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Milo's Twitch Stream 9/13

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Sep 13th, 2014
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  1. "So cute to see a virgin playing games."
  3. Well not quite, sweetheart.
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  7. "What caused you to take an interest in GamerGate?"
  9. It's something that somebody else posted on twitter a while ago and it was really interesting to me; it was a comment under one of my pieces. What's happening with what you guys call 'Social Justice Warriors' - which I've reported on when they've attacked in other sectors - what's happening in gaming is exactly what happened in the other disciplines. It's happened in the fantasy worlds, it's happened in comic books, it's happened in politics. It's happened in a lot of different areas.
  11. But what's different about this is I've never really seen a pushback like I've seen from you, the gamers. Nobody's ever really had the balls to stand up and say "No actually, what you're doing is destructive, most of it's not true, most of it's unfair and it doesn't really reflect who we are and how we feel about things, and what you're doing is poisonous". I saw that and I sympathized with it because I've seen it happen elsewhere.
  13. As many of you know I was not the most complimentary person about games, but I've realized there are some real bad guys in gaming and it's not you guys.
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  17. Someone told me to oppress the red button. The only people I like to oppress are humorless lefties.
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  21. "Patriarchy? More like Gaytriarchy".
  23. There should be a gaytriarchy, because if there was a gaytriarchy everyone would dress nicely.
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  27. I'm getting the hang of this now, I'm going to beat you all at this shit.
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  31. "Is there any way you can clear up what happened to your startup? They like to throw that around as proof you're scum."
  33. Sure I can [...] What I tried to do was build an online magazine. I was very arrogant and I thought I could manage all the finances myself, I screwed it up massively so people were very late getting paid, one of them even felt like they needed to go to an employment tribunal type thing, I don't know what you call it in the US. It was a horrible situation, but I paused the company, I went and got a job, and I went and paid everyone back personally, and I restarted the business with new investors and ended up selling it and there was a very happy end to the story.
  35. There was a journalist in the Guardian, which I think is where most of the stories come from, who I was very antagonistic about who I had written about in an unpleasant way; he obviously was waiting for me to make a mistake and quite enjoyed it when I did.
  37. There's no great scandal there, certainly not something that I am ashamed about aside from the fact that I think I was arrogant [...] It's easier to try to laugh at people who try to start companies and it doesn't work out the first time or goes through rough patches when they've never really started anything themselves, and I have a limited degree of sympathy with that. It's wanting to create something and build something and create jobs and it doesn't really work out versus somebody who sets up a kickstarter page and paints themselves as a victim and gets free money from people who feel sorry for them: I know which of those two sorts of people I would admire more.
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  41. The thing about journalists, we don't do it for the money, I think it's because we like to catch out bad guys. It's the thrill of the chase, it's kind of like dogs with bones when we see people doing wrong, and I think it's very clear for me that the Zoe Quinns and the Anita Sarkeesians of the world are being very destructive.
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  45. "It's like watching a caveman pick up a club for the first time" Thank you, fuck off Jeremy.
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  49. "What do you think of the other races?"
  51. Do you mean.... do you mean umm.... black people? Well I'm pretty into black guys and asians sexually speaking. I don't think much about it outside my own sexual preferences, I don't tend to date white guys. Only if they're American.
  53. --- --- ---
  55. I have never really noticed anything I would call journalism in the videogaming industry. It's the same with tech bloggers and startups. You notice a lot of the same matey, blokey, same old people complimenting the same old people type stuff [...] A lot of what they do isn't really journalism at all. A lot more of what you guys are doing looks like professional journalism than what they do. The thoroughness and fact-checking, I mean you don't always get everything right, but you get it right a lot more than they do.
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  59. "Do you still think being gay is wrong?"
  61. It's interesting there's so many questions about that. Well... I think anybody who discovers that they're gay is lying if they don't admit they wrestle with that problem. It's one of the reasons I get really annoyed with these white middle class spoiled brat feminist girls and I think to myself, "How have you really suffered in life?" Someone cat-called you in the street once, well try growing up gay and thinking there's something biologically or morally wrong with you, like pipe the fuck down sweetheart. But that's like the minority olympics I guess.
  63. I don't think it's wrong. If I were to be completely honest I would not choose to be gay, and I think most people if they're really honest wouldn't choose it, and I certainly wouldn't want it for my kids.
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  67. "How would you suggest us handle people doing false flags?"
  69. To be honest with you, they're so obvious, and I saw this stuff [...] "I love rape", and I thought to myself, this bears so little relation to the people I've seen and the people that I know and have spoken to. Obviously you always have the lunatics on both sides, but I thought it was just so implausible, that the only reaction is to completely ignore it and show it no attention whatsoever.
  71. And if journalists are so stupid and so credulous that they're going to accept what Zoe Quinn says and not realize there's anything up, they're probably not people you can get to anyway, so I wouldn't worry about it.
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  75. I have had messages from other journalists saying why are you even bothering with this what's the point why get involved in this? And I just thought it was a good thing to do. It is a worthwhile mission and I am happy to join you on it because I think you're in the right. I've just had a little glimpse into this world and some of the lovely people in it, and I would hate for it to become damaged and demoralized and become this depressed morbid and terrible place, which has happened to politics and it's happened to other industries and I think you guys have a really good shot at keeping your world sacrosanct and understanding when there are reasonable questions and understanding when some people are just being dicks. Some of the people you are dealing with right now are dicks and if I can help you with that then I'd be happy to. It's not a politics thing, they're just awful people.
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  79. "Do you feel like people you don't agree with, such as Zoe, have a place in the game community and if so, where and what?"
  81. Yeah of course they do, but I think it's maybe not as front and center prominent as they have at the moment. Some of us have ideas why that is, why that might be the case. I think when someone draws attention to themselves through unpleasant behavior, when somebody lies when somebody is behaving in an unattractive way for attention and courting sympathy and attention and pity and in the back pockets of journalists and a lot of attention for bad products and around themselves, it's not a good thing, and they deserve to be called out if they're behaving in immoral ways, which I think we know that they are.
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  85. "Do you need a spooning buddy?"
  87. Spooning? You mean like in bed? Yeah, the more the merrier.
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  91. "Top or bottom?"
  93. That's too much information, we only just met.
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  97. "That pigeon is a rapist."
  99. Now now, no allegations. That's for the other side.
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