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DFGT VIII 1AA (Ndrog v Nostrotortoise)

a guest
Jul 9th, 2023
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  1. Priest Ndrog strikes at Nostrotortoise but the shot is blocked with the oaken shield!
  2. Priest Ndrog slashes Nostrotortoise in the left foot with his iron halberd and the severed part sails off in an arc!
  3. Nostrotortoise falls over.
  4. Nostrotortoise: How fragile we are... Ahhhhhhh! No!
  5. Priest Ndrog slashes Nostrotortoise in the right foot with his iron halberd and the severed part sails off in an arc!
  6. Nostrotortoise: I've been injured badly. Waaaaa...
  7. Priest Ndrog strikes at Nostrotortoise but the shot is blocked with the oaken shield!
  8. Nostrotortoise loses hold of the oaken shield.
  9. Priest Ndrog slashes Nostrotortoise in the right lower arm with his iron halberd and the severed part sails off in an arc!
  10. Priest Ndrog slashes Nostrotortoise in the left upper leg with his iron halberd, bruising the muscle through the small copper chain leggings!
  11. Priest Ndrog slashes Nostrotortoise in the right upper leg with his iron halberd, bruising the muscle through the xsmall copper chain leggingsx!
  12. Nostrotortoise has bled to death.
  13. Priest Ndrog: Death... This is truly horrifying.
  14. Priest Ndrog: Our time in The Arena is so brief... Begone fear!
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