
Mechanon and the Space Mares 2 - Training Day

May 12th, 2014
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  2. >In training.
  3. >"Squad Five: Wave's Runners, prepare to start training exercise!"
  4. >You stand on a platform with a bunch of horses in power armor.
  5. >Before you is a maze simulating a possible city environment the likes of which you may have to fight through in live combat.
  6. >Squad leader Wave Runner, stood in the center and to the front.
  7. >A voice talks besides you, obviously one of the ponies, but you can't understand their alien tongue yet.
  8. >The translated voice pipes into your cockpit.
  9. >"Alright cadets, we're going to break some records today!
  10. >Your squadmates give a collective affirmative.
  11. >You yourself, are in a mech; a big, bipedal war machine that was the subject of fiction until about four months ago.
  12. >Even so, you're still only looking at her from about eye level.
  13. >Jeez, they're tall.
  14. >The one next to you, nicknamed "Daisy" for her obsession with Earth flowers, glances at your cockpit windshield.
  15. >"Hey, human ally, look over here."
  16. >She turns around slightly until she's facing away from you.
  17. >She wiggles her rump.
  18. >You watch the cannon barrels, as perfectly at home on a battleship as they are on her back, sway back and forth.
  19. "What, what are you doing?"
  20. >"Igniting the fiery carnivore within you. Hey, don't look away, I am top grade meat!"
  21. >They figure out youโ€™re an omnivore and now they won't stop talking about it.
  22. >She reaches a hoof back and raps it against her flank armor.
  23. >CLANG
  24. >"Getting excited? Are you energized? Can you feel that blood coursing?"
  25. >Honestly you just feel ridiculous; there's a slight delay before the translator kicks in each time and on top of that she's not even speaking a language you can understand so you're left watching her mouth pronouncing completely differently than the translated version coming from inside your pilot's chamber.
  26. >Your thoughts are interrupted by a jolting yell.
  27. >"DAISY!"
  28. >Translator or not, you know what it means.
  29. >Wave Runner has taken notice.
  30. >Daisy stumbles at the outburst.
  31. >"Yes, squad leader!"
  32. >"What do you think you're doing?!"
  33. >"Uh ah, er encouraging squadmate morale, ma'm!"
  34. >"If you're going to seduce the alien then do it in your off time!"
  35. >"Wh-what?! I'm, I'm not, I mean, I-"
  36. >"We are running in ten! Herd ready?!"
  37. >The squad straightens up and replies with a collective, "Yes ma'am!"
  38. >The gate opens into the mock city.
  39. >"Go!"
  40. >In short order you find yourself stomping along down a suspiciously quiet highway.
  41. >This may be a stand-in for a generic city, but it looks suspiciously like they had taken an Earth locale for inspiration.
  42. >"Squad, split for the objectives! Star Chaser, Hoofprint, hu-krrshbzzzzz."
  43. >There's a crackle from the speakers followed by static, a pop, and then babbling noises.
  44. >What? What was she saying?
  45. >You turn a little, swiveling until you were looking at her, the rest of the squad starting to split up into two groups.
  46. >You were still receiving through the communications, but all that came out was a jumbled mess of syllables and chatter.
  47. >You can't understand a word she, or anyone else was saying.
  48. >You start to talk back but all that comes out is a crackling noise when you turn on your microphone.
  49. >Not good.
  50. >The squad goes into a formation and you just sort of stick towards the front as everyone moves forward in two loose groups covering each other.
  51. >Apparently this is acceptable since despite a few of them glancing at you and gibbering their alien language, not one moved to scold or push you around.
  52. >They were more just looking at you with worry for some reason.
  53. >A tall building suddenly collapses into one of the branching streets and a dust cloud envelopes your squad to a choir of dismay.
  54. >Wave barks orders over the din of stomping hooves on concrete but it's not like you can follow them.
  55. >Wisps of tails and manes, lights from targeting lasers and power armor moves past your vision in the chaos.
  56. >One of them jostles your mech to the side, coming to her senses with a yelp from the impact.
  57. >You recognize her even in the dust cloud as the Earth-flower enthusiast, Daisy.
  58. >She hastily slips besides you, pushing her side against the closest building, a hotel or apartment block, you think, to have something to anchor to in the confusion.
  59. >Wave Runner tries to reign in the rest of the squad, an angry tone trying to call over everyone else's.
  60. >Daisy glances nervously between you and the rest of the hazey street, dust and fluttering debris hiding everyone else.
  61. >Lights from laser fire flash, strobing through the dust cloud from the front and a panicked shriek calls out from somewhere.
  62. >Your squadmate ducks, hitting the pavement with a whimper in a tactic used to thwart the tendencies of enemies to shoot high to hit their tall bodies
  63. >You hear a distinct stomping noise.
  64. >Mechanical, heavy, but not the usual one of your companions.
  65. >It sounds more like another mech.
  66. >Daisy stops sniffling against the building as you realize the noises have gotten very, very close.
  67. >She just stares numbly ahead, slowly bringing her gaze upwards.
  68. >You follow the motion, looking up to a patch where the dust cloud has cleared enough.
  69. >You feel your jaw drop.
  70. >It's a mech, bigger than yours.
  71. >It looms over the spacehorse who is cowering, pressing herself into the building further, cannons and metal armor scraping the structure.
  72. >A malevolent cybernetic eye looks at you, then down at your squadmate.
  73. >A huge gun arm flows out of the fog and points down at Daisy, who covers her face with her forehooves and whimpers.
  74. >Why can't you have a huge gun like that, huh?
  75. >Its barrel starts to glow and Daisy starts wailing.
  76. >In the present situation, the others coming to her rescue is not likely.
  77. >You move in a flash, charging the larger machine with a yell that echoes through your pilot chamber
  78. >Even if they can't hear you, you're going to slam this thing like a demolition derby.
  79. >At the last second you twist your mech's torso, slamming one of your own machineโ€™s cannons into your prey with your mech's sizable tonnage.
  80. >The resulting clang sends the larger machine down on its back.
  81. >You push forward, stomping on its chest and bringing your weapons to bear even as it tries to aim its cannon arm on you.
  82. >With a rat-tat-tat and pew-pew of your guns its eye goes dark and it stops struggling.
  83. >You turn back around to see Daisy staring at you, jaw dropped.
  84. >You let go of the controls for just a second and pump your fist in triumph.
  85. >Humanity, fuck yeah!
  86. >There's some more commotion and you realize the smoke has cleared enough to see the rest of the group.
  87. >Squad Leader Wave Runner, looks the scene over, eyes shifting from Daisy, the defeated training bot, and finally to yourself in that same no-nonsense expression she's been wearing ever since you first met.
  88. >Everyone is staring, waiting for something to happen.
  89. >She nods her head, says something to you, -did you mention your translator was still busted?- and that's that.
  90. >With a swish of her tail she's back to barking orders at everyone else.
  91. >As the squad gets back into formation, Daisy starts talking to you excitedly, only to be shooed away by Wave.
  92. >The squad leader pauses while everyone else is looking away and smiles, just ever so faintly at you.
  93. >In a blink, the moment is gone and the squad presses on.
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