
Saint of Cosmos Tier 3

Aug 15th, 2019
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  1. Key-Dadafas
  2. Character name- Jin
  3. Skill or transformation-Saints of Cosmos Tier 3
  5. Jin begins feeling worried when people approached him about becoming Saints not because he couldn't' teach them, but because two of the elder Saints were gone. He was the only person with enough knowledge to lead the rest of the Saints within High hops, and now with the actions of the former leader. The Saints seems to be making a bad name again. Jin didn't look like a leader, but he was the only capable one to keep the Saints legacy alive.
  7. Jin wanted to improve his connection with the Cosmos, and Pegasus not because of the power it brings, but the knowledge that comes with it. From the recent information give it Implies that the leader of the Saints has been leaking information about specific events in High hops, but Jin was still left unsure.
  9. With the Sawn Saint only alive for a few days it was left up to Jin to find a suitable replacement. Jin needed to gather more knowledge over Cosmos by connecting on a deeper level with the universe. He couldn't truly leader others with minimal understanding.
  10. He couldn't rely on Project Red since he wasn't apart of it. The only thing left for Jin to hone his skills and strengthen his bond with Pegasus.
  12. Even with Jin not being part of the Project, he still manages to take Zero with his natural power. Now was the time to make it a step further if not with raw power then his skill.
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