
Cult Calamity

Feb 5th, 2016
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  1. Tags: public sex, virgins
  3. The streets were empty in the small hamlet of Palefront. All the door and shutters were closed tight, save for tiny cracks that curious eyes could peer from. And it wasn’t for the overcast sky that seemed to warn for rain. It was out of fear of the hooded men that walked the streets. Thier sickly green robes reminded the townsfolk of death. They scoured the land and everyone knew what they were looking for. They kept their children inside, hoping the dreaded cult wouldn’t take them for sacrifice.
  5. “Well hello there,” the gravely voice came from beneath the hood as he approached the only person still on the streets, a young girl who was drawing in the dirt with a stick. Her hair was long and wild, it plastered to her white, stained dress clearly wet with grease.
  7. “Hi,” she responded blandly, ignoring him as she continued to draw. The man pulled off his hood and crouched beside her. He was a grey haired man, with a few, but distinct wrinkles in his face. His cheek pulled out a smile as he looked to the girl.
  9. “Where are your parents?” He asked, consent was needed for the ritual, and he wasn’t going to screw this up again. No, he had to play by all the rules.
  11. “Long dead,” she replied in that same bored tone.
  13. “Is that so? Well, then that means you’re your own woman, can make your own decisions,” feeling his smile grow wider the man introduced himself and his intentions. “My name is Verius, how would you like to come with me and my friends to another world?” In truth, a girl growing up with not parents he had assumed she may not have been the most mentally grown, it might explain why she was still drawing with sticks at her age.
  15. “I’m making my own world right here,” she pointed to the series of interconnecting spirals the looked like petals of flowers.
  17. “I’m not talking about some childish fantasy. I mean a whole new world away from here.”
  19. The girl finally looked up at him, a small smile on her face. “What if it’s your world that’s a childish fantasy?”
  21. “Then either way you’ll be playing make-believe, but if you come with us you’ll have friends.” Pointing to one of the other hooded men, the shortest of them, he beckoned him to join them. “This is Ajax, he’s around your age, wouldn’t you like to play with him?” Verius pulled off the boy’s hood to reveal a curly and brown head of hair and eyes so green they seemed to make his robe seem an entirely different color.
  23. “Yes!” the girl responded before Ajax could even get a word out. He stammered in disbelief as she hopped to her bare feet.
  25. “Then let us be off,” Verius stood as well, patting Ajax on the back. “Stay close to her, boy. She seems to like you.”
  27. “Yes, Dux Verius.” Ajax regarded his leader giving a small bow as he replaced his hood. Verius did the same. The girl clung to Ajax’s arm, looking up at him with her big brown eyes. The boy tried desperately not to look at her. There was no use getting attached to her. He knew what would become of her, after all.
  29. The willing sacrifice of a virgin shall call out Va’theria,
  30. Her wings will engulf her followers in a loving embrace,
  31. And her world will be ours to live and pray in
  34. “So, what’s this new world like?” The girl asked, up at Ajax, who was still avoiding her gaze. In his first glance of her, he had found her extremely attractive. She was cute and bubbly as she spoke and there seemed to be bounce in her every step.
  36. “Well, we haven’t seen it, of course, but it’s said to be as radiant as Va’theria herself.” The boy recited scriptures.
  38. “Wow, is she really that pretty?” At this comment Ajax looked down at the girl with hesitant eyes, he didn’t quite know the answer to that question, but he noticed that this girl sure was.
  40. “She’s a being of another dimension, simply seeing her would enlighten us all.” Verius chimed in at Ajax’s mind faltering after looking upon beauty that seemed to enlighten him. “It’s not that she’s radiant. Though the texts can be interpreted in many ways.”
  42. “So, you don’t know what she looks like either? Why’re you guys so devoted then?” The girl giggled and Verius snarled. He couldn’t wait to sacrifice the life of one so ignorant.
  44. The question rose thoughts to Ajax’s mind. He wasn’t in the group for very long, but already he was having doubts. And making such a sweet, innocent and gorgeous girl suffer the ultimate penalty of death? Was it really worth it for true enlightenment?
  46. “So, do I get to come with you guys?” She asked Ajax, but Verius again interrupted, causing the girl to pout in his direction. She wanted to hear Ajax speak more.
  48. “You’re the key, and presumably, yes. As one would normally enter a locked gate with the key in hand.” This was wishful thinking, and maybe just to keep the girl going along with the plan. “Of course, you have not devoted your life to Va’theria as we have.”
  50. “I used to hear that boys were like keys and girls were like locks. How could I be a key?” This relation caused Ajax to blush with a force that may have been as radiant as Va’theria.
  52. “I don’t think it’s like that,” the young boy looked away from her once more, trying to hide his embarrassment at her words. Impure images of stuffing his key in her lock filled his head and he tried to shake them loose.
  56. Soon they were at the temple of Va’theria. Which to most would simply look like an old store house with graffiti on it. Though, to these men and their coven, it was a sanctuary with their holy symbol painted lovingly on the walls.
  58. Once inside, they were greeted by dozens of other green hooded men. All held loving eyes towards the girl, their key to be with Va’theria in her world. They stood in rows of pews, watching her as Ajax and Verius along with their group brought her to the front where all the pews faced.
  60. At the then of the carpeted walkway between the holy benches was a stone table within what looked to be a jail cell. Verius had the iron bars installed after their last sacrifice ran from them, chasing her down and getting her back on that ceremonial table was quite the hassle, one he was not keen on repeating should this girl decide to flee as well.
  62. Though, they were not going to the altar just yet, first the girl must be cleaned and clothed in holy robes. Taking her to a side wing, there was a small bucket and drain on the floor. “Ajax, why don’t you get our guest cleaned up while we prepare the robes for one of her size?”
  64. “Of course, Vox Verius.” The boy bowed as he and the men left him within the bath room.
  66. “I think you’ll need to-” Before he could finish, the girl had already stripped off her simple cloth dress, revealing her dirt spotted body.
  68. “You can’t take a bath with your clothes, even I know that.” She smiled all too perkily. It was hard for Ajax since he knew she would have to have some ceremonial dagger plunged into her.
  70. A pure dagger, thrust within
  71. The essence of the virgin released
  72. From her body, Va’theria will come forth
  73. Inviting all to her world
  75. “Right, of course,” Ajax quickly brought his eyes up from her small, barely developing breasts to her face. He thanked Va’theria for his robe, for it had hid his instant erection. After all this girl wasn’t the only virgin in the room. Kneeling to the bucket he pulled out a hand brush and usher for the girl to sit on the stool. “I’ll scrub you down.”
  77. The girl sat and placed her feet in his lap. “Those are the dirtiest, you might as well start there.”
  79. Mumbling an affirmation, Ajax’s eyes fluttered up her legs to see her smooth crotch. Her legs were pressed together, not allowing for much of a sight, but he could feel himself throb. Trying to distract himself from her body as he began to scrub her he made conversation.
  81. “Do you have a name?”
  83. “No,” she said.
  85. “Noh?” he responded, having heard the name before. “That’s pretty.”
  87. Giggling at the miscommunication, she simply went along with it. “Thanks.” With her parents long dead, she hadn’t heard her true name in some time, but she rather liked the name Ajax had given her. “You’re Ajax, right?”
  89. Merely mumbling and nodding again she smiled. “Strong name.”
  91. Having finished scrubbing one foot, he moved to the next. The first foot fell to his crotch, and on his rock hard cock. Though, Noh didn't seem to notice, Ajax poured sweat as he scrubbed her other foot.
  93. Idly, her foot tensed and pushed on him as he cleaned her. Throttling him like a sewing machine pedal. With one foot lifted, he now had full view of the pink hole between her legs. Ajax was sure that she could feel him throb, or at least the heat from his gaze, but perhaps it was her carefree attitude or even the fact that she was a virgin that she didn’t noticed him.
  95. Feeling as though he were on the edge, Ajax shifted out of her foot’s grasp and pushed forward, moving upwards to scrub up her legs. She parted for him and this only aroused the poor boy further. Being so close to her, he could smell her nether region, the glorious scent gave a throb so hard that he could feel the precum well up beneath his robes.
  97. Inching up her body, just when he thought he couldn’t get any harder, he came to her breasts. Despite their size, there was a distinct feel to them. Unable to help himself, he forgot the brush and simply grasped them in his sudsy hands. His hands slid over them and as he felt her nipples grow harder at his touch, he finally looked up to her to make eye contact. To his pleasure she was smiling down at him, blushing as well.
  99. When their eyes locked, Noh closed her eyes and pushed her lips out, towards Ajax. Recoiling at her sudden attempt, the startled boy slipped on the soapy floor and accidently kicked out the stool from under Noh. She fell atop him and her hand fell to his chest.Their faces ever so close.
  101. “We’d like to keep her a virgin for the ceremony.” Verius’ voice rang out in the room, and Ajax looked at the Vox upside down. “No, I wasn’t-”
  103. “We just slipped is all.” Noh interrupted Ajax’s stammering.
  105. “Get to your feet, both of you.” Vox Verius commanded and the two kids did so, embarrassed. “Get her robes on.”
  107. Two robed figures slipped a ceremonial garment over Noh’s head, tying the straps in the back. It was a gorgeous robe, green and hemmed with intricate details. Ajax couldn’t help but think that she looked even more beautiful than she had naked.
  109. “Now come it’s time for the ceremony.” Verius led the two to the main hall where the cage and alter was. All the men staring at them as they approached. Incense flooded their nostrils and Noh scrunched up her face at the smell.
  111. Ajax felt his heart leap, he felt it flutter as he looked at Noh. There was something about her, something he liked. Something he wanted to protect. And then Verius’ words echoed in his head.
  113. We’d like to keep her a virgin for the ceremony.
  115. He had a plan. Looking to Noh, he whispered. “Take my hand.” She smiled wide and did so as Ajax ran and shoved Verius aside. The jingle of keys could be heard, but no one saw Ajax take them. Gunning for the cage he shoved a few more cultists to the side, his hood falling and revealing his short, flaxen hair.
  117. Once in the cage, he shut it with a heavy slam. He reached through the bars, locked the gate then pulled the keys inside, tossing them at the floor of the altar.
  119. As Verius realized what the boy was doing he called out. “Don’t you dare, boy.”
  121. Pulling off his robe completely Ajax stood before Noh, his slacks already coming undone. “Let me save you,” he said to Noh. She nodded and hopped atop the altar, pulling up the skirt of her robes.
  123. Still hard from bathing her, Ajax freed his young cock and approached Noh as his slacks slid down his legs. Kicking them aside his took her face in his hands and bestowed a kiss on her lips. The cultists watching in the pews murmured among themselves and Verius merely pounded on the cage in rage.
  125. The two were able to drown out the noise with pure passion. Ajax pressed himself within her, giving a heavy thrust, breaking her hymen. The young girl cried out, but soon fell to the pleasure. Feeling his warm cock within her caused a pleasure that only a virgin could feel, Ajax was feeling a similar sensation. That first time within a woman was unlike any other sensation, past or future. In the present, the two of them shared elation unlike any they ever had or ever will feel.
  127. Ajax lifted her leg to get a better angle as he pushed on within his new lover. She wrapped her arms around his neck for better stability as their bodies pressed against one another. By this point, the room behind them was silent. Gaping with awe, watching as their brother deflowered their sacrifice. Even the back rows could hear the wet sounds of their passionate lovemaking.
  129. Noh pulled Ajax’s head down to plant a kiss on her lips. While their bodies pressed closer their lips only linked them closer. For a virgin, the girl seemed experienced with her tongue. Pushing it past Ajax’s lips it toyed and played with his. Feeling his lips on hers caused the girl to tighten around his cock, even though her walls her wet he found her getting harder to pull out of. The two quickly began to heave and pant as they pulled their mouths from one another. As he began to wince, Ajax could feel himself getting close to orgasm, but he had to hold out, Noh needed her orgasm. A first orgasm to fully free her of her virginity. Pushing on, holding himself back he sunk his hands into Noh’s smooth skin, and tightened. He almost felt like he would break her frail body as he held himself back. With her moans becoming heavier and Ajax’s strong cock filling her again and again Noh too was reaching her climax.
  131. Bare feet interlocked behind Ajax and legs that were stronger than they looked pulled him in close. Her hands reached up to his head and she pulled him down so she could whisper in his ear. “Come with me.”
  133. Her words were not that of a little girl, they were strong and inviting. They held a meaning more than what was right before them.
  135. The two came together, and the virgin boy’s essence flooded inside Noh’s convulsing hole.
  137. A pure dagger, thrust within
  138. The essence of the virgin released
  139. From her body, Va’theria will come forth
  140. Inviting all to her world
  142. Of course, these were ancient scripts and their words may have been mistranslated, or even misinterpreted. But with Ajax’s virgin sacrifice, the spirit of Va’theria was released from its mortal prison.
  144. The willing sacrifice of a virgin shall call out Va’theria,
  145. Her wings will engulf her followers in a loving embrace,
  146. And her world will be ours to live and pray in
  148. As Noh came, thousands of thick, black tentacles flooded from her back, tearing the back of her sacred robes. The tendrils spread out like wings and reached to the far edges of the cage.
  150. The hooded men looked on in awe as their god had finally emerged, tears flooded Verius’ eyes. For the vision he saw was horrifying. For a split second he saw her true form. One that he may have thought would be a beautiful being of light was merely a beast of pure terror. What world would that bring to him?
  152. Luckily, the thoughts did not fill his head for long as one of the black tentacles shot through the bars pierced his skull before wrapping around the rest of his body. The rest of the horrifying appendages lashed at each and every cultist, engulfing them in a deadly embrace as the scrambled in terror to escape.
  154. Ajax looked up from his post orgasm haze, still pushing within what he now knew was the God he had devoted his life to, the God he had sacrificed his own faith to release. The vision he saw behind Noh, a spectre like being of pulsing flesh and shadow was beautiful. It was enlightening, to see such a marvelous creature. There was a bliss that far exceeded his orgasm.
  156. “How could a human like me ever stand beside you in your world?” Ajax asked, expecting this glorious God to take him with her to its world.
  158. It spoke in a tongue he could not decipher, but Noh the being’s puppet, spoke alongside it’s eldritch voice, “What do you mean? You will be beside me in our world.” It was then that Ajax noticed the way the wooden walls reacted to their tendrils that touched them, shaping them into that ghastly mixture of flesh and shadow. “You will walk with me, in our world.” Noh reached out a hand, and Ajax took it.
  160. “Does this mean I should call you Va’theria?” He asked, with genuine concern as a tentacle slammed against the gate, breaking them free.
  162. “Noh,” she laughed in two voices as they both decended down the grim hall of the storehouse, littered with the frightened last faces of the cultists that had become a part of Va’theria’s world.
  164. “No?” He asked, unsure if they were on the same page.
  166. “Noh.”
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