
A Guide to Demonology and Corruption, Female Side

Sep 24th, 2017
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  1. While the title is professional enough, it seems to be decorated with the varied, perverse seals and markings often found in books detailing the tribal history of those hellspawn, most of which date back many centuries prior. Flipping past the hardback cover shows it to be some sort of almost educational textbook, with some odd index to the various chapters found within. They seem to be split up into 3 sections. One is devoted to the copulation between male demons and females of other species. The second is devoted to the opposite, where in Succubi mate with males of differing species. The final is marked simply as "Personal Notes", and seems to be somewhat larger by comparison. There's even a section dedicated to "Anatomic References" located within. Flipping through, Jamie would probably be able to sense the themes lingering within each section. For the purpose of clarity, all subjects seem to be human, and each one is given some grainy photograph of their naked forms, often surrounded by members of the opposite sex.
  3. The first of those three subjects seems to be another researcher who accompanied Oliver, a female professor simply labeled "Andrea". In her first picture? She's hardly much to look at. A plain, slender figure accompanied by a homely face and an almost frizzy hairdo. The notes make a point of saying that her eye color is "a verdant emerald green" while her hair "dances like fire in the breeze". Flipping through pictureless text, Oliver seems to catalogue and detail every encounter and interaction, as well as being provided notes from Andrea herself. She speaks of an addictive, almost choking musk that lingers around the males of that tribe, something that she often finds clinging to whatever she wears when she leaves or ends up haunting her dreams when she rests in it's midst. She speaks of some sort of "primal urge" in her brain every time she breathes too deeply, and Oliver notes that even reminiscing about this often has her mons inflamed and dribbling. She cites that it must be something related to their pituitary and eccrine glands, stating that "The smell is almost heavenly when they return from their hunts. I was rendered near unconscious during my first encounter with this." Further reports are miscellaneous details and memoirs on their courtship rituals, as well as various pictures of plants and furs that were gifted to her during this time. The next section is simply labeled "Mating", and seems to be filled with much more picture references than before. Leading the section is a "Preliminary Report". There are numerous, varying pictures of the demon's flaccid sexual organs, all of them more often than not just as big, if not bigger than Andrea's arms and paired with a set of testes that dwarf her head easily. Each picture comes with a matching "aroused" variant, some visibly more intimidating than their unstimulated counterparts. A few feature fleshy, rounded nubs that seem to line the flanks of their shafts, others looking more beastlike in nature with tapered tips, almost equine like flares or even the occasional, melon rivaling knot. There's even one that seems to sport an amalgam of features that looks hastily circled and marked "Approach with caution". Further notes from Andrea shows that their hormonal musk seems to be densest around their groins, though arousal "Makes it leak from every pore on their body,as if to subjugate the air itself." Oliver makes a note of how he tried to coerce her out of the project for her own safety, to which Andrea responded "There is no progress without risk!" in a way that Oliver describes as "dreamlike" and "unfocused."
  5. The next picture of Andrea is almost manic looking. There's a note that it was taken back at camp because "The Cooperating tribe delivered her unconscious body along with all of her belongings the day after her 'field study'." Even in the old photograph, one can see the glassy, absent stare in her eyes. Her stomach is bloated immensely with what seems to be the seed of the tribesmen, though later in the description it is redacted to a single adult male's. Breasts that were once modest have grown at least one cup size, and hips that were once almost negligible have the curvature of "a woman in the prime of sexual maturity". Lips are notably fuller, hair seems more vibrant and much more managable, and even the shape of her face has noticable amounts of femininity to it, despite how pale her flesh seems to look during the picture. There seems to be an arrow pointed towards her groin scribbled onto the photo itself, which is referenced in a side note stating how a foriegn object obstructs the leakage of semen from her womanhood. More general notes shows that she was dazed and spacey during her photo, reacting only to physical stimuli on the body that allegedly brought "intense physical pleasure" no matter where Oliver made contact. Emboldened text states that she reacted badly to all attempts to remove the plug.
  7. On the next page is a similar picture, though this time the notes lead the picture itself. "After Prof. Andrea helped to document her prior photo, she went into a state similar to hibernation for exactly 8 hours. The on site medical examiner stated that her heart rate slowed considerably during this time, and while he was not properly able to confirm this, he was sure that something changed in her dermis as well. The examination after her slumber yielded no conclusive results to an inherent biological change, though the effects were obvious. Even as I look at her now, she seems to be filled with a new vibrance that is just as captivating as it is mysterious. I can only surmise that the demons' seed has some sort of body altering agent to assist in the copulation of different species. I will take care to wait until Andrea has. . . Ingested her samples fully before documenting subsequent photos." True to this note, the picture itself is notably more vibrant. Even through the grain and wear of the primitive photagrophy, there seems to be a sense of internal abundance despite the fact that her stomach is once again flat. Her features are even more feminine now, breaching the realm of "pretty" and framed with full, flowing locks of hair. Her lips are prominent now, colored a noticable shade darker than the picture before, noted in a side script. It's obvious that she was blushing during the picture, though with how lengthy her lashes have grown, it's hard to tell if her eyes are smoldering with lust or embarassment. Breasts have not grown per say, but have instead become fuller, more succulent. Nipples are swollen as well, prominent atop those well formed peaks and completely erect. Her figure has become much more noticable without the bulging in her waistline, and there's even a note scribbled that only reads "Waistline reduction?" There are also side notes detailing things not overtely visible within the picture itself. Enhanced sense of smell, enhanced sense of taste, increased production of saliva, increased sexual fluids in general as well as many other miscelaneous facts and tidbits added in by the doctor.
  9. The next pages are pictureless, seemingly devoted to a psyche evaluation of Andrea. Oliver details erratic behavior such as but not limited to, "Increased sexual confidence, lack of inhibitions, unconscious sexual temptation and absent minded nature." The test itself is made of two parts. The first seems to be a series of questions, some devoted to basic knowledge and memory, others devoted towards possible new concepts and her impression of the tribe. The first portion seems to be more or less average, with only minor notes bringing attention to her apparent attraction to the doctor along with newfound attraction to past "friends." The second portion is much more densely packed with notes.
  10. Dr: What was your first impression of the tribe?
  11. A: Upon first contact, I was under the assumption that they were similar to the savages of old, if not more perverse. While they were indeed peaceful and accommodating, their customs seemed... less than civilized. I often found myself at a loss with them.
  12. Dr: And your impression of them now?
  13. A: Well. . . They are definitely primitive, but it is not as bad as one may think. I've found that they have a society based primarily around peaceful communication and understanding, which has led them to become much more liberal and accepting. They are quite receptive to new ideas, to the point that I'd almost call them quick witted! Would you believe that they learned how to play chess after watching me and playing only a few times themselves? I believe if I bring educational books, they might be able to learn our language quickly as well! Maybe then I could learn the name of my suitor. . .~
  14. Dr: Suitor?
  15. A: Ah, right. It all happened so fast that I couldn't write it in my field report. You see, in order to . . . erm . . . reach congress with a female, he must win her favor first! Isn't that something? Their society doesn't appear to be dominated by conventional matriarchal or patriarchal views despite being so. . . primal! Ah, as soon as I can talk to them, I'll be able to figure out the nuances
  16. Dr: Professor, if you will?
  17. A: Right right! As I was saying, the male has to win the female's favor. And... well there was one that helped me the moment I started to visit the village. He escorted me about and even learned how to use my camera to help me document! That and he was always the first to bring flowers or fruits and... well I'm sure you've read in my report that they release a hormonal cloud when aroused. That day he shared a delicacy with me that has an aphrodisiac affect on mammals. By the time I finished my half and he finished his.. well . . . I am somewhat ashamed to admit it, but I couldn't rebuke him. He laid me down in his hut and pulled out that massive, unruly thing and just.. Hmnhh~" There is a note that mentions that the Dr had to physically snap Andrea out of her reverie, much to her chargin.
  18. A: Regardless, I am seen as his mate now. I suppose the fact that I'm here means they still see me as part of my own 'tribe', so I hypothesize that I can go and leave as I please. Though, I *do* want to return as soon as possible. Their entire village is a treasure trove of culture just waiting to be tapped into, and I'm sure my efforts to teach them will not be in vain!
  20. Following this, there are numerous annotations and shorthand that go into detail the state she was in during the interview, making sure to note all of her many moments of arousal during the ordeal.
  22. The second portion of the test seems to be idle examination without the subject's knowledge. During this, it's shown that they kept her from visiting the tribe for a handful of days just to prevent any rapid changes in mental state as well as to ensure that her survaliance was without gaps.
  24. Day 1: 08:00; Subject seems to be the same as always, possibly even more energetic than before. She is eating signifigantly more than when we first arrived, though it seems to be more out of necessity than it is for the taste. She's even began to eat spicier foods that she avoided prior to this date. The subject simply notes that "My pallette must be expanding since we're roughing it."
  26. 11:00; Between our first report and this one, we have noticed the many changes in... physique the subject has gone through. While we insist that she at least wear some of our clothing in order to compensate, she adamantly insists that she'll continue to wear her old gear. This of course means her shirt rides higher on her when she stands, her shorts fitting much tighter on her hips as well. We find her walking with a gait that emphasizes this more as well, though much to our dismay, she does not seem to notice the effect this has on us. What's more, her over all confidence has seen a signifigant increase as well. Where she would avoid us throughout the day, whether it be to personal preference or because of her studies, she offered to study together for the first time. She's even begun to strike up conversation not related to work topics. While it isn't part of the professional diagnosis, I am quite pleased with her newfound friendliness.
  28. 16:00; Subject continues to show a natural inclination towards group activities, even if it means her own progress is slowed signifigantly. The only time it seems she wishes to be apart from us seems to be when our topic shifts to the tribe we are studying. Despite it only being approximately 2 days since her. . . "study" and barely 20 hours since we've decided on her survalience, she claims to have forgotten that she cannot leave camp. She offered to make up for this mistake by preparing our rations for the night. Surprisingly enough, despite showing no home making skills, her cooking is. . . delicious. We are not sure if this is because of her study.
  30. 18:00; We have decided to sleep for tonight, but it seems that Andrea. . . the subject still has more energy to spare. She insists on compiling field notes and photographs till she wishes to sleep, and we have not prepared for this. It is noted that we shall make shifts for our observation from now on. It's strange though. We haven't made any real progress in the field since she returned, due to her changes.
  32. Day 2: 06:00; Despite going to sleep after us, the subject has taken it upon herself to wake up earlier than the camp to make breakfast. Once again, I can only marvel at how delicious the food is. Maybe she always had this talent for cooking and simply never wanted to display it until recently? It should be noted that, instead of eating the food she prepared for us, she's eating a sort of pulpy gruel that doesn't look nearly as appetizing. What's more, she didin't even bother with untensils, save for dipping it from the pot. She swallowed it from the bowl straight away without pause. I surmise that her lung capacity must have increased as well, since it was about half the size of our gallon pot.
  34. 11:00; With the heat rising during the day, the subject's choice of clothing becomes more... problematic. She has taken the liberty of wearing her hiking gear instead of her traditional field gear. This consists of a tanktop that is noticably small on her current figure along with a set of shorts that she has graciously borrowed from one of the larger researchers. We have noted many times to her that it doesn't seem to fit properly on her at the moment, but every time it is met with a provacative comment along the lines of "helping her get a nice fit." Once again we share and compare notes together over idle conversation, though her topics continually drift back to her "mate" along with the tribe in general. What's more, she's actively discussing taking us to visit if we want to keep our study going, and even offering us female members to partake in if "we're getting jealous". It's becoming harder and harder to rebuke her, and she's showing signs of irritation each time we do.
  36. 16:00; Signs of irritation only continue to manifest in the subject as the day goes by, though now she's taken to busying herself with menial tasks. By the time I have made this report, she has polished our tent posts for at least an hour before moving on to do the same with our dishes. She's even gone for jogs around the camp perimiter during the day, which of course works up a sweat that has her clothes drenched by the time she's finished. The excersize also seems to incite some sort of arousal within her as well since I have noticed her... more than flushed afterwards. Once again she cooks us our meal for the night, and once again we have no choice but to comment on the taste, though the meal in question is quite the ordeal. It's some sort of soup, though she must've made some changes to the recepie. It goes down more like glue than anything and barely gives to our spoons. That said, it was quite filling, and we didn't need more than a bowl. She ended up finishing the rest of her pot by herself with the greatest of ease, though it only seemed to make her all the more distressed and hungry by the time she finished.
  38. 21:00; The subject has finally gone to sleep, though not without holing herself up in her tent and.. well. She claimed to need to study more, so most of the reasearchers went to bed. As I've been asked not to make my presence known, I simply followed her to make idle conversation in the meantime. She forcibly barred intrusion, though it seems she doesn't seem to mind me looking from the outside. I can only assume that the squares hanging up in her tent are the photographs she's taken, and at first I wondered why exactly she would need to strip before studying them. What came next is something I'll never forget. 3 straight hours of muted whimpering and very.. conspicuous squelching, along with her shadow dancing and writhing from the light of the lantern within. Near the end of her "studying", whimpers became insatiate moans and near howls of desire, and I found myself struggling to make a move on pleasing her myself. I'm not even sure if the subject is actually asleep. I assume that after her throes of pleasure, she went comatose, though she still had that odd squelching noise emenating from her tent the entire time. I would have observed directly, but I fear that my own willpower would not be enough to stop me from what I would see.
  40. Day 3: 06:00; Once again we are greeted to breakfast, but it pales in comparison to the view we're forced to take in. Andrea has chosen to wear nothing but her tanktop and a pair of boxers that one of us had thought missing. The undergarnment rests snugly on her frame, something that she makes a point of showing as she personally gives each and every one of us our plates. She goes to great lengths to bend and twist in ways that show off her budding figure the entire time, and one of our Doctors even had the . . . experience of her practically sitting in his lap at one point. Her arousal is as obvious as her coyness, as it visibly drips through the crotch of her undergarnment by the time she's done, much to the dismay of our camp. She prepares her own gruel like before, though it seems to be even thicker than last time as well, almost like oatmeal. I only use conjecture to say this though, as we never got so much as a taste. She made a show of eating it straight from the pot once it cooled off, made a show of slowly swallowing down mouthful after mouthful into her gullet, legs spread to show off her dampness. We would have questioned her ability to breathe if we weren't all.. shamefully entranced by the sight. Many of us had to adjurn to our respective tents before the day truly began.
  42. 11:00; Never have I known the voice of a woman to be so cruel and tortorous. I know not if we made a mistake in depriving her from going back to the tribe will be more helpful or harmful in this experiment, but it is certainly manifesting itself in her mannerisms now. She pesters us constantly about returning, though now she drops the pretense of going to learn. Every attempt has the nearest researcher clasped onto and ground against while she speaks, every word formed by her so breathy and desire filled that some of our. . . less experienced fellows have to adjurn to their tents near every time she starts. We have noticed that she has increased her intake of water, probably due to the copious amounts of fluids lost from her groin during it all, though it does not seem to aliveate even her natural thirst, let alone this eustrus she's been aflicted with. After hours of beseeching us, she simply returns to her tent in a huff. We do take note that, despite this clearing being on wholly dry and dead ground, her. . . excretions seem to be so succulent and dense that they are not so easily absorbed by the dirt.
  44. 16:00; This report is simply to keep the others more organized. While we haven't actually seen the subject since the last report, we've certainly heard her. She doesn't try to hide her raptorous moans while she shamelessly indulges herself in her tent, nor does she bother to stop those who wish to watch her shadow dance from outside. The actual tent seems to be closed, but we all doubt she'd even pay us any mind should we open and step inside so long as we don't stop her. Some of our collegues have even expressed their desire to join her, though we must let her be for the sake of our research.
  46. 18:00; We've all come to the same conclusion that, at the moment, any and all further observation without allowing her mental state to change will not yield any fruitful results. As such, we have decided to allow her to travel back to the tribe. Even upon hearing this, she found herself with some renewed vigor that none of us have laid witness to this entire time. It should be noted that it took her less than one minute to retrieve the provisions she needed despite bringing almost double the amount of rations compared to last time as well as the extent of the photographic documentary equipment she could carry. While we did not think to test such things initially, it seems that her phsyique and overall stamina has improved by leaps and bounds. She started in a light sprint off towards her "lover" and I doubt she stopped before she arrived.
  48. From here on out, there seems to be another series of pictures documenting the various times she visited the camp, as well as whatever materials and pictures she took while she was in the tribe's care. They span 14 days total, and most seem to have footnotes detailing other changes that may or may not be overtely obvious in the pictures. The first few dozen of pictures are simply of her, sometimes drenched in and leaking the thick, almost pudding like substance of what could only be assumed to be her "lover's" semen, other times simply showing portrait and profile views of her to show the changes in her figure. Each one has her progressively more "beautiful". Breasts sometimes go up multiple cup sizes while still maintaining a sense of perkiness, not stopping till she's well into F cup while hips flare out to dwarf even the most fertile women. Her flesh became flawless, before taking on a youthful tan that's reminiscent of some summer break spent in the sun. Hair has grown down to her luscious, sumptuous rear and managed to look almost flawless in it's presentation, some of the later pictures of the batch showing it adorned with various flowers and bones to act as berrets. She actually manages to become just slightly taller throughout, and the very last shots are compared with her intial ones just to show the drastic change from homely researcher to overabundant broodmother. The later pictures are much more graphic, less about research and more for the amusement of her and her lover. They show her in various situations, the first few more tame as they can be seen with her clinging to his powerful physique or him carrying her quite effortlessly in his arms. The next few are seemingly "comparison" shots. Her knelt beside him with loincloth pushed aside just to show how his maleness, even when only half aroused, reaches from the top of her head down to the very beginning of collarbone. His hand groping her rear and flanks, showing how even though it could swallow her skull, it has trouble managing to keep itself from being absorbed by her relatively creamy mass. There's even one that is apparently from his persepctive, her legs spread wide and folded back while his cock is draped along her middle, rock hard and easily reaching up to her rib cage despite starting from her pelvis. The last few pictures are undoubtedly the most raunchy. Befores and afters with her lover, a pair and sometimes the entire tribe that show the utter devestation wrought by their antics. A smiling, demure gaze cast by Andrea and her beau before she's shown with a blissed out expression, mouth hanging open not because of her delight, but because of the globules of cum oozing out between lips in the close up shot. Some duo and sometimes trio of the demon tribe standing with her, cocks already primed and ready before they're sitting down next to a bloated, slime oozing form that still has her head in one of their laps. The last picture is a series. The entire tribe is standing behind her, some striking poses that she surely taught them, some already groping and kneading along her corpulent form while others look almost stoic, almost displeased at the event. She herself is marked with tattoos that emanate from some odd design that encircles her belly and reach all the way up to the underside of her breasts and the ends of her thighs. The next picture is her face, completely glazed down and sporting some whorish grin that's white if only for the fact that semen is still pouring from her lips. one of the larger members seems to be holding her head up by her hair, some familiar looking, jizz glazed, nub sporting shaft casually draped across shoulder and nudging against her cheek. The final picture has her spread eagle and surely completely comatose. Her stomach is, much to the researcher's curiosity, so swollen that "She looks to be near labor" even while a veritable tide of semen is escaping her womanhood. It is noted under most of these that the visits were notably brief and almost useless thanks to her increasingly trance like state during as well as her constant desire to return to the tribe. As a final note, they have no further records of sighting her after the last picture, as she never made an attempt to return to camp. All attempts to reach her afterwards were met with the guards of that tribe "escorting" her visitors out.
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