
Day Twilicorn in Equestra (One Snot)

Feb 1st, 2013
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  1. >Day Twilicorn in Equestria.
  2. >”Woohooooo!”
  3. >”Yahoo!”
  4. >”This is so much fun!”
  5. >This is really getting annoying.
  6. >She's been up there for hours and WILL NOT SHUT UP!!!
  7. >Rarity walks up.
  8. >”Anonymous, is that...Twilight up there?”
  9. “I've been trying to get her down for hours.”
  10. >”Oh dear, how did she get up there?”
  11. >You point to a empty drink can on a nearby table.
  12. “She drank the rest of my energy drink.”
  13. >”Anon, that still doesn't explain how she got up there.”
  14. “Ya see, it was just a marketing campaign back on Earth, but apparently over here, it really does give you wings.”
  16. >Suddenly, Rarity gets a strange look in her eyes.
  17. >It looks....ravenous.
  18. >”Tell me dear, do you have any more of this wonderful beverage by chance?”
  19. >Nope.
  20. >Nope nope nope nope.
  21. >You can tell where this is going and you want nothing to do with it.
  22. “Nosorrydon'thaveanymoregottagobye!”
  23. >You try and run away but Rarity levitates you back to her.
  24. >”Now now, that's no way to treat a lady. Now please tell me where more of this beverage can be found. I will not take no for an answer!”
  25. >You can hear the edge hiding under Rarity's playful tone.
  26. >Plus, she's a unicorn.
  27. >You learned a while back not to fuck with unicorns.
  28. “Okay fine! Just put me down already!”
  29. >Back on Earth, you were a delivery driver for Red Bull.
  30. >You drove a Nissan cargo van around to gas stations delivering Red Bull.
  31. >Not the most exciting job but it payed well enough.
  32. >Due to some events you don't quite remember, you ended up crashing the van into a tree.
  33. >The tree just so happened to be a Library.
  34. >In Equestria.
  35. >After the initial excitement of crash landing into Twilight's home, you eventually came to reside in her treebrary, along with your delivery of Red Bull.
  36. >The van was carted off to Canterlot for research in exchange for your Equestrian citizenship.
  37. >Fucking diplomats and that damn Sunbutt.
  39. >You told any of the ponies that asked that the drinks were meant for humans and were most likely highly toxic to ponies.
  40. >You weren't exactly lying but you didn't want one of the ponies heart's exploding to find out that it WAS hazardous.
  41. >And now, one week later, you're leading a pony down to your stash of Red Bull in Twilight's basement.
  42. >Well, you were leading one down while being held at hornpoint.
  43. “Alright, here it is.”
  44. >You walk over to an open fourpack and throw Rarity a can from it.
  45. >She looks absolutely ecstatic as she grabs the can with her magic.
  46. >She pops the top and takes a draft.
  47. >”Aack! How *cough* how can you stand to drink this?!”
  48. >She immediately keeps trying to chug the entire can in between bouts of coughing and whining.
  49. >As soon as she finishes off the can, Rarity sprouts a pair of wings the same color as her coat.
  50. >”Oh. Oh my, it really DOES give you wings!”
  51. >Just like that, Rarity bolted out of the treebrary's basement.
  52. >You sigh at the turn of events and go looking for some spare boards, a hammer, and some nails.
  53. >You had a feeling you were about to have a mob trying to go after your stash.
  55. >You knew that Rarity couldn't keep her mouth shut about ANYTHING.
  56. >This you knew from experience.
  57. >After all, she WAS the only tailor in Ponyville.
  58. >Mares were still giving you the eyes every time they saw you.
  59. >But that doesn't matter, because you've successfully barricaded yourself inside Twilight's basement.
  60. >You hope.
  61. >Just as you think that, the basement door and everything in front of it comes flying at you, sending you and the barracade down the stairs.
  62. >”Tha drinks are in here!”
  63. >Oh shit, they're here!
  64. >You try your best to fend the pony horde off, but it's no use.
  65. >Applejack, Pinkie, Lyra, Big Mac, and just about every other pony that isn't a pegasus runs you over to get at your Red Bull.
  66. >Before you can even pick yourself up off the floor, every single pony has grabbed a can and started chugging it.
  67. >You feel it is best to run.
  68. >As soon as you escape out of the Library, a flood of pegasi and Alicorns pour out of every available exit in Twilight's house, even the windows.
  69. >You knew this won't end well, so you pick a direction and start running as fast as you can.
  70. >You don't know what Red Bull could do to ponies.
  72. >As you reach the edge of Ponyville, it suddenly turns to night.
  73. >Then back to day.
  74. >Then both the sun and the moon are playing cat and mouse in the sky.
  75. >Apparently Red Bull boosts Unicorn magic astronimically.
  76. >You look out across Ponyville and see houses levitating in the air, bushes chasing each other and barking like dogs, pigs flying, trees riding park benches and jousting eachother with streetlights, and town square's fountain being turned into a geyser of hot fudge.
  77. >You swear you can see a flock of books being attacked by bookshelves.
  78. >Off in the far distance, you could see the apple trees of Sweet Apple Acres grow legs and start shaking themselves.
  79. >You look in the sky again just in time to see the sun run into the moon and both of them exploding.
  80. “Oh dear god we're all screwed.”
  81. >You try to run anywhere that was away from all this madness, but you tripped because you couldn't see because Alicorns BLEW UP THE SUN!
  82. >You really should have taken the driver job for Coca-Cola instead.
  84. [Author's note: Thanks to TexAnon for this last part. You glorious bastard.]
  86. >Knowing that the end is nigh, you begin walking off towards the edge of the everfree forest in hopes of escaping the insanity before everything gets fucked.
  87. >Maybe it will unfuck itself, who knows?
  88. >Still, it's better not to get your hopes up.
  89. >Before you know it, you're at fluttershys cottage.
  90. "Huh. Well if there's anyp0ny I can count on for peace and quiet, it's her."
  91. >Allowing yourself in, you come face to face to face with a sight that makes your blood run cold.
  92. >Fluttershy is tipping back her own can of red bull.
  93. "No, flutters! No!"
  94. >But it's too late.
  95. >By the time she registers your presence, she's dropped the empty can to the floor.
  96. >"Oh! Hello Anoymous. It's um, nice to see you. Did you need something from me?"
  97. >Huh. Guess Pegasi are immune.
  98. >Suddenly she doubles over in pain, grasping her stomach.
  99. >"Oh celestia! It hurts!"
  100. >Suddenly her wings disappear into her torso and two huge white temporal rifts open at their former bases.
  101. >Millions of butter yellow wings begin pouring out at Kenyan speeds and it's all you can do to escape the house before they fill in the empty space and start shooting out of every door and window.
  102. >Not wanting to be buried in a sea of pony feathers you make your way under the large shadow of a falling chunk of moon debris.
  103. >As the moon, turned asteroid makes it's way down on to your awaiting form, a last thought makes it's way into your head.
  104. >At least it wasn't pig disgusting sugar-free.
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