
RO/RP: Silly bee, ghosts don't have feelings

Jun 23rd, 2012
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  1. -- recreantOctopus [RO] began trolling restlessPipes [RP] --
  2. -- recreantOctopus [RO] returns to his old hive. His fetch modus is full to the brim with what little possesions he has and he's laden down carrying all these other bags and boxes. Octodad tags along not far behind --
  3. -- recreantOctopus [RO] sighs wearily from memories and gently pushes the door open with a creek --
  4. -- restlessPipes [RP] is sitting in the middle of the hive, typing away at his grubtop. --
  5. -- recreantOctopus [RO] just drops everything right there and his mouth hangs open --
  6. -- restlessPipes [RP] looks up. --
  7. RP: }{ell0.
  8. RO: hey hey your here?
  9. RP: Yes.
  10. RP: I }{0pe t}{at was n0t a surprise.
  11. RO: it totally is!
  12. RO: CIRRIN RUNFAR travels all this way to move and then your waiting right when CIRRIN RUNFAR gets here
  13. RP: 0}{.
  14. RP: I supp0se I s}{0uld ap0l0gize.
  15. RO: well this is CIRRIN RUNFAR hive
  16. RO: like actual hive that CIRRIN RUNFAR really owns
  17. RO: dont ghosts need to be invited in before they can set foot inside?
  18. RP: Y0u are referring t0 rainb0w drinkers, Cirrin.
  19. RO: really?
  20. RO: CIRRIN RUNFAR knew it was a superstition for something at least
  21. RP: Y0u }{ave y0ur superstiti0ns c0nfused.
  22. RO: okay ghosts then you come and ghost whenever you feel like it CIRRIN RUNFAR cant stop you
  23. -- recreantOctopus [RO] picks up his stuff and walks on in --
  24. -- restlessPipes [RP] watches. --
  25. RP: Are y0u m0ving back in?
  26. RO: yes
  27. -- recreantOctopus [RO] dumps his bags in a big pile --
  28. RP: I t}{0ug}{t t}{at y0u w0uld n0t want t0 return.
  29. RO: well its not like CIRRIN RUNFAR was doing it to get away from a haunted ruin
  30. RO: and besides
  31. -- recreantOctopus [RO] looks around. The state of the tiny hive is hardly in better condition than the ruin he left --
  32. RO: theres no longer any reason to stay away is there?
  33. -- restlessPipes [RP] looks around with him. --
  34. RP: W}{en y0u put t}{at way, n0.
  35. RP: I will rel0cate, t}{en.
  36. RO: wait you were using this place or something?
  37. RP: I was planning t0.
  38. RP: But it is n0 big deal.
  39. RP: It d0es n0t matter w}{0 uses w}{at }{ive.
  40. RP: I will m0ve.
  41. RO: it doesnt matter where you live because you dont!
  42. RP: T}{at is c0rrect.
  43. RP: But I must in s0me way. F0r t}{e game.
  44. -- recreantOctopus [RO] smiles, possibly for the first time while seeing ghost!ranigi --
  45. RO: thats a funny thing to care about for a ghost
  46. -- restlessPipes [RP] tilts his head at the smile. --
  47. RP: It is my fate.
  48. RP: I must f0ll0w it.
  49. RO: thats got to be the dumbest fate CIRRIN RUNFARs heard
  50. RP: It is a fate t}{at supp0rts t}{e fate 0f 0t}{ers.
  51. RP: If I f0ll0w it t}{r0ug}{, it will p0stp0ne 0ur inveitable deat}{s.
  52. RO: inevitable deaths?
  53. RP: Yes.
  54. RO: CIRRIN RUNFAR hasnt exactly thought about really
  55. RP: T}{is game will kill us if we f0ll0w t}{r0ug}{ t}{e pat}{ placed bef0re us.
  56. RO: oh
  57. RO: CIRRIN RUNFAR thought you were talking about sweeps from now...
  58. RP: N0.
  59. RP: I speak 0f t}{e game.
  60. RO: okay so the game could kill us
  61. RO: a bit like flarp then
  62. RP: N0t c0uld. Will.
  63. RP: And yes. Y0u c0uld say t}{at.
  64. RO: thats a stupid game
  65. RP: But it is 0ne t}{at we must play.
  66. -- recreantOctopus [RO] does several awkward shifting movements to get his fetch modus to retrieve his recoupracoon where his old one used to be --
  67. RO: whats a ghost know so much about this game anyway?
  68. RP: I }{ave b0rr0wed quite a large am0unt 0f kn0wledge.
  69. RP: Being dead gives y0u a neat advantage.
  70. RP: In t}{at regard.
  71. -- recreantOctopus [RO] finally uncaptchalogs his recoupracoon, the new unleaking one Paloma paid for, and turns around sharply --
  72. RO: strange spooky knowledge from forbidden sources?
  73. -- restlessPipes [RP] turns his way. --
  74. RP: Yes. Y0u c0uld say.
  75. RO: are you sure you should get mixed up in that sort of stuff?
  76. RO: well more than you already are being dead
  77. RP: I am dead.
  78. RP: I d0ubt t}{at muc}{ can }{appen t0 me.
  79. RP: Even if s0met}{ing d0es 0ccur, I d0 n0t t}{ink it w0uld matter muc}{ t0 me.
  80. RO: but it sounds like playing with forces trolls are not meant to mess with
  81. RP: Y0u seem c0ncerned.
  82. RO: kind of
  83. RP: Y0u d0 n0t need t0 be w0rried.
  84. RP: It is n0t y0ur skin 0n t}{e line.
  85. RO: well it might be if what you say about the game is true...
  86. RO: but even still
  87. RP: I will be fine.
  88. RP: If n0t...
  89. RP: Well, it d0es n0t matter.
  90. RP: I am inc0nsequential in t}{is game.
  91. RO: dont say that
  92. RO: you said you were coming back
  93. RP: Yes.
  94. RP: But my r0le is quite small.
  95. RP: It matters little if I am taken 0ut 0f t}{e equati0n 0nce my j0b is d0ne.
  96. RO: well itd matter to CIRRIN RUNFAR
  97. RO: a little
  98. RP: I am afraid t}{at d0esn't matter.
  99. RP: If my existence must cease, t}{en s0 be it.
  100. RP: I d0 n0t }{ave t}{e will t0 care.
  101. RO: you really are dead then
  102. RP: W}{at else did y0u expect?
  103. RO: like
  104. RO: dunno
  105. RO: hoped there was still something there
  106. RP: Suc}{ as?
  107. RO: like wanting to continue to exist even as a dead dumb ghost?
  108. RO: to do ghosty things
  109. RO: like haunting
  110. RP: I d0 }{aunt.
  111. RP: I }{aunt frequently.
  112. RO: like now!
  113. RP: Yes.
  114. RP: I d0 n0t see w}{at y0ur pr0blem is.
  115. RO: you
  116. RO: your the problem
  117. RP: ...
  118. RP: I am s0rry t}{en.
  119. RP: I will leave.
  120. -- restlessPipes [RP] starts floating away. --
  121. RO: no no!
  122. RO: thats not what CIRRIN RUNFAR meant
  123. -- restlessPipes [RP] stops. --
  124. -- recreantOctopus [RO] drops the pirate flag he was putting up --
  125. RO: you said you were going to come back for reals flesh and blood didnt you?
  126. RO: or something like that
  127. RO: CIRRIN RUNFAR might have been paying more attention to the dead dead eyes at the time but
  128. RP: Yes.
  129. RP: I did say t}{at.
  130. RO: youll care then wont you?
  131. RO: care that youll die
  132. RP: Per}{aps.
  133. RP: But t}{at d0es n0t matter n0w.
  134. RP: T0 be quite frank, it w0uld be muc}{ m0re l0gical t0 remain a g}{0st.
  135. RO: ...
  136. -- recreantOctopus [RO] turns away and puts up the pirate flag again --
  137. RP: }{ave I said s0met}{ing t0 0ffend y0u?
  138. RO: yes how is that supposed to be logic?
  139. RO: maybe CIRRIN RUNFAR just as dumb dumb as everyone says CIRRIN RUNFAR is
  140. RP: ... I d0 n0t t}{ink y0u are as dumb as t}{e 0t}{ers say.
  141. RP: It is l0gical because I am n0t c}{ained by em0ti0ns in t}{is f0rm.
  142. RO: thats not really a good thing at all
  143. RP: It is.
  144. RO: is not
  145. RO: maybe you should become a robot next
  146. RP: Per}{aps. But a r0b0t's b0dy is destructable.
  147. RO: well somethings got to happen to a ghost otherwise you wont be able to move for all the dead people around
  148. RP: ... t}{at is true as well.
  149. RP: But it d0es n0t c0ncern y0u, Cirrin.
  150. RO: nope
  151. RO: CIRRIN RUNFAR doesnt care about ghosts
  152. RP: Y0u s}{0uld apply t}{e same t}{0ug}{t t0 me.
  153. RP: I am expendable.
  154. -- recreantOctopus [RO] continues to not look at his as he puts up a troll johnny depp poster --
  155. RO: thats what CIRRIN RUNFAR said
  156. RO: CIRRIN RUNFAR doesnt care about ghost ranigi or his non existant feelings or his logic
  157. RP: ...
  158. RP: 0}{.
  159. RO: whats that oh for?
  160. RP: It is n0t}{ing.
  161. RP: I will be g0ing n0w.
  162. -- restlessPipes [RP] starts floating away again. --
  163. -- recreantOctopus [RO] has his back turned and is unaware of any absconding --
  164. RO: well you dont even need to know where the door is you can just use a wall
  165. RP: I ap0l0gize, Cirrin.
  166. RP: But t}{is is }{0w my fate must be.
  167. -- restlessPipes [RP] disappears. --
  168. RO: see thats one of those apologies that dont mean anything
  169. -- recreantOctopus's [RO'S] modus spits out his treasure chest when used near his pirate flag which lands with a *plunk* --
  170. RO: just like when your the one winning you can hardly say your sorry
  171. RO: right Ranigi?
  172. -- recreantOctopus [RO] turns around and stops suddenly. No one's there --
  173. RO: Ranigi?
  174. RO: you can still haunt CIRRIN RUNFAR
  175. RO: if you want
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