelon: I just dont like parking or being in a room where hardly anyone talks
  11. JustOverEchelon: whats the point in talking with myself?
  12. JustOverEchelon: thats boring
  13. JustOverEchelon: ya know?
  14. JustOverEchelon: :/
  15. bbu: ... I mean
  16. bbu: You didnt really give anyone a chance
  17. JustOverEchelon: how?
  18. JustOverEchelon: a chatroom consists of a flow of conversation not taking breaks without saying her ill brb or hey im
  19. JustOverEchelon: in shop
  20. bbu: You talk a lot, and I for one.. cant keep up when im doing multiple things. Like I say stuff unconsistantly, but.. still.
  21. JustOverEchelon: etc...
  22. bbu: Nahhh
  23. JustOverEchelon: it does
  24. JustOverEchelon: I dont need to be multi-tasking like you and Kendra and im fine with not overloading myself
  25. bbu: I get that
  26. bbu: but thats what we are doing..
  27. JustOverEchelon: I like giving people their respected time to spend with me
  28. JustOverEchelon: right
  29. JustOverEchelon: yes
  30. bbu: you need to be okay with that? or just buzz off..
  31. JustOverEchelon: now we are
  32. bbu: like
  33. bbu: ???
  34. JustOverEchelon: but before
  35. JustOverEchelon: no
  36. JustOverEchelon: ya know?
  37. bbu: Its not fair to get all butt hrut cause we arent talking a lot.
  38. bbu: hurt*
  39. JustOverEchelon: whoa whoa whoa
  40. JustOverEchelon: simmer down
  41. JustOverEchelon: dont start that name calling crap
  42. JustOverEchelon: no reason for it
  43. bbu: Im not name calling..
  44. JustOverEchelon: im not even upset
  45. JustOverEchelon: you are
  46. JustOverEchelon: saying im butthut
  47. JustOverEchelon: over what?
  48. JustOverEchelon: yall wanted your own time
  49. JustOverEchelon: i chose to leave cause i wanted to find a convo
  50. bbu: Had I wanted my own time, I wouldn't go into public rooms.
  51. JustOverEchelon: what is so wrong with what i wanna do compared to what yall choose to do?
  52. bbu: I go in to chat while I work on stuff
  53. JustOverEchelon: ok but thats you and your decision to do that
  54. JustOverEchelon: that has nothing to do with me
  55. bbu: Im just bothered cause you left and didnt let me talk to you?
  56. JustOverEchelon: well thats still my choice to leave if i deem it to be not enjoyable for myself
  57. JustOverEchelon: just like you find things to occupy your time too
  58. JustOverEchelon: ya know?
  59. JustOverEchelon: be fair not irrational
  60. JustOverEchelon: please come sit
  61. JustOverEchelon: this is your place after all
  62. bbu: Eh..
  63. JustOverEchelon: z
  64. JustOverEchelon: ok
  65. JustOverEchelon: i wont beg you
  66. JustOverEchelon: its your place
  67. JustOverEchelon: i will however say ty for the invite cause its not often i get invited
  68. JustOverEchelon: im always the one doing all the inviting
  69. JustOverEchelon: normally that is
  70. bbu: Im gonna go honestly. Ill see you around, when you dont mind me multitasking.
  71. JustOverEchelon: /me shrugs
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