

Oct 27th, 2018
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  1. ======================================================================================================================================
  2. This section holds the tags and explanations; it is up to the archivist team's discretion which tags are used on stories
  3. [Cute]: This story will make you go d'awwwwwwww
  4. [Lewd]: This story features Lewd Elements
  5. [Smut]: This story is just straight up smut. Sex plays the primary role.
  8. [Romance]: Story contains romantic elements. The Romance is not necessarily the main component of the story
  9. [Action]: This story is features action and adventure as center components
  10. [Thriller]: This story will get your heart rate up with the suspense
  11. [Horror]: This story features strong horror or Lovecraftien themes. Designed to unnerve you.
  12. [War]: This story features a war as a primary plot point or story arc
  15. [HFY]: Humanity Fuck yeah. Stories about Humanity kicking fantasy ass and taking names
  16. [Relaxing]: This story is nice and relaxing. Doesn't attempt to scare you or unnerve you.
  17. [Pro Elf]: Story depicts Elves in a positive light
  18. [Anti-Elf]: Story depicts Elves in a negative light
  19. [Pro Orc]: Story depicts Orcs in a positive light
  20. [Anti-Orc]: Story depicts Orcs in a negative light
  21. [Contains Orcs/Elves/Dwarves/Giants/Fairies etc]: Story contains the Fantasy Races listed in sufficient quantities (ie: not just a one off mention)
  24. [Fan/k/asia Canon]: This story conforms to Fan/k/asia canon
  25. [TPC]: Third Party Canon. This story makes use of a canon universe that is NOT Fan/k/asia. ex: LoTR, Warhammer Fantasy, D&D, Warcraft, Elder Scrolls etc.
  26. [non-Canon]: This story does not conform to any established canon
  27. [Earth/New World]: Where this story takes place at, the fantasy world or our Earth.
  28. [Incomplete]: Unfinished story
  29. [Complete]: Finished Story
  30. [Exclusive]: This story is not posted anywhere except here. This is usually due to the story not being related in any way to /k/ and thus not suitable for the thread but still fitting for the setting.
  32. =====================================================================================================================================
  33. I'm more worried about getting a working sticky than having a whole catalog of tags. When people start writing stories, I'll write the tags.
  35. Thank you again /wfg/ for letting me shamelessly rip most of your tags. Why reinvent the wheel right?
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