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a guest
Oct 16th, 2017
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  1. claim: /claimset = >>>
  2. #Reads coords
  3. assign(@x1, get_value(concat(player() 'claimx1')))
  4. assign(@z1, get_value(concat(player() 'claimz1')))
  5. assign(@x2, get_value(concat(player() 'claimx2')))
  6. assign(@z2, get_value(concat(player() 'claimz2')))
  7. #Checking for defined X coords ##!!!!!!!!!!!! SHOULD CHECK HERE FOR NULL VALUES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. if(or(is_null(@x1), is_null(@x2)), die(color(LIGHT_PURPLE)'You need to mark both corners!'), msg('X1 and X2 both exist!')
  9. #Checking x dim constraints
  10. if(gt(pow(subtract(@x1, @x2), 2), 400), die(color(LIGHT_PURPLE)'Too large in X dimension. Redefine corners.'))
  11. #Checking y dim constraints
  12. if(gt(pow(subtract(@z1, @z2), 2), 400), die(color(LIGHT_PURPLE)'Too large in Y dimension. Redefine corners.'))
  13. runas(~op, '/pm opoq testing')
  14. runas(rTriggersplayer, sconcat('/region claim' concat(player() 'claim1') player()))
  15. <<<
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