
When an art thief gets salty

Apr 30th, 2016
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  1. Silva™ 3 minutes ago
  2. If I'm honest you're pretty fucking retarded and just looking for some attention...This is why so many people just despise you. Soooo, good day and kindly go fuck yourself. <3 Starting arguments over the smallest of things, come back when you've grown up.
  4. ♥Lusty Vaxi♥ 5 minutes ago Delete
  5. Regardless, here's the link to his profile:
  7. And let me be the first to remind you that you're the one who refused to remove something that doesn't belong to you simply because of rumors about me, without actuality talking to me.
  9. I've come to say what I wanted to say. Do what you please, I'm just a commissioner looking out for my friend. I guess you don't understand that.
  11. Silva™ 7 minutes ago
  12. "If it would please your highness I'll start crediting the artists in my description." You really could have just said "Yes that's fine." And we wouldn't have to be wasting eachother's day.
  14. ♥Lusty Vaxi♥ 8 minutes ago Delete
  15. You made no indication that it wasn't your intention to do so
  17. Silva™ 9 minutes ago
  18. You call me slow, let you clearly didn't see that I said if you would prefer me to credit or at least say "This artwork isn't mine." Because you're acting as if I said I own it.
  20. ♥Lusty Vaxi♥ 10 minutes ago Delete
  21. By using it but giving no credit. I'm sorry if you're too slow to understand how that's abuse of someone's professional property.
  23. That's all I got cause the juvenile twat realized how stupid and condescending she sounded and deleted it all.
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