

Sep 19th, 2014
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  1. Understand this, Erik...
  2. These Nazis, I'm not like them.
  3. Genes are the key, yes?
  4. But their goals?
  5. Blue eyes? Blond Hair? Pathetic.
  6. Eat the chocolate.
  7. It's good.
  8. Want some?
  9. I want to see my mama.
  10. Genes are the key that unlocks
  11. the door to a new age, Erik.
  12. A new future for mankind.
  13. Evolution.
  14. You know what I'm talking about?
  15. It's a simple thing I ask of you.
  16. A little coin is nothing
  17. compared to a big gate.
  18. Is it?
  19. Ja.
  20. I tried, Herr Doctor.
  21. I can't... I don't...
  22. It's impossible.
  23. The one thing I can say for the Nazis is their
  24. methods seem to produce results.
  25. I'm sorry, Erik.
  26. Mama!
  27. My darling.
  28. How are you?
  29. Here's what we're going to do.
  30. I'm going to count to three...
  31. ...and you're going to move the coin.
  32. You don't move the coin, I pull the trigger.
  33. Understand?
  34. One
  35. Mama.
  36. You can do it.
  37. Two
  38. Everything is all right.
  39. Three.
  40. Yes. Wonderful.
  41. Excellent.
  42. Nein!
  43. Outstanding, Erik.
  44. So we unlock your gift with anger.
  45. Anger and pain.
  46. You and me...
  47. ...we're going to have a lot of fun together.
  52. Possession of that gold is illegal.
  53. I should inform the police.
  54. Let's not play this game.
  55. Where did you get it?
  56. A friend.
  57. He recommended your bank most highly.
  58. I see.
  59. Do you know our terms, sir?
  60. Yes.
  61. And you should know mine.
  62. This gold is what remains of my people.
  63. Melted from their possessions.
  64. Torn from their teeth.
  65. This is blood money.
  66. And you're going to help me find the
  67. bastards responsible for it.
  68. Don't touch that alarm.
  69. I want Schmidt. Klaus Schmidt.
  70. Where is he?
  71. Our clients don't provide
  72. addresses. We're not...
  73. Not that sort of bank?
  74. Metal fillings, eh?
  75. Not gold.
  76. Worried someone might steal them?
  77. Argentina! Schmidt is in Argentina!
  78. Villa Gesell! Please!
  79. Thank you.
  80. I would love to kill you.
  81. So mark my words.
  82. If you warn anyone I'm coming...
  83. I will find you.
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