
KillionGaming's Chat Logs

Oct 13th, 2012
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  1. §f §f §1 §0 §2 §4§f §f §4 §0 §9 §6§f §f §2 §0 §4 §8§3 §9 §2 §0 §0 §1§3 §9 §2 §0 §0 §2§3 §9 §2 §0 §0 §3§0§0§1§f§e§0§0§2§f§e§0§0§3§4§5§6§7§8§f§e§0§1§0§1§2§f§f§0§1§3§4§f§f§0§1§5§f§f§0§1§6§f§f§0§1§8§9§a§b§f§f§0§1§7§f§f
  2. §2Welcome to Killion Detention Center.
  3. §4Website:§2
  4. [§eC§f] chunzi§f§f:§7 fuck out
  5. [§d§oCitizen§f] §fShizudo§f§f:§7 Someone should come venture with me in Free
  6. [§eC§f] taybeebug§f§f:§7 how do u get a pick
  7. [§eC§f] herobrine9779§f§f:§7 i just wanted to show u it
  8. §7§2iMineALotoGold§f took their own life
  9. [§eC§f] Aaron04§f§f:§7 skype anyone?
  10. [§dFree§f] IrishMonkeys7§f§f:§7 Me
  11. §d[Server] sleepingpanda12 has quit Prestige! They are now back to Free rank!
  12. [§dFree§f] IrishMonkeys7§f§f:§7 :3
  13. [§dFree§f] IrishMonkeys7§f§f:§7 RAge!
  14. [§d§oCitizen§f] §2iMineALotoGold§f§f:§7 Booo
  15. [§dFree§f] §5sleepingpanda12§f§f:§7 i needed to quit
  16. [§3A§f] hunter711§f§f:§7 Shizudo I would if I was free...
  17. [§d§oCitizen§f] §2iMineALotoGold§f§f:§7 Quiters
  18. [§5Elite§f] Doc_Monkey§f§f:§7 ok follow
  19. [§eC§f] Aaron04§f§f:§7 my skype name is aaron0447
  20. [§2B§f] Draklord351§f§f:§7 can we get a gaurd in cell bolck B
  21. [§3A§f] mwell777§f§f:§7 1 sec
  22. [§3A§f] golddigger69§f§f:§7 lol
  23. §7IrishMonkeys7§f took their own life
  24. §7chunzi§f took their own life
  25. [§3A§f] mwell777§f§f:§7 give it
  26. [§eC§f] epic3ninja§f§f:§7 bakurra has sword
  27. [§eC§f] Summit_Elite§f§f:§7 I miss /killion </3
  28. [§dFree§f] jscoyotes7§f§f:§7 no
  29. §c[PvP] §9herobrine9779§f§c got slayed for combat logging with §9Aaron04§f
  30. [§3A§f] mwell777§f§f:§7 y?
  31. [§eC§f] epic3ninja§f§f:§7 Someone help!
  32. [§5Elite§f] Doc_Monkey§f§f:§7 mwell
  33. §7iMineV2§f took their own life
  34. [§3A§f] mwell777§f§f:§7 ya?
  35. §7hunter711§f took their own life
  36. §79erthetechie§f took their own life
  37. [§3A§f] mwell777§f§f:§7 dude plz
  38. [§eC§f] liamrox27§f§f:§7 Jets do you have any wood?
  39. [§5Elite§f] gamernicole2§f§f:§7 hey kat
  40. [§5Elite§f] JackRay123§f§f:§7 Cya guys!
  41. [§eC§f] fortune789§f§f:§7 hello
  42. [§dFree§f] jscoyotes7§f§f:§7 givem me money
  43. [§3A§f] crazyfrog29§f§f:§7 type /rankup
  44. [§3A§f] Carsanium§f§f:§7 Whats bane of arthropods
  45. [§5Elite§f] deathhog119§f§f:§7 Fuck you goldigger and jimbojnes you can suck my dic
  46. [§dFree§f] VolcomShadow77§f§f:§7 Cya jack
  47. §bmjo123 §ahas been promoted to the rank of: §9B-Prisoner
  48. [§eC§f] bobbinkin§f§f:§7 sui
  49. §8* §bFortune789 has joined NTMA
  50. [§3A§f] mwell777§f§f:§7 1k
  51. [§eC§f] Summit_Elite§f§f:§7 Gz mate.
  52. [§dFree§f] goldenpalkia§f§f:§7 Gratz.
  53. [§2B§f] Spinmaster§f§f:§7 gratz
  54. [§5Elite§f] JackRay123§f§f:§7 Bye
  55. [§3A§f] §1sveinn0731§f§f:§7 gz!
  56. [§2B§f] potterstu94§f§f:§7 gz!
  57. [§2B§f] mjo123§f§f:§7 :D
  58. [§5Elite§f] Doc_Monkey§f§f:§7 no
  59. [§d§oCitizen§f] §2iMineALotoGold§f§f:§7 Can i get an exploit check on something
  60. [§3A§f] Carsanium§f§f:§7 Whats bane of arthropods
  61. [§dFree§f] VolcomShadow77§f§f:§7 gz
  62. [§dFree§f] goldenpalkia§f§f:§7 S[oder da,age/
  63. [§dFree§f] VolcomShadow77§f§f:§7 Jack?
  64. [§5Elite§f] Doc_Monkey§f§f:§7 dont do it
  65. [§eC§f] epic3ninja§f§f:§7 test
  66. [§eC§f] joyfox§f§f:§7 Gz!
  67. [§eC§f] Summit_Elite§f§f:§7 Is la.g at like 80%?
  68. [§2B§f] Zericron§f§f:§7 Guards, B, Now!
  69. [§5Elite§f] Doc_Monkey§f§f:§7 mwell
  70. [§d§oCitizen§f] §2iMineALotoGold§f§f:§7 Dont bypass chat filter
  71. [§6Chat Mod§f] §f__CoolBeans__§f§f: §dDon't bypass the chat filter
  72. [§eC§f] Lasias§f§f:§7 That parkour?
  73. §7deathhog119§f took their own life
  74. [§2B§f] Zericron§f§f:§7 Thanks.
  75. [§3A§f] mwell777§f§f:§7 ya?
  76. [§3A§f] hunter711§f§f:§7 Don't bypass the chat/
  77. §7§b_Ricky_§f took their own life
  78. [§eC§f] Summit_Elite§f§f:§7 oho, my apologizes...
  79. [§dFree§f] IrishMonkeys7§f§f:§7 Anyone buying wool?
  80. [§d§oCitizen§f] §2iMineALotoGold§f§f:§7 Dont bypas cat filter
  81. [§5Elite§f] ohiostateman§f§f:§7 Back
  82. [§d§oCitizen§f] §fShizudo§f§f:§7 Yes
  83. [§3A§f] Carsanium§f§f:§7 Whats bane enchant?
  84. [§d§oCitizen§f] §2iMineALotoGold§f§f:§7 IrishMonkeys7 i am
  85. [§2B§f] SGLRSM§f§f:§7 5k to go till A :)
  86. [§5Elite§f] Captain_Waff1es§f§f:§7 What happens if you say that word?
  87. [§d§oCitizen§f] §6TheAwes0me§f§f:§7 Carsanium it helps with killing spider.
  88. [§eC§f] Aaron04§f§f:§7 skype anyone
  89. [§dFree§f] IrishMonkeys7§f§f:§7 Ok
  90. [§dFree§f] jscoyotes7§f§f:§7 lol
  91. [§3A§f] mwell777§f§f:§7 give it
  92. [§3A§f] Carsanium§f§f:§7 Oh that sucks
  93. [§eC§f] Summit_Elite§f§f:§7 I think if one person would tell me to stop, I'd get the memo -.-
  94. [§3A§f] hunter711§f§f:§7 I'm selling it, iMine. How much?
  95. [§dFree§f] IrishMonkeys7§f§f:§7 1.35k
  96. [§3A§f] mr_penguin11§f§f:§7 Selling Protection 3 Diamond Chest pm me if Intrested
  97. [§3A§f] mr_penguin11§f§f:§7 Selling Protection 3 Diamond Chest pm me if Intrested
  98. [§5Elite§f] Doc_Monkey§f§f:§7 i hate u
  99. [§d§oCitizen§f] §2iMineALotoGold§f§f:§7 1450 a stack
  100. [§eC§f] Aaron04§f§f:§7 my skype name is aaron0447
  101. [§3A§f] olddogsnappy§f§f:§7 sure in courtyard
  102. [§d§oCitizen§f] §2iMineALotoGold§f§f:§7 Okay 1.35
  103. [§dFree§f] IrishMonkeys7§f§f:§7 iMineALotoGold Were?
  104. [§d§oCitizen§f] §2iMineALotoGold§f§f:§7 Where u like
  105. §c[PvP] §9JMOORE7101§f§c got slayed for combat logging with §9Wolffang2000§f
  106. [§dFree§f] IrishMonkeys7§f§f:§7 Nu
  107. [§eC§f] Lasias§f§f:§7 I got no money xD How I get money?
  108. [§eC§f] liamrox27§f§f:§7 ANyone have food?
  109. §7bam780§f took their own life
  110. [§eC§f] epic3ninja§f§f:§7 How do we get money>
  111. [§dFree§f] IrishMonkeys7§f§f:§7 1.45k
  112. [§d§oCitizen§f] §2iMineALotoGold§f§f:§7 Free Spawn
  113. [§dFree§f] IrishMonkeys7§f§f:§7 :3
  114. [§d§oCitizen§f] §2iMineALotoGold§f§f:§7 1.35k
  115. [§d§oCitizen§f] §6TheAwes0me§f§f:§7 Lasias mine, chop and fish then sell the items you get to the C block shop or the BM.
  116. [§d§oCitizen§f] §2iMineALotoGold§f§f:§7 LAst offer
  117. [§dFree§f] IrishMonkeys7§f§f:§7 In donor its 1.6k
  118. [§d§oCitizen§f] §6TheAwes0me§f§f:§7 epic3ninja mine, chop and fish then sell the items you get to the C block shop or the BM.
  119. [§dFree§f] IrishMonkeys7§f§f:§7 No
  120. [§3A§f-§9Guard§f] IonCommand§f§f:§7 You can get money by selling resources from the mines in the shop.
  121. [§eC§f] Jrdonut123§f§f:§7 YO
  122. [§d§oCitizen§f] §2iMineALotoGold§f§f:§7 Compermis 1.4
  123. [§2B§f] Secret_Ice§f§f:§7 bounty
  124. [§6Chat Mod§f] §fAzureShadow1§f§f: §dHello People.
  125. [§eC§f] Jrdonut123§f§f:§7 yo thelord
  126. [§dFree§f] IrishMonkeys7§f§f:§7 Hai Azure
  127. [§5Elite§f] ohiostateman§f§f:§7 Hi Azure
  128. [§3A§f-§9Guard§f] IonCommand§f§f:§7 Hello Azure!
  129. [§d§oCitizen§f] §2iMineALotoGold§f§f:§7 So
  130. [§d§oCitizen§f] §2iMineALotoGold§f§f:§7 Deal or No deal
  131. [§dFree§f] IrishMonkeys7§f§f:§7 1.4k?
  132. [§dFree§f] §6CrazyDisney321§f§f:§7 Hi Azure :P
  133. [§eC§f] TheLordOfEpic§f§f:§7 ye
  134. [§3A§f] hunter711§f§f:§7 hi azure!
  135. [§d§oCitizen§f] §2iMineALotoGold§f§f:§7 1.4k/stack
  136. [§eC§f] Lasias§f§f:§7 Who are the guards?
  137. [§eC§f] alexmellado§f§f:§7 Hello Azure
  138. [§dFree§f] IrishMonkeys7§f§f:§7 Sure
  139. §7TheMikeChen§f took their own life
  140. [§dFree§f] §b_Ricky_§f§f:§7 what is wrong with this server :/ its soo slow :/
  141. [§dFree§f] IrishMonkeys7§f§f:§7 Do you have a shop?
  142. [§d§oCitizen§f] §2iMineALotoGold§f§f:§7 Meet at free spawn
  143. [§6Chat Mod§f] §fAzureShadow1§f§f: §dLasias, type /clan roster g to find out.
  144. [§d§oCitizen§f] §6TheAwes0me§f§f:§7 Lasias they have chain armor and are in /clan roster g.
  145. [§3A§f-§9Guard§f] IonCommand§f§f:§7 mistress sword please
  146. [§d§oCitizen§f] §6TheAwes0me§f§f:§7 Azure ._.
  147. [§3A§f-§9Guard§f] IonCommand§f§f:§7 5
  148. [§eC§f] greg525§f§f:§7 can someone give me 10k?
  149. [§3A§f-§9Guard§f] IonCommand§f§f:§7 4
  150. [§6Chat Mod§f] §f__CoolBeans__§f§f: §dLasias guards have a blue name above their head and have chainmail armor
  151. [§d§oCitizen§f] §fShizudo§f§f:§7 And have a Blue name TheAwes0me
  152. [§3A§f] olddogsnappy§f§f:§7 tcji or wat ever where r u im here in courtyard
  153. §7joriwodi§f took their own life
  154. [§3A§f] mr_penguin11§f§f:§7 how do u invite someone 2 a trade
  155. [§2B§f] Secret_Ice§f§f:§7 Good night all... and may all have a good night.
  156. [§eC§f] twitsy§f§f:§7 team up llshelrock
  157. [§5Elite§f] deathhog119§f§f:§7 Exactly _ricky_ and i lost all my good shit because of it
  158. [§3A§f-§9Guard§f] IonCommand§f§f:§7 diamond sword please
  159. [§d§oCitizen§f] §6TheAwes0me§f§f:§7 mr_penguin11 /trade is disabled.
  160. [§d§oCitizen§f] §2iMineALotoGold§f§f:§7 How many satcks you have
  161. [§dFree§f] IrishMonkeys7§f§f:§7 I have 22 stacks
  162. [§eC§f] TheLordOfEpic§f§f:§7 hey where is an crafting table
  163. [§d§oCitizen§f] §6TheAwes0me§f§f:§7 Night Secret
  164. [§eC§f] twitsy§f§f:§7 team up llshelrock
  165. [§6Chat Mod§f] §fAzureShadow1§f§f: §dGuys, I'll be on later.
  166. [§d§oCitizen§f] §2iMineALotoGold§f§f:§7 Okay
  167. [§dFree§f] fly4me§f§f:§7 hi
  168. [§dFree§f] IrishMonkeys7§f§f:§7 :3
  169. [§dFree§f] MistressMelody§f§f:§7 dindt ask first >.>
  170. [§3A§f] mr_penguin11§f§f:§7 aww
  171. [§3A§f-§9Guard§f] IonCommand§f§f:§7 mistress, diamond sword please
  172. [§3A§f-§9Guard§f] IonCommand§f§f:§7 5
  173. [§d§oCitizen§f] §6TheAwes0me§f§f:§7 Seee ya Azure
  174. [§3A§f-§9Guard§f] IonCommand§f§f:§7 4
  175. [§6Chat Mod§f] §fAzureShadow1§f§f: §dDon't miss me too much.
  176. [§3A§f-§9Guard§f] IonCommand§f§f:§7 3
  177. [§dFree§f] §6CrazyDisney321§f§f:§7 cya azure :)
  178. [§d§oCitizen§f] §6TheAwes0me§f§f:§7 I'll try
  179. [§3A§f-§9Guard§f] IonCommand§f§f:§7 2
  180. [§dFree§f] IrishMonkeys7§f§f:§7 I wont
  181. [§3A§f-§9Guard§f] IonCommand§f§f:§7 1
  182. [§5Elite§f] deathhog119§f§f:§7 Golddigger you suck cock
  183. [§3A§f] mwell777§f§f:§7 armor
  184. [§eC§f] twitsy§f§f:§7 team up llshelrock?
  185. [§d§oCitizen§f] §2iMineALotoGold§f§f:§7 IrishMonkeys7 follow
  186. [§6Chat Mod§f] §fAzureShadow1§f§f: §dBe respectful death.
  187. [§d§oCitizen§f] §fShizudo§f§f:§7 Be nice deathhog119.
  188. [§3A§f] Carsanium§f§f:§7 Selling Bane 1 sword in starpen a for 1.2k
  189. [§eC§f] biges11§f§f:§7 u bum
  190. §cYou do not have access to that command.
  191. [§3A§f] olddogsnappy§f§f:§7 ok then im in it meet me in courtyard
  192. §2[§fMoney§2] §2Balance: §f1,956,734,380.92 Dollars
  193. §7crackedcode§f took their own life
  194. §dmac517§f§d has entered the detention center!
  195. [§eC§f] Summit_Elite§f§f:§7 you have like no-push or some shit..
  196. §c[PvP] §9Lasias§f§c got slayed for combat logging with §9IonCommand§f
  197. [§3A§f] Carsanium§f§f:§7 Selling Bane 1 sword in starpen a for 1.2k
  198. §c[PvP] §9corbintheninja§f§c got slayed for combat logging with §9KraZy1818§f
  199. §7§axSTUDx§f took their own life
  200. [§eC§f] sloogan§f§f:§7 PENIS no caps
  201. §cYou need §935000 §cto purchase the rank of: §9A-Prisoner
  202. [§6Chat Mod§f] §fAzureShadow1§f§f: §dNo-Push is disabled in 1.3.
  203. [§3A§f-§9Guard§f] IonCommand§f§f:§7 sorry tcj
  204. [§3A§f] tcj123§f§f:§7 its k
  205. §7IzDaShiz2000§f took their own life
  206. [§eC§f] sloogan§f§f:§7 PENIS no caps
  207. [§3A§f] hunter711§f§f:§7 Yay killion
  208. [§6Chat Mod§f] §fAzureShadow1§f§f: §dsloogan, be appropriate.
  209. [§d§oCitizen§f] §6TheAwes0me§f§f:§7 Azure you shall never leave.
  210. [§eC§f] chunzi§f§f:§7 killion online
  211. [§eC§f] Summit_Elite§f§f:§7 Azure, on the d
  212. [§dFree§f] IrishMonkeys7§f§f:§7 Up here
  213. [§eC§f] sloogan§f§f:§7 PRIVATES no capse ? ;D
  214. [§6Chat Mod§f] §fAzureShadow1§f§f: §dI kow.
  215. [§6Chat Mod§f] §fAzureShadow1§f§f: §dsloogan, please don't do that.
  216. [§3A§f-§9Guard§f] IonCommand§f§f:§7 sabuh
  217. [§dFree§f] jimbojones10§f§f:§7 you two vs me
  218. [§6Chat Mod§f] §fAzureShadow1§f§f: §dknow*
  219. §7§axSTUDx§f took their own life
  220. §2[§fMoney§2] §2AzureShadow1's Balance: §f500,000.00 Dollars
  221. §c[PvP] §9Zombifobic1352§f§c got slayed for combat logging with §9twitsy§f
  222. §7klixkarizma§f took their own life
  223. [§3A§f] hunter711§f§f:§7 Sloogan. are you really that immature?
  224. [§eC§f] Jrdonut123§f§f:§7 you stoll my stuff
  225. [§dFree§f] joriwodi§f§f:§7 kow?
  226. [§eC§f] sloogan§f§f:§7 :C
  227. [§eC§f] xzoo98§f§f:§7 i need food
  228. [§3A§f-§9Guard§f] IonCommand§f§f:§7 sword please
  229. [§eC§f] sloogan§f§f:§7 fine
  230. [§dFree§f] jimbojones10§f§f:§7 you two vs me
  231. §dc_loz_12§f§d has entered the detention center!
  232. [§3A§f-§9Guard§f] IonCommand§f§f:§7 nvm
  233. [§eC§f] sloogan§f§f:§7 fine
  234. [§dFree§f] IrishMonkeys7§f§f:§7 iMineALotoGold Up here
  235. [§eC§f] duke4733§f§f:§7 so slow
  236. §7tootybob§f took their own life
  237. §7tootybob§f took their own life
  238. [§dFree§f] tootybob§f§f:§7 wow
  239. §7§aThe_Lone_Sheep§f took their own life
  240. §7tootybob§f took their own life
  241. [§eC§f] bakurra§f§f:§7 suicide
  242. [§d§oCitizen§f] §2iMineALotoGold§f§f:§7 IrishMonkeys7 foolow
  243. [§dFree§f] VolcomShadow77§f§f:§7 hey]
  244. [§3A§f] Carsanium§f§f:§7 Hello killion
  245. [§dFree§f] IrishMonkeys7§f§f:§7 Please dun trap me
  246. §7tootybob§f took their own life
  247. [§dFree§f] tootybob§f§f:§7 finally
  248. [§eC§f] duke4733§f§f:§7 wont let me eat
  249. [§eC§f] klixkarizma§f§f:§7 eaergaerg
  250. [§d§oCitizen§f] §fShizudo§f§f:§7 No suicide spam tootybob.
  251. [§dFree§f] jscoyotes7§f§f:§7 talk in privite chat
  252. [§dFree§f] IrishMonkeys7§f§f:§7 :D
  253. §7bakurra§f took their own life
  254. [§dFree§f] §axSTUDx§f§f:§7 look at my hat
  255. [§dFree§f] IrishMonkeys7§f§f:§7 Thank you sir
  256. [§eC§f] Lasias§f§f:§7 Prison fight!
  257. [§eC§f] twitsy§f§f:§7 how do i become a guard
  258. [§d§oCitizen§f] §2iMineALotoGold§f§f:§7 np
  259. [§dFree§f] IrishMonkeys7§f§f:§7 Nice place
  260. [§3A§f-§9Guard§f] IonCommand§f§f:§7 Apply at the Killion forum page.
  261. [§dFree§f] §axSTUDx§f§f:§7 look at my hat
  262. [§d§oCitizen§f] §2iMineALotoGold§f§f:§7 You can keep using that
  263. [§dFree§f] IrishMonkeys7§f§f:§7 Ok
  264. [§eC§f] Summit_Elite§f§f:§7 Azure, on the dt
  265. [§3A§f] Carsanium§f§f:§7 Selling bane 1 sword in Starpen A for 1.2k
  266. [§d§oCitizen§f] §2iMineALotoGold§f§f:§7 Buying Wool 1410
  267. [§dFree§f] IrishMonkeys7§f§f:§7 Thanks for not trapping me xD
  268. [§3A§f] tcj123§f§f:§7 =)
  269. [§3A§f-§9Guard§f] IonCommand§f§f:§7 sabuhajah sword please
  270. [§3A§f-§9Guard§f] IonCommand§f§f:§7 5
  271. [§d§oCitizen§f] §2iMineALotoGold§f§f:§7 Lol i dont do that
  272. [§3A§f] Carsanium§f§f:§7 Selling bane 1 sword in Starpen A for 1.2k Msg me
  273. [§3A§f-§9Guard§f] IonCommand§f§f:§7 4
  274. [§3A§f-§9Guard§f] IonCommand§f§f:§7 3
  275. §c[PvP] §9_LoneEagle_§f§c got slayed for combat logging with §9shcoot§f
  276. [§3A§f-§9Guard§f] IonCommand§f§f:§7 2
  277. [§dFree§f] IrishMonkeys7§f§f:§7 I know i trust you
  278. [§3A§f-§9Guard§f] IonCommand§f§f:§7 1
  279. [§3A§f] tcj123§f§f:§7 ty
  280. [§3A§f] Carsanium§f§f:§7 Selling bane 1 sword in Starpen A for 1.2k Msg me
  281. [§dFree§f] IrishMonkeys7§f§f:§7 Well now i do
  282. [§3A§f] tcj123§f§f:§7 lol
  283. [§dFree§f] garbagecan56§f§f:§7 Then there was Garbage
  284. [§dFree§f] §5sleepingpanda12§f§f:§7 o.O
  285. [§dFree§f] VolcomShadow77§f§f:§7 k
  286. [§eC§f] Summit_Elite§f§f:§7 Let's start a riot :D
  287. [§dFree§f] IrishMonkeys7§f§f:§7 Lets not :D
  288. [§2B§f] Zericron§f§f:§7 Ah hell no.
  289. [§5Elite§f] Doc_Monkey§f§f:§7 never mind have to go
  290. [§3A§f] Carsanium§f§f:§7 Bane 1 starpen A msg Prices
  291. [§3A§f-§9Guard§f] IonCommand§f§f:§7 Let's.. not
  292. [§eC§f] Lasias§f§f:§7 Lets start a RIOT!
  293. [§2B§f] Draklord351§f§f:§7 you will need to trow a chair to start a roit
  294. [§eC§f] AeM1n3TuRtL3§f§f:§7 hell yeah
  295. [§dFree§f] jimbojones10§f§f:§7 we cool bryan
  296. [§3A§f] hunter711§f§f:§7 Let's not and say we did.
  297. [§dFree§f] §axSTUDx§f§f:§7 do /hat and you will get any block an your head if doner
  298. [§eC§f] Lasias§f§f:§7 Nice Hunter
  299. [§3A§f] Carsanium§f§f:§7 Mr Penguin wanna buy a bane 1 swoes
  300. [§3A§f] hunter711§f§f:§7 Yeah.
  301. [§5Elite§f] Doc_Monkey§f§f:§7 itrs dead
  302. [§3A§f] mr_penguin11§f§f:§7 how much
  303. [§3A§f] mwell777§f§f:§7 ok
  304. [§3A§f-§9Guard§f] IonCommand§f§f:§7 IzDa sword please
  305. [§3A§f-§9Guard§f] IonCommand§f§f:§7 5
  306. [§3A§f-§9Guard§f] IonCommand§f§f:§7 4
  307. [§2B§f] IzDaShiz2000§f§f:§7 no
  308. [§3A§f] Carsanium§f§f:§7 1.2k for swors
  309. [§3A§f-§9Guard§f] IonCommand§f§f:§7 3
  310. [§3A§f-§9Guard§f] IonCommand§f§f:§7 2
  311. §7iMineV2§f took their own life
  312. [§3A§f] hunter711§f§f:§7 I started a rebellion like....20 times. Or did I?
  313. [§3A§f-§9Guard§f] IonCommand§f§f:§7 1
  314. §c[MineResets] §aThe mines reset in 7 minutes.
  315. [§3A§f] mr_penguin11§f§f:§7 wat enchant again
  316. [§dFree§f] §bindydc65§f§f:§7 buying s4f2 msg me
  317. [§eC§f] Summit_Elite§f§f:§7 Gimme some meat
  318. [§3A§f-§9Guard§f] IonCommand§f§f:§7 Thank you ma'am :P
  319. §d01brhodes§f§d has entered the detention center!
  320. [§3A§f] Carsanium§f§f:§7 Bane 1
  321. [§eC§f] Summit_Elite§f§f:§7 Gimme some meat!
  322. [§eC§f] liamrox27§f§f:§7 Give me a peice please?
  323. [§3A§f] mr_penguin11§f§f:§7 sure
  324. §dBryceCorp§f§d has entered the detention center!
  325. [§3A§f] Carsanium§f§f:§7 Wait... 2k
  326. [§eC§f] Summit_Elite§f§f:§7 I said now!
  327. [§dFree§f] NinjaGinja23§f§f:§7 *_* Buying DIAMONDS in the Black Market: Pumpkin SECTION *_*
  328. [§3A§f] Carsanium§f§f:§7 Wait... 2k
  329. [§eC§f] liamrox27§f§f:§7 Give me a peice?
  330. [§5Elite§f] gamernicole2§f§f:§7 sup bro
  331. [§3A§f] Carsanium§f§f:§7 I need 2k sorry Mr Penguin
  332. [§eC§f] crafty1301§f§f:§7 y
  333. [§eC§f] liamrox27§f§f:§7 I want one peice
  334. [§d§oCitizen§f] §2iMineALotoGold§f§f:§7 Buying Wool 1410/stack
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