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Nov 16th, 2018
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  1. What an arrogant, supremacist, delusional comment. You're so blinded by you're indoctrinated tribalism that you actually believe you're doing English speaking Quebecers a favour, as if you and your tribe "allow" an English culture to exist... get over yourself dude, English speaking Quebecers built that Province, they built their own Universities their own Towns, their own cities and they don't need your permission to live in Quebec because they've been there for 100's of years. As for french outside of Quebec, it is not historically nor socially relevant, although it does exist because Canadians are forced to pay 100's of billions of dollars, with no accountability, to manufacture pockets of french enclaves that without Government intervention would never have existed in the first place. Canadians have been forced to cough up 1.3 trillion dollars in the last 43 years to pay for the poisonous slush fund social engineering scheme called "bilingualism" (forced french). So quit your whining, if anyone should be angry in this country it should be the English that have had their history, their traditions and their whole country distorted beyond recognition, just to satisfy the indoctrinated, delusional, manufactured language tribalism of french talking Quebecers. You're not doing anyone any favours and Quebec doesn't belong to "francophones" so get over yourself whiner.
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