

Feb 9th, 2020
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  1. [15:07] The small group of Black Watch ran into the area, jumping onto the cliff side, noticing the demon and Fenrir immediately. Ashe gave the order to cut them off and secure the escape, the group fanning out as practiced in Black Watch training. The raven haired vixen stood infront the demon, a Black Watch sigil on her armor, amber hues staring the demon down.
  3. "Halt scum!" She spouted, drawing her sword, flames engulfing it as well as the area around them, putting additional pressure on potential exits. "I'm Lieyan, of the Black Watch, and I'll be your entertainer for now!"
  5. She awaited back up as instructed to the young boy, knowing it wasn't likely they'd take the demon alone.
  6. (Ashe Lieyan)
  7. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. [15:12] There was a pause at Ashe's announcement. The demon let off a roar at this proclaim. The Blackwatch? Was this some sort of Demon hunting faction? Perhaps this would be a good attempt at gathering information. Metztli knew this was a good idea. They could identify enemies this way. And perhaps even take one home as a pet.
  11. "Oh look. A little fox. You'd make a good pet. So maybe I won't devour you." A chuckle came from the demonic bat. It's tone of voice sounding... somewhat feminine. Though in such a form it's voice had the terror that came with such an abyssal being.
  12. (Metztli)
  13. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. [15:13] Magnus says, "MR wolf..."
  16. [15:14] Magnus says, "I ran like a c-c-c-oward im s-s-sorry"
  17. [15:18] The young male would slowly take his steps. As he would stare down upon Osronan enemies. An entertaining sight to see indeed. His Icy cold stare would look down upon the people around him. And an Icy cold smirk would protrude from his face.
  19. "Oh. How pitiful, Osronans are enlisting more children to engage in combat... Oh well, I will show suffering regardless of who or what stands against me. My family has been bothered long enough from your insufferable kind."
  21. The male would slowly take a relaxed breath. As he glared at the few remaining. His feelings of malice and Vitriol would swiftly manifest into a dangerous winter breeze. One that would enact a feeling of burning across all that it touches.
  23. "No matter. Your pathetic people we be destroyed with the greatest of ease.."
  25. The male replied. A small hint of laughter slowly following afterwards. Awaiting the engagement from the others.
  26. (Svir Fenrir)
  27. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  29. [15:19] Andrew Mercia whispers: You fighting the demon or?
  30. [15:24] The middle-aged crafter settles herself nearest the waters, watching over what was to come. Though, she frowns at those taking action. This wasn't necessary in her eyes. She didn't think fighting amongst powerful people would work to make Esshar a good place in the end.
  32. Demons were cool, humans, too.
  34. Then, she settles herself upon the grasses and works on a campfire amidst the chaos. Dried leaves, sticks, stones, she works a little crevice into the earth with her magics. A simple fix to keep the flames from burning out the beautiful forests that today's combat would be in.
  36. She studies those present whilst tugging a large, metal bowl from her pouch-- a runed satchel that may have been larger on the inside. She works her water magics to purify the lake water and begins boiling that for the rice she had on hand. She'd just work on preparing dishes for those present-- good or bad-- people deserved nice meals.
  37. (Lydia Fields)
  38. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  40. [15:30] Andrew didn't expect another person to be there with the demon; however, it seems more people are working with them. Andrew sighed a little bit at how the word would slowly becoming and the flame slowly appeared around his body.
  42. "This doesn't have to happen, but from how you sound this is something you want. Working with demons will be the downfall of everyone, but you can't see that now because you're blind by something.
  44. Some promise or whatever they told you and all I can say is I'm sorry you're being fooled.
  46. I know words alone might not be enough, but I guess there are other ways to express myself , right?"
  48. The ground around Andrew begin to heat up while he focused on combining his magic again. The young teen prepared to keep the man from the fight his friend was having with the demon.
  49. (Andrew Mercia)
  50. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  52. [15:37] The young male would slowly take his stride towards the man. It would seem that the male, Andrew would stand his ground against the face of true adversity. Svir would stand prey against the Osronan enemy, and take them down one by one..
  54. Temperatures would swiftly begin to fluctuate rapidly alongside each other.. As the temperature would swiftly drop below even lower with each and every second that would diminish. Trails of snow and hail collected around Svir where he was standing.
  56. "I would rather take sides with a demon, than ever give up my land within Theria to a queen I have never heard of. You may tickle your sense of morality as much as you would like. But Osrona has done this towards themselves."
  58. A small chuckle would be expelled from the young male once more. As if what Andrew had told him would be deemed almost laughable in his eyes. And that it certainly was.
  60. "Fooled or not. We both are aware that as long as your city is standing, there will never be peace in Theria, or Esshar. But you have been blinded to think otherwise.."
  62. The males smile would swiftly dissolve into an angered frown. As he would now glare daggers upon the male, slowly walking towards him in question. It was proactive action by his part.
  64. "To think that whatever wrong your kind has done, is for the greater good. Unfortunately, that isn't how the world works. And I will show you just how frivolous and brittle that ideal truly is."
  66. He would reply, dashing forth against the male.
  67. (Svir Fenrir)
  68. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  70. [15:39] * You have been awarded 1 Roleplay Points! *
  71. [15:44] The young male would swiftly engage with attacks Both sand, flame and cosmic energies would slowly push outwards as the fought on... But now, he had fully understood the weight of the situation. This male was certainly no pushover.
  73. As the male was knocked back. He would buy a few seconds, tumbling towards the ground. He would swiftly pull out a rage potion, and would slowly stand himself up. Taking a drink of the potion mid match. He did not want to suffer the losses to Osrona.
  75. This wasn't over, not by a long shot for both parties, it was just as important for him to show them how weak their ideals are. How foolish and selfish they were.... He wouldn't simply submit to the wrongdoings that Osrona would force upon theria.
  77. He would grit his teeth. Anger swiftly overtaking him.
  79. "They...Must... SUFFER!"
  81. He screamed outwards.
  82. (Svir Fenrir)
  83. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  85. [15:47] Andrew took the time to examine the mans magic and one the boy found an opening he'd land time strike. The boy combine his hit flame with the sturdy earth to create something totally different.
  87. Andrew placed his hands on the ground causing the dirt to terraform into sand and from sand into a pool of magma. Andrew stomps his foot on the ground and caused a mini earthquake that would serve as a finishing touch later.
  89. Andrew conjured power from Vorna to increase his offense abilities. He'd used the sand to root the man into the ground and placed a well timed cosmic beam into his chest.
  91. "You fight with anger for a cause that isn't noble and that potion won't help, but cause you pain. It will force you to believe your ideals are right, but I ensure you there is a better way."
  93. Andrew sighed and dashed towards the man
  94. (Andrew Mercia)
  95. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  97. [15:59] Andrew had laid the trap at the very begin though the man wouldn't have noticed, or did he? Andrew played this to his advantage the entire time, but now was time to execute the plan.
  99. "Thought your rage you haven't noticed I lead you into a trap, but it's far to late to get out of it now. This won't kill you since it's still a work in progress, but you'll get the idea."
  101. Andrew stomps one final time allowed the earth to spit in half and create a large structure begin to protrude from the ground. The structure begin to boil and with another stomp the magma store begin to flow and cover the entire area.
  103. "You weren't aware, but you'll fall victim to...." Andrew paused and shouted towards the man.
  105. "THE SLEEPING APEX!" the structure reacted to the passion within Andrew's voice. The lava shot out leave the mana submerged under the magma; however, after a minute passed Andrew split the ground allowing the magma to pour back into the earth.
  107. "It wasn't meant to kill you, but it did the job of slowing you down. All I ask is that you consider that the Demons will turn on you one day.
  109. You don't have to agree about my ideals or where I come from, but understand that if you care about your home then serving a Demon will cause pain.
  111. Farewell Mister I hope you have a better life and make a change for the better of mankind, beast-kin, Draconite every where. If not I hope that faith shows you mercy if the Demon prey upon you."
  112. (Andrew Mercia)
  113. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  115. [16:06] The young male would push even further to attempt to at least get what he wanted. However the brunt of failure would swiftly overwhelm them once more.. Sand and flame surrounding his stature once more, as if the destructive potential of his explosions were lessened...
  117. Svir would move past the males sand for a while, as he combined Ice and flames to pelt him downwards with Ice and fire. Unfortunately, The males anger was far to great to notice what was happening under him. As Flowing magma would come forth.
  119. The male would glare at the structure.
  121. "This isn't the end. I refuse it to be."
  123. Slowly a mist would form around his body. As the piece of magma would swiftly overcome the male. However, what was revealed was there was an Ice sculpture submerged within the magmaspout.
  125. "This isn't over... Whatever it takes.. I will find RETRIBUTION!"
  127. He yelled. He had lost, and a great portion of his mana was expelled. But he continued to move back to the bat demon regardless.
  128. (Svir Fenrir)
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