
Explosive Pickaxe

Oct 22nd, 2017
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  1. command /explosivepickaxe:
  2. aliases: epickaxe, ep, epick
  3. permission: epickaxe.give
  4. permission message: &7&l<< &4&lError&7&l >> &r&cYou do not have the required permission to perform this command
  5. trigger:
  6. give a diamond pickaxe named "&cTrench Pickace V2" with lore "&7Historical pickaxe used to mine trenches in the second world war." to the player
  8. on block break:
  9. if player have permission "epickaxe.use":
  10. if player is holding a diamond pickaxe with lore "&7Historical pickaxe used to mine trenches in the second world war.":
  11. loop blocks in radius 4 of event-block:
  12. if loop-block is stone or cobblestone or obsidian or coal ore or iron ore or gold ore or redstone ore diamond ore or emerald ore
  13. add loop-block to {_explosive.%player%::*}
  14. loop {_explosive.%player%::*}:
  15. drop loop-value
  16. set loop-block to air
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