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Aug 27th, 2017
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  1. [20:34:20] Topic is Welcome to #RY: Politics Religion etc:
  2. [20:34:20] Set by gmolly on i forgårs kl. 14.27.15 CEST
  3. [20:34:20] Mode is +Rlnt 23
  4. [20:35:50] <OldMole> thymos^, most of the SJWs are to the left of the democrats and often boycott the votes. I dont think they are the direct analogue of the alt-right
  5. [20:36:37] <OldMole> i mean, bernie sanders and elizabeth warren are the let fringe of the party, and the sjw's are to the left of them
  6. [20:36:41] <OldMole> left
  7. [20:37:39] <MpeachTrump>
  8. [20:41:35] <MpeachTrump>
  9. [20:42:21] <MpeachTrump>
  10. [20:44:34] <mime> OldMole Most SJWs are Democrats; people who believe females are oppressed, that blacks suffer under racism and that Republicanism is only for white middle class people.
  11. [20:46:14] dry_ ( joined the channel
  12. [20:46:33] X sets mode +l 25
  13. [20:50:07] <thymos^> SJWs aren't necessarily left of most democrats, it's more in their tactics. willing to lie, bully and threaten people to get their way, including other liberals who disagree with them
  14. [20:50:24] <thymos^> it's the bullying fascist mentality i object to
  15. [20:50:37] <thymos^> like me being called a white nationalist yesterday for being against the street violence of antifa
  16. [20:50:49] <thymos^> that shit doesn't happen infrequently
  17. [20:50:52] <OldMole> where?
  18. [20:50:57] <thymos^> #worldnews
  19. [20:51:16] <OldMole> well, whatever, i get called a communist in #politics
  20. [20:51:25] <thymos^> it's all too common that i get called a nazi or racist or sexist or bigot just for mild disagreements with other democrats
  21. [20:51:35] <thymos^> and that kind of shit i'm tired of
  22. [20:51:51] <thymos^> yes, i get called a communist all the time too...but i expect that of the right
  23. [20:52:13] <thymos^> somehow i'm a nazi and communist simultaneously
  24. [20:52:19] <OldMole> i think MpeachTrump called me alt-right
  25. [20:52:22] <thymos^> lol
  26. [20:52:32] <mime> SJWs and Democrat ideology is one and the same. Its woman fight, free abortion, free morality, minority rule and opposition to authority.
  27. [20:52:35] <thymos^> i don't remember things being this polarized a decade ago
  28. [20:52:41] <OldMole> it wasnt
  29. [20:52:55] <OldMole> its gotten a lot worse
  30. [20:52:56] <mime> SJWs comes out of the woodwork with President Trump.
  31. [20:53:20] <OldMole> i think if i had to pinpoint where it really began was with the 2000 election
  32. [20:53:27] <OldMole> and its gotten progressively worse since then
  33. [20:53:54] <mime> SJWs has necessairly less to complain about under a black president.
  34. [20:55:06] <OldMole> most people used to vote split tickets, vote for candidates not parties, now people dont give a shit whose running and just look for the (D) or (R)
  35. [20:55:47] dry_ ( left IRC (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
  36. [20:55:56] dry_ ( joined the channel
  37. [20:56:12] <mime> It seems very conditioning to the whole political stage who runs DNC these days.
  38. [20:56:32] dry_ ( left IRC (Quit: This computer has gone to sleep)
  39. [20:56:38] <mime> Not to speak about republicanism with Trump at the lead.
  40. [20:57:32] <MpeachTrump> Despite some perceptions to the contrary, Trump wants to conceal information and, occasionally, blatantly lie.
  41. [20:57:58] <MpeachTrump> Trump must have recently made a huge withdrawal from the First National Bank of Lies.
  42. [20:59:16] <mime> The entire campaign of Hillary is exactly based upon the opposite notions than OldMole spew. Its also seen from Trumps anti-plutocrat campaign.
  43. [21:00:12] <MpeachTrump> Truth, for Trump, is whatever he happens to be saying at the time. When Trump's base-minded utterances are translated into plain, words-mean-things English, he appears to be saying that “the truth”, “the whole truth”, and “nothing but the truth” are three different things.
  44. [21:01:14] <mime> Trump seem to have had different political leanings through the years.
  45. [21:06:22] <mime> I would prefer if Hillary won the election.
  46. [21:06:34] <MpeachTrump> Trump is producing precisely the alienation and conflict needed to declare martial law, suspend elections, and round up dissidents. Can you really blame me for suggesting that no one—except Trump, so high on his own hallucinations that he believes them to be real—can seriously believe that he's a wonderful human being?
  47. [21:07:02] <mime> Given that all we know had come after her inauguration, there is there a more than good chance Hillary would be impeached.
  48. [21:08:33] <mime> A president lying to Congress, about former policy as an elected official?
  49. [21:09:30] <mime> Thats a true American president.
  50. [21:14:36] sypher ( left IRC (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
  51. [21:15:03] X sets mode +l 23
  52. [21:16:46] <mime> So I myself is very disappointed President Trump won. American and international community would really benefit by the exposition of a crooked and corrupt Democrat party and politicians.
  53. [21:16:52] <MpeachTrump> Trump frequently declares his support of democracy and his love of freedom. But one need only look at what Trump is doing—as opposed to what he is saying—to understand his true aims. Sad.
  54. [21:17:32] <MpeachTrump> Trump seems to exhibit many of the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. I don't say that to judge but merely to put Trump's incompetent fairy tales into perspective.
  55. [21:17:58] <mime> Yes, MpeachTrump. Trump frequently opposes democracy and hate freedom, and he suffers from Alzeihmers disease.
  56. [21:18:06] <mime> This is why you lost the election, btw.
  57. [21:18:31] <MpeachTrump> Trump is a psychologically defective person. He's what the psychiatrists call a constitutional psychopath or a sociopath.
  58. [21:18:34] <mime> Because of retardation of this kind, MpeachTrump.
  59. [21:18:54] <MpeachTrump> Our real enemies are not people living in a distant land whose names we don't know and whose culture we don't understand. Our real enemies are Donald Trump and all others who put the foxes in charge of guarding the henhouse.
  60. [21:19:08] <mime> Yeah, Trump is a psychologically defective person, all the psychiatrists voting for him said that in the news.
  61. [21:19:22] <mime> This is why you lost the election, MpeachTrump. No political content.
  62. [21:19:26] <mime> Just BS.
  63. [21:19:28] <MpeachTrump> Trump is emotionally insecure and has a difficult time admitting that he's wrong.
  64. [21:19:29] <mime> Severe, retarded BS.
  65. [21:19:54] <MpeachTrump> Trump isn't interested in debates or open forums. He just wants to shut up dissenters.
  66. [21:20:22] <mime> Yeah, Trump has now made it illegal to organize unions.
  67. [21:20:28] <mime> hehe
  68. [21:20:43] <MpeachTrump> Trump's semi-literate ramblings might be of some interest to specialists in child communication in the way he uses big words to make himself sound important.
  69. [21:20:45] <mime> From European eyes, you are a crazy American.
  70. [21:20:52] <mime> And I really stress crazy.
  71. [21:21:02] <MpeachTrump> Trump attempts to sound intelligent by cramming as many words into a sentence as possible, whether they are used correctly or not.
  72. [21:21:09] <mime> This is as far from politics as you can get.
  73. [21:21:23] <mime> MpeachTrump No one in Europe would think you speak of politics.
  74. [21:21:31] <mime> they would think you have a hate-fit.
  75. [21:21:43] <MpeachTrump> Trump's lies are becoming increasingly divisive. They have already begun to exploit public sympathy in order to bolster support for Trump's fascist policies.
  76. [21:21:45] <mime> I know better, as I have seen this before on IRC...
  77. [21:21:53] <mime> You are this retarded, you dont know better.
  78. [21:22:09] <mime> Just a crazy American.
  79. [21:22:14] <MpeachTrump> Fortunately, most people understand that Trump's lies come in many forms. Some of his lies are in the form of insinuations. Others are in the form of tweets. Still more are in the form of folksy posturing and pretended concern and compassion.
  80. [21:23:34] <mime> Yes, presuppositionalism is always a good way to suppose things which isnt reasonably supposed.
  81. [21:23:41] <MpeachTrump> Trump has been trying hard to convince us that obscurity, evasiveness, incomprehensibility, indirectness, and ambiguity are marks of depth and brilliance.
  82. [21:24:14] <MpeachTrump> When Trump lies, it's consistent with his character, for he's a chronic pathological liar and the father of lies.
  83. [21:24:25] <mime> MpeachTrump That would make sense if you speak to other crazy Americans, who holds your views.
  84. [21:24:32] <mime> It wouldnt make sense to anyone doing politics.
  85. [21:24:44] <mime> I have spoken to Americans who do politics, on both sides.
  86. [21:25:28] <mime> There are probably people in this room, who would have voted Democrat if the situation had been different.
  87. [21:25:37] <mime> Reasonable, normal Americans.
  88. [21:26:44] <MpeachTrump> There is a cult of ignorance among Trump's supporters.
  89. [21:26:59] <mime> MpeachTrump Yeah, but you are the anti-thesis of that group.
  90. [21:27:13] <mime> MpeachTrump You are the opposite idiocy.
  91. [21:27:34] <mime> Anti-prefix, would be correct.
  92. [21:27:42] <MpeachTrump> Trump and his Kool-Aid drinking boot-lickers have been engaging in an impetuous, all-out hate-fest.
  93. [21:27:56] <mime> I rest my case.
  94. [21:28:11] <MpeachTrump> Trump should stop telling everyone that his lousy tweets are innovative. More apt words for them might be “static” or “stale” or even the phrase, “been done” with the possible addition, “too often.”
  95. [21:28:58] <mime> MpeachTrump here obviously identify with those who struggle against fringe groups which political ideologies far different from the Constitution president Trump upholds.
  96. [21:29:08] <mime> He is far from any normal person.
  97. [21:29:38] <MpeachTrump> Trump has nothing but contempt for you, and you don't even know it.
  98. [21:29:58] <MpeachTrump> Despite total incompetence, Trump is often afflicted with an amazing conceit that causes him to break down traditional values.
  99. [21:30:58] <mime> MpeachTrump Would you say Trump is doing bad as a president?
  100. [21:31:31] <MpeachTrump> Trump's Kool-Aid drinkers actually believe the bunkum they're always mouthing.
  101. [21:31:37] <MpeachTrump> Trump wants to promote racial superiority doctrines, ethnic persecution, imperialist expansion, and genocide.
  102. [21:32:44] <mime> Has President Trump suggested those things?
  103. [21:32:49] <MpeachTrump> If you can't tell for yourself that Trump is a con-man, then you're the one being conned.
  104. [21:33:13] <mime> Oh, so he hasnt done it yet - but will in the future?
  105. [21:33:19] <MpeachTrump> I don't see how Trump can build a workable policy around wishful thinking draped over a morass of confusion and historical illiteracy, then impose it willy-nilly on a population by force.
  106. [21:33:30] <mime> I am just trying to figure out how you think, MpeachTrump.
  107. [21:33:37] <mime> Its a very crazy pattern.
  108. [21:33:54] <MpeachTrump> Trump apparently believes that it is patriotic to make empty promises.
  109. [21:34:14] <mime> Trump is a con-man, OK. So he wants to fool and trick America?
  110. [21:34:43] <mime> what will he he when the trick is over, MpeachTrump?
  111. [21:34:48] <MpeachTrump> Does Trump honestly expect us to believe that a totalitarian dictatorship is the best form of government we could possibly have?
  112. [21:34:49] Oakmill ( joined the channel
  113. [21:34:58] <mime> MpeachTrump huh?
  114. [21:35:01] <mime> I cant follow.
  115. [21:35:02] <MpeachTrump> Trump's cause is not glorious. It is not wonderful. It is not good. One might think that Trump plants false evidence to incriminate his castigators, and this is, not surprisingly, the case. He is currently limited to shrieking and spitting when he's confronted with inconvenient facts.
  116. [21:35:14] <mime> MpeachTrump Are you going to answer people?
  117. [21:35:16] <mime> Or go on a rant?
  118. [21:35:25] <mime> Is this a dialog or a monologue?
  119. [21:35:30] <mime> I am trying to have a conversation, at least.
  120. [21:35:34] <MpeachTrump> Maybe Trump will get the JFK welcome when he goes to Texas.
  121. [21:35:38] <mime> MpeachTrump Hello?
  122. [21:35:42] <mime> MpeachTrump Are you there?
  123. [21:35:53] <MpeachTrump> you're an idiot... there is no conversation with you
  124. [21:35:59] <Oakmill> MpeachTrump: now, now.
  125. [21:36:04] <mime> MpeachTrump I am asking you; what will happen when the trick is over?
  126. [21:36:09] <mime> How is the trick under way?
  127. [21:36:12] <MpeachTrump> We are observing the change in our society's philosophy and values from freedom and justice to corruption, decay, cynicism, and injustice. All of these “values” are artistically incorporated in one person: Donald Trump.
  128. [21:36:13] <mime> What trick is it?
  129. [21:36:20] <mime> MpeachTrump What is the trick?
  130. [21:36:41] <mime> <MpeachTrump> Does Trump honestly expect us to believe that a totalitarian dictatorship is the best form of government we could possibly have?
  131. [21:36:55] <mime> Is this the trick under way?
  132. [21:37:00] <MpeachTrump> Trump likes to posture as a guardian of virtue and manners. However, when it comes right down to it, what he is pushing is both foul and sordid.
  133. [21:37:15] <mime> It seems like the only trick here is you tricking yourself into believing all this, MpeachTrump.
  134. [21:37:21] <MpeachTrump> Trump is absolutely determined to make us believe that human rights can best be protected by suspending them altogether, and he's not about to let facts or reason get in his way.
  135. [21:38:40] <mime> How is that?
  136. [21:39:14] <mime> MpeachTrump How can you know what Trump is determined to suspending all human rights?
  137. [21:39:19] <mime> Has he done that?
  138. [21:39:33] <mime> Is it holocaust all over again now?
  139. [21:39:37] <MpeachTrump> Trump has been trying for some time to convince people that anyone who disagrees with him is a potential terrorist. Don't believe his hype!
  140. [21:40:03] <mime> MpeachTrump What?
  141. [21:40:18] <mime> MpeachTrump You are believing hypes.
  142. [21:40:26] <mime> You are crazy as fuck.
  143. [21:40:27] <MpeachTrump> Most people react to Trump's fascist objectives as they would to having a pile of steaming pig manure dumped on their doorstep. Even when they can cope, they resent having to do so.
  144. [21:40:39] <mime> You dont even make political arguments. Its all about how you view Trumps person.
  145. [21:41:00] <mime> "Trump is determined", "Therefor he will suspend all human rights". Trump is determined?
  146. [21:41:02] <MpeachTrump> It blew my mind when I realized that the minds of Trump's Kool-Aid drinkers are blank canvas that Trump can fill with all classes of short-sighted ideas about fascism.
  147. [21:41:06] <mime> What does that even mean?
  148. [21:41:38] <mime> Its certainly nothing but gibberish, MpeachTrump.
  149. [21:41:41] <MpeachTrump> Trump's obnoxious, malicious boot-lickers are not known for behaving rationally when presented with a concept with which they disagree.
  150. [21:41:45] <mime> Personal, ad hominem gibberish.
  151. [21:41:49] <mime> Nothing to do with politics.
  152. [21:42:02] <MpeachTrump> I wish that some of Trump's worshippers would ask themselves, “Why am I helping Trump pose a threat to personal autonomy and social development?”
  153. [21:42:11] <mime> You couldnt make a political argument of Hillary trained you herself.
  154. [21:42:23] <MpeachTrump> Many of Trump's boot-lickers and possibly even Trump himself, may suffer from the Dunning-Kruger effect. It’s the phenomenon in which “the incompetent person is too incompetent to understand his own incompetence.” Sad.
  155. [21:42:52] <mime> The only sad thing here, is you being this crazy.
  156. [21:43:31] <mime> Its so obvious that its totally useless to even ask how all the craziness fits together.
  157. [21:43:35] <MpeachTrump> We should knock down Trump's house of cards. By “house of cards,” I'm referring to the fragile, highly unstable, and prodigal framework of lies on which Trump's failing presidency is based.
  158. [21:43:47] <mime> Its so crazy that only a crazyman can get it.
  159. [21:44:01] <MpeachTrump> Trump has never gotten ahead because of his hard work or innovative ideas. Rather, all of Trump's successes are due to an inheritance, kickbacks, bribes, black market double-dealing, outright thuggery, and unsavory political intrigue.
  160. [21:44:06] <mime> "<MpeachTrump> Does Trump honestly expect us to believe that a totalitarian dictatorship is the best form of government we could possibly have?"
  161. [21:44:21] <mime> "<MpeachTrump> Many of Trump's boot-lickers and possibly even Trump himself, may suffer from the Dunning-Kruger effect. It’s the phenomenon in which “the incompetent person is too incompetent to understand his own incompetence.” Sad."
  162. [21:44:29] <mime> "<MpeachTrump> Trump's obnoxious, malicious boot-lickers are not known for behaving rationally when presented with a concept with which they disagree."
  163. [21:44:31] <MpeachTrump> If we are to improve our country, then we must be guided by a healthy and progressive ideology, not by the psychotic and ignorant ideologies that Trump promotes.
  164. [21:44:39] <mime> "<MpeachTrump> Trump has been trying for some time to convince people that anyone who disagrees with him is a potential terrorist. Don't believe his hype! "
  165. [21:44:49] <mime> "<MpeachTrump> Trump is absolutely determined to make us believe that human rights can best be protected by suspending them altogether, and he's not about to let facts or reason get in his way. "
  166. [21:45:02] <mime> Its total crazy.
  167. [21:45:21] <MpeachTrump> The time has come to choose between freedom or slavery, revolt or submission, and liberty or Trump's particularly hateful form of fascism.
  168. [21:45:29] <mime> Thank you for adding evidence.
  169. [21:45:43] <mime> It will be filed and saved.
  170. [21:46:04] <MpeachTrump> Trump is under criminal investigation because he is a crook. This is not "fake news". This is not a conspiracy theory. This is documented fact. Trump has been trying desperately, in a vain effort to exculpate himself, to convince us that he has done no wrong.
  171. [21:47:13] <MpeachTrump> Here's a nugget of information that you might find interesting: Many of the people I've talked to have said that Trump and his adherents should all be put up against a wall and given traitors' justice.
  172. [21:48:30] <mime> Sensationalist journalism combined with this level of crazy, comes from a very fringe and extremely marginalized group of people.
  173. [21:49:00] <mime> They often have their own magazines, as they arent heard on mainstream media.
  174. [21:49:09] <MpeachTrump> Trump probably regrets stating publicly that he can succeed without trying. Although we can attribute that ultra-barbaric comment to a bout of foot-in-mouth disease, while Trump manufactures crisis after crisis.
  175. [21:49:47] <@IrishKing> Good Afternoon MpeachTrump
  176. [21:49:57] <MpeachTrump> hi IrishKing
  177. [21:50:21] <@IrishKing> How was Church this morning?
  178. [21:50:46] <MpeachTrump> it was fine... always nice to have fellowship in an atmosphere of trust and love
  179. [21:50:59] <mime> Thats something you need, for sure.
  180. [21:51:27] <@IrishKing> yes, it has to remind you of this channel :-)
  181. [21:51:36] <MpeachTrump> I cannot believe how many actual, physical, breathing, thinking people have fallen for Trump's subterfuge. I'm completely stunned.
  182. [21:52:01] <@IrishKing> MpeachTrump, what denomination are u?
  183. [21:52:05] <mime> All those bad experiences has left you as a very marginalized person, MpeachTrump.
  184. [21:52:20] <mime> "Trump wont hug a muslim!"
  185. [21:52:24] <mime> Utter crazy.
  186. [21:54:00] <MpeachTrump> If Trump really had our best interests at heart, he wouldn't commit obstruction of justice to suppress opposition.
  187. [21:55:21] <mime> The only problem with that is as Nancy Pelosi says; its craziness. Its not evidence of anything; its "I dont like his hair".
  188. [21:55:28] <MpeachTrump> Trump has not increased our safety, security, or happiness by identifying political and religious groups that are his political enemies and re-labeling them as “terrorists” in order to justify operations against them. All he's increased by doing that is the girth of his bloated ego.
  189. [21:55:32] <mime> Its sad that you need an educated Democrat to tell you that.
  190. [21:55:43] <mime> When an Democrat has to make something obvious, then you are dumb.
  191. [21:55:57] <MpeachTrump> I figured... if you're Irish
  192. [21:56:23] <MpeachTrump> I don't normally want to expose anyone to rigorous sarcasm, satire and disdain, but Trump deserves it.
  193. [21:56:47] <mime> You dont expose anyone for anything but craziness.
  194. [21:57:48] <MpeachTrump> When I read your comments it reminds me of this:
  195. [21:58:29] Oakmill ( left IRC (Quit)
  196. [21:58:44] <mime> The fringe groups has tried this tactics already, to speak badly about Trump to win an election.
  197. [21:58:57] <mime> We see what happens when such notions prevail within a party.
  198. [21:59:46] <mime> Its very destructive for Democrats and the DNC.
  199. [22:00:13] <@IrishKing> MpeachTrump, You're always welcome to join us in #Scripture2. We're a mime free channel :-)
  200. [22:01:31] johnm ( joined the channel
  201. [22:02:02] <mime> MpeachTrump Yes, then you can speak among your own.
  202. [22:02:27] <MpeachTrump> mime is a douche bag
  203. [22:02:35] <mime> Good suggestion, IrishKing. #Scripture2 is filled of crazies, and they are religious as well.
  204. [22:03:37] <mime> MpeachTrump But you would work much good among them.
  205. [22:03:41] <MpeachTrump> if we don't soon tell Trump to stop what he's doing, he will proceed with his pouty threats, considerably emboldened by our lack of resistance.
  206. [22:03:58] <mime> MpeachTrump They would need to hear your message, for some of them have voted Trump.
  207. [22:04:10] <MpeachTrump> Trump will stop at nothing to provoke violence and religious extremism.
  208. [22:04:16] <mime> Lik IrishKing here, MpeachTrump.
  209. [22:04:31] <MpeachTrump> most people aren't willing to swallow what Trump is serving up: a triple scoop of treason sprinkled with lies and topped off with warm obstruction sauce.
  210. [22:04:53] <mime> Yeah, you will fit in.
  211. [22:05:10] <mime> You are exactly the material they look for, MpeachTrump.
  212. [22:05:49] <mime> MpeachTrump If you are religious its even better, for then you can use gay as a derogatory term. IrishKing do that all the time.
  213. [22:06:27] <MpeachTrump> As strong as our Constitutional system is, it was never intended to resist a large-scale, long-term, tightly organized effort to subvert it from within. And that's exactly what Trump is trying to accomplish.
  214. [22:06:56] <@IrishKing> Decent people who are for the rule of law and believe in the ideals that made America great are always welcome in #Scripture2
  215. [22:07:08] <mime> MpeachTrump You seem in need of a psychiatrist and private schooling.
  216. [22:10:02] <MpeachTrump> Trump swears that opinion is no less credible than proven facts. Despite the emphasis that he places on that asseveration, we all know that it's a willful, malicious, and deliberate lie.
  217. [22:10:19] <mime> Yes, Trump rump swears that opinion is no less credible than proven facts.
  218. [22:10:24] <mime> Despite the emphasis that he places on that asseveration, we all know that it's a willful, malicious, and deliberate lie.
  219. [22:10:29] <mime> Total crazy.
  220. [22:10:43] <MpeachTrump> yes, you are
  221. [22:11:02] <MpeachTrump> you are so far up Trump's ass... you can't see thr truth for yourself...
  222. [22:11:29] <mime> MpeachTrump Go to the psychiatrist first, for the illusions needs to be medicated before anyone teach you history and sociology.
  223. [22:11:38] <@IrishKing> MpeachTrump. he's a Nordic Nazi
  224. [22:11:41] <MpeachTrump> you are a Trump-sucker and you should wipe the orange from around your mouth.
  225. [22:12:23] VladPutin (VladPutin@ joined the channel
  226. [22:12:26] <VladPutin> hi
  227. [22:12:33] X sets mode +l 25
  228. [22:12:33] VladPutin is now known as Slayer66
  229. [22:12:35] <mime> "<MpeachTrump> Does Trump honestly expect us to believe that a totalitarian dictatorship is the best form of government we could possibly have?"
  230. [22:12:44] <MpeachTrump> Trump believes with sincere conviction that fascism is a worthwhile goal. Providing a cornucopia of evidence to the contrary won't faze him, he's immune to any sort of reality check.
  231. [22:12:48] <mime> "<MpeachTrump> Trump has been trying for some time to convince people that anyone who disagrees with him is a potential terrorist. Don't believe his hype! "
  232. [22:12:53] <Slayer66> mime- there's no way that is a serious question...
  233. [22:13:15] <MpeachTrump> No one need be surprised if our culture's personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of Donald Trump.
  234. [22:13:19] <mime> Slayer66 Its utter marginalized fringe group insanity.
  235. [22:13:47] <Slayer66> you have to be scotched to the tv set 24/7 to believe such nonsense...
  236. [22:14:01] <MpeachTrump> If Trump manages to flush all our hopes and dreams down the toilet, our nation will not endure as a civilization, as a geopolitical entity, or even as a society.
  237. [22:14:16] <MpeachTrump> Rather, it will exist only as a prison, a prison in which malign showboaters exploit public sympathy in order to bolster support for Trump's fascist policies.
  238. [22:14:22] <mime> These people have their own magazines and such, for even mainstream sensationalism isnt at this level of crazy. Nancy Pelosi had to actually use media to reach these people.
  239. [22:15:10] <mime> She had to go on TV and tell the fringe groups how to understand the public debate in mainstream media, such as New York Times and Washington Post.
  240. [22:15:56] <Slayer66> to which they likely replied: 'understand?'
  241. [22:16:17] <mime> Slayer66 They heard the pentecostal version of speaking in tongues.
  242. [22:16:26] <mime> Slayer66 Mental capacity about that of a 3 year old.
  243. [22:16:58] <johnm> Slayer66 Hi & Bye
  244. [22:17:02] <Slayer66> the other day, some asswipe was trying to tell me the Confederate South were Nazis... I tried explaining that Nazism did not exist then...
  245. [22:17:03] johnm ( left IRC (Quit)
  246. [22:19:23] <mime> Slayer66 Did he tell you Lenin was a hick?
  247. [22:19:38] <Slayer66> ah, we didnt broach that subject
  248. [22:19:46] <mime> hehe
  249. [22:19:48] <@IrishKing> Slayer66, to be honest I don't know the mind set of Southerners of that era
  250. [22:20:09] <Slayer66> IK- no one does... they'd have to read books from that era to begin to approximate
  251. [22:20:38] <mime> These classified thought errors exist in many forms, also in the anti-theist campaign in the famous mustache apologia.
  252. [22:20:52] <@IrishKing> Slayer, and Newspapers of that era
  253. [22:21:10] <Slayer66> IK- yes, another valid example
  254. [22:21:46] <@IrishKing> Editorial collumns and letters to the editor would be illuminating
  255. [22:22:13] <Slayer66> in any case, claiming these people were Nazis is the upmost of nonsense
  256. [22:22:25] <@IrishKing> utmost
  257. [22:22:50] <Slayer66> yes, sorry
  258. [22:25:29] <mime> It is called a subversion, where one view later, and unrelated historical events applied in a reverse historical timeline.
  259. [22:27:13] <Slayer66> I knew this nonsense was begun when upon the Brussels attacks, some American jack-ass wrote an article about how Tintin is a non-appropriate symbol because 'racism'... my jaw dropped
  260. [22:27:23] <MpeachTrump> who will change Trump's diaper?
  261. [22:27:38] <@IrishKing> mime will
  262. [22:27:53] <MpeachTrump> he's already sucking his cheeto
  263. [22:28:20] <@IrishKing> HAHAHA
  264. [22:28:50] <@IrishKing> mime is messaging me
  265. [22:28:52] <mime> Indeed, Slayer66.
  266. [22:29:25] <Slayer66> mime- to which I reply: try finding a non-racist Belgian in that era... good luck
  267. [22:30:48] <mime> Slayer66 Reason is dictated by principles, of which the fundamental is non-contradiction.
  268. [22:31:10] <Slayer66> these idiots are not led by reason.. but by despair
  269. [22:31:51] <mime> Slayer66 Yes, indeed. The fringe groups have an subverted soul, they think what they feel.
  270. [22:32:11] <mime> "South was nazi!"
  271. [22:32:54] <Slayer66> it has never occured to them to THINK, much less logically...
  272. [22:33:49] <mime> This is because of their ideology, which dictate a sociological frame of struggle against the means of governing.
  273. [22:34:01] <mime> They fight against the system, and the oppressors.
  274. [22:34:17] <@IrishKing> MpeachTrump, Every day mime uses a defferent proxy to get into #Scripture2 and I boot him with the most colorful and profane kick message you ever saw. It's very funny
  275. [22:34:44] <Slayer66> and yet they congratulate themselves on their levels of perceived oppression...
  276. [22:34:49] <mime> Yes, I can quote them all.
  277. [22:35:04] <mime> Thats OK now.
  278. [22:35:47] <mime> "This will be my third visit to you. "Every matter must be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses." St. Paul.
  279. [22:36:34] <@IrishKing> Mime you're a whiney little Nazi shit who needs to take responsibility for driving Abiygail off irc
  280. [22:37:44] <@IrishKing> He took the time and the effort to show my profane Kick messages to the ladies in #Scripture. If Grape is upset with me she's upset with the wrong guy
  281. [22:38:07] <mime> Slayer66 Yes, indeed. It is a disintegration of the members of society, from majorities into minorities; there is a struggle between individual in marxist society, we arent equal by nature and thus must achieve equality.
  282. [22:39:00] <mime> Slayer66 Marxism is thus a sociological model, an ideology which addresses the means and ends of society.
  283. [22:39:33] <Slayer66> gtg
  284. [22:39:35] Slayer66 (VladPutin@ left IRC (Quit)
  285. [22:39:58] <MpeachTrump> Trump's cheerleaders are nothing more than sick-minded Kool-Aid drinkers.
  286. [22:40:03] X sets mode +l 23
  287. [22:40:10] <mime> IrishKing kicked mime from the channel (Go suck the pus out of the sores om Mouser's Thai STD infected dick you piece of Nazi shit and tell Abiygail I said so)
  288. [22:41:02] <mime> #Scripture2 is a fine channel. You can hate on thai people in various ways.
  289. [22:42:16] <mime> IrishKing kicked mime from the channel (Go suck the pus out of the sores on Mouser's diseased Dick and make sure you tell all the women in #Scripture you Nazi Turd)
  290. [22:43:14] <mime> IrishKing kicked mime_ from the channel (Go suck the pus out of the sores on Mouser's dick you piece of Nazi shit and show this to Abiygai lthe gullible retard)
  291. [22:43:54] <@IrishKing> Mime likes to share his kick messages
  292. [22:44:17] <mime> <@IrishKing> MpeachTrump, Every day mime uses a defferent proxy to get into #Scripture2 and I boot him with the most colorful and profane kick message you ever saw. It's very funny
  293. [22:45:16] <mime> IrishKing kicked mime from the channel (eat shit Nazi dicbreath and say Mohammedan in #Scripture)
  294. [22:45:19] <@IrishKing> mime stop trying to break into channels where u are unwanted
  295. [22:45:25] <mime> IrishKing kicked mime from the channel (Go suck Mouser's tiny Dick and say Mohammedan)
  296. [22:46:11] <mime> IrishKing kicked mime from the channel (get fucked Nazi dirtbag, Nazi's are not christians. Don't forget to lswallow Mouser's cum)
  297. [22:46:28] <mime> IrishKing kicked mime from the channel (Get the fuck outta here ya Nazi shit and go swallow a Quart of Mouser's Thai infected AIDS tainted cum)
  298. [22:46:38] <@IrishKing> mime, you're a sick puppy if you've saved all 200 of my colorful kick messages
  299. [22:47:25] <mime> You have an overview?
  300. [22:47:51] <@IrishKing> I'm happy to see the evidence I've gotten under a real Nazi's skin
  301. [22:48:00] <mime> huh?
  302. [22:48:34] <@IrishKing> you're having a meltdown Adolf
  303. [22:48:39] <mime> IrishKing You brought up the subject, I am merely giving the references.
  304. [22:49:23] <@IrishKing> Every Nazi needs to be spoken to as I have done
  305. [22:49:42] <@IrishKing> no apologies here
  306. [22:49:56] <@IrishKing> I'm proud
  307. [22:50:50] <@IrishKing> [15:39] <@R0cz> mime was back for a second helping?
  308. [22:50:50] <@IrishKing> [15:41] <@IrishKing> he wants to corn hole me
  309. [22:50:50] <@IrishKing> [15:42] <@IrishKing> and I'm not gonna be his boyfriend
  310. [22:50:50] <@IrishKing> [15:43] <@R0cz> lawlz
  311. [22:50:56] <MpeachTrump> mime is a barely walking talking piece of shit...
  312. [22:51:10] <MpeachTrump> mime should get back on his meds
  313. [22:51:31] <@IrishKing> he must be on a bunch
  314. [22:51:40] <MpeachTrump> mime, now that you've had a heart attack, are you confined to a wheelchair?
  315. [22:52:23] <@IrishKing> mime needs a strait jacket
  316. [22:52:34] <MpeachTrump> maybe he's having another heart atttack right now
  317. [22:53:26] <MpeachTrump>
  318. [22:57:51] <mime> IrishKing kicked mime from the channel (get fucked Nazi dirtbag, Nazi's are not christians. Don't forget to lswallow Mouser's cum)
  319. [22:58:08] <MpeachTrump>
  320. [22:58:16] <mime> IrishKing kicked mime from the channel (Mime you horrible little Nazi Shit suck the pus out of the sores on Mouser's tiny little dick ans send this in an email to Aniygail. Do as you're commanded)
  321. [22:58:19] <mime> This is from today.
  322. [22:58:50] <MpeachTrump> so what?
  323. [22:58:55] <MpeachTrump> truth hurts?
  324. [22:59:15] <MpeachTrump>
  325. [22:59:30] <mime> Truth?
  326. [22:59:44] <mime> The messages speak for themselves.
  327. [23:00:05] <mime> IrishKing is a very disturbed person.
  328. [23:00:16] <MpeachTrump> no, they seem accurate
  329. [23:00:33] <mime> He has been a professional alcoholic with diabetes for most of his career as caretaker of his sick mother.
  330. [23:00:50] <MpeachTrump> you're sucking on Trump's cheeto... you have a circle of orange around your mouth.
  331. [23:01:13] <@IrishKing> Thank you MpeachTrump for posting that link about the Thom Tillis bill. It makes me proud to know we have Republicans willing to let the Special Counsel do his job without being fired by the White House
  332. [23:01:16] <mime> He has never lived any place than home, and been in his room for 30 + years, and you speak of truth?
  333. [23:01:30] <mime> 30 + years, on IRC.
  334. [23:02:12] <MpeachTrump> mime, tell us about your heart attack
  335. [23:02:17] <mime> What?
  336. [23:02:21] <MpeachTrump> and your weight problem
  337. [23:02:27] <mime> You tell me, thats much better.
  338. [23:02:48] <mime> MpeachTrump You called me fat?
  339. [23:03:00] <mime> Whats your moral standard, hypocrisy?
  340. [23:03:12] <mime> Not to speak of truth, hehe.
  341. [23:03:37] <mime> MpeachTrump Well?
  342. [23:03:40] <MpeachTrump> how's your blood pressure?
  343. [23:03:50] <mime> IrishKing can probably help you say something idiotic.
  344. [23:04:12] <mime> Very good, MpeachTrump
  345. [23:04:17] <MpeachTrump> I hope I have contributed to making your blood pressure raise, maybe you'll have a stroke.
  346. [23:04:40] <@IrishKing> MpeachTrump, ya think I might own every squre inch of the space inside mime's head?
  347. [23:04:54] <mime> Keep projecting, MpeachTrump. Mature people has grown past such.
  348. [23:04:56] <MpeachTrump> haha
  349. [23:05:05] <MpeachTrump> it's pretty empty in there
  350. [23:05:13] <mime> It surely seems like that, IrishKing!
  351. [23:05:36] <MpeachTrump> mime, you're in poor health ans you won't live much longer
  352. [23:05:48] <mime> Quoting your hypocrisy is obviously a huge effort when you bring it up as topic.
  353. [23:06:15] <MpeachTrump> What do we owe Trump? Nothing, absolutely nothing.
  354. [23:06:39] <MpeachTrump> we can no longer afford to do nothing about Trump's deluded, self-serving shenanigans.
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