
AWACs Anon in Equestria

Aug 8th, 2012
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  1. AWACs Anon in Equestria
  3. Airborne Warning and Control System
  5. >Cruising high above the ground in your aircraft, 40,000 feet up and you still don't feel safe
  6. >The radar on this thing detected something, but seems to have lost it
  7. >Suddenly the lock on warning buzzes to life and you begin evasive maneuvers
  8. >Quickly flares shoot out trying to get the lock on to break
  9. >You bank left and right trying to evade the lock
  10. >It's of no use
  11. >You hear an explosion and you are smashed into your controls as all the warnings on the aircraft buzz to life
  12. >All the controls are beeping as you wipe blood from your head, but suddenly you are jerked again
  13. >The plane is spinning out of control
  14. >You look out the window at the wing, It's completely gone and fuel is rushing out, alongside the tail gone
  15. >You try to keep the nose up but the entire plane has gone nuts
  16. >The ground comes closer and closer as the low altitude warning comes on
  17. >The cockpit meets the trees and you black out
  19. 1/x
  21. >You awake hours later, strapped into your seat, blood pooling on your controls
  22. >Unsheathing your knife, you cut the belts of your body and stand up, grabbing the survival kit out behind your seat
  23. >Headaches out of hell, you groan loudly, looking to your right and spotting your copilot's head smashed on the controls
  24. How the fuck could I even have survived... How could the plane still be this much intact?
  25. >The scent of smoke assaults you
  26. >The wreckage is on fire, you have to get out soon
  27. >You rush through the bended and distorted path and start pawing on the door
  28. >It's stuck
  29. >Readying your boot, you hurl it at the handle and it busts open
  30. >Luckily due to the angle of the wreckage you can still get on the damn ground
  31. >You hop out, only to have the flame roar and shoot out of the door, singing your short hair to nothing
  33. >Instantly you begin sprinting away
  35. 2/x
  37. >Within 3 minutes you're a half mile away, and you hear an explosion
  38. >You turn and face your crashed airplane, only to see the huge eruption of flames engulfing the entire plane
  39. >Falling to your knees, you rest, the sound of shrapnel impaling the ground in the distance
  40. >Just rest
  41. >"I saw it over here Twilig- WHAT THE HAY IS THAT THING!" says a tomboyish female voice
  42. >"I don't know, but look there! That thing just burst into flames!" says a more nerdy voice
  43. >"I-is it injure-" you interrupt the shy voice by turning around, facing a bunch of... Mutant dogs?
  44. I must me dead...
  45. >"Oh my gosh!" the yellow one rushes up to you, pulling something out of the sacks on its back, "Hold on this is going to stick a little bit"
  46. >She dabs some cloth with a strange liquid and rubs it on your skin, causing a burning sensation you're too tired to care for it
  47. >She then proceeds to wrap your wound with gauze, you just stare at nothing, you survived
  48. >And now you're stuck here
  49. >Goddamnit
  51. 3/x
  53. >As soon as she's done patching you up she looks down into your eyes
  54. >Blushing, she returns back to her friends, letting the Purple one come up to you
  55. >"C-can you talk"
  56. I will only tell you my name, rank, and serial number
  57. >"Okaaay... What's your name?"
  58. >You blank out and look down to your dogtag
  59. >There's a metal chunk imbedded in the name portion, but the rest is left untouched
  60. Uh... M-major... Anonymous, Serial n-number... 46843538...
  61. >The Rainbow run flies up straight into your face "Major? So you're in the guard or something! That's so cool!"
  62. Please, I'm a bit overwhelmed, could you step back a little
  63. >She does as told and backs up a little, still with a smile thrown across their face
  64. >Unknowingly, your body is shaking
  65. W-what are your names?
  66. >"I'm Twilight Sparkle" says the Purple one, "Rainbow Dash!" as expected of the Rainbow one
  67. >"F-fluttershy" matches her name well, "Rarity" matches her tattoo, "Applejack" matches her tattoo as well
  68. >Suddenly the pink one appears in front of your face, "I'm Pinkie Pie!" she says bubbly
  70. 4/x
  72. W-well, It's nice to meet you all
  73. >Slowly you begin to stand, towering above the ponies
  74. I'm a bit... Confused. You see I was piloting that thing back there
  75. >You point to the flaming inferno
  76. But I got shot down...
  77. >"I saw that! I heard something and saw this huge flaming thing come down! Then it crashed into the ground and we came to see it!"
  78. That was... A terrible idea... If you were any closer it would've ripped you to shreds after it exploded... Excuse me I'm a bit tired...
  79. >Unsheathing the canteen you take a swig
  80. So I'm going to go find a place to sleep... I just... I'm so tired...
  81. >"After what you've been through I can understand, if you come with us we can give you a proper bed" Twilight says
  82. I-I'm a bit too tired to walk I'm afraid
  83. >"No worries! I can just teleport you" says Twilight as her horn glows, and with a flash of light you see... absolutely nothing has changed
  84. >"That was... Unexpected, Applejack, Rainbow? Would you be able to carry him?" she asks the two
  85. >"Sure!" they both say in unison
  86. >"Great! Anon just lay across their backs and we can get going"
  87. >You do as told
  88. >"Uh, you're a bit heavy there, but we can manage" says Rainbow
  89. >And with that you pass out, survival kit on your stomach
  91. 5/5
  94. >You are awoken by a subtle bump causing the heavy survival kit to bash you in the face, drawing blood from the sharp corner
  95. Muvver FCKER!
  96. >You grip your face together and open the kit, rustling through the medical kit and getting the stapler and hydrogen peroxide
  97. >You splash it on your face, burning the wound and your eyes
  98. SN OF A BETCH!
  99. >You stable the wound closed and pack gauze over it, securing it with tape
  100. >By now you've noticed that you're no longer moving, and a bunch of colorful horses are staring at you as you get the hydrogen peroxide out of your eyes
  101. Hi...
  102. >"Are you ok?..." says Twilight
  103. Yeah yeah, just had an accident... Where are we?
  104. >By now you've left the forest and have emerged in a clearing, blue skies as far as the eye can see, a white city adorning the landscape far away
  105. Jesus chri- where are we?
  106. >"Where are you? This is Equestria Silly!" says the bubbly pink one, Pinkie Pie was it
  107. >Slowly but surely you hop off the two you were sleeping on and hit the ground
  108. >Rainbow Dash and Applejack stretch as you open up the survival kit, grabbing all the stuff you'll need and stuffing it in a backpack
  109. >Slinging the rifle over your shoulder, you kick the kit off to the side of the path and put on the backpack
  110. I think I'm able to keep going on my own, thanks though.
  111. >"D-do you want me to check your woun-" Fluttershy squeaks out
  112. Nah, it can wait, let's go
  113. >So the group progresses, continuing onto the path as the gravel crunches beneath your feet
  115. 1/x
  117. >Eventually the path went up a hill, much to your discontent, and as the group progressed over it, below it laid a spectacle
  118. >A full town, with thatch roofs and timber lined
  119. >Colorful, full of life and energy, just ready to be taken in
  120. >However you weren't too happy being sent here
  121. >You crashed your AWACs and are now stuck in this world full of colorful technicolor horses
  122. >With one hand you unslinged your M6 scout rifle and loaded it, and with the other pulled out your glock 17
  123. >"Uh... Anon? What are those... Things... you're holding? They look dreadful" says Rarity
  124. Oh these? Precautionary instruments, let's leave it at that
  125. >"Suit yourself" she shuts up as the group approaches the town
  126. >6 magazines, 33 rounds each, alongside the .22lr/.410 combo, should be enough for defense... Right?
  127. >In the distance you can see a pink pony look in your general direction, then shriek and run inside a home
  128. >Strange, well, knowing this place It's probably wise to say there's no chance in hell they've seen one of you before
  129. >And with your crew dead... Well... There's no chance they'll see another one like you any time soon
  130. >Gotta make a good appearence, or god help the next people to crash land here
  131. >Finally the path leads into the town
  132. >Ponies stop in there tracks and just stare at you, as expected
  133. >Reslinging your rifle, you wave at them, and some wave back
  134. >Friendly folk, nothing like back home, they'd open fire on an alien
  136. 2/x
  138. >Slowly but surely the group moves forward through the town, progressing past several notable landmarks
  139. >Gingerbread house, but not just any gingerbread house, a gigantic one that is actually functioning!
  140. >A carousel, town hall, along those lines, strange buildings woved in a mesh of regular thatch roof buildings
  141. >Ponies seem to live in the middle of town and not in pre-set neighborhoods or apartments
  142. >Strange enough, but hey, new alien world, not a big deal
  143. >Eventually a gigantic tree came into view, Jesus christ this this was huge
  144. >Bigger than anything you've seen, wait...
  145. >Is that a door?
  146. >Holy shit It's a goddamn house
  147. Uh... Do people live in that tree?
  148. >"Of course! I live in this Tree, Fluttershy lives in a tree as well albeit smaller"
  149. >Note to self: Ponies are batshit crazy
  150. >Twilight's horn glows and... What the fuck
  151. >Magic?
  152. >She was trying to use magic on you earlier?
  153. >I don't even
  154. What was that you just did?
  155. >"I opened the door?"
  156. But you didn't use your han- I mean hooves...
  157. >"Yeah... Magic... Haven't you ever seen anything like it before?"
  158. Doesn't exist where I'm from
  159. >You swear you could see a lightbulb appear above her head, "That would explain why I couldn't lift you earlier! Spiiiiiike!"
  160. >As the group enters the tree you notice a small lizard thing walking down the stairs
  161. >"Yeah Twilight?" 'Spike' says
  163. 3/x
  165. >"I need you to take a letter, we found this guy in the forest, he crashed here apparently" she says pointing to you
  166. >Spike looks in your general direction, "Heh, you're not the weirdest thing she brought home, once she brought home this stallion that was covered in jell-"
  167. >"SPIKE!" Twilight shouts annoyed
  168. >"I-I'm on it!" he rushes to go get something
  169. >Soon he returns with a piece of paper and a quill
  170. >They still use quills here?
  171. >Twilight clears her throat, "Dear princess Celestia, earlier today we saw a flaming object crash land in the forest, by the time we had arrived there, an intelligent creature who goes by the name Anonymous had emerged, just before the, 'Plane' as he called it exploded. We would like to seek your guidance on this matter. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle"
  172. >Spike exhales flames onto the letter, sending it up in the tree and out the window
  173. >Fire hazard much?
  174. >"Now then Anon, we'll just have to wait for a reply, would you like anything to eat or drink?"
  175. Nah
  176. >You unsling your backpack and pull out a Chili-mac MRE and a canteen
  177. I've got some right here
  178. >With haste you dig into the cold MRE as you wait
  180. 4/4
  182. >Within a few minutes Spike spews out a scroll and unrolls it with haste
  183. >"Dear Twilight, I have ruled Equestria for thousands of years, in centuries we have not seen another species come up, are you sure? The guard notified us of a flaming object but determined it to be a meteor. Respond with haste, Princess Celestia"
  184. Heh, looks like I'm stirring some shit around these par- did she say thousands of years?
  185. >"Yes! She's an alicorn, they are able to live thousands of years, and Celestia has ruled alongside Princess Luna for several thousands of years! However regular ponies do not live as long... It's more of a curse than a blessing I'd say" Twilight says eagerly
  186. Agreed, I can live up to say 120, but with age my body would decay as would my mind, I'd prefer to die early in all honesty, aren't you going to reply
  187. >"Oh!, Spik-"
  188. >"Yeah yeah Twilight" he cuts her off, "Just say it"
  189. >"Oh well, Dear Princess Celestia, all my years of reading have never brought me to have seen such a creature as Anonymous here, he's male, around six foot tall, well defined muscles, with no coat. However he wears clothing. He is similar to a primate of some sort but leaner and taller, bipedal. He has shown no aggression towards anyone so far, and is healing from wounds due to the crash. I would advise you take a closer look yourself. Your faithful student, Twilight Sparkle"
  190. >Spike breaths fire on the scroll sending it back out the window
  191. >Some day she's going to burn to death in her sleep
  192. >By now you've finished half the MRE and the beverage portion of the meal, alongside the jalapeno crackers
  193. >Moving onto desert, a scroll comes back
  194. >"Ahem, Dear Twilight Sparkle, surprise!"
  195. >Suddenly a crack of thunder and a bright white light blinds you, but you keep on eating your desert
  196. >As your eyes refocus, it brings into view a very tall
  197. >White
  198. >Rainbow haired pony thing
  199. >Well, at least the back side of her, must be Celestia
  200. >"Twilight Sparkle, my faithful student, where is this Anonymous fellow? I must see him for myself" her voice is calming and a bit regal
  201. >Damn this desert is good
  202. >It's like a chocolate orgasm in your mouth
  203. >Twilight points in your general direction, and Celestia turns and looks at you
  204. >You clear your throat
  205. Hey
  206. >And continue eating
  208. 1/x
  210. >"Ahem, Anonymous is it?" she puts out her hoof and a genuine smile, which you shake and finish your last bite
  211. Hello there Princess Celestia, I take it you're the ruler of these lands
  212. >"Yes" she says as she eyes you over, before you stand and come up to about her height
  213. >"My my, I've never had to look UP to someone in Equestria for a long time"
  214. Heh, so are we just going to make small talk or do you have some actual questions for me?
  215. >She seems to ponder your question, but then shakes it off, "Let's start out with basic stuff, your name is Anonymous and you came here in a, plane, you called it?"
  216. Yes m'aam, the Airborne Warning and Control System, AWACS for short, I was shot down by an enemy pilot earlier today
  217. >"So that giant flaming machine that feel earlier today, you were flying it?"
  218. I was trying to keep it from crash landing, but after a wing is blown off you go into barrel rolls from hell, along with the tail being clipped off I was spinning in all directions
  219. >"I see, tell me, how did you survive such a crash?"
  220. You tell me, I was smashed into the controls so hard I should've been dead, alongside crashing into a forest, usually you can't even recognize a plane after it had crashed. Unfortunately there were no other survivors...
  221. >She looks surprised, "You mean there were more of you?"
  222. I had an entire crew, anyone alive would've been incinerated, my pilot was smashed against the controls.
  223. >You're tearing up a little
  224. They were friends, a great crew, and great people...
  225. >"I understand how you feel, I've had many friends die over the years" she looks a bit pained to say that
  226. Yeah... I need to go give them a proper burial soon...
  227. >"Who shot you down, and with what?"
  228. The enemy forces fired an R-27 at my plane, the flares didn't get it off my tail nor did the banking, when it hit it destroyed any ability I had to fly that thing. You probably don't know what the R-27 is, fired from a smaller more agile plane and it explodes, sending pieces of metal everywhere
  229. >"But why, who would want to shoot you down?"
  230. Who would want to hurt anyone? I enlisted in the army to save lives, not take them, flying that thing detected everything in the sky for miles, saved allot of lives, til I got shot down that is.
  231. >She puts a hoof on your shoulder, "I understand, I've seen many conflicts, let's get off this subject shall we?"
  232. Sure...
  234. 2/x
  236. >"What's your home like?"
  237. Same as here, just with no magic, more conflict, big concrete buildings as far as the eye can see, billions of us living together doesn't help anything
  238. >"Billions?"
  239. Seven billion, every one a hungry mean sack of shit
  240. >She flinches as you say that last word
  241. They take and take and take and demand more and more, humans are greedy, as are the species we came from, you've got something I want I'm going to take it, we may have great technology but it doesn't mean we're perfect.
  242. >She looks disheartened, she begins to speak
  243. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  244. >You can't understand her
  245. >What the fuck is she saying
  246. >Your head begins to hurt and feel fuzzy
  247. >Knees failing, you crash into the ground
  248. >Vision gone, and suddenly bright light everywhere
  249. >Something is shaking you
  250. >You open your eyes to spot a young man clad in camouflage
  251. >He turns and shouts over his shoulder, "JAMES WE GOT A LIVE ONE HERE!" before turning to you, "Hold on buddy, help is on the way"
  252. >Slowly but surely you turn your head, to your left is a flaming pile of disembowled airplane parts, paint stripped away
  253. >Another man comes into view and they both pick you up, hauling you onto a stretcher
  254. >"Hold on man, just hold on"
  255. >The sounds of a helicopter's rotors spinning are all too apparent as they run you towards a CH-47 medivac hovering slightly above the ground
  256. >The twin rotors become overwhelmingly loud as you near the back of the helicopter
  257. >The two men load you into it and a team of corpsmen begin to work on your body
  258. >Again the fuzzy feeling comes back, alongside a migraine
  260. 3/x
  262. >The pain is unbearable and you pass out
  263. >Again you're back in the room with Celestia, overlooking you as you lay on the ground
  264. W-what h-h-happened
  265. >"Anon! I thought we lost yodfhfdshss"
  266. >The feeling comes back again
  267. >Beep, Beep, Beep
  268. >Your eyes open staring at the ceiling
  269. >Beep, Beep, Beep
  270. >A small buzzer goes off and a nurse comes into your room
  271. >"Hey there soldier, you feeling ok?"
  272. What happened t-to me.
  273. >"An SU-27 shot a rocket into your wing, which effectively clipped off the tail, the plane spiralled out of control and crashed into the ground, you're very lucky"
  274. D-did anyone make it?
  275. >"That's what I was getting to... Nobody but you survived, you managed to crawl out of the wreckage before the inferno engulfed the cockpit, they found you had dragged the survival kit out of the cockpit before you blacked out, a distress signal was sent before the crash and we had sent helicopters to come rescue you... You lost allot of blood."
  276. >You rest, just rest
  277. >"Your wounds are surprisingly non-severe, there had been gauze around your face, and on your lip, it seemed to be stapled and wrapped. Hold on lemme get some fresh air in here" he says as he opens the window
  278. >A lone pink butterfly flies into the room, landing on your bedsheet, the nurse moves to grab it but you shoo him off
  279. >"I'll leave you to sleep I suppose"
  280. >And so you are left alone, in an empty room with a lone butterfly
  281. >Saved by the same people you cursed just moments ago
  283. 4/4 End for now
  285. I had to end it early because of the bullshit going on in real life. I'll go back to it when I get time, but for now this is the ending.
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