

May 18th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. List Compiled By Cory Edmund Endrulat.
  3. Resources For CENS0R3D C0VlD INFO:
  4. (Good Summary Of What's Going On) https://youtu.be/vw3yoEeKmXw
  5. https://vaccines.news
  6. https://vaccineimpact.com
  7. https://naturalnews.com
  8. https://www.greenmedinfo.com
  9. https://www.mercola.com
  10. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1550830720301130?via=ihub
  11. https://www.naturalnews.com/search.asp?query=hydroxychloroquine
  12. https://nojabforme.info
  13. https://www.nvic.org
  14. https://www.naturalnews.com/search.asp?query=ivermectin
  15. https://vaccineinjurynews.com
  16. https://childrenshealthdefense.org
  17. Thetruthaboutvaccines.com
  18. Citizensforfreespeech.org
  19. Vaccineeducation.org
  20. https://vaers.hhs.gov/index.html
  21. https://www.cohealthchoice.org
  22. https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org & https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/covid19/vaccines/
  23. https://www.constitutionallawgroup.us (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r606Fy40bEg)
  24. https://www.brighteon.com/2495a88b-90ad-4411-9171-faef76358dbc (Many Doctor/Scientist Interviews On This Site)
  25. LOTS: https://www.coreysdigs.com/health-science/covid-19-resources-medical-legal-forms-jobs-other-critical-information/
  26. https://pathwaytofreedom.net/index.html
  27. 1986theact.com
  28. askdrbuttar.com
  29. childhealthsafety.wordpress.com
  30. childhoodshots.com
  31. curezone.com
  32. doctoryourself.com
  33. drday.com
  34. drjudymikovits.com
  35. drkelley.info
  36. drtenpenny.com
  37. foreignaffairsintelligencecouncil.wordpress.com
  38. grassrootshealth.net
  39. icandecide.org
  40. immunityed.org
  41. informedconsentdefense.org
  42. insidevaccines.com
  43. jamesperloff.com
  44. kellybroganmd.com
  45. know-vaccines.org
  46. learntherisk.org
  47. mamm.org
  48. medalerts.org
  49. medicalveritas.com
  50. opensourcetruth.com
  51. polioforever.wordpress.com
  52. questioningcovid.com
  53. safeminds.org
  54. shirleys-wellness-cafe.com
  55. stopmedicaldiscrimination.org
  56. thecontrolgroup.org
  57. thedoctorwithin.com
  58. theoneclick.co.uk
  59. thetruthunmasked.org
  60. stopworldcontrol.com
  61. openvaers.com
  62. healthfreedomidaho.org
  63. thevaccinereaction.org
  64. thinktwice.com
  65. truth11.com
  66. vac.live
  67. vaccinationcouncil.org
  68. vaccinationnews.com
  69. vaccinedeaths.com
  70. vaccineeducation.org
  71. vaccinehoax.com
  72. vaccineinfo.net
  73. vaccineliberationarmy.com
  74. vaccinetruth.org
  75. vacinfo.org
  76. vaclib.org
  77. vactruth.com
  78. vaers.hhs.gov
  79. vaxxter.com
  80. vaccinechoicecanada.com
  81. whale.to/vaccines.html
  82. zeromandatoryvaxx.com
  84. This is not medical advice. Do your own research before trying anything.
  86. First, the best thing you can do for yourself regarding your health is to live & manage a healthy lifestyle.
  87. - Diet— Buy your food from local farmers markets and butchers. Stick to, as best as you can, to one ingredient foods (e.g. A potatoe is a potatoe. A steak is a steak etc) or foods with minimal ingredients. Stick to ingredients you can actually read.
  88. - Exercise as much as you can. I recommend cardio exercise, or anything that gets your heart rate up.
  89. - Sunshine & Fresh Air. Our body creates vitamin D from direct sunlight on our skin when outdoors. Most people should be able to get all the vitamin D they need from sunlight. Get grounded. Get your feet in the grass to start the exchange of electrons w/ the earth.
  90. Earthing aka Grounding Info (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4378297/)
  91. warm fluids (i.e. tea, bouillon, chicken soup), vitamin C, essential oils, steam tents - flush)
  92. - White Pine Needle Tea
  93. Pine Needle Tea Info (https://foodismedicine.com/2021-05-09-is-pine-needle-tea-the-answer-to-covid-vaccine-shedding-suramin-shikimic-acid.html#)
  94. Suramin Info (https://www.news-medical.net/news/20201012/Suramin-shows-promise-as-COVID-19-treatment.aspx)
  95. Source Buy Dr Mikovits Site (https://holisticgear.com/suramin-the-covid-vaccine-antidote-as-per-dr-judy-mikovits-phd/)
  96. Source Buy Etsy (https://www.etsy.com/listing/1055244916/200-cups-pine-needle-tea-white-pine-tea?ref=hp_rf-1&frs=1)
  97. - Homemade Hydroxychloroquine
  98. Quinine has been used since the 1600s for treating malaria. Its synthetic forms are Chloroquine & Hydroxychloroquine.
  99. Recipe & Information (https://godskingdom.org/blog/2020/08/homemade-hcq-quinine)
  100. Instructional Video Here (https://t.me/CandlesInTheNight/20208)
  101. - Dr Zelenkos Protocols
  102. Dr Zelenkos Prophylaxis Protocol (https://vladimirzelenkomd.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Prophylaxis-Protocol.pdf)
  103. Dr Zelenkos Treatment Protocol (https://vladimirzelenkomd.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Treatment_Protocol.pdf)
  104. Dr Zelenkos ZStack Protocol Store (https://zstackprotocol.com/)
  105. Treatment After Taking J4b (https://www.bitchute.com/video/IUyUZ1twp4uv/)
  106. - The I-MASK+ Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol:
  107. I-Mask Protocol (https://covid19criticalcare.com/i-mask-prophylaxis-treatment-protocol/i-mask-protocol-translations/)
  108. - I-MASS Prevention & At Home Treatment Mass Distribution Protocol
  109. I-MASS Prevention Protocol (https://covid19criticalcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/FLCCC-I-MASS-Protocol.pdf)
  110. - Infusion Centers
  111. These sites provide Regeneron therapies. These therapies are restricted to certain high-risk patients.
  112. Find a Center Near You (https://covid.infusioncenter.org/)
  113. Or
  114. Monoclonal Antibody Therapeutic Locations (https://protect-public.hhs.gov/pages/therapeutics-distribution)
  115. - America’s Front Line Doctors
  116. AFLD Website (https://americasfrontlinedoctors.org/treatments/how-do-i-get-covid-19-medication/) to set up a Televisit. They will send you the drugs you need.
  117. - IV Clinics
  118. Get large doses of intravenous vitamins. Do a search for IV Clinics near you. Below is one resource.
  119. IV Therapy Doctors (https://www.ivtherapydirectory.com/maryland-iv-therapy/)
  120. - MyFreeDoctor.com
  121. Led by Dr Ardis. These doctors will help you get early treatment.
  122. They will write you the prescriptions you need for FREE. If you have a loved one in the hospital, they have lawyers ready to contact the hospital to legally threaten them to put your loved ones on other treatments for FREE.
  124. - Dr. Bryan Ardis
  125. Dr Ardis Joined General Flynn's ReAwaken America Tour.
  126. Dr. Ardis explains how hospitals are killing patients using Remdesivir
  127. WATCH HERE (https://rumble.com/vlwish-dr.-bryan-ardis-reopen-america-tour-grand-rapids-mi.html)
  128. HIS WEBSITE (https://www.thedrardisshow.com/)
  129. - The Kate Dalley Show
  130. HOW TO SAVE YOUR LOVED ONES LIFE IF IN A HOSPITAL. This video is what to do & how to do it. What to demand. What treatment.
  131. MUST WATCH VIDEO (https://rumble.com/vktdpt-our-first-hand-icu-story-what-is-actually-killing-people-in-the-hospital.html)
  132. - More Proof
  133. Pressley Stutts Testimony (https://t.me/TracybeanzOfficial/791)
  134. Tracy Beanz Testifies (https://rumble.com/vmkvkn-tracy-beanz-testifies-in-front-of-the-sc-senate-medical-affairs-subcommitte.html)
  135. - FLCCC Protocol
  136. Does your hospital support the FLCCC protocol? October 2020, FLCCC added iv3rmectin as a core medication in the prevention and treatment.
  137. FLCCC Protocol Info (https://www.onedaymd.com/2021/04/ivermectin-flccc-protocol-for-covid-19.html?m=1)
  138. 1. Dr. Nancy Banks - http://bit.ly/1Ip0aIm
  139. 2. Dr. Russell Blaylock - http://bit.ly/1BXxQZL
  140. 3. Dr. Shiv Chopra - http://bit.ly/1gdgh1s
  141. 4. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny - http://bit.ly/1MPVbjx
  142. 5. Dr. Suzanne Humphries - http://bit.ly/17sKDbf
  143. 6. Dr. Larry Palevsky - http://bit.ly/1LLEjf6
  144. 7. Dr. Toni Bark - http://bit.ly/1CYM9RB
  145. 8. Dr. Andrew Wakefield - http://bit.ly/1MuyNzo
  146. 9. Dr. Meryl Nass - http://bit.ly/1DGzJsc
  147. 10. Dr. Raymond Obomsawin - http://bit.ly/1G9ZXYl
  148. 11. Dr. Ghislaine Lanctot - http://bit.ly/1MrVeUL
  149. 12. Dr. Robert Rowen - http://bit.ly/1SIELeF
  150. 13. Dr. David Ayoub - http://bit.ly/1SIELve
  151. 14. Dr. Boyd Haley PhD - http://bit.ly/1KsdVby
  152. 15. Dr. Rashid Buttar - http://bit.ly/1gWOkL6
  153. 16. Dr. Roby Mitchell - http://bit.ly/1gdgEZU
  154. 17. Dr. Ken Stoller - http://bit.ly/1MPVqLI
  155. 18. Dr. Mayer Eisenstein - http://bit.ly/1LLEqHH
  156. 19. Dr. Frank Engley, PhD - http://bit.ly/1OHbLDI
  157. 20. Dr. David Davis - http://bit.ly/1gdgJwo
  158. 21. Dr Tetyana Obukhanych - http://bit.ly/16Z7k6J
  159. 22. Dr. Harold E Buttram - http://bit.ly/1Kru6Df
  160. 23. Dr. Kelly Brogan - http://bit.ly/1D31pfQ
  161. 24. Dr. RC Tent - http://bit.ly/1MPVwmu
  162. 25. Dr. Rebecca Carley - http://bit.ly/K49F4d
  163. 26. Dr. Andrew Moulden - http://bit.ly/1fwzKJu
  164. 27. Dr. Jack Wolfson - http://bit.ly/1wtPHRA
  165. 28. Dr. Michael Elice - http://bit.ly/1KsdpKA
  166. 29. Dr. Terry Wahls - http://bit.ly/1gWOBhd
  167. 30. Dr. Stephanie Seneff - http://bit.ly/1OtWxAY
  168. 31. Dr. Paul Thomas - http://bit.ly/1DpeXPf
  169. 32. Many doctors talking at once - http://bit.ly/1MPVHOv
  170. 33. Dr. Richard Moskowitz - censored
  171. 34. Dr. Jane Orient - http://bit.ly/1MXX7pb
  172. 35. Dr. Richard Deth - http://bit.ly/1GQDL10
  173. 36. Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic - http://bit.ly/1eqiPr5
  174. 37. Dr Chris Shaw - http://bit.ly/1IlGiBp
  175. 38. Dr. Susan McCreadie - http://bit.ly/1CqqN83
  176. 39. Dr. Mary Ann Block - http://bit.ly/1OHcyUX
  177. 40. Dr. David Brownstein - http://bit.ly/1EaHl9A
  178. 41. Dr. Jayne Donegan - http://bit.ly/1wOk4Zz
  179. 42. Dr. Troy Ross - censored
  180. 43. Dr. Philip Incao - http://bit.ly/1ghE7sS
  181. 44. Dr. Joseph Mercola - http://bit.ly/18dE38I
  182. 45. Dr. Jeff Bradstreet - http://bit.ly/1MaX0cC
  183. 46. Dr. Robert Mendelson - http://bit.ly/1JpAEQr
  184. 47. Dr Theresa Deisher https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=6Bc6WX33SuE
  185. 48. Dr. Sam Eggertsen-https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8LB-3xkeDAE
  186. Hundreds more doctors:
  187. 9 hour court case
  188. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DFTsd042M3o
  189. Documentaries...
  190. 1. V4ccination - The Silent Epidemic(2013)
  191. - http://bit.ly/1vvQJ2W
  192. 2. The Greater Good - (2011)
  193. https://youtu.be/VxR8XQHc0A0
  194. 3. Sh0ts In The Dark -(2009)
  195. http://bit.ly/1ObtC8h
  196. 4. V4ccination The Hidden Truth -(1998)
  197. http://bit.ly/KEYDUh
  198. 5. V4ccine Nation - (2008)
  199. https://youtu.be/bLk641P8CE4
  200. 6. V4ccination - The Truth About V4ccines -
  201. http://bit.ly/1vlpwvU
  202. 7. Lethal Injection -
  203. http://bit.ly/1URN7BJ
  204. 8. Bought - (2015)
  205. https://youtu.be/HrgkKREhQrs
  206. https://youtu.be/_9nre8AMe5I
  207. 9. Deadly Immunlty - (2005)
  208. http://bit.ly/1KUg64Z
  209. 10. Autism - Made in the USA(2009)
  210. - http://bit.ly/1J8WQN5
  211. 11. Beyond Treason - (2005)
  212. http://bit.ly/1B7kmvt
  213. 12. Trace Amounts - (2014)
  214. http://bit.ly/1vAH3Hv
  215. 13. Why We Don't V4ccinate -
  216. https://youtu.be/WjiFrTnWiK4
  217. 14. Autism Yesterday - (2010)
  218. http://bit.ly/1URU2A
  220. Books (By Author):
  221. James Perloff
  222. Andy Ngo
  223. Dr Mary's Monkey - Haslam
  224. Dr Judy Mikovits
  225. David Kirby
  226. Dr Mary Tocco
  227. Walene James
  228. Dr Andrew Wakefield
  229. Ted Koren
  230. Gary Matsumoto
  231. Habakus & Holland
  232. Neil Miller
  233. Janine Roberts
  234. Dr Thomas Kowan
  235. Allan Stevo
  236. Ruscetti
  237. C.M. Higgins
  238. Dr Sucharit Bhakdi
  240. Iv3rm3ctin:
  241. https://www.sgtreport.com/2021/09/explosive-india-state-of-241-million-people-declared-covid-free-after-government-promotes-ivermectin/
  242. https://www.biznews.com/health/2021/07/29/ivermectin-treatment#:~:text=Ivermectin%20studies%20and%20statistics%20Twenty%20countries%20are%20using,rolled%20out%20everywhere%20and%20in%20hospitals%20and%20clinics.
  244. If you took experimental pharmaceuticals:
  245. https://www.thehealthsite.com/home-remedies/why-some-covid-19-patients-should-add-these-natural-blood-thinners-to-their-meal-763899/
  246. https://www.naturalnews.com/042285_systemic_enzymes_immune_support_anti-inflammatory_benefits.html
  248. Detoxing if you happened to take the v4ccine & woke up after:
  249. https://www.naturalnews.com/050023_vaccine_detox_supplements_natural_chelation.html
  250. https://www.brighteon.com/bc34e175-b8fb-4b3e-abcd-3082bf31b66f
  252. FLYERS TO SHARE: https://www.nita.one/ownership
  253. SURVIVAL (WITH MANY NATURAL MEDICINALS): globalreset.news & survivalnutrition.com
  254. ALL LINKS FOR MY VIDEO CONTENT: https://taplink.cc/coryhealth
  256. If you are in school (and/or looking for exemptions):
  257. I totally don't blame you for wanting to hold your ground against people who have no right to tell you what to do with your own life. Always stand your ground and you will always have people to support you who care just as deeply! Care for the body's natural immune system.
  258. Sheets Here:
  259. https://www.constitutionallawgroup.us
  260. Here Is Another Recommended:
  261. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/wp-content/uploads/longer-covid-19-vaccine-mandate-letter-for-colleges-6.21.pdf
  262. Testing & Experimentation: https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5ec33703d876e52434d8b91c/t/5f56e8886cd6b40f39d53c51/1599531144852/no+consent+for+medical+testing+-+thehealthyamerican.pdf
  263. Religious Exemption:
  264. https://www.thehealthyamerican.org/religious-exemption-letter & https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5ec33703d876e52434d8b91c/t/60df52ea248674256464cbc0/1625248490496/exemption+card.pdf
  265. Here Is Another:
  266. https://www.constitutionallawgroup.us/files/clg_noticeofdiscrimination--2---6-.pdf
  267. State Laws:
  268. https://www.nvic.org/vaccine-laws/state-vaccine-requirements/pennsylvania.aspx (Shows That For "Higher Ed" You Must "Request college/university of choice for their Proof of Immunization Compliance, as each institution may use its own form.")
  269. Signing Up Here May Also Help:
  270. https://nvicadvocacy.org/members/Home.aspx
  271. Big Resource All About Mandates:
  272. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/wp-content/uploads/preventing-vaccine-mandates-toolkit-6.21.21.pdf
  273. More About Exemptions:
  274. https://vaccineeducation.org/exemptions/
  275. We shouldn't HAVE to "show our right to choose", since by Nature (Natural Law), we ALWAYS have the right to choose. It's the nature of this system that makes it seem like Rights can be delegated (granted) or revoked (taken away), but in reality, Rights come from Nature, we are born with them. We shouldn't HAVE to defend our NATURAL rights with any form of man-made material, the best most natural defense is to just say "no" (exercise of conscience, exercise of rights). Only humankind can BELIEVE that they can create rights that don't exist or take away rights that don't exist, or that special pieces of paper can do so. We are far from reality here on Earth, despite how simple and beautiful the truth is. ---> More on this perspective on www.nita.one/advanced <---
  276. Shall your allegiance be to Truth and Earth. Truth IS Authority, Authority IS NOT Truth. The only Law is Natural Law (just like other scientific Laws of the universe), it is the most important Spiritual Science of Morality, so we may definitively define our RIGHTS.
  277. Many Cens0red Natural Law teachers (with also much expertise on all these subjects): https://onegreatworknetwork.com
  279. For Inquiry Based On Where You Live, CONTACT: nita.one/contact
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