

Feb 1st, 2016
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  1. GarudaGoji
  2. (Random Human) *notices this* <(OOOOHHHH SHIIIIIIT!) *runs away, panicking*
  3. 4:57
  4. Krazar77
  5. *one of the gravity beams hits the human as well as other fleings one*
  6. *leaving nothing but ash and death as the ghidorah flies through the air*
  7. *buildings begin to crumble*
  8. 4:58
  9. GarudaGoji
  10. *tanks begin to roll up, and start to fire upon the three headed hydra*
  11. 4:59
  12. Krazar77
  13. (IDwghido)*eyes look at the tanks and their pathetic atemps to harm him, makes sure they will burn in a sea of hellfire*
  14. (IDWghido)*left head fires his gravity beam at the tanks sweeping it across them*
  15. 5:01
  16. GarudaGoji
  17. *some of the tanks gets hit by the gravity beam, and explodes. Maser tanks come by to replace them, and begin to fire electrical beams at the kaiju*
  18. 5:02
  19. Krazar77
  20. (IDWghido)*stops himself and begins flapping his wings at the electrical beams, hurricane winds blowing them and some buildings asunder*
  21. 5:03
  22. GarudaGoji
  23. *they get blown away by the wind*
  24. Welcome to Legends of the Dragon Wiki Chat! Elementalfang and all the other Volcanian Dragons are very excited to have you here.
  25. 5:04
  26. Krazar77
  27. (wave)
  28. 5:04
  29. Fr0stfur
  30. hi o/
  31. 5:05
  32. Krazar77
  33. long time no see fr0sty flakes
  34. 5:05
  35. GarudaGoji
  36. Hi
  37. 5:05
  38. Fr0stfur
  39. RIP Civilian
  41. 5:06
  42. GarudaGoji
  43. His famous last words.
  44. A moment of silence for that random person who we didn't cared about until now...
  45. 5:07
  46. Fr0stfur
  47. :(
  48. 5:08
  49. Krazar77
  50. (IDWghido)*crackles with glory,continuing to blast the city apart*
  51. 5:09
  52. GarudaGoji
  53. *beneath the bay of New York, something seems to wake up from slumber*
  54. *it blinks not only once, but twice...*
  55. *it begins to move, heading toward the surface*
  56. 5:14
  57. Krazar77
  58. *by the time the monster arrives, half of the city is in hell fire*
  59. *with a ghidorah standing in the middle of it*
  60. 5:15
  61. Gallibon the Destroyer
  62. bbl
  63. Sorry
  64. 5:15
  65. Krazar77
  66. (IDWghido)*roars loudly and looks for any threat*
  67. 5:15
  68. Gallibon the Destroyer
  69. But i'll be back soon
  70. Gallibon the Destroyer has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  71. 5:16
  72. GarudaGoji
  73. (???) *tilts head left and right, looking at the blazing fires*
  74. 5:17
  75. Krazar77
  76. (IDWghido)*roars even louder, making sure the remaaining humans know whos coming to kill them*
  77. 5:18
  78. GarudaGoji
  79. (???) *grits teeth, revealing out some sharp looking ones before starting to move inland*
  80. 5:21
  81. Krazar77
  82. (IDWghido)*fires his gravity beam at a building, sending a building falling down on few group of humans*
  83. 5:24
  84. GarudaGoji
  85. *most of the humans get crushed, some injured and two just move out of the way*
  86. 5:25
  87. Krazar77
  88. (IDWghido)*roars and then in the corner of its eye, it notices the monster coming*
  89. (IDWghido)*his middle head looks at the creature, all 6 red eyes stare at the creature*
  90. 5:27
  91. GarudaGoji
  92. *it stops, staring back at the ghidoran*
  93. *it tilts head left and right, looking at the destruction it caused*
  94. 5:29
  95. Krazar77
  96. (IDWghido)*lighting crackles around his horns*
  97. 5:30
  98. GarudaGoji
  99. (???) <(Skrrnk...) *looks back at the ghidoran, visibly angry for what it had caused*
  100. (G93) *roars at the ghidoran, scutes finally beginning to light up*
  101. 5:32
  102. Krazar77
  103. (IDWghido)*horns crackle with immense energy, they swirling towards his three mouths* <(
  104. (IDWghido)*reels his heads back and fires his gravity beams at the gojiran*
  105. 5:35
  106. GarudaGoji
  107. (G93) *lightning bolts rake on his body, and surprisingly, one hits him in his mouth. The Godzillasaurus fires off an atomic blast*
  108. * plays*
  109. 5:40
  110. Krazar77
  111. (IDWghido)*is hit by the atomic blast, skitting backwards, flies forward and turns around, slamming his two tails into the beast before diving into him and slamming his three heads into him*
  112. GarudaGoji has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  113. GarudaGoji has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  114. 5:44
  115. Krazar77
  116. i has to go
  117. Krazar77 has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  118. 5:45
  119. GarudaGoji
  120. (G93) *ducks underneath the tails, and gets up before delivering a tail slam*
  121. Ah, bye
  122. God damn this wifi I have...
  123. Krazar77 has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  124. GarudaGoji has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  125. Krazar77 has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  126. GarudaGoji has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  127. ShodaiGoro has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  128. 6:05
  129. GarudaGoji
  130. Hi
  131. ShodaiGoro has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  132. ShodaiGoro has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  133. 6:14
  134. GarudaGoji
  135. welcome to my special hell, goro
  136. 6:14
  137. ShodaiGoro
  138. (Yukkanako) *sleeping
  139. 6:15
  140. GarudaGoji
  141. hope you enjoy it. we have kittens and dream pills
  142. DrGodzilla120 has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  143. GarudaGoji has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  144. GarudaGoji has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  145. 6:17
  146. DrGodzilla120
  147. Fr0st.
  148. Have you been informed yet?
  149. 6:18
  150. GarudaGoji
  151. HOLY
  152. I didn't saw you on my chat!
  153. 6:18
  154. Fr0stfur
  155. you mean Vehk getting blocked?
  156. ShodaiGoro has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  157. 6:18
  158. DrGodzilla120
  159. Yeah. And what he did.
  160. I also just came in.
  161. 6:18
  162. Fr0stfur
  163. I was gonna ask you what happened
  164. 6:19
  165. DrGodzilla120
  166. Remember how the others supposedly said they were going to "annihilate our forces"?
  167. ShodaiGoro has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  168. 6:19
  169. ShodaiGoro
  170. Back
  171. 6:19
  172. DrGodzilla120
  173. That never actually happened. Vehk made that up. He told us that they were blackmailing us, and he told them that I was a godmodder who "wouldn't accept defeat".
  174. 6:19
  175. ShodaiGoro
  176. Internet is being terrible
  177. 6:19
  178. DrGodzilla120
  179. He tried to start a flame war between our sides. He said it himself.
  180. His reason?
  181. To "make the RP come more naturally".
  182. GarudaGoji has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  183. GarudaGoji has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  184. 6:21
  185. ShodaiGoro
  186. test
  187. 6:22
  188. DrGodzilla120
  189. ...
  190. 6:22
  191. ShodaiGoro
  192. Yeah
  193. I met a girl IRL
  194. I like her. :3
  195. 6:22
  196. DrGodzilla120
  197. Good for you!
  198. I'm proud of you!
  199. 6:23
  200. ShodaiGoro
  201. thanks
  202. 6:24
  203. DrGodzilla120
  204. The girl I like is most likely dating my archnemesis right now.
  205. Gallibon the Destroyer has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  206. 6:24
  207. Gallibon the Destroyer
  208. Back.
  209. 6:24
  210. DrGodzilla120
  211. o/
  212. IRL crush, that is.
  213. Rukia is single, and I don't know about Haley Ramm.
  214. 6:25
  215. Gallibon the Destroyer
  216. Where did Fr0stfur go?
  217. 6:25
  218. DrGodzilla120
  219. He's here. He's just BRB.
  220. Also, Krazar pulled something the other day and I'm not sure whether or not it's godmodding.
  221. 6:25
  222. ShodaiGoro
  223. ?
  224. 6:26
  225. Gallibon the Destroyer
  226. /
  227. *?
  228. 6:26
  229. DrGodzilla120
  230. So Gamera charges this plasma fireball that's 150% percent original power, and fires it. Despite not being incredibly powerful, it somehow manages to create an explosion that can engulf two people who are quite a distance away from each other. Though there's more.
  231. After he unleashes the attack, Gamera absorbs the explosion, healing all the wounds he received in the fight and re-energizing himself in one go.
  232. 6:27
  233. Gallibon the Destroyer
  234. Um...I play as Heisei Gamera.
  235. 6:27
  236. DrGodzilla120
  237. ...
  238. 6:27
  239. Gallibon the Destroyer
  240. I was just having him fight Garbage Monster.
  241. 6:27
  242. DrGodzilla120
  243. Okay, now I'm even more confused.
  244. 6:28
  245. ShodaiGoro
  246. That... makes no sense
  247. 6:28
  248. DrGodzilla120
  249. Like, what he did, or how I explained it?
  250. 6:28
  251. ShodaiGoro
  252. What he did
  253. He absorbed energy from his body to fully heal
  254. ShodaiGoro has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  255. 6:30
  256. DrGodzilla120
  257. test
  258. 6:31
  259. GarudaGoji
  260. helB
  261. 6:31
  262. DrGodzilla120
  263. I wonder what the girl Goro likes is like.
  264. ShodaiGoro has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  265. 6:32
  266. GarudaGoji
  267. Who knows. She might be beautiful, but that's my fifty cents.
  268. ...
  269. 6:32
  270. DrGodzilla120
  271. o/
  272. 6:32
  273. GarudaGoji
  274. Damnit, I miss mine already...
  275. 6:32
  276. DrGodzilla120
  277. He charged the attack for a bit, but still. Unleashing a super attack (which isn't even that powerful) shouldn't heal and re-energize yourself.
  278. 6:32
  279. GarudaGoji
  280. *mine*
  281. 6:32
  282. DrGodzilla120
  283. But also, get this.
  284. 6:33
  285. ShodaiGoro
  286. Back
  287. How does one absorb all wounds by absorbing energy MADE FROM THEM
  288. 6:33
  289. DrGodzilla120
  290. I think Gamera was losing in the fight. He had suffered more wounds than my character, and when my character casted a spell that had something like a vampire effect, my character had pretty much gained the upper hand.
  291. Krazar77 has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  292. 6:33
  293. DrGodzilla120
  294. o/
  295. 6:34
  296. Krazar77
  297. .....
  298. 6:34
  299. DrGodzilla120
  300. Sorry about that.
  301. 6:34
  302. Krazar77
  303. ....
  304. .....
  305. ...........................
  306. 6:34
  307. Gallibon the Destroyer
  308. Well, to be be exact Krazar roleplays as Gamera and I roleplay as Heisei Gamera.
  309. 6:34
  310. Krazar77
  311. ..................................
  312. 6:34
  313. DrGodzilla120
  314. Wait, which Gamera?
  315. Showa?
  316. 6:34
  317. Krazar77
  318. ..............................................
  319. .............................................................................
  320. .............................................................................................................
  321. .........................................................................................................................................................................
  322. .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
  323. 6:35
  324. Gallibon the Destroyer
  325. I think so. He's only reffered to as "Gamera".
  326. 6:35
  327. Krazar77
  328. ...............
  329. ................
  330. .....................
  331. ..........................
  332. ................................
  333. ........................................
  334. 6:35
  335. GarudaGoji
  336. What's with the dots?
  337. 6:35
  338. Krazar77
  339. ....................................................
  340. Krazar77 has been knocked out by ShodaiGoro!
  341. 6:35
  342. ShodaiGoro
  343. Stop spamming
  344. Krazar77 has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  345. 6:35
  346. Krazar77
  347. ......
  348. really
  349. just......
  350. really
  351. 6:35
  352. Gallibon the Destroyer
  353. What's wrong Krazar?
  354. 6:36
  355. Krazar77
  356. im not
  357. ....
  358. just
  359. .....
  360. bruh
  361. and to point something out
  362. im no longer using gamera
  363. if that makes everyone happy
  364. * Krazar77 spats
  365. but i am keeping toto
  366. as im going through somthing to reboot him
  367. other then that
  368. you are no longer seeing (Gamera)
  369. as how he died
  370. 6:38
  371. DrGodzilla120
  372. Wait, he died?
  373. 6:38
  374. ShodaiGoro
  375. ...
  376. 6:38
  377. Krazar77
  378. to make sure is disappearnce doesnt end up as bullshit
  379. 6:38
  380. ShodaiGoro
  381. >kills character
  382. >instead of fixing them
  383. 6:39
  384. Krazar77
  385. shodai
  386. 6:39
  387. ShodaiGoro
  388. >u w0t m8
  389. 6:39
  390. Krazar77
  391. dont start with me
  392. 6:39
  393. DrGodzilla120
  394. How did he die?
  395. 6:39
  396. Krazar77
  397. im trying my hardest not to get mad right now
  398. and i dont want you to provoke me
  399. we all know what happens when someone does
  400. he died like in gamera the brave
  401. was protecting a city
  402. was getting old
  403. faught swarms of gyaos
  404. two got lucky shots
  405. making it critical damage
  406. 6:40
  407. DrGodzilla120
  408. So...
  409. RP?
  410. 6:40
  411. Krazar77
  412. due to him being old
  413. 6:40
  414. Gallibon the Destroyer
  415. Sure thing.
  416. 6:40
  417. Krazar77
  418. and then realized if he didnt destroy the gyaos here and know
  419. 6:40
  420. Gallibon the Destroyer
  421. Also, sorry for getting you confused.
  422. 6:40
  423. DrGodzilla120
  424. Goro, are you here?
  425. 6:41
  426. ShodaiGoro
  427. Yes?
  428. 6:41
  429. Krazar77
  430. the city would be destroyed
  431. 6:41
  432. DrGodzilla120
  433. PM.
  434. 6:41
  435. Krazar77
  436. and so he blew himself up
  437. the end
  438. if rebooting gamera comes in
  439. im legit going to say
  440. nope sorry, i cant do a full grown gamera correctly
  441. 6:42
  442. Gallibon the Destroyer
  443. You could just retire the character, but you do what you feel like.
  444. 6:42
  445. Krazar77
  446. imma bout to be kicked in 3
  447. 2
  448. 1
  449. 6:42
  450. GarudaGoji
  451. Hmm....
  452. 6:42
  453. Krazar77
  454. nothing happend
  455. but anyway
  456. garuda continue
  457. in pm
  458. or just continue in live chat
  459. 6:43
  460. GarudaGoji
  461. I could try doing Gamera...
  462. But I may have to retcon another Gamera I have. But honestly here... I liked your portrayal of Gamera.
  463. 6:44
  464. Gallibon the Destroyer
  465. So else wants to RP?
  466. 6:44
  467. Krazar77
  468. chat didnt seem to
  469. if any gamera was something i would choose
  470. it would either be legiongam or irysgame
  471. but sense both are taken (i think)
  472. i cant
  473. but im just going to continue my current rp
  474. 6:47
  475. DrGodzilla120
  476. (??) *approaches Albany*
  477. Flaredragon00 has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  478. 6:48
  479. DrGodzilla120
  480. o/
  481. 6:48
  482. Krazar77
  483. (IDWghido)*is sent skitting back by the atomic breath, jumps into the air and flies towards the gojiran, turns around and slams his tail into (radogoji) before diving his heads at him*
  484. DrGodzilla120
  485. (??) *sits on a bench in a park in the city*
  486. 6:49
  487. GarudaGoji
  488. (G93) *ducks underneath the tail, and gets up before slamming his tail at the dive bombing ghidoran*
  489. Ghidorahnumber1 has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  490. 6:51
  491. GarudaGoji
  492. Hi
  493. 6:51
  494. Krazar77
  495. (IDWghido)*left and middile head are hit by the tail while the third bites onto the tail and flaps his wings, beginning to ascend hunderds of feet in the air*
  496. 6:52
  497. GarudaGoji
  498. (G93) <(!) *starts struggling*
  499. 6:54
  500. Krazar77
  501. (IDWghido)*flies over to a skyscraper and drops the gojiran, above the ruff*
  502. 6:56
  503. DrGodzilla120
  504. test
  505. 6:56
  506. Gallibon the Destroyer
  507. (Hardshell) *flies over to a building and scans the are*
  508. (Hardshell) <(Looks like the coast is clear.)
  509. 6:57
  510. Krazar77
  511. *area*
  512. 6:57
  513. DrGodzilla120
  514. (Bloodvolk) *lands on a skyscraper, viewing the nearby battle*
  515. (Cyber-Drakon) *lands next to the skyscraper, running a scan with his cybernetic eye*
  516. GarudaGoji has been captured by Growlcut's forces!
  517. 6:58
  518. Gallibon the Destroyer
  519. (Gamoni) *contacting Hardshell over a comunicator* <(Hardshell, come in Hardshell, do you ead me?)
  520. GarudaGoji has joined the fight against Growlcut!
  521. 6:58
  522. Gallibon the Destroyer
  523. *read
  524. (Hardshell) <(I read you.)
  525. (Gamoni) <(Alright. What's going on?)
  526. 6:59
  527. GarudaGoji
  528. (G93) *crashes onto the skyscrapper, crushing it due to his weight*
  529. 6:59
  530. Gallibon the Destroyer
  531. (Hardshell) <(A Gojiran and a new Ghidoran are fighting each other. It's glorious...)
  532. (Gamoni) <(Try not to get to comfortable watching the battle.)
  533. 7:01
  534. GarudaGoji
  535. (G93) *gets up, shaking head due to the impact. The Gojiran focuses on his target, and charges headfirst*
  536. 7:01
  537. Krazar77
  538. (IDWghido)*lands and charges, ready to show his awesome power to the king*
  539. (IDWghido)*turns around and slams his tail into his ribcage*
  540. 7:02
  541. DrGodzilla120
  542. (Cyber-Drakon) Which is the good guy?
  543. (Bloodvolk) *shrugs*
  544. 7:03
  545. GarudaGoji
  546. (G93) *grunts, taking the impact of the attack before staggering back*
  547. 7:04
  548. Krazar77
  549. (IDWghido)*slams his middile head into the gojirans face, acting like a fist, does an uppercut with his right head*
  550. 7:05
  551. GarudaGoji
  552. (G93) *is hit by the first attack, but surprisingly blocks the second attack*
  553. (g93) *gives out a twin claw slash before sending him away with a tail slam*
  554. 7:05
  555. DrGodzilla120
  556. (Bloodvolk) ...What should we do here?
  557. (Cyber-Drakon) I have no clue.
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