

Jan 20th, 2016
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  1. MEmu = Demul
  2. MEmuV = v0.7a
  3. MURL =
  4. MAuthor = djvj
  5. MVersion = 2.1.1
  6. MCRC = 2708CA58
  7. iCRC = 5AAA7BB6
  8. mId = 635742431913446797
  9. MSystem = "Cave 3rd","Gaelco","Gaelco 3D","Sammy Atomiswave","Sega System SP","Sega Dreamcast","Sega Hikaru","Sega Naomi","Sega Naomi 2"
  10. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. ; Notes:
  12. ; Required - control and nvram files setup for each game/control type
  13. ; Required - moduleName ini example can be found on GIT in the Demul module folder
  14. ; moduleName ini must be placed in same folder as this module if you use the provided example, just be sure to rename it to just Demul.ini first so it matches the module's name
  15. ; GDI images must match mame zip names and be extracted and have a .dat extension
  16. ; Rom_Extension should include 7z|zip|gdi|cue|cdi|chd|mds|ccd|nrg
  17. ; Module will automatically set your rom path for you on first launch
  18. ;
  19. ; Make sure the awbios, dc, hikaru, naomi, naomi2, bios archives are in any of your rom paths as they are needed to play all the games.
  20. ; Set your Video Plugin to gpuDX11 and set your desired resolution there
  21. ; In case your control codes do not match mine, set your desired control type in demul, then open the demul.ini and find section PORTB and look for the device key. Use this number instead of the one I provided
  22. ; gpuDX10 and gpuDX11 are the only supported plugins. You can define what plugin you want to use for each game in the module settings in RocketLauncherUI
  23. ; Read the tooltip for the Fullscreen module setting in RocketLauncherUI on how to control windowed fullscreen, true fullscreen, or windowed mode
  24. ; Windowed fullscreen will take effect the 2nd time you run the emu. It has to calculate your resolution on first run.
  25. ;
  26. ; Controls:
  27. ; Start a game of each control type (look in the RocketLauncherUI's module settings for these types, they all have their own tabs) and configure your controls to play the game. After configuring your controls manually in Demul, open padDemul.ini and Copy/paste the JAMMA0_0 and JAMMA0_1 (for naomi) or the ATOMISWAVE0_0 and ATOMISWAVE0_1 (for atomiswave) into RocketLauncherUI's module settings for each controls tab (standard, sfstyle, etc).
  28. ; Each pair of control tabs designates another real arcade control schema for a grouping of games. Demul does not handle this like MAME, so the module does instead.
  29. ;
  30. ; Gaelco:
  31. ; There is no known way to launch the desired Gaelco rom from CLI. You will always be presented with the rom selection window on launch.
  32. ; GPUDX11 does not yet support Gaelco in true fullscreen mode. Either use DX10 which does support fullscreen for Gaelco
  33. ; or if using DX11, choose fullscreen in the video options and then match the windows resolution to your desktop. This will give a pseudo fullscreen mode.
  34. ;
  35. ; Sega Hikaru:
  36. ; Windowed Fullscreen doesn't seem to work as demul does not allow stretching of its window
  37. ;
  38. ; Troubleshooting:
  39. ; For some reason demul's ini files can get corrupted and ahk can't read/write to them correctly.
  40. ; If your ini keys are not being read or not writing to their existing keys in the demul inis, create a new file and copy/paste everything from the old ini into the new one and save.
  41. ; If you use Fade_Out, the module will disable it. Demul crashes when Fade tries to draw on top of it in windowed and fullscreen modes.
  42. ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  43. StartModule()
  44. BezelGUI()
  45. ExtraFixedResBezelGUI()
  46. FadeInStart()
  48. ; This object controls how the module reacts to different systems. Demul can play a few systems, but needs to know what system you want to run, so this module has to adapt.
  49. mType := Object("Cave 3rd","cave3rd","Gaelco","gaelco","Gaelco 3D","gaelco","Sammy Atomiswave","awave","Sega System SP","naomi","Sega Dreamcast","dc","Sega Hikaru","hikaru","Sega Naomi","naomi","Sega Naomi 2","naomi2")
  50. ident := mType[systemName] ; search object for the systemName identifier Demul uses
  51. If !ident
  52. ScriptError("Your systemName is: " . systemName . "`nIt is not one of the known supported systems for this Demul module: " . moduleName)
  54. settingsFile := modulePath . "\" . moduleName . ".ini"
  55. demulFile := CheckFile(emuPath . "\Demul.ini", "Could not find Demul's ini. Please run Demul manually first and each of it's settings sections so the appropriate inis are created for you: " . emuPath . "\Demul.ini")
  56. padFile := CheckFile(emuPath . "\padDemul.ini", "Could not find Demul's control ini. Please run Demul manually first and set up your controls so this file is created for you: " . emuPath . "\padDemul.ini")
  58. demulFileEncoding := RL_getFileEncoding(demulFile)
  59. If demulFileEncoding {
  60. Log("Module - Recreating " . demulFile . " as ANSI because UTF-8 format cannot be read")
  61. If RL_removeBOM(demulFile)
  62. Log("Module - Successfully converted " . demulFile . " to ANSI")
  63. Else
  64. Log("Module - Failed to convert " . demulFile . " to ANSI",3)
  65. }
  67. maxHideTaskbar := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "MaxHideTaskbar", "true",,1)
  68. controllerCode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "ControllerCode", "16777216",,1)
  69. mouseCode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "MouseCode", "131072",,1)
  70. keyboardCode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "KeyboardCode", "1073741824",,1)
  71. lightgunCode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "LightgunCode", "-2147483648",,1)
  72. lastControlUsed := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "LastControlUsed",,,1)
  73. hideDemulGUI := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "HideDemulGUI", "true",,1)
  74. PerGameMemoryCards := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "PerGameMemoryCards", "true",,1)
  75. memCardPath := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "MemCardPath", emuPath . "\memsaves",,1)
  76. memCardPath := AbsoluteFromRelative(emuPath, memCardPath)
  78. fullscreen := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings|" . romName, "Fullscreen", "windowedfullscreen",,1)
  79. plugin := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings|" . romName, "Plugin", "gpuDX11",,1)
  80. shaderUsePass1 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings|" . romName, "ShaderUsePass1", "false",,1)
  81. shaderUsePass2 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings|" . romName, "ShaderUsePass2", "false",,1)
  82. shaderNamePass1 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings|" . romName, "ShaderNamePass1",,,1)
  83. shaderNamePass2 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings|" . romName, "ShaderNamePass2",,,1)
  84. listSorting := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings|" . romName, "ListSorting", "true",,1)
  85. OpaqueMod := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings|" . romName, "OModifier", "true",,1)
  86. TransMod := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings|" . romName, "TModifier", "true",,1)
  87. internalResolutionScale := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings|" . romName, "InternalResolutionScale", "1",,1)
  88. videomode := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings|" . romName, "VideoMode", "0",,1)
  90. displayVMU := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "DisplayVMU", "true",,1)
  91. VMUPos := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "VMUPos", "topRight",,1) ; topRight, topCenter, topLeft, leftCenter, bottomLeft, bottomCenter, bottomRight, rightCenter
  92. VMUHideKey := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, "Settings", "VMUHideKey","F10",,1)
  94. Bios := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "Bios",,,1)
  95. LoadDecrypted := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romName, "LoadDecrypted",,,1) ; not currently supported
  97. ; Read all the control values
  98. controls := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, romname, "Controls", "standard",,1) ; have to read this first so the below ini reads work
  99. push1_0 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_0", "push1",,,1)
  100. push2_0 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_0", "push2",,,1)
  101. push3_0 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_0", "push3",,,1)
  102. push4_0 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_0", "push4",,,1)
  103. push5_0 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_0", "push5",,,1)
  104. push6_0 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_0", "push6",,,1)
  105. push7_0 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_0", "push7",,,1)
  106. push8_0 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_0", "push8",,,1)
  107. service_0 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_0", "SERVICE",,,1)
  108. start_0 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_0", "START",,,1)
  109. coin_0 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_0", "COIN",,,1)
  110. digitalup_0 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_0", "DIGITALUP",,,1)
  111. digitaldown_0 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_0", "DIGITALDOWN",,,1)
  112. digitalleft_0 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_0", "DIGITALLEFT",,,1)
  113. digitalright_0 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_0", "DIGITALRIGHT",,,1)
  114. analogup_0 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_0", "ANALOGUP",,,1)
  115. analogdown_0 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_0", "ANALOGDOWN",,,1)
  116. analogleft_0 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_0", "ANALOGLEFT",,,1)
  117. analogright_0 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_0", "ANALOGRIGHT",,,1)
  118. analogup2_0 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_0", "ANALOGUP2",,,1)
  119. analogdown2_0 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_0", "ANALOGDOWN2",,,1)
  120. analogleft2_0 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_0", "ANALOGLEFT2",,,1)
  121. analogright2_0 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_0", "ANALOGRIGHT2",,,1)
  122. push1_1 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_1", "push1",,,1)
  123. push2_1 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_1", "push2",,,1)
  124. push3_1 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_1", "push3",,,1)
  125. push4_1 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_1", "push4",,,1)
  126. push5_1 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_1", "push5",,,1)
  127. push6_1 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_1", "push6",,,1)
  128. push7_1 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_1", "push7",,,1)
  129. push8_1 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_1", "push8",,,1)
  130. service_1 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_1", "SERVICE",,,1)
  131. start_1 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_1", "START",,,1)
  132. coin_1 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_1", "COIN",,,1)
  133. digitalup_1 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_1", "DIGITALUP",,,1)
  134. digitaldown_1 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_1", "DIGITALDOWN",,,1)
  135. digitalleft_1 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_1", "DIGITALLEFT",,,1)
  136. digitalright_1 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_1", "DIGITALRIGHT",,,1)
  137. analogup_1 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_1", "ANALOGUP",,,1)
  138. analogdown_1 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_1", "ANALOGDOWN",,,1)
  139. analogleft_1 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_1", "ANALOGLEFT",,,1)
  140. analogright_1 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_1", "ANALOGRIGHT",,,1)
  141. analogup2_1 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_1", "ANALOGUP2",,,1)
  142. analogdown2_1 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_1", "ANALOGDOWN2",,,1)
  143. analogleft2_1 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_1", "ANALOGLEFT2",,,1)
  144. analogright2_1 := IniReadCheck(settingsFile, controls . "_JAMMA0_1", "ANALOGRIGHT2",,,1)
  146. If (plugin = "gpuDX11ng") ; this is for legacy support. Original demul 0.7 used gpuDX11ng
  147. plugin := "gpuDX11old"
  149. If (InStr(systemName, "Hikaru") && plugin != "gpuDX11")
  150. plugin := "gpuDX11" ; Hikaru does not work with gpuDX10 gpu plugin, setting it dumps an error
  152. ; Verify user set desired gpu plugin name correctly
  153. If (plugin != "gpuDX11old" && plugin != "gpuDX11" && plugin != "gpuDX10" && plugin != "")
  154. ScriptError(plugin . " is not a supported gpu plugin.`nLeave the plugin blank to use the default ""gpuDX11"".`nValid options are gpuDX11old, gpuDX11 or gpuDX10.")
  156. ; Read and write videomode value for cable type
  157. rvideomode := IniRead(demulFile, "main", "videomode")
  158. Log("Module - Demul is reading the config with videomode = " . rvideomode)
  159. IniWrite(videomode, demulFile, "main", "videomode")
  160. Log("Module - Demul is updating the config with videomode = " . videomode)
  162. ; Handle Demul's rom paths so the user doesn't have to
  163. romPathCount := IniRead(demulFile, "files", "romsPathsCount")
  164. Log("Module - Demul is configured with " . romPathCount . " rom path(s). Scanning these for a romPath to this rom.")
  165. Loop % romPathCount
  166. { demulRomPath := A_Index - 1 ; rompaths in demul start with 0
  167. path%A_Index% := IniRead(demulFile, "files", roms%demulRomPath%)
  168. Log("Module - Path" . demulRomPath . ": " . path%A_Index%)
  169. ; msgbox % path%A_Index%
  170. If (path%A_Index% = romPath . "\") ; demul tacks on the backslash at the end
  171. { romPathFound := 1 ; flag that demul has this romPath in its config and no need to add it
  172. Log("Module - Stopping search because Demul is already configured with the correct romPath to this rom: " . path%A_Index%)
  173. Break ; stop looking for a correct romPath
  174. }
  175. }
  176. If !romPathFound ; if demul doesn't have the romPath in its ini, add it
  177. { Log("Module - Demul does not have this romPath in Demul.ini, adding it for you.",2)
  178. nextPath := romPathCount + 1 ; add 1 to the romPathCount and write that to the ini
  179. IniWrite(nextPath, demulFile, "files", "romsPathsCount")
  180. IniWrite(romPath . "\", demulFile, "files", "roms" . romPathCount) ; write the rompath to the ini
  181. }
  183. BezelStart("FixResMode")
  185. ; Force Fade_Out to disabled as it causes demul to not close properly
  186. ; fadeOut = false
  187. ; Log("Module - Turning off Fade_Out because it doesn't let Demul exit properly.",2)
  189. ; check for the specified gpu plugin
  190. gpuFile := CheckFile(emuPath . "\" . plugin . ".ini", "Please run Demul manually first and select the " . plugin . " gpu plugin so it creates this file for you: " . emuPath . "\" . plugin . ".ini")
  192. demulFileEncoding := RL_getFileEncoding(gpuFile)
  193. If demulFileEncoding {
  194. Log("Module - Recreating " . gpuFile . " as ANSI because UTF-8 format cannot be read")
  195. If RL_removeBOM(gpuFile)
  196. Log("Module - Successfully converted " . gpuFile . " to ANSI")
  197. Else
  198. Log("Module - Failed to convert " . gpuFile . " to ANSI",3)
  199. }
  201. ; This updates the DX11gpu ini file to turn List Sorting on or off. Depending on the games, turning this on for some games may remedy missing graphics, having it off on other games may fix corrupted graphics. Untill they improve the DX11gpu, this is the best it's gonna get.
  202. If (ListSorting = "true")
  203. IniWrite(0, gpuFile, "main", "AutoSort")
  204. Else
  205. IniWrite(1, gpuFile, "main", "AutoSort")
  207. ; This will set the Opaque or Trans modifier for each game
  208. If (OpaqueMod = "true")
  209. IniWrite(0, gpuFile, "main", "OModifier")
  210. Else
  211. IniWrite(1, gpuFile, "main", "OModifier")
  213. If (TransMod = "true")
  214. IniWrite(0, gpuFile, "main", "TModifier")
  215. Else
  216. IniWrite(1, gpuFile, "main", "TModifier")
  218. ; This updates the DX10gpu or DX11gpu ini file to the scale you want to use for this game
  219. IniWrite(InternalResolutionScale, gpuFile, "main", "scaling")
  221. ; This updates the demul.ini with your gpu plugin choice for the selected rom
  222. IniWrite(plugin . ".dll", demulFile, "plugins", "gpu")
  224. ; This updates the demul.ini with your VMU display choice
  225. VMUscreendisable := If (displayVMU = "true") ? "false" : "true"
  226. IniWrite(VMUscreendisable, demulFile, "main", "VMUscreendisable")
  228. ; Shader Effects
  229. Loop, 2 {
  230. shaderUsePass%A_Index% := If (ShaderUsePass%A_Index% != "" and ShaderUsePass%A_Index% != "ERROR" ? (ShaderUsePass%A_Index%) : (GlobalShaderUsePass%A_Index%)) ; determine what shaderUsePass to use
  231. currentusePass%A_Index% := IniRead(gpuFile, "shaders", usePass%A_Index%)
  232. If (shaderUsePass%A_Index% = "true")
  233. {
  234. shaderNamePass%A_Index% := If (ShaderNamePass%A_Index% != "" and ShaderNamePass%A_Index% != "ERROR" ? (ShaderNamePass%A_Index%) : (GlobalShaderNamePass%A_Index%)) ; determine what shaderNamePass to use
  235. If !RegExMatch(shaderNamePass%A_Index%,"i)FXAA|HDR-TV|SCANLINES|CARTOON|RGB DOT\(MICRO\)|RGB DOT\(TINY\)|BLUR")
  236. ScriptError(shaderNamePass%A_Index% . " is not a valid choice for a shader. Your options are FXAA, HDR-TV, SCANLINES, CARTOON, RGB DOT(MICRO), RGB DOT(TINY), or BLUR.")
  237. If (currentusePass%A_Index% = 0)
  238. IniWrite(1, gpuFile, "shaders", usePass%A_Index%) ; turn shader on in gpuDX11 ini
  239. IniWrite(shaderNamePass%A_Index%, gpuFile, "shaders", shaderPass%A_Index%) ; update gpuDX11 ini with the shader name to use
  240. }Else If (shaderUsePass%A_Index% != "true" and currentusePass%A_Index% = 1)
  241. IniWrite(0, gpuFile, "shaders", usePass%A_Index%) ; turn shader off in gpuDX11 ini
  242. }
  244. If (ident = "dc")
  245. {
  246. 7z(romPath, romName, romExtension, sevenZExtractPath)
  247. If (romExtension = ".cdi" || romExtension = ".mds" || romExtension = ".ccd" || romExtension = ".nrg" || romExtension = ".gdi" || romExtension = ".cue") {
  248. gdrImageFile := CreateDefaultGDROMIni("image")
  249. FileDelete, %gdrImageFile%
  250. Sleep, 500
  251. IniWrite("gdrImage.dll", demulFile, "plugins", "gdr")
  252. IniWrite("false", gdrImageFile, "Main", "openDialog")
  253. IniWrite(romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension, gdrImageFile, "Main", "imagefilename")
  254. } Else If (romExtension = ".chd")
  255. {
  256. gdrCHDFile := CreateDefaultGDROMIni("chd")
  257. FileDelete, %gdrCHDFile%
  258. Sleep, 500
  259. IniWrite("false", gdrCHDFile, "Main", "openDialog")
  260. IniWrite("gdrCHD.dll", demulFile, "plugins", "gdr")
  261. IniWrite(romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension, gdrCHDFile, "Main", "imagefilename")
  262. } Else
  263. ScriptError(romExtension . " is not a supported file type for this " . moduleName . " module.")
  265. IniWrite(1, demulFile, "main", "region") ; Set BIOS to Auto Region
  266. } Else { ; all other systems, Naomi and Atomiswave
  267. ; This updates the demul.ini with your Bios choice for the selected rom
  268. If (Bios != "" && Bios != "ERROR") {
  269. Bios := RegExReplace(Bios,"\s.*") ; Cleans off the added text from the key's value so only the number is left
  270. IniWrite("false", demulFile, "main", "naomiBiosAuto") ; turning auto bios off so we can use a specific one instead
  271. IniWrite(Bios, demulFile, "main", "naomiBios") ; setting specific bios user has set from the moduleName ini
  272. } Else
  273. IniWrite("true", demulFile, "main", "naomiBiosAuto") ; turning auto bios on if user did not specify a specific one
  274. }
  276. ; This section writes your custom keys to the padDemul.ini. Naomi games had many control panel layouts. The only way we can accomodate these differing controls, is to keep track of them all and write them to the ini at the launch of each game.
  277. ; First we check if the last controls used are the same as the game we want to play, so we don't waste time updating the ini if it is not necessary. For example playing 2 sfstyle type games in a row, we wouldn't need to write to the ini.
  279. ; This section tells demul what arcade control type should be connected to the game. Options are standard (aka controller), mouse, lightgun, or keyboard
  280. If (controls = "lightgun" || controls = "mouse") {
  281. Log("Module - This game uses a Mouse or Lightgun control type.")
  282. IniWrite(MouseCode, demulFile, "PORTB", "device")
  283. } Else If (controls = "keyboard") {
  284. Log("Module - This game uses a Keyboard control type.")
  285. IniWrite(KeyboardCode, demulFile, "PORTB", "device")
  286. } Else { ; accounts for all other control types
  287. Log("Module - This game uses a standard (controller) control type.")
  288. IniWrite(ControllerCode, demulFile, "PORTB", "device")
  289. }
  291. Log("Module - Last control scheme used was """ . lastControlUsed . """ and this game requires """ . controls . """")
  292. If (LastControlUsed != controls) { ; find out last controls used for the system we are launching
  293. WriteControls(padFile, 0,push1_0,push2_0,push3_0,push4_0,push5_0,push6_0,push7_0,push8_0,SERVICE_0,START_0,COIN_0,DIGITALUP_0,DIGITALDOWN_0,DIGITALLEFT_0,DIGITALRIGHT_0,ANALOGUP_0,ANALOGDOWN_0,ANALOGLEFT_0,ANALOGRIGHT_0,ANALOGUP2_0,ANALOGDOWN2_0,ANALOGLEFT2_0,ANALOGRIGHT2_0)
  294. WriteControls(padFile, 1,push1_1,push2_1,push3_1,push4_1,push5_1,push6_1,push7_1,push8_1,SERVICE_1,START_1,COIN_1,DIGITALUP_1,DIGITALDOWN_1,DIGITALLEFT_1,DIGITALRIGHT_1,ANALOGUP_1,ANALOGDOWN_1,ANALOGLEFT_1,ANALOGRIGHT_1,ANALOGUP2_1,ANALOGDOWN2_1,ANALOGLEFT2_1,ANALOGRIGHT2_1)
  295. IniWrite(controls, settingsFile, "Settings", "LastControlUsed")
  296. Log("Module - Wrote " . controls . " controls to padDemul.ini.")
  297. } Else
  298. Log("Module - Not changing controls because the currently configured controls are the same for this game.")
  300. ; This will check the save game files and create per game ones if enabled.
  301. If (PerGameMemoryCards = "true")
  302. {
  303. If !FileExist(memCardPath)
  304. FileCreateDir, %memCardPath% ; create memcard folder if it doesn't exist
  305. defaultMemCard := memCardPath . "\default_vms.bin" ; defining default blank VMU file
  306. If FileExist(defaultMemCard)
  307. {
  308. Log("VMU - Default VMU file location - " . defaultMemCard,4)
  309. Loop, 4
  310. {
  311. outerLoop := A_Index
  312. If (A_Index = 1)
  313. contrPort := "A"
  314. Else If (A_Index = 2)
  315. contrPort := "B"
  316. Else If (A_Index = 3)
  317. contrPort := "C"
  318. Else If (A_Index = 4)
  319. contrPort := "D"
  320. controllerPort%contrPort% := IniRead(demulFile, PORT%contrPort%, "device")
  321. Log("VMU - Config for controller PORT" . contrPort . " = " . controllerPort%contrPort%,4)
  322. If (controllerPort%contrPort% = -1)
  323. Continue
  324. Loop, 2
  325. {
  326. SubCount := A_Index - 1
  327. VMUPort%SubCount% := IniRead(demulFile, PORT%contrPort%, port%SubCount%)
  328. Log("VMU - Config Plugin VMUPort" . contrPort . SubCount . " for controller PORT" . contrPort . " = " . VMUPort%SubCount%,4)
  329. If (VMUPort%SubCount% <> -1)
  330. {
  331. VMUPortFile%SubCount% := IniRead(demulFile, "VMS", VMS%contrPort%%SubCount%)
  332. Log("VMU - VMUPortFile" . contrPort . SubCount . " controllerVMU" . contrPort . SubCount . " " . "VMS" . contrPort . SubCount . " = " . VMUPortFile%SubCount%,4)
  333. memCardName := If romTable[1,5] ? romTable[1,4] : romName ; defining rom name for multi disc rom
  334. PerGameVMUIn := memCardPath . "\" . memCardName . "_vms_" . contrPort . SubCount . ".bin"
  335. Log("VMU - PerGameVMUIn = " . PerGameVMUIn,4)
  336. If FileExist(PerGameVMUIn)
  337. {
  338. Log("VMU - PerGameVMU file exists at " . PerGameVMUIn,4)
  339. } Else {
  340. Log("VMU - PerGameVMU file does not exist. So we will create one at " . PerGameVMUIn)
  341. FileCopy, %defaultMemCard%, %PerGameVMUIn%
  342. }
  343. IniWrite(PerGameVMUIn, demulFile, "VMS", VMS%contrPort%%SubCount%)
  344. Log("VMU - PerGameVMU file written to " . demulFile . " at section VMS to variable VMS" . contrPort . SubCount . " as " . PerGameVMUIn,4)
  345. } Else {
  346. Log("VMU - No VMU Plugged In.",4)
  347. }
  348. }
  349. }
  350. } Else {
  351. Log("VMU - No default VMU file at " . defaultMemCard,4)
  352. }
  353. }
  355. ; Setting demul to use true fullscreen if defined in settings.ini, otherwise sets demul to run windowed. This is for gpuDX11 plugin only
  356. If (plugin = "gpuDX11" || plugin = "gpuDX11old")
  357. If (fullscreen = "truefullscreen")
  358. IniWrite(1, gpuFile, "main", "UseFullscreen")
  359. Else
  360. IniWrite(0, gpuFile, "main", "UseFullscreen")
  362. If (fullscreen = "windowedfullscreen")
  363. {
  364. If (maxHideTaskbar = "true")
  365. {
  366. Log("Module - Hiding Taskbar and Start Button.")
  367. WinHide, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd
  368. WinHide, Start ahk_class Button
  369. }
  370. ; Create black background to give the emu the fullscreen look
  371. Log("Module - Creating black background to simulate a fullscreen look.")
  372. Gui demulGUI: -Caption +ToolWindow +0x08000000
  373. Gui demulGUI: Color, Black
  374. Gui demulGUI: Show, x0 y0 h%A_ScreenHeight% w%A_ScreenWidth%
  375. }
  377. Sleep, 250
  379. ; Construct the CLI for demul and send romName if naomi or atomiswave. Dreamcast needs a full path and romName.
  380. If (LoadDecrypted = "true") ; decrypted naomi rom
  381. romCLI := "-customrom=" . """" . romPath . "\" . romName . ".bin"""
  382. Else If (ident = "dc") ; dreamcast game
  383. romCLI := " -image=" . """" . romPath . "\" . romName . romExtension . """"
  384. Else ; standard naomi rom
  385. romCLI := "-rom=" . romName
  387. hideEmuObj := Object("LCD 0 ahk_class LCD 0",1,"ahk_class window",1) ; Hide_Emu will hide these windows. 0 = will never unhide, 1 = will unhide later
  388. HideEmuStart()
  390. ; Run(executable . " -run=" . ident . " " . romCLI, emuPath,, emuPID)
  391. Run(executable . " -run=" . ident . " " . romCLI, emuPath, (If hideDemulGUI = "true" ? "min" : ""), emuPID) ; launching minimized, then restoring later hides the launch completely
  392. Sleep, 1000 ; Need a second for demul to launch, increase if yours takes longer and the emu is NOT appearing and staying minimized. This is required otherwise bezel backgrounds do not appear
  394. DetectHiddenWindows, On
  395. If (hideDemulGUI = "true")
  396. { WinRestore, ahk_class window
  397. WinActivate, ahk_class window
  398. }
  400. Log("Module - Waiting for Demul to finish loading game.")
  401. Loop { ; looping until demul is done loading rom and gpu starts showing frames
  402. Sleep, 200
  403. WinGetTitle, winTitle, ahk_class window
  404. StringSplit, winTextSplit, winTitle, %A_Space%
  405. If (winTextSplit5 = "gpu:" And winTextSplit6 != "0" And winTextSplit6 != "1")
  406. Break
  407. }
  408. Log("Module - Demul finished loading game.")
  410. If (InStr(systemName, "Gaelco") && fullscreen = "truefullscreen")
  411. Send !{Enter} ; Automatic fullscreen seems to be broken in the Gaelco driver, must alt+Enter to get fullscreen
  413. ; This is where we calculate and maximize demul's window using our pseudo fullscreen code
  414. If (fullscreen = "windowedfullscreen")
  415. {
  416. MaximizeWindow("ahk_class window") ; this will take effect after you run demul once because we cannot stretch demul's screen while it is running.
  417. If (plugin = "gpuDX11" || plugin = "gpuDX11old") {
  418. IniWrite(appWidthNew, gpuFile, "resolution", "Width")
  419. IniWrite(appHeightNew, gpuFile, "resolution", "Height")
  420. } Else {
  421. IniWrite(appWidthNew, gpuFile, "resolution", "wWidth")
  422. IniWrite(appHeightNew, gpuFile, "resolution", "wHeight")
  423. }
  424. }
  426. BezelDraw()
  428. If (displayVMU = "true"){
  429. WinGet VMUWindowID, ID, LCD 0 ahk_class LCD 0
  430. ExtraFixedResBezelDraw(VMUWindowID, "VMU", VMUPos, 144, 96, 8, 8, 28, 8)
  431. VMUHideKey := xHotKeyVarEdit(VMUHideKey,"VMUHideKey","~","Add")
  432. xHotKeywrapper(VMUHideKey,"VMUHide")
  433. }
  435. HideEmuEnd()
  436. FadeInExit()
  437. Process("WaitClose", executable)
  439. If (fullscreen = "windowedfullscreen")
  440. { Gui demulGUI: Destroy
  441. Log("Module - Destroyed black gui background.")
  442. }
  444. If (ident = "dc")
  445. 7zCleanUp()
  447. BezelExit()
  448. ExtraFixedResBezelExit()
  449. FadeOutExit()
  451. If (fullscreen = "windowedfullscreen" && maxHideTaskbar = "true") {
  452. Log("Module - Showing Taskbar and Start Button.")
  453. WinShow,ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd
  454. WinShow,Start ahk_class Button
  455. }
  457. ExitModule()
  460. ; Write new controls to padDemul.ini
  461. WriteControls(file, player,push1,push2,push3,push4,push5,push6,push7,push8,service,start,coin,digitalup,digitaldown,digitalleft,digitalright,analogup,analogdown,analogleft,analogright,analogup2,analogdown2,analogleft2,analogright2) {
  462. IniWrite(push1, file, JAMMA0_%player%, "PUSH1")
  463. IniWrite(push2, file, JAMMA0_%player%, "PUSH2")
  464. IniWrite(push3, file, JAMMA0_%player%, "PUSH3")
  465. IniWrite(push4, file, JAMMA0_%player%, "PUSH4")
  466. IniWrite(push5, file, JAMMA0_%player%, "PUSH5")
  467. IniWrite(push6, file, JAMMA0_%player%, "PUSH6")
  468. IniWrite(push7, file, JAMMA0_%player%, "PUSH7")
  469. IniWrite(push8, file, JAMMA0_%player%, "PUSH8")
  470. IniWrite(service, file, JAMMA0_%player%, "SERVICE")
  471. IniWrite(start, file, JAMMA0_%player%, "START")
  472. IniWrite(coin, file, JAMMA0_%player%, "COIN")
  473. IniWrite(digitalup, file, JAMMA0_%player%, "DIGITALUP")
  474. IniWrite(digitaldown, file, JAMMA0_%player%, "DIGITALDOWN")
  475. IniWrite(digitalleft, file, JAMMA0_%player%, "DIGITALLEFT")
  476. IniWrite(digitalright, file, JAMMA0_%player%, "DIGITALRIGHT")
  477. IniWrite(analogup, file, JAMMA0_%player%, "ANALOGUP")
  478. IniWrite(analogdown, file, JAMMA0_%player%, "ANALOGDOWN")
  479. IniWrite(analogleft, file, JAMMA0_%player%, "ANALOGLEFT")
  480. IniWrite(analogright, file, JAMMA0_%player%, "ANALOGRIGHT")
  481. IniWrite(analogup2, file, JAMMA0_%player%, "ANALOGUP2")
  482. IniWrite(analogdown2, file, JAMMA0_%player%, "ANALOGDOWN2")
  483. IniWrite(analogleft2, file, JAMMA0_%player%, "ANALOGLEFT2")
  484. IniWrite(analogright2, file, JAMMA0_%player%, "ANALOGRIGHT2")
  485. }
  487. ; Creates a default gdrCHD.ini or gdrImage.ini in your emu folder if one does not exist already.
  488. CreateDefaultGDROMIni(type) {
  489. Global emuPath
  490. defaultIni := "[main]`r`nimageFileName = `r`nopenDialog = false"
  491. IniType := If type = "chd" ? "gdrCHD.ini" : "gdrImage.ini"
  492. FileAppend, %defaultIni%, % emuPath . "\" . IniType
  493. Return emuPath . "\" . IniType
  494. }
  496. HaltEmu:
  497. If (fullscreen = "truefullscreen")
  498. Send !{Enter}
  499. If VMUHideKey
  500. XHotKeywrapper(VMUHideKey,"VMUHide","OFF")
  501. Return
  502. RestoreEmu:
  503. If (fullscreen = "truefullscreen")
  504. Send !{Enter}
  505. If (displayVMU = "true")
  506. { WinSet, Transparent, 0, ahk_ID %VMUWindowID%
  507. WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, On, ahk_ID %VMUWindowID%
  508. WinShow, ahk_ID %VMUWindowID%
  509. WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, On, ahk_ID %VMUWindowID%
  510. WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, On, ahk_ID %extraFixedRes_Bezel_hwnd%
  511. WinShow, ahk_ID %extraFixedRes_Bezel_hwnd%
  512. If !(VMUHidden)
  513. WinSet, Transparent, off, ahk_ID %VMUWindowID%
  514. }
  515. If VMUHideKey
  516. XHotKeywrapper(VMUHideKey,"VMUHide","ON")
  517. Return
  519. HideGUIWindow:
  520. WinSet, Transparent, On, ahk_class window
  521. WinActivate ahk_class window ; once activated, demul starts loading the rom
  522. Return
  524. VMUHide:
  525. If (VMUHidden) {
  526. Loop, 4
  527. WinSet, Transparent, off, ahk_ID %VMUWindowID%
  528. UpdateLayeredWindow(extraFixedRes_Bezel_hwnd, extraFixedRes_Bezel_hdc,0,0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight,255)
  529. VMUHidden := false
  530. } Else {
  531. Loop, 4
  532. WinSet, Transparent, 0, ahk_ID %VMUWindowID%
  533. UpdateLayeredWindow(extraFixedRes_Bezel_hwnd, extraFixedRes_Bezel_hdc,0,0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight,0)
  534. VMUHidden := true
  535. }
  536. Return
  538. CloseProcess:
  539. FadeOutStart()
  540. PostMessage, 0x111, 40085,,,ahk_class window ; Stop emulation first for a clean exit
  541. Sleep, 5 ; just like to give a little time before closing
  542. PostMessage, 0x111, 40080,,,ahk_class window ; Exit
  543. Return
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