
random bullshit irc log

Mar 3rd, 2015
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  1. <Sweatshirt> angst angst angst
  2. <StarBunny> ?
  3. <Sweatshirt> if you're a fan of Harry Potter I highly recommend it
  4. <Sweatshirt> wait what
  5. <StarBunny> You recommend angst?
  6. <Sweatshirt> why was that
  7. <Sweatshirt> why
  8. <Sweatshirt> the second message was
  9. <Sweatshirt> the message that appeared when I hit the up arrow
  10. * JuliaZSIL has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  11. <Sweatshirt> i thought the juxtaposition was funny and somehow ended up hitting enter
  12. <Sweatshirt> but seriously
  13. <Sweatshirt> angstttttttt
  14. * JuliaZSIL ( has joined
  15. <StarBunny> xD
  16. <StarBunny> What's with the angst?
  17. <Sweatshirt> im fuckin sick of lots of things
  18. <Sweatshirt> i've been considering the reasons behind my original decision to be trans
  19. <Sweatshirt> and it's been painful
  20. <StarBunny> Hm?
  21. <Sweatshirt> most of the reasons revolve around traumatic experiences from my adolesence
  22. <Sweatshirt> i had a lot of negative male role models
  23. <Sweatshirt> and no positive ones
  24. <Sweatshirt> and all my male role models were pretty stereotypically masculine
  25. * Aria` (~Aria@3B294511.321EA79A.FA1D661C.IP) has left (Leaving)
  26. <Sweatshirt> i saw responsibility being heaped onto them
  27. <Sweatshirt> and i saw them taking on unreasonable expectations as challenges
  28. <Sweatshirt> and failing
  29. <Sweatshirt> and when i puberty kicked in for me and i started being male rather than being a kid, i suddenly had a kid brother to be a role model to
  30. <Sweatshirt> but
  31. <Sweatshirt> no matter what i did i wasn't good enough
  32. <Sweatshirt> i took on a job and bought my own car and paid for my own gas through the last couple of years of high school
  33. <Sweatshirt> i did a bunch of extracirricular shit because i wanted to do something i thought my parents might like
  34. <Sweatshirt> i wanted to make people proud of me
  35. <Sweatshirt> but i wasn't good enough
  36. <Sweatshirt> but my sister just kind of did whatever
  37. <Sweatshirt> and everybody loved her
  38. <Sweatshirt> she didn't get an actual job until she started college last year
  39. <Sweatshirt> she fucked around and played guitar while i was working my ass off to pay for the car she rode to school in every day
  40. <Sweatshirt> she got along great with our mom, but our mom was apparently just fuckin appalled by my existence
  41. <Sweatshirt> and so i saw all this
  42. <Sweatshirt> all the responsibility and the unreasonable expectations and scorn that seemed to come with being male
  43. <Sweatshirt> and saw in my sister freedom and happiness
  44. <Sweatshirt> in my mother, unyielding authority
  45. <Sweatshirt> and so i wanted to become more feminine
  46. <Sweatshirt> i became interested sexually in guys
  47. <Sweatshirt> fantasized about crossdressing
  48. <Sweatshirt> wore girly underwear
  49. <Sweatshirt> then everything fuckin blew up and i left
  50. <Sweatshirt> and since i've left i'm not living in a toxic miasma, being hated for being me
  51. * StarBunny nods
  52. <Sweatshirt> but i don't know who i am anymore
  53. <StarBunny> Do you have to decide now?
  54. <Sweatshirt> i'm in the prime of my life
  55. <Sweatshirt> i don't want to make it to thirty and be some fat hairy dude and decide i hate myself because of it
  56. <Sweatshirt> i'd rather make the decision now and remain at least moderately attractive the whole time
  57. <Sweatshirt> i don't want to get older
  58. <Sweatshirt> and aging is way more apparent in men
  59. <Sweatshirt> men get fat and wrinkly and grow facial hair
  60. <Sweatshirt> women just get fat and wrinkly
  61. <Sweatshirt> i think that's one of the bigger problems though
  62. <Sweatshirt> i don't want to get older
  63. <Sweatshirt> i mean i'm not ever going to get any taller
  64. <Sweatshirt> and i'm pretty fuckin short
  65. <Sweatshirt> nobody's going to take me seriously as a guy
  66. <Sweatshirt> i'm scrawny as fuck and i've got long hair and my voice is high-pitched and i'm 5'3"
  67. <Sweatshirt> im just not masculine
  68. <Sweatshirt> and i don't want to be either
  69. <Sweatshirt> but nobody's going to take me seriously as a girl either
  70. <Sweatshirt> i mean
  71. <Sweatshirt> i'm actually taller than many women i see at work
  72. <Sweatshirt> i have no chest
  73. <Sweatshirt> no hips
  74. <Sweatshirt> and my voice is pretty deep for a girl
  75. <Sweatshirt> why am i even talking about this
  76. <Sweatshirt> I want to decide now because I've wasted almost ten years being tormented for what i am
  77. <Sweatshirt> and i don't want that to happen ever again
  78. <Sweatshirt> but
  79. <Sweatshirt> being trans won't help that at all
  80. <Sweatshirt> i'll just get tormented for being trans
  81. <Sweatshirt> and that's actually more likely than getting tormented for being a guy
  82. <Sweatshirt> but i don't wanna be a guy either
  83. <Sweatshirt> most of the men i see when i'm at work are fat rude jerks
  84. <Sweatshirt> and the men's toilets at work are a lot worse than the women's
  85. <Sweatshirt> i know because i clean them pretty regularly
  86. <Sweatshirt> i just don't know what it will take for me to be happy
  87. <Sweatshirt> i mean
  88. <Sweatshirt> except for altering my body so that it looks and functions exactly as a cisgendered woman's
  89. <StarBunny> Will that?
  90. <Sweatshirt> but that's beyond what's possible right now
  91. <Sweatshirt> even with six years of hormone treatment and a sex-reassignment procedure my body wouldn't perfectly mimic that of a person born female
  92. <Sweatshirt> and it would probably fuck over my ability to have satisfying sex
  93. <StarBunny> Look to the future, do what you can for now
  94. <Sweatshirt> but the thing is i can't do anything now
  95. <Sweatshirt> i'm scraping by
  96. <StarBunny> Focus on what can be done now. The rest will fall into place
  98. <Sweatshirt> nothing that won't make me miserable in other ways
  99. <Sweatshirt> if I start working full-time I'll get benefits from walgreens and also have a lot more money to spend
  100. <Sweatshirt> but I wouldn't have nearly as much down-time
  101. <Sweatshirt> I'd be working around the fuckin clock
  102. <StarBunny> I hope whatever choice you make makes you feel better
  103. <Sweatshirt> and I'd also be sacrificing any chance at ever making a living out of my drawing
  104. <Sweatshirt> to work a job i hate
  105. <Sweatshirt> just so i can pay for hormones
  106. <Sweatshirt> it's tempting
  107. <Sweatshirt> but not tempting enough
  108. * StarBunny nods
  109. <Sweatshirt> i just
  110. <Sweatshirt> want
  111. <Sweatshirt> to do shit
  112. <Sweatshirt> but only certain shit
  113. <Sweatshirt> and i'm sick of other people expecting me to do shit i don't want to do
  114. * StarBunny nods
  115. <Sweatshirt> i want to fuck around on the internet and draw shit and play video games
  116. <Sweatshirt> i don't want to stand behind a stupid counter and wait for stupid people to ask me to sell them stupid stuff at stupid prices
  117. <Sweatshirt> which is exactly what my job is
  118. <Sweatshirt> and i wanna wear dresses and panties and thighsocks and have my hair done up and shit
  119. <Sweatshirt> cause boy clothes are boring to look at
  120. <StarBunny> Agreed a lot
  121. <Sweatshirt> and when I get in bed with someone I want to shudder under them as they try their damndest to make sure i feel good, and when we finish i want them to hold me close and let me know that what we did isn't something i'm going to regret or feel guilty about
  122. <StarBunny> I hope you can find that someone someday
  123. <Sweatshirt> i've associated things i like with being girly
  124. <Sweatshirt> on top of all this i can't help but think i wouldn't even give a fuck if i was just high
  125. <Sweatshirt> but even if i had weed i dont have a bong
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