

Jun 20th, 2019
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  1. Life in the Village 1.11 to Life in the Village 1.0.0
  3. Added:
  4. - Akashic Tome
  5. - Charm
  6. - Comforts
  7. - Compressed Items
  8. - FTB Utilities: Backups
  9. - LLibrary
  10. - Rats
  12. Updated:
  14. Minecraft Forge (went from 1.12.2- to 1.12.2-
  16. AutoRegLib (went from AutoRegLib-1.3-28.jar to AutoRegLib-1.3-30.jar):
  17. AutoRegLib-1.3-30.jar:
  18. - Added an unlisted blockstate property
  19. AutoRegLib-1.3-29.jar:
  20. - Fixed using right click to add items leaving client artifacts behind.
  22. Better Questing - Standard Expansion (went from StandardExpansion-3.4.158.jar to StandardExpansion-3.4.159.jar):
  23. StandardExpansion-3.4.159.jar:
  24. Fixed right clicking with entity interact task
  26. Added JEI support to several tasks (yes... I'm sorry it took so long)
  28. NOTE: Using JEI to looking up items obtainable via rewards won't be re-added due to planned network sync changes. Put simply the client side won't have a complete quest database to search through so there's no point in providing an incomplete response.
  30. Chance Cubes (went from ChanceCubes 1.12.2- to ChanceCubes-1.12.2
  31. ChanceCubes-1.12.2
  32. Change log [http://blog.theprogrammingturkey.com/2019/03/20/chance-cubes-v4-0-0-change-log/](https://minecraft.curseforge.com/linkout?remoteUrl=http://blog.theprogrammingturkey.com/2019/03/20/chance-cubes-v4-0-0-change-log/)
  34. - Also added an info section button and gui to profiles gui to better see profile details
  36. - Fixed the Chunk flip reward flipping the wrong chunk
  38. - Cave_Spider_Web reward is now -90 in hardore mode
  40. - Profile gui will now say that profiles can't be edited when opened on a server
  42. - Divine reward is now the Divine_Sword reward
  44. - Added the Divine_Helmet reward
  46. - Added the Divine_Chestplate reward
  48. - Added the Divine_Leggings reward
  50. - Added the Divine_Boots reward
  51. ChanceCubes 1.12.2-
  52. Fixed loading issue with newer forge versions
  53. ChanceCubes 1.12.2-
  54. Fixed a server side crash
  56. Fixed a bug with dynamic list values
  57. ChanceCubes 1.12.2-
  58. Change log [http://blog.theprogrammingturkey.com/2019/03/20/chance-cubes-v4-0-0-change-log/](https://minecraft.curseforge.com/linkout?remoteUrl=http%253a%252f%252fblog.theprogrammingturkey.com%252f2019%252f03%252f20%252fchance-cubes-v4-0-0-change-log%252f)
  60. Colossal Chests (went from ColossalChests-1.12.2-1.7.1.jar to ColossalChests-1.12.2-1.7.3.jar):
  61. ColossalChests-1.12.2-1.7.3.jar:
  62. As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
  63. Requires CyclopsCore version 1.3.0 or higher.
  65. Fixes:
  66. * Block spectators from opening Colossal Chests
  67. Otherwise, players could crash.
  68. Closes #105
  69. ColossalChests-1.12.2-1.7.2.jar:
  70. As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
  71. Requires CyclopsCore version 1.3.0 or higher.
  73. Fixes:
  74. * Fix Integrated Crafting not working with jobs with 64+ items
  75. Closes CyclopsMC/IntegratedCrafting#27
  77. CraftTweaker (went from CraftTweaker2-1.12-4.1.17 to CraftTweaker2-1.12-4.1.19):
  78. CraftTweaker2-1.12-4.1.19:
  79. Properly check the display tag instead of the root tag for pre-existing Lore (Thanks Nooby!)
  81. Added some null checks and code cleanup Close #799
  83. Added player#sendStatusMessage Close #798
  85. Tooltip overhaul, remove tooltips by regex, Closes #788
  87. Implement IAction validation
  89. added IFormattedText version of sendStatus
  91. Added keyboard support Close #800
  92. CraftTweaker2-1.12-4.1.18:
  93. Fixed timeouts when connecting to servers
  95. added player tick event phases
  97. Fixed output from /ctgui
  99. Fixed NBT matching
  101. Fixed StringIDataParser not accepting String inputs. (Thanks Kindlich!)
  103. Cyclops Core (went from CyclopsCore-1.12.2-1.2.1.jar to CyclopsCore-1.12.2-1.3.0.jar):
  104. CyclopsCore-1.12.2-1.3.0.jar:
  105. As always, don't forget to backup your world before updating!
  107. Changes:
  108. * Allow insert/extract in indexed inventories over max stack size
  109. Required for CyclopsMC/IntegratedCrafting#27
  111. Fixes:
  112. * Catch ingredient transfer for out-of-bound slots
  113. Closes CyclopsMC/IntegratedDynamics#730
  115. Doggy Talents (went from DoggyTalents-1.12.2- to DoggyTalents-1.12.2-
  116. DoggyTalents-1.12.2-
  117. + Can use pick block button on dog with gives doggycharm
  119. + Fix dogs wandering when trying to follow owner
  121. # Change entity tracking param to be less demanding
  123. * Fix natura fusewood casing texture
  125. * Remove inventory string in treat bag GUI
  127. * Fix incorrect bounding box for different dog sizes
  128. DoggyTalents-1.12.2-
  129. | 13th June 2019
  130. + Untamed dogs (don't mistake dogs with wolves) can also be tamed with training treats
  131. + When untaming a dog with collar shears it will drop it's pack puppy inventory
  132. + Add two new dog textures
  133. + Can now Fill bottles from dog bath
  134. + Dogs now run to water when on fire
  135. + Update zh_cn lang file (Thanks to mcBegins2Snow from github)
  136. + Update zh_cn lang file (Thanks to kellixon from github)
  137. # Changed roaring whistle errors messages from chat messages to status update messsages
  138. # Improve last owner name tag (shift to see owner tag below dog name)
  139. # Change roaring gale chat messages to status messages
  140. # Improved follow AI
  141. * Fix not dismounting dog in water and not being able to stay underwater for long (swimmerdog)
  142. DoggyTalents-1.12.2-
  143. | 31st May 2019
  145. Requires forge or higher
  146. + The whistle now has different modes (shift click to change mode), replaces command emblem and is also used for shepherd dog and roaring gale talent.
  148. + Added whistle sounds
  149. + Shepherd Dog Talent now works, use the shepherd whistle and dogs will round up animals so they follow you and stay at the back keeping them in check. Level 1 allows 1 animal to follow while level 5 allows 16 animals to follow.
  150. + Wandering mode now works properly, if close enought to it's bowl will stay within 5 blocks, otherwise will continue to follow you until you get back to the bowl
  152. + Added Dog Owner changer, will change any dog to be yours
  153. + Using the doggy charm on a dog will spawn a tamed baby (creative only)
  154. + Using a stick will on an incapacitated dog will tell you how to revive your dog
  155. + Improved radar messages and it will now give info about dogs in other dimensions
  156. + Added tooltips to creative collar and creative radar
  157. + Added help message when using stick on incapacicated dogs
  158. - Removed command emblem - whistle has the command emblem features
  159. - Dogs no longer take damage when on 0 hunger
  160. # Changed versioning protocol
  161. # Reduce the general wander range from 10 to 7 blocks
  162. # Default config option for spawning with doggy charm is now false
  163. # Roaring gale talent now uses the Roaring whistle
  164. # Lots of under the hood changes
  165. # Changed most lang translation keys
  166. * Fixed format error in talents with description including a % symbol
  167. * Fixed warning message due to way DataParameter objects were registered
  168. * Can no longer attack a dog you are riding
  169. * Fixed crash on server startup
  171. Dungeon Tactics (went from DungeonTactics-1.12.2-0.16.2.jar to DungeonTactics-1.12.2-0.16.5.jar):
  172. DungeonTactics-1.12.2-0.16.5.jar:
  173. +Added 3D item models - can be disabled in config
  174. *Used my Amazon boxes as throwing knife targets
  175. -Removed extra/other-mod material weapons (too much bloat)
  176. *Registered silver and steel swords (forgot to do that last update)
  177. *Shot some beer cans with Nerf darts
  178. *Fixed issue whit getting stuck in chairs
  179. *Major rework on structure positioning logic
  180. *Added structure position log output
  181. *Fixed issue with bunker loot table
  182. *Added more checks to prevent ticking entity errors, but honestly, it is more checks than code that actually does anything at this point, so I don't know... Perhaps beer will solve this.
  183. DungeonTactics-1.12.2-0.16.4.jar:
  184. *Replaced Slime Trap with Clamp Trap (same function, but visually better)
  185. *Added Chair, Table, and Cushion recipes
  186. *Mobs spawned by ambush traps can now drop loot again, as the trap cannot be automated for farming
  187. *Made pan pipes at work, out of electrical tape and copper pipes
  189. *Maybe fixed rare crash from ReachHandler
  190. *Definitely fixed a crash from bomb/throwing knife entities
  191. *Ate ice-cream because the Daystar's blaze is intolerable
  192. *Powered fence will now charge creepers
  193. *Did some other stuff and promptly forgot what exactly it was
  194. +Added new unique item, Alchemist's Brew
  195. DungeonTactics-1.12.2-0.16.3.jar:
  196. *Tightened trap selection boxes
  197. *Fixed crash related to throwing knives
  198. *Powder Kegs no longer explode instantly, but I still wouldn't light one by hand
  199. +Added Radio - may add new music at some point
  200. *Gave Danger Mouse his first carrot. He approves.
  201. *Dispensers now check for fluids before trying to milk cows
  202. *Bought Nerf guns. Had Nerf gun war.
  203. *Fixed issue with Ore Loot Bag loot table
  204. *Fixed some localisation
  205. +Added Wooden Table and Chair (decorative purposes for structures)
  206. +Added Cushions, for comfort
  207. *Ate my body weight twice over and gain no weight. Pretty sure my stomach is a black hole.
  208. -Removed sitting config, as sitting is now tied to chairs/cushions (not vanilla blocks)
  209. +Added Lumberjack Bag (lootbag for wood/plants)
  210. *Got paid to sleep.
  211. *Fixed some block sounds... Probably broke some others.
  212. +Added Climbing Rope
  214. FTB Library (went from FTBLib- to FTBLib-
  215. FTBLib-
  216. * The final fix, thanks to @modmuss50 - LatvianModder
  217. FTBLib-
  218. * Even more fixes II! - LatvianModder
  219. FTBLib-
  220. * Even more fixes! - LatvianModder
  221. FTBLib-
  222. * Possibly fixed missing JavaFX issues. Need to figure out why this happens - LatvianModder
  223. FTBLib-
  224. * New fr_fr - Neerwan
  225. * Added IconRenderer, now to render as JavaFX Images, instead of AWT - LatvianModder
  226. FTBLib-
  227. * Fixed number rounding - LatvianModder
  228. FTBLib-
  229. * Fixed a YABBA bug - LatvianModder
  230. FTBLib-
  231. * Added EnumTristate.read/write - LatvianModder
  232. * Added search bar for Advancement list - LatvianModder
  233. * Added /list_advancements command - LatvianModder
  234. FTBLib-
  235. * Updated version - LatvianModder
  236. * Added CompactGridLayout - LatvianModder
  237. * Item selector now has search bar focused by default - LatvianModder
  238. * Added WrappedIngredient for ingredients that also want to display tooltip when hovered - LatvianModder
  239. * Added small Item Filters integration - LatvianModder
  240. * Improved JEI Integration, now supports JEI keybindings and bookmarks. Fixed panel scrolling - LatvianModder
  241. * Added BlankPanel, ColorWidget, ItemStackArrayHandler, partially implemented Panel scrolling without ScrollBar - LatvianModder
  242. * Changed ServerUtils.getDimensionName() to use dimension name from DimensionType when available - LatvianModder
  243. * Added Widget.tick() - LatvianModder
  244. FTBLib-
  245. * Improved regex of some methods a bit - LatvianModder
  246. FTBLib-
  247. * Fixed #78 for GuiContainerWrapper too - LatvianModder
  248. * Merge pull request #78 from xinyuan-liu/master - Kristi?ns Mic?tis
  249. * fix Chinese input - xinyuan-liu
  250. FTBLib-
  251. * Fixed crash with missing items - LatvianModder
  252. FTBLib-
  253. * Now the required Forge version is back to - LatvianModder
  254. * Fixed data loss issues. See [https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues/5696](https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/issues/5696) - LatvianModder
  255. FTBLib-
  256. * Replaced Patreon logo with Twitch - LatvianModder
  257. FTBLib-
  258. * Added Icon.getJEIFocus() - LatvianModder
  259. * Updated progwml6 maven url to https - LatvianModder
  260. FTBLib-
  261. * Requesting invite now displays notification for team admins - LatvianModder
  262. FTBLib-
  263. * Added package-info.java in client events - LatvianModder
  264. FTBLib-
  265. * Fixed memory leak in item selector - LatvianModder
  266. FTBLib-
  267. * Fixed URLImageIcon.readImage() - LatvianModder
  268. * Added support for mcresource in DataReader.get(). Hopefully doesn't crash server. - LatvianModder
  269. * No longer prints error message if safely deleted file didn't exist - LatvianModder
  270. * Item search now is async - LatvianModder
  271. FTBLib-
  272. No changelog provided.
  273. FTBLib-
  274. * Added custom gui function in PlayerJoinedEvent for mods like Team Islands - LatvianModder
  275. FTBLib-
  276. * Added copy arg to /print_item to copy NBT to your clipboard - LatvianModder
  277. * Added support for JEI ghost slots - LatvianModder
  278. FTBLib-
  279. * Fixed command issues - LatvianModder
  280. FTBLib-
  281. * Fixed rare crash - LatvianModder
  282. * Fixed custom click event not firing properly, cleaned up some code - LatvianModder
  283. * Added ConfigGroup.getValueTree() - LatvianModder
  284. * Added Icon.getWrappedIcon(), IconWrapper - LatvianModder
  285. * Fixed FTBUtilities #941 - LatvianModder
  286. FTBLib-
  287. * Added Icon.canBeCached(), readImage() - LatvianModder
  288. FTBLib-
  289. * Fixed teams not having a random color - LatvianModder
  290. FTBLib-
  291. * Removed IItemWritableTile - LatvianModder
  292. FTBLib-
  293. * Fixed special drop blocks - LatvianModder
  294. FTBLib-
  295. * Files are now deleted safely - LatvianModder
  296. FTBLib-
  297. * Added FileUtils.deleteSafe(), ConfigDouble.SimpleDouble - LatvianModder
  298. FTBLib-
  299. * Fixed double-status messages - LatvianModder
  300. FTBLib-
  301. * Updated minimum required forge version to - LatvianModder
  302. FTBLib-
  303. * Removed useless client classes from lib - ModelBase, ModelBuilder, SpriteSet, removed ClientUtils.MC - LatvianModder
  304. * Removed atlas sprite cache - LatvianModder
  305. FTBLib-
  306. * Changed mod_name back to FTBLib in buildscript - LatvianModder
  308. Fairy Lights (went from fairylights-2.1.6-1.12.2 to fairylights-2.1.7-1.12.2):
  309. fairylights-2.1.7-1.12.2:
  310. Fix [Valkyrien Warfare](https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/valkyrien-warfare) incompatibility ([#55](https://github.com/pau101/Fairy-Lights/issues/55))
  312. FastWorkbench (went from FastWorkbench-1.12.2-1.7.1.jar to FastWorkbench-1.12.2-1.7.2.jar):
  313. FastWorkbench-1.12.2-1.7.2.jar:
  314. Fixes a very specific dupe bug.
  316. Future MC (went from Future MC 0.1.4 to Future MC 0.1.5c):
  317. Future MC 0.1.5c:
  318. Added sounds to Composter
  320. Fixed Bamboo not planting/dropping
  322. Added Recipe to Composter
  324. Just Enough Resources (JER) (went from JustEnoughResources-1.12.2- to JustEnoughResources-1.12.2-
  325. JustEnoughResources-1.12.2-
  326. [[58039dd](https://github.com/way2muchnoise/JustEnoughResources/commit/58039dd33943a2fe0e03b2e4209730c7e736c3ee)] bump version (way2muchnoise)
  327. [[f25ff2c](https://github.com/way2muchnoise/JustEnoughResources/commit/f25ff2caa877d62b192b1e85269d0a5014405fd0)] fix duplicate lang id, fixes #183 (way2muchnoise)
  328. JustEnoughResources-1.12.2-
  329. [[52718d9](https://github.com/way2muchnoise/JustEnoughResources/commit/52718d97d0f21150f8cae6debae8bd4254bfa665)] show correct trade level, #165 (way2muchnoise)
  330. [[bd44a2a](https://github.com/way2muchnoise/JustEnoughResources/commit/bd44a2aea12a7d9224a06b9c008008b997493d9b)] add more info to exception with villagers, #185 (way2muchnoise)
  331. [[4836b9c](https://github.com/way2muchnoise/JustEnoughResources/commit/4836b9c356ae14771c1c6156526d6b5bbe9836d4)] prevent recipecategory (un)hiding null pointers, #189 and #181 (way2muchnoise)
  332. JustEnoughResources-1.12.2-
  333. [[53bcd7c](https://github.com/way2muchnoise/JustEnoughResources/commit/53bcd7c66fb66b40a006009f6ca0b68af4aaa4f7)] Allow the plant registry to accept soils. (#187) (way2muchnoise)
  334. JustEnoughResources-1.12.2-
  335. [[75edca8](https://github.com/way2muchnoise/JustEnoughResources/commit/75edca80187d9a5ea6d71a6d292913d68026ec1d)] fixes #180 (way2muchnoise)
  336. JustEnoughResources-1.12.2-
  337. [[8a47ab7](https://github.com/way2muchnoise/JustEnoughResources/commit/8a47ab7b8b06d70012bd7e103412f87d6b649260)] update cursegradle (way2muchnoise)
  338. And more but the build system messed up the push on the original commit
  339. See following github diff for all changes [[684d755de40f...62080210d105](https://github.com/way2muchnoise/JustEnoughResources/compare/684d755de40f...62080210d105)]
  340. JustEnoughResources-1.12.2-
  341. [[684d755](https://github.com/way2muchnoise/JustEnoughResources/commit/684d755de40fe579d80c25bf0fe0f1a776c68075)] apply current translation to scissor, fixes #155 (way2muchnoise)
  342. JustEnoughResources-1.12.2-
  343. [[5968b7a](https://github.com/way2muchnoise/JustEnoughResources/commit/5968b7ae83bca2c11c7afac68566519b2815c67e)] add mob id to pack dev data option, fixes #157 (way2muchnoise)
  345. Mantle (went from Mantle-1.12- to Mantle-1.12-
  346. Mantle-1.12-
  347. * Made PulseManager::isPulseLoaded case insensitive
  349. * Allow PulseManager::isPulseLoaded to check if pulses from other Mantle mods are loaded, instead of just the same mod
  351. * Added static PulseManager::isPulseLoadedGlobal, checks if a pulse is loaded without a PulseManager instance. Can be used by ModuleFileRepository to instantiate without a pulse manager
  353. * ModuleFileRepository sections now support attaching a module dependency to pages instead of just sections
  355. Millénaire (went from Millénaire 7.2.0 to Millénaire 7.2.1):
  356. Millénaire 7.2.1:
  357. - Banners for Millénaire villages! Every village now has a random banner to display in its town hall and other key buildings, plus a culture-specific banner to go with it. Thanks to everybody who contributed!
  358. - 26 custom banner patterns in total for the various cultures. Items to make them can be purchased from villages.
  359. - Many reworked Inuit buildings by felinoel
  360. - New Panthéon model by HeimrArnadalr
  361. - Some reworked Norman lone buildings by HeimrArnadalr
  362. - Fixed a path rendering error
  363. - Fixed a bug that could occur when children grow up
  364. - Fixed missing text for Sadhu parchment
  365. - Fixed bugs where large chests would randomly not close and locked chests could disappear when at the edge of the screen
  366. - Technical rework of how Millénaire chests work that should improve compatibility with other mods
  367. - Added support for flowerpots in buildings
  368. - Fixed a bug where some custom buildings would not produce some goods (for example, the custom Norman armoury not producing armour)
  369. - Reduced the speed at which villagers fire arrows
  370. - Increased the Gros Bourg's village radius
  371. - Full Spanish translation
  372. - Significant updates to Czech, Russian, German and Portuguese translations
  376. Pam's HarvestCraft (went from Pam's HarvestCraft 1.12.2zc The 7mm Kidney Stone Update.jar to Pam's HarvestCraft 1.12.2zd Surprise for Yogcast.jar):
  377. Pam's HarvestCraft 1.12.2zd Surprise for Yogcast.jar:
  378. HarvestCraft 1.12.2zd
  379. -----------------
  380. - Fixed: Machine: Machines should now keep inventories when rotated/moved
  381. - Fixed: Recipe: Cucumber Sandwich and cassoulet recipe JSONs
  382. - Fixed: Name: BBQ Chicken Biscuit, Chicken Biscuit, Caesar Salad, Banana Milkshake all named correctly
  383. - Fixed: Recipe: Recipes with listAlljuice now work correctly
  384. - Fixed: Config: cropsdropSeeds now correctly works when set to True
  385. - Fixed: Fruit Blocks: Mature fruits should no longer instantly break: NOTE: PLEASE tell me if this messes with Dynamic Trees, thank you
  386. - Added: Item: Pizza Slice (created by putting pizza items in the crafting grid w/cutting board), for the Yogscast
  388. Quark (went from Quark-r1.5-150.jar to Quark-r1.5-160.jar):
  389. Quark-r1.5-160.jar:
  390. - Experimental: Added Better Nausea, which attempts to make nausea not give the player motion sickness.
  391. - Misc: Fixed an exploit with botania mana enchanting.
  392. - Misc: Fixed using modded potion effects with the beacon replacement feature resulting in the wrong sprites being drawn.
  393. - Tweaks: Fixed the recipe book shopwing up in the crafting table even if the config to disable it is on.
  394. - World: Fixed some items on stonelings z-fighting.
  395. - World: Fixed the Pickarang bypassing region claims.
  396. - World: Fixed Wraiths being able to be spawned as babies.
  397. Quark-r1.5-159.jar:
  398. - Client: Fixed debug messages in the log with enchanted books.
  399. - Client: Fixed Enchanted Books not showing items added by mods in their tooltip
  400. - Decoration: Fixed Iron Ladders not sounding like iron.
  401. - Tweaks: Fixed Quark's config to disable the recipe book breaking Patchouli's book button.
  402. - Vanity: Fixed other players' emotes leaking.
  403. - Vanity: Fixed patreon only emotes being usable by non patrons.
  404. - Vanity: Fixed sitting in BlockCraftery stairs having weird behaviour.
  405. - World: Added a config to add more sounds to wraiths.
  406. - World: Fixed Stonelings intercepting actions taken on them even if nothing happens.
  407. Quark-r1.5-158.jar:
  408. - World: Fixed compatibility with Ore Stone Variants. You can now have quark stone clusters and ore stone variants.
  409. Quark-r1.5-157.jar:
  410. - Automation: Fixed wolves eating food off the ground breeding even if not at full hp.
  411. - Client: Added the ability to add custom items to the enchantment book toolip.
  412. - Client: Fixed adding mod items to the enchantment book tooltip not working.
  413. - Decoration: Fixed a crash when untying leashes.
  414. - Misc: Added a config option to not add the slime bucket as an oredicted slimeball.
  415. - Tweaks: Fixed a milk bucket dupe.
  416. - Tweaks: Fixed hoe harvesting not supporting mod blocks.
  417. Quark-r1.5-156.jar:
  418. - General: Fixed a crash with JEI.
  419. - Client: Fixed items blinking at the wrong time sometimes.
  420. - Management: Fixed a crash with desynced shulker boxes.
  421. - Tweaks: Tamed wolves can now be pat by shift-right clicking with an empty hand.
  422. - World: Archaeologists now say when they're out of stock.
  423. - World: Stonelings can now be named.
  424. Quark-r1.5-155.jar:
  425. - Client: Fixed the item expiry feature causing Botania mana tablets to not render.
  426. - Experimental: Improved wednesday.
  427. - Management: Fixed the favorite icon being wrong.
  428. - Oddities: Fixed a dupe with backpacks.
  429. - Oddities: Fixed backpacks eating up items.
  430. - Oddities: Tweaked pipe hitboxes a bit.
  431. - World: Fixed Basalt not working with chisel.
  432. - World: Stonelings no longer use the monster spawn table.
  433. Quark-r1.5-154.jar:
  434. - General: Fixed bad ASM leading to a startup crash.
  435. Quark-r1.5-153.jar:
  436. - General: Fixed a server crash.
  437. - General: Tried to fix Chisel compatibility again.
  438. - Building: Added carved variants for world stone bricks.
  439. - Client: Fixed the Highlight Invalid Slots feature highlighting the wrong position in the Tinkers Construct Crafting Station.
  440. - Decoration: Added the ability to tie leads to fences.
  441. - Decoration: Fixed Flat Item Frames not extending their model when non vanilla maps are placed in them.
  442. - Experimental: Added Framed Blocks.
  443. - Experimental: Added wednesday.
  444. - Management: Fixed right click to add to shulkers not working.
  445. - Misc: Added the Pickarang.
  446. - Oddities: Fixed a dupe with backpacks.
  447. - Oddities: Fixed pipes accepting items if they're disabled.
  448. - Oddities: Fixed some model weirdness with pipes.
  449. - Tweaks: Added Springy Slime.
  450. - Tweaks: Fixed Improved Sleeping not sending the list of sleeping players to chat.
  451. - World: Added a config option to make stonelings run away if the player moves quickly even if sneaking.
  452. - World: Added brick variants for Permafrost and Brimstone.
  453. - World: Fixed a tiling issue with Limestone Bricks.
  454. - World: Fixed cave roots spawning in dimensions other than the overworld.
  455. - World: Fixed Stonelings crashing the game when put in an EnderIO Powered Spawner.
  456. - World: Fixed tamed Stonelings being able to despawn.
  457. - World: Fixed underground features spawning in superflat worlds.
  458. - World: Stonelings are now immune to cactus, arrows, drowning, and fall damage.
  459. - World: Stonelings can now be fed stone types to change their look.
  460. - World: Stonelings can now be tamed with Diamonds.
  461. - World: Stonelings now have a sound effect on damage.
  462. - World: Stonelings now have Basalt and Marble variants.
  463. Quark-r1.5-152.jar:
  464. - Management: Fixed a crash when opening the player's inventory under certain circumstances.
  465. Quark-r1.5-151.jar:
  466. - General: Added a proper AutoRegLib dep so people know to use the proper version.
  467. - General: Added proper subtitles to quark's sound effects.
  468. - General: Fixed Chisel Compatibility not working properly.
  469. - Client: The slot the player is hovering over is no longer highlighted for the invalid slots feature.
  470. - Client: The Usage Ticker is now a bit smarter at figuring out which items to show.
  471. - Client: Upgraded the abilities of Visual Stat Display, it can now display a ton more attributes.
  472. - Experimental: Added a debug feature to dump the texture atlas.
  473. - Management: Fixed a crash when opening the inventory.
  474. - Oddities: Fixed fake client side Totems of Holding showing up.
  475. - Oddities: Fixed pipes rendering incorrectly in some modpack setups.
  476. - Oddities: Open ended pipe ends now have a new model to show they have special properties.
  477. - Oddities: Upgraded pipes with the ability to succ in items that go onto them.
  478. - Tweaks: Fixed ladders being used up if used on a ladder at the bottom of the world.
  479. - Vanity: Fixed Chests in Boats vanishing on the client.
  480. - Vanity: Fixed emote rows being flipped.
  481. - Vanity: Witch hats now make witches ignore you.
  482. - World: Added Monster Boxes to underground cave generation.
  483. - World: Added the Stoneling mob, and its drop, the Heart of Diamond.
  484. - World: Fixed the Archeologist Hat destroying items if you break some blocks.
  486. RandomPatches (went from RandomPatches 1.12.2- to RandomPatches 1.12.2-
  487. RandomPatches 1.12.2-
  488. Minor fixes and improvements.
  489. RandomPatches 1.12.2-
  490. Cleaned up the code.
  491. Removed the Teleporter replacement patch.
  492. Implemented particle fixes.
  493. Added a configuration option to change the packet size limit.
  494. Implemented a dismount keybind which is separate from the sneak keybind. It is disabled by default.
  495. Configuration options no longer exist on versions of Minecraft they have no effect on.
  497. Shadowfacts' Forgelin (went from Forgelin-1.8.2.jar to Forgelin-1.8.3.jar):
  498. Forgelin-1.8.3.jar:
  499. * Update Kotlin to 1.3.40 and Coroutines to 1.2.1 (thanks to NikkyAI for doing all the work)
  501. Spice of Life: Carrot Edition (went from solcarrot-1.12.2-1.6.3.jar to solcarrot-1.12.2-1.7.jar):
  502. solcarrot-1.12.2-1.7.jar:
  503. * Made blacklist actually functionally disable foods rather than just hiding them
  504. * Added whitelist as alternative to the blacklist
  505. * Added option for a minimum hunger value foods need to provide in order to count towards improving your health
  506. * Added page to food book displaying information about the configuration
  507. * Improved tooltips to be more informative and have nicer colors
  508. * Hovering over the carrot to the left of the progress graph in the food book now shows you how many foods you need to taste to reach the next milestone
  509. * Large numbers of foods are now displayed in a prettier way in the food book
  510. * Fixed incompatibility with some other mods by indexing foods later in the initialization process
  511. * Other minor improvements and fixes
  513. VanillaTweaks (went from VanillaTweaks-1.4.7.jar to VanillaTweaks-1.4.8.jar):
  514. VanillaTweaks-1.4.8.jar:
  515. * Fixed compatability with other's mods such as iron chest's and zawa (They should really only initialize entities only when they use them)
  517. Removed:
  518. - More Charcoal
  519. - VillageNames(it conflicted with Terrain generation mod :c )
  521. * Generated using https://github.com/TheRandomLabs/ChangelogGenerator (1.13)
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