

Aug 18th, 2016
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  3. Lin winces lightly, her face pained by sympathy. She brushes the back of her hand over your knee,
  4. somewhat hesitant about touching. "I think..." she says carefully and deliberately, "What you need
  5. is to drink, or make yourself very comfortable in your preferred way... and empty your problems
  6. until there are none left. Would that be okay? Would you talk to me?"
  8. You have emoted: Eleanor grimaces, though not in response to your contact, which she doesn't seem to
  9. mind. "I don't- I don't know, I think I... should be fine, really, a lot of it is kind of- it's
  10. difficult to articulate." She gives that crooked smile again. "I know, everyone tells me not to
  11. bottle things up, but it's just the way I work. I'm okay as long as I can release some of the
  12. pressure sometimes." Her gaze drifts, anywhere but you for a few moments, before she continues, "I
  13. actually- you could probably help me most by..." Her dark eyes settle on you again. "Would you-
  14. would you fight me?"
  16. Lin scans your body top to bottom, leaving whatever judgement she passes to the imagination. Instead,
  17. she rises to her feet, offering you a hand to help yourself up. "I would be honored," is the reply,
  18. "But only on the grounds that you do not hold back, Do not pull punches. That takes away the point,
  19. and pointless fighting is worse than pointless conversation."
  21. You have emoted: Eleanor seems satisfied with that response, and even goes so far as to accept the
  22. hand, grasping it tightly and levering herself to her feet. "I was going to ask the same anyway. The
  23. boys fear they'll hurt me and-" she cuts that thought off with a shake of the head. "Anyway. Not
  24. enough space here, but perhaps we could wander down to the plains, they're not so far."
  26. "After you," Lin chirps. Her interest clearly piqued, she stays close, her tail swaying animatedly.
  27. Then, she snaps her fingers. "The food!"
  29. Lin picks up slow-cooked beef and beer stew.
  31. Lin picks up a fig and pecan muffin.
  33. You have emoted: Eleanor bundles the rest of what remains up in the blanket. She seems adept at
  34. packing up food, likely from long experience.
  36. <walk walk>
  39. Hidden knoll. (Dry Plains.)
  40. -----
  41. \
  42. [+]
  44. -----
  45. The stars twinkle in the clear night sky. Sheltered from the winds and dust by a large rock, this
  46. tiny knoll has a profusion of beauty growing within it. A small pool of water gurgles softly as it
  47. bubbles from an underground spring. Small prints of grassland creatures surround this tiny pool.
  48. Lilies grow around the edges of the rock, their white color and sweet scent a pleasant diversion for
  49. those who pass. An area of ground the size of a small house, several large holes torn out of it
  50. forcefully, is barren of grass, marring the otherwise beautiful scene. There are 2 fleshy weeds here.
  51. A small scrap of paper flutters in a breeze, its writing in dark ink. Lin al-Akir is here.
  52. You see a single exit leading northwest.
  54. You have emoted: Eleanor glances about the area, ambling across to set down her various belongings
  55. in the lee of the rock that shelters the area. "This ought to do," she comments.
  57. The Dry Plains are not much warmer than the city, but nonetheless, Lin removes her cloak and robe,
  58. balling them together into a conglomerate mass which is thrown roughly into the same place as your
  59. supplies. "You chose a very lovely place to shed blood," she muses, her feet leaving trident-shaped
  60. depressions in the grass and soil.
  62. Lin removes a dusty green oilcloth cloak.
  64. Lin removes a wintry fur-lined robe.
  66. You have emoted: Eleanor crouches to undo the laces of her boots. "Beauty in all things," she
  67. comments, and it's difficult to tell if the comment is straight or intended as dry humour. She
  68. straightens up, levering off each bootheel with the opposite toe in turn. "I had considered bringing
  69. you here as well, but I figured you'd have seen it before."
  71. Lin smiles with sudden tenderness, mouthing the words 'thank you.' She appears to need no
  72. preparation, simply adjusts the set of her dangling neckpieces and cracks each knuckle in her hands
  73. in succession, before dropping into stance.
  75. Lowering her torso closer to the ground, Lin adopts a stalking pose.
  77. Lin's center of gravity is held low to the ground, her fingers curled into grasping shapes. Her
  78. specific Yeleni form embodies the Tiger's spirit well.
  80. You remove sturdy black boots.
  82. You have emoted: Eleanor rolls her shoulders briskly, pacing out across the dusty area to take up a
  83. position opposite you. She sinks into something of a ready stance herself- it isn't particularly
  84. identifiable as any defined stance, but it's nevertheless springy and light-footed, her hands raised
  85. but- for the moment at least- fairly relaxed. Her dark eyes are sharply focused on you, and she
  86. shifts her weight lightly from foot to foot, a quiet energy seeming to pervade her posture.
  88. "Having difficulty reading what you are feeling. Should there be anger? Resentment? Beat it into me
  89. before I beat it out of you."
  91. Lin surges forward, her body drawn in like an arrow, opening with a wide swipe that hurtles by your
  92. face, the claws whistling through air. It could be a misjudgment of distance or a warning.
  94. You have emoted: Eleanor twists smoothly to the side as the swipe whistles by her- she turns the
  95. dodge, minimal as it needs to be, into a sinking motion that leads with an elbow aimed at the ribs
  96. on her way past. At the moment her body's entire weight isn't behind the action, but as a gesture to
  97. test the waters it serves its purpose well enough.
  99. Lin drops low to the ground, her feet widely spread apart, ducking your elbow with a needless show
  100. of speed. A plume of dust is coughed up as she hikes backwards, her hands lifted to guard her face
  101. like a pugilist. "Good," she exhales, ready to truly engage. "Now come at me."
  103. You have emoted: Eleanor's eyes follow closely as you dodge her elbow- she seems satisfied with your
  104. response, the faintest smile touching the corners of her mouth. "Very well," she responds with a
  105. short nod. There is a beat, a brief pause, and then she's moving with surprising speed for a woman
  106. with her build- she darts forward, low, a sweeping kick aimed to take your feet out from under you
  107. coming around from the side.
  109. There is a satisfying slapping feeling against Lin's legs as the kick strikes home, sending her
  110. bucking to one side. She maintains her balance though, a hand thrown out to break her fall, and
  111. pirouettes on the butt of her palm, effectively half-cartwheeling away to the side. She resumes a
  112. defensive crouch and shakes her head at you through the barrier of her raised fists.
  114. You have emoted: Eleanor carries her circular motion through, using the spin to add momentum as she
  115. comes around again, covering ground quickly- she gives a small hop, gaining some vertical distance
  116. as she brings her heel down at you, angled from roughly above this time, much more of her weight
  117. invested into this attack. Her mouth is set into a firm line, her expression one of fierce
  118. concentration, as if she were tackling some complex numerological working.
  120. Again, Lin slips aside, this time in a sashaying motion, robbing you of a kick, and consequently
  121. bringing herself directly into your frame when you land. She mouths something in another tongue,
  122. just a muttering under her breath, really, and even at this negligible distance, will not yet bring
  123. herself to strike at you.
  125. You have emoted: Eleanor exhales sharply through her nose, keeping her inertia spinning- there seems
  126. to be a somewhat circular motif to her attacks, this time bringing an elbow around toward your
  127. collar.
  129. Lin's eyes lock intensely on yours, her expression always dissatisfied, something is coming up short.
  130. Your elbow strikes home, smashing into her clavicle. Lin sounds out with a grunt and a high-pitched
  131. gasp, which quickly turns into a growl as she hurls a low hook, intending to strike your stomach.
  134. You have emoted: Eleanor drives her elbow down harder, using the return force to push herself away-
  135. she isn't quite quick enough and your attack glances off her- she definitely felt it, though it
  136. doesn't have the stopping force that a direct hit would have had. She dances back from you once her
  137. contact is broken, drawing in a breath and giving herself space to muster her balance again.
  138. The sun begins her downward journey towards eventual sleep, casting even, full light upon the land.
  140. Lin stalks toward you, her tail slapping the ground in a brutish slash. Her advances show their
  141. roots in Tekura, but she leaves offensive technique at home, opting for good, cathartic brawling.
  142. Another punch is thrown, a bony-knuckled fist meant for your jaw.
  144. You have emoted: Eleanor twists aside again, that circular rhythm still evident in her movements.
  145. She grabs onto your arm onehanded, the cyclic motion becoming a vicious twist downward- her hip is
  146. in your way, her aim clearly to flip you arse over tit.
  148. In a whirl of hair and limbs, Lin somersaults her way into the ground, absorbing much of the impact
  149. in a line from her shoulder to her hip, and quick to scrabble up to her feet, clapping off the dirt
  150. and grass as she scurries away from you. At a safe distance, she calls out, "Eleanor, little
  151. Eleanor!"
  153. You have emoted: Eleanor lifts her chin slightly in an acknowledgement of your call. "Hm?" She draws
  154. herself up, returning to her ready posture of earlier. "You tryin' to frustrate me into a mistake,
  155. Lin?" There is a hint of a smirk at one corner of her mouth.
  157. Lin beats savagely at her breast, her teeth bared into a taunting grin. "You move fairly well, for a
  158. soft, privileged little whore! Keep fighting me like one of your silly math problems and you will
  159. begin to lose digits!"
  161. Lin al-Akir says, "Perhaps I will find someone to fight with -real- problems!"
  164. You have emoted: She bares her teeth in a startlingly wolfish grin. "You'll have to do better than
  165. that to taunt me," Eleanor replies coolly, with another upward jerk of her chin. "How about you
  166. actually try and hit me instead of running your mouth?"
  169. "How about you step outside and take a deep breath of perspective?" Lin retorts, and stomps a step
  170. closer, "Poor girl, your husband is needy? I KILL PEOPLE." Lin's voice erupts into a contralto growl
  171. as she springs at you, barreling toward you at high velocity, trying to take you down.
  173. You have emoted: Eleanor slides into your leap, ducking low as she does- she aims to get under you
  174. apparently, sweeping an elbow upward from beneath. She seems unbothered by your words, her
  175. expression one of collected concentration again.
  178. Lin catches your elbow in the gut, which only serves to swerve her landing at this speed. No sooner
  179. do her feet clench into the earth than does she windmill in a tight circle, flinging a backwards
  180. kick aimed at your head, harder than should be seen at a friendly spar.
  182. You have emoted: Eleanor rolls, evading your kick by a hair's breadth- her sharp-eyed gaze meets
  183. yours for a moment, acknowledging how close that one came. She presses her lips together, mustering
  184. her strength. With a hand against the ground she enacts a complex twisting action, bringing her body
  185. around and up at an angle, setting up for a hook-shaped kick designed to bring a foe to the ground
  186. with her body weight behind it.
  188. An excellent counter, catching Lin in the back in the midst of her whiffed kick. Her breath is
  189. stricken from her body, and with a look of pure surprise, she goes to her knees in the dirt,
  190. coughing for air.
  192. You have emoted: Eleanor uses her contact with you to fuel her next action again, springing to her
  193. feet- she gives a quick twirl to add momentum and force to her next swing, coming at you this time
  194. with a downward-angled elbow. She's either intent on hurting you or confident that you'll make it
  195. out of the way, because she doesn't seem to be pulling punches- or in this case elbows and knees- as
  196. agreed.
  198. Lin hardly seems aware of your follow-up at all, hunkered down on all fours as she heaves. She takes
  199. the blow to the skull, and crumples into the chilled earth with a strange sort of whimpering sigh.
  200. She groans and grasps at the soil, but doesn't move much more than that, lying face-down in the
  201. scrub.
  204. You have emoted: Eleanor exhales a short breath of exertion, making space between you and herself
  205. and returning to her beginning stance. She eyes you critically, her expression still schooled and
  206. calm. "Come on, Lin." she calls to you, her voice level. "You said you weren't pulling any punches,
  207. and we both know you're far superior to me in this." Her posture is still wary- it seems she's half-
  208. expecting you to be hoping to trick her into lowering her guard to help you up, but nonetheless she
  209. watches closely for signs that the match is in fact over prematurely.
  211. Lin moves, eventually, and rises unsteadily first to an all-fours position, then to her feet,
  212. wincing as she rubs the back of her head. The explanation for her behaviour will never be known -
  213. more pressing now is the flash of determination and fury in her eyes, and the inexorable advance on
  214. your person, claws spread and deadly.
  216. You have emoted: Eleanor seems satisfied by your recovery, giving a brief, curt nod as you make it
  217. back to an upright position.
  219. You say, "Good. Now give me a fight worth having."
  221. As soon as she is within striking distance, Lin crosses her arms across her chest and brings them
  222. down and away, like drawing a massive 'X' in the air, a pair of claw-swipes that would likely tear
  223. apart something softer than flesh.
  225. You have emoted: Eleanor attempts to duck to the side- her dodge has mixed success, saving her from
  226. the rending slash of your claws meeting something vital, though one of your hands does rake briefly
  227. across her ribs, shredding her shirt there. Whether you got skin remains to be seen, as she is
  228. moving again too quickly to properly examine- another sweeping elbow comes at you, around from your
  229. side now, likely to hit you just above the kidneys if it connects. It seems she likes to stay close,
  230. keeping you turning and difficult to hit with a truly weighty blow.
  232. Lin claps down on your elbow and locks one of her hands around that arm, grunting heavily as it
  233. pounds into a painful place, but tries to keep you from hurtling away again. Your agility is put to
  234. test immediately, as she tugs on your elbow while shooting an elbow hook of her own, intended for
  235. your nose. Behind the strike is a furious face, losing its humanity with every exchange.
  237. <Then I disconnected and lost my own emote! But basically, Elea took the hit and yanked out of Lin's grasp, and her nose started bleeding.>
  239. Lin's snakelike tongue slices across her teeth as her eyes widen a fraction. She comes in low and
  240. fast, arms wide as if offering a high velocity embrace, dirt kicking up behind her when she launches.
  241. Her eyes are on your blood, and if she is not avoided or countered, her claws and teeth will be, as
  242. well.
  244. You have emoted: Eleanor lets her breath go quickly, jumping upward to avoid your spear tackle-
  245. hands plant hard on your back, both carrying you through under her and slamming her considerable
  246. weight downward on you as she uses the action to try and flip herself over you.
  251. Lin pumps out at a cricket with a powerful side kick.
  252. She connects!
  253. Lin has scored a STAGGERING CRITICAL hit.
  254. The final blow proves too much for a cricket, who expires, pitifully.
  255. A cricket has been slain by Lin.
  257. Lin picks up the corpse of a cricket.
  259. Lin pauses to kill a cricket.
  264. Lin tries to twist, mid-fall, and grab at your feet, but only manages to swipe at the air beneath
  265. you as she sails into the dirt once more. As always, she faces this with a sudden inflammable
  266. frustration, heaving herself to her feet to size you up for the next rush.
  268. She would like to hurt you, very much, but it's the way she is - you can't hold it against her. This
  269. is overwhelmed only by her excitement at seeing you active and deadly, these feelings pulsing
  270. directly into your mind.
  273. You have emoted: Eleanor lands with surprising grace, turning to face you again. Despite the silvery
  274. line tracking down to her chin now, she seems to still have a firm grasp on her cool demeanor- what
  275. is going on behind her schooled expression is anyone's guess, but she seems unworried by your
  276. mounting savagery- if anything at all, satisfied by it. She sniffs wetly again, raising her hands,
  277. her body not quite side-on to you. Her chin jerks briefly upward once more- an invitation to come at
  278. her, albeit unspoken and unembellished.
  280. "Eleanor." Lin growls your name, the fur around her face and neck bristling, tipped with dust. She
  281. vaults into the air this time, meeting you head-on with a spearlike jump kick, her entire body
  282. furled into the attack with hands lifted high into the air.
  284. She sees you closer and closer, at high speeds, locked on the blood of your face. She wants more
  285. blood, whether yours or hers - the problem must be bled out! Sudden anxiety - not yours - screams
  286. into your head.
  288. You have emoted: Eleanor watches your trajectory sharply, twisting aside at the last possible moment-
  289. she swings an elbow at you on the way past, though at the speed you're moving it's unlikely to do
  290. anything but shake the balance of your landing. Her shoulders raise a little as emotion bleeds
  291. through the energetic exchange, nostrils flaring as she grapples with comprehension and keeping her
  292. control in the fight.
  294. Your elbow grazes Lin's ribs, likely to bruise but completely ineffective at ruining her descent.
  295. There is practically no time wasted from miss to follow-up attack: she lands, immediately springs
  296. out of the resulting crouch, and spins much in your favored manner, her blow less of a punch and
  297. more of an outreach for whatever part of your body she can manage to snatch.
  299. You have emoted: Eleanor's angular velocity is opposite to yours, and she has no time to change it-
  300. your swing catches the back of her arm before she can do anything about it, in the split second
  301. between attack and balance.
  303. "Stop..." Lin hisses, wrenching your arm viciously aside, wishing to pull your body in like a
  304. fishing line, "Moving!" She prepares to meet it by hopping into the air, a flying knee to finish
  305. where the elbow in your face left off.
  307. You have emoted: Eleanor salvages the situation as best she can, turning as you wrench her bodily
  308. across- the knee catches her jaw, hard, but she rolls with the attack to twist away, yanking herself
  309. from your grasp with the force of the impact once more. Her recovery is less measured, this time,
  310. and she stumbles, damnear tripping on her face but just managing to scramble back to her feet
  311. dizzily, turning as quickly as she can manage to see where you got to.
  313. Lin is nearly upon you already, but crouched suspiciously low to the ground, her hand scooped into
  314. the earth. She rolls aside, changing direction, and mid-fall, flings a crumbling spray of dirt at
  315. your face.
  317. You have emoted: Eleanor seems to have mustered her focus just in time- she glares at you and your
  318. sneak attack, and it seems to think twice about flying into the numerologist's face, halting
  319. abruptly as if smacking into a glass sphere around her and abruptly dropping back to the ground.
  320. Before it has returned to the dust, she is on you, in a streak of movement that leaves a blurry
  321. afterimage to the eye and a crackling feeling of wrongness in the air. Her teeth are bared in a
  322. snarl laced with silver, and she bears down on you with a palm strike that will connect with an
  323. awful lot of force if you allow it to.
  325. The last thing you see of Lin's face before your hand smashes into it is a maddened smile, then the
  326. impact, shooting satisfyingly through your arm, the gristly sensation of bones giving way in her
  327. nose. She pitches back, spread-eagling out into the dirt, her back arching briefly before she falls
  328. flat. A smear of red mars her nose and mouth, and in her lingering smile you can see that one of her
  329. fangs has chipped. As she lies there, panting, the autonomous urges and emotions grow stronger in
  330. your mind, as if Lin's stricken state has lifted a lock on them.
  332. Hit her, as hard as you can. Finish her off. Take all of the frustration that comes with your day-to-
  333. day and throw it in her pretty little face.
  335. It feels so good to go wild, to hold nothing back. Once, out here where no one else will see it.
  336. A cricket jumps to the northwest startled by some noise.
  338. You have emoted: Eleanor rears back, getting a distance between you and herself. You hear her draw
  339. in a harsh breath, and she spits off to the side, a streak of quicksilver shining in the dust. "Stop
  340. that," she manages to say in a reasonably steady tone. "I'm here to fight you, not kill you." The
  341. woman straightens, sniffing again. "Shit. You want to stop? I can fix that for you."
  343. Lin cups her hand over her face, uttering a brief and painful moan. "No..." she says, choosing to
  344. remain on her back, "Need to... work out your frustration. Have friends, would do the same... for me.
  345. .."
  347. You have emoted: Eleanor shakes her head, the energetic tension draining like a deflating balloon.
  348. "There's working out frustrations and then there's doing someone a proper injury." She approaches,
  349. bare feet padding softly in the dust, though she remains just beyond your range for a grab or a
  350. swipe. "I feel a lot better, believe it or not- now let me look at your nose."
  352. Lin finds herself standing without too much difficulty, and waits patiently, her arms hung by her
  353. sides, not moving a muscle, whether to earn your trust or betray it. She pants lightly, and looks
  354. profoundly disappointed.
  356. You have emoted: Eleanor offers a somewhat bloodied smile, the silvery shine of her blood glinting
  357. with an oddly spectral light. She approaches now unguarded, wide open for an attack but evidently
  358. not expecting one to be forthcoming.
  360. "I am- I am a lot tougher than I let on," Lin huffs. She steps in close, but rather than attack you,
  361. stares at you with uncomprehending eyes. "I can heal myself by thought. Broken bones are nothing.
  362. Why won't you let yourself out?"
  365. You have emoted: Eleanor takes your chin gently, tilting your head so she can better look at the
  366. damage- she grimaces lightly. "You and I are different creatures, Lin. You may have only been
  367. warming up just now, but that was the most I've fought anyone straight for- well- years." There is a
  368. mischievous twist to one corner of her mouth as she continues, "And it was refreshing to fight
  369. someone who doesn't have three and a half feet in height on me."
  371. Lin frowns petulantly at you, wincing intermittently as you move her face about. Enough time has
  372. elapsed, now, that a number of rather lovely bruises have formed on her body. She only sighs, some
  373. unassailable disappointment in her eyes.
  375. You have emoted: Eleanor's thumb rubs reassuringly at your jaw. "Don't look so disappointed, please,
  376. " she implores, her eyes fixing on yours for a moment. "You've given me what I needed, and for that
  377. I am very grateful. Now brace yourself, because the first part of this will hurt like the blazes and
  378. the second part will only be worse." She raises her free hand, hovering near to your face but not
  379. touching it yet.
  382. Lin breathes in deeply through her nose and sets her jaw, her arms crossed behind her back. A fat
  383. streak of blood runs freely down her nose and over the swollen parts of her lips.
  385. You have emoted: Eleanor's grip on your jaw tightens, and in a deft movement she grabs your nose and
  386. strokes the shattered bone and cartilage back into line. Oh, that hurts, it hurts a lot, the
  387. movement grasping your skull with splintering pain. Her expression is set now like it had been
  388. before, fixed in concentration.
  390. Lin gasps suddenly, her hands rising to take your wrists. It takes a supreme exertion of will to
  391. keep from simply tearing them away from her head, but still she grips them loosely, as if you can no
  392. longer be trusted. "Wh- what are you--" Her voice cuts off into a dull groan as her nose pieces
  393. itself back together.
  395. You have emoted: "There, now, that's straight again," Eleanor says soothingly, her hand softening
  396. its grasp of you as the free one retreats. "Now I'm going to give it a boost with knitting," she
  397. tells you, gently disentangling herself from your hands- she pinches her own nose, apparently
  398. getting her quicksilver blood on her fingers and palms intentionally, taking advantage of the stream
  399. of it that still drips from her chin. "And this is -really- going to hurt."
  401. Lin scowls, turning her head away just a few degrees, making some illusory point. "What, why? It's
  402. already fixed!"
  404. You have emoted: Eleanor takes your cheek in one hand, stopping you from turning your head any
  405. further. "Yes, until you nudge it the tiniest bit. They're only sitting in the right place now, and
  406. I don't think you can go without touching your nose for a few months." The other hand settles on the
  407. opposite cheek, trapping you between her palms now, her thumbs lying either side of your damaged
  408. nose. "Besides," she says in a low, faintly teasing voice, bringing your head around to directly
  409. face her- her eyes lock to yours, a blue-white glow beginning to suffuse them as an uneasy humming
  410. vibration begins to make itself felt at the edge of perception. "Didn't you want me to hurt you?"
  411. It's difficult to tell if there's any undercurrent to her words, because that humming really is
  412. quite distracting and her eyes more than a little disquieting.
  414. Lin laughs, more and more nervously the longer it goes on, until it evolves into a light-voiced
  415. whimper. You can feel her claws curl in pricklishly at your hips, but it seems she is just seeking
  416. something to hold on to, out of sheer instinct. Everything in her tells her to turn her eyes away,
  417. but valiantly she resists that urge, meeting your incandescent glow head-on.
  419. You have emoted: Eleanor's brows drop a fraction, her eyes narrowing- and then whatever was coming
  420. arrives. A white-hot jolt of pain arcs through you suddenly, delivering agony at an order of
  421. magnitude above what it actually took to -get- the injury. A great pressure seems to grasp your
  422. skull, as if something much bigger than you and with no regard for such civilised things as sane,
  423. comprehensible interactions with people has decided to grab ahold of your sinuses and squeeze. The
  424. pain and the disquieting humming vibration seem to reach a crescendo, everything but her eyes
  425. dissolving into a chaotic haze of interrupted shapes and snaking white-out lines before- as it seems
  426. to happen with all her workings- it all abruptly disappears, your world rocking on its suspension
  427. and settling back to stability once more.
  429. Lin cries out in agony, her knees going weak as pain rips through her head. She shuts up immediately,
  430. then screams again, over and over to a rhythm defined by your magics. When the healing process is
  431. completed, she collapses against you, hanging on to your shoulders just to stay on her feet. Each
  432. breath, from then on, carries with it a high-pitched whine. "Nnmmh... th- that was... that was..."
  434. You have emoted: Eleanor shifts her hands from your face, leaving mercurial warpaint handprints on
  435. both of your cheeks. She wraps an arm around your waist to support you, and the other rubs your back
  436. soothingly. "Sh, it's over now. The broken bits are knitted- still fragile, but you won't re-break
  437. them if you're careful." Her voice is quiet, comforting, maternal even.
  439. You murmur to Lin, "It's always rough when you're forcing essence out of its usual flow. You did
  440. well, considering."
  442. Lin glances up at you, regarding you with something entirely new in her eyes - the faintest hint of
  443. fear, and with it, intense respect. "Thank you," she whispers, gingerly rubbing her nose, shuddering
  444. occasionally at touching a tender spot. "Tried- tried not to... I can only use life essence, you see.
  445. "
  447. You have emoted: Eleanor pats your back comfortingly. "That's all I used. Didn't even give you any
  448. of mine."
  451. Lin's arms curl around you in a loose, shaky embrace, no end to the nervous utterings that barely
  452. leave her lips. "I- I am so sorry for the things I said, your problems, no matter how big or small,
  453. are important, and..."
  455. "I'm glad you didn't try to 'finish' the fight," Lin says. "Would have- would have fallen for you
  456. for sure."
  458. You have emoted: Eleanor gives a crooked little smile. "I'd be daft to take your words to heart, my
  459. da taught me not to pay any mind to taunting in the middle of a fight." At the second part of your
  460. words, she grasps your shoulders loosely, making a little distance between you and her so she can
  461. squint at you. "I'm not sure what you mean by that, but, I'm not really the sort to strike a
  462. sparring partner when they're already on the floor."
  465. Lin shakes her head hurriedly. "Don't worry about it - just the way I am. Is... is it okay if I see
  466. you later, Eleanor? I am worried that I won't be able to stand up too much longer."
  468. You have emoted: Eleanor's expression shifts to visible concern, a crease forming between her brows.
  469. "Of course- do you need a hand getting somewhere? I'd hate you to come afoul of something on the way
  470. home."
  472. Lin keeps a hand cupped over her face, shielding her nose from any further harm, and shakes her head
  473. at you. "No... lay down up in the pillar. Safe place, for now. I know you don't believe me but
  474. wouldn't mind doing this again."
  476. You have emoted: Eleanor gives a small, genuine smile. "I'd like that. I think I must owe you for
  477. this." She rubs at the silvery streak from her nose with the back of a hand.
  480. "If you insist," Lin replies quietly, and musters her energy into cracking a vicious, and utterly
  481. affectionate grin. She squeezes you tightly once more before pulling away, chancing one final glance
  482. back before rushing off at a hindered pace.
  483. Lin eases herself out of the Tiger stance.
  484. Lin leaves to the northwest.
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