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- ''' <summary>
- ''' A wrapper of VmWare's vmrun.exe application.
- ''' </summary>
- <ImmutableObject(True)>
- Public NotInheritable Class VmRunWrapper : Implements IDisposable
- #Region " Properties "
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Gets the <c>VmRun.exe</c> file path.
- ''' </summary>
- Public ReadOnly Property FilePath As String
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Gets a value indicating whether the <c>VmRun.exe</c> file Exists.
- ''' </summary>
- Public ReadOnly Property Exists As Boolean
- Get
- Return File.Exists(Me.FilePath)
- End Get
- End Property
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Gets the <c>VmRun.exe</c> <see cref="Diagnostics.Process"/> instance.
- ''' </summary>
- Public ReadOnly Property Process As Process
- #End Region
- #Region " Constructors "
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Prevents a default instance of the <see cref="VmRunWrapper"/> class from being created.
- ''' </summary>
- Private Sub New()
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="VmRunWrapper"/> class.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="filepath">
- ''' The <c>VmRun.exe</c> filepath.
- ''' </param>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Sub New(ByVal filepath As String)
- Me.FilePath = filepath
- Me.Process =
- New Process With {.StartInfo =
- New ProcessStartInfo With {
- .FileName = filepath,
- .CreateNoWindow = True,
- .UseShellExecute = False,
- .RedirectStandardError = False,
- .RedirectStandardOutput = True
- }
- }
- End Sub
- #End Region
- #Region " Public Methods "
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Gets the amount of virtual machines that are running on the host operating system.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <returns>
- ''' The amount of virtual machines that are running on the host operating system.
- ''' </returns>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Function GetRunningVmCount() As Integer
- Dim stdOut As String = Me.RunProcess("-T ws list")
- Dim line As String = stdOut.Split({Environment.NewLine}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).First()
- Dim count As Integer = CInt(line.Replace("Total running VMs: ", ""))
- Return count
- End Function
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Gets the file paths of the virtual machines that are running on the host operating system.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <returns>
- ''' The file paths of the virtual machines that are running on the host operating system.
- ''' </returns>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Function GetRunningVms() As ReadOnlyCollection(Of VMWareVirtualMachine)
- Dim vms As New Collection(Of VMWareVirtualMachine)
- Dim stdOut As String = Me.RunProcess("-T ws list")
- For Each line As String In stdOut.Split({Environment.NewLine}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
- If Not line.StartsWith("Total running VMs:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
- Dim filepath As String = line
- Dim vm As New VMWareVirtualMachine(filepath, isSharedVm:=False)
- vms.Add(vm)
- End If
- Next line
- Return New ReadOnlyCollection(Of VMWareVirtualMachine)(vms)
- End Function
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Gets the amount of snapshots created in the specified virtual machine.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- ''' <returns>
- ''' The amount of snapshots created.
- ''' </returns>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Function GetSnapshotCount(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine) As Integer
- Dim stdOut As String = Me.RunProcess(String.Format("-T ws listSnapshots ""{0}""", vm.VmxFile.FullName))
- Dim line As String = stdOut.Split({Environment.NewLine}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).First()
- Dim count As Integer = CInt(line.Replace("Total snapshots: ", ""))
- Return count
- End Function
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Gets the names of the snapshots created in the specified virtual machine.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- ''' <returns>
- ''' The snapshot names.
- ''' </returns>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Function GetSnapshotNames(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine) As ReadOnlyCollection(Of String)
- Dim names As New Collection(Of String)
- Dim stdOut As String = Me.RunProcess(String.Format("-T ws listSnapshots ""{0}""", vm.VmxFile.FullName))
- For Each line As String In stdOut.Split({Environment.NewLine}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
- If Not line.StartsWith("Total snapshots:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
- Dim name As String = line
- names.add(name)
- End If
- Next line
- Return New ReadOnlyCollection(Of String)(names)
- End Function
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Gets a tree-view of the snapshots created in the specified virtual machine.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- ''' <returns>
- ''' A tree-view of the snapshots.
- ''' </returns>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Function GetSnapshotsTreeview(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine) As String
- Dim sb As New StringBuilder()
- Dim stdOut As String = Me.RunProcess(String.Format("-T ws listSnapshots ""{0}"" showTree", vm.VmxFile.FullName))
- For Each line As String In stdOut.Split({Environment.NewLine}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
- If Not line.StartsWith("Total snapshots:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
- sb.AppendLine(line)
- End If
- Next line
- Return sb.ToString()
- End Function
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Gets a value that determine whether VmWare Tools is installed in the specified virtual machine.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- ''' <returns>
- ''' <see langword="True"/> if VmWare Tools is installed in the specified virtual machine; otherwise, <see langword="False"/>.
- ''' </returns>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Function IsVmWareToolsInstalled(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine) As Boolean
- Dim stdOut As String = Me.RunProcess(String.Format("-T ws checkToolsState ""{0}""", vm.VmxFile.FullName))
- Return stdOut.Equals("installed", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) OrElse
- stdOut.Equals("running", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
- End Function
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Start the specified virtual machine.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="noGui">
- ''' A value indicating whether to start the virtual machine with VmWare GUI or not.
- ''' </param>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Sub VmStart(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine, ByVal noGui As Boolean)
- Dim stdOut As String = Me.RunProcess(String.Format("-T ws start ""{0}"" {1}", vm.VmxFile.FullName, If(noGui, "nogui", "gui")))
- vm.Refresh()
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Stop the specified virtual machine.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="hardStop">
- ''' A value indicating whether to perform a hard or soft stop.
- ''' </param>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Sub VmStop(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine, ByVal hardStop As Boolean)
- Dim stdOut As String = Me.RunProcess(String.Format("-T ws stop ""{0}"" {1}", vm.VmxFile.FullName, If(hardStop, "hard", "soft")))
- vm.Refresh()
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Reset the specified virtual machine.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="hardReset">
- ''' A value indicating whether to perform a hard or soft reset.
- ''' </param>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Sub VmReset(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine, ByVal hardReset As Boolean)
- Dim stdOut As String = Me.RunProcess(String.Format("-T ws reset ""{0}"" {1}", vm.VmxFile.FullName, If(hardReset, "hard", "soft")))
- vm.Refresh()
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Suspend the specified virtual machine.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="hardSuspend">
- ''' A value indicating whether to perform a hard or soft suspend.
- ''' </param>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Sub VmSuspend(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine, ByVal hardSuspend As Boolean)
- Dim stdOut As String = Me.RunProcess(String.Format("-T ws suspend ""{0}"" {1}", vm.VmxFile.FullName, If(hardSuspend, "hard", "soft")))
- vm.Refresh()
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Pause the specified virtual machine.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Sub VmPause(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine)
- Dim stdOut As String = Me.RunProcess(String.Format("-T ws pause ""{0}""", vm.VmxFile.FullName))
- vm.Refresh()
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Resume (unpause) the specified virtual machine.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Sub VmResume(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine)
- Dim stdOut As String = Me.RunProcess(String.Format("-T ws unpause ""{0}""", vm.VmxFile.FullName))
- vm.Refresh()
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Deletes the specified virtual machine.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Sub VmDelete(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine)
- Dim stdOut As String = Me.RunProcess(String.Format("-T ws deleteVm ""{0}""", vm.VmxFile.FullName))
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Create a snapshot of the specified virtual machine.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="name">
- ''' The snapshot name.
- ''' </param>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Sub SnapshotCreate(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine, ByVal name As String)
- Dim stdOut As String = Me.RunProcess(String.Format("-T ws snapshot ""{0}"" ""{1}""", vm.VmxFile.FullName, name))
- vm.Refresh()
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Delete a snapshot from the specified virtual machine.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="name">
- ''' The snapshot name.
- ''' </param>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Sub SnapshotDelete(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine, ByVal name As String)
- Dim stdOut As String = Me.RunProcess(String.Format("-T ws deleteSnapshot ""{0}"" ""{1}""", vm.VmxFile.FullName, name))
- vm.Refresh()
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Revert the state of the specified virtual machine to the state of the specified snapshot.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="name">
- ''' The snapshot name.
- ''' </param>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Sub SnapshotRestore(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine, ByVal name As String)
- Dim stdOut As String = Me.RunProcess(String.Format("-T ws revertToSnapshot ""{0}"" ""{1}""", vm.VmxFile.FullName, name))
- vm.Refresh()
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Determine whether a file exists in the guest operating system of the specified virtual machine.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="filepath">
- ''' The full path to a existing file in the guest operating system.
- ''' </param>
- ''' <returns>
- ''' <see langword="True"/> if the file exists in the guest operating system; otherwise, <see langword="False"/>.
- ''' </returns>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Function FileExists(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine, ByVal filepath As String) As Boolean
- Dim stdOut As String = Me.RunProcess(String.Format("-T ws -gu ""{0}"" -gp ""{1}"" fileExistsInGuest ""{2}"" ""{3}""",
- vm.GuestOsCredential.Username, vm.GuestOsCredential.Password,
- vm.VmxFile.FullName, filepath))
- Return stdOut.Equals("The file exists.", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
- End Function
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Determine whether a directory exists in the guest operating system of the specified virtual machine.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="directoryPath">
- ''' The full path to a existing file in the guest operating system.
- ''' </param>
- ''' <returns>
- ''' <see langword="True"/> if the directory exists in the guest operating system; otherwise, <see langword="False"/>.
- ''' </returns>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Function DirectoryExists(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine, ByVal directoryPath As String) As Boolean
- Dim stdOut As String = Me.RunProcess(String.Format("-T ws -gu ""{0}"" -gp ""{1}"" directoryExistsInGuest ""{2}"" ""{3}""",
- vm.GuestOsCredential.Username, vm.GuestOsCredential.Password,
- vm.VmxFile.FullName, directoryPath))
- Return stdOut.Equals("The directory exists.", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
- End Function
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Delete a file from the guest operating system of the specified virtual machine.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="filepath">
- ''' The full path of the file to be deleted in the guest operating system.
- ''' </param>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Sub FileDelete(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine, ByVal filepath As String)
- Dim stdOut As String = Me.RunProcess(String.Format("-T ws -gu ""{0}"" -gp ""{1}"" deleteFileInGuest ""{2}"" ""{3}""",
- vm.GuestOsCredential.Username, vm.GuestOsCredential.Password,
- vm.VmxFile.FullName, filepath))
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Delete a directory from the guest operating system of the specified virtual machine.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="directoryPath">
- ''' The full path of the directory to be deleted in the guest operating system.
- ''' </param>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Sub DirectoryDelete(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine, ByVal directoryPath As String)
- Dim stdOut As String = Me.RunProcess(String.Format("-T ws -gu ""{0}"" -gp ""{1}"" deleteDirectoryInGuest ""{2}"" ""{3}""",
- vm.GuestOsCredential.Username, vm.GuestOsCredential.Password,
- vm.VmxFile.FullName, directoryPath))
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Create a directory in the guest operating system of the specified virtual machine.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="directoryPath">
- ''' The full path of the directory to be created in the guest operating system.
- ''' </param>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Sub DirectoryCreate(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine, ByVal directoryPath As String)
- Dim stdOut As String = Me.RunProcess(String.Format("-T ws -gu ""{0}"" -gp ""{1}"" createDirectoryInGuest ""{2}"" ""{3}""",
- vm.GuestOsCredential.Username, vm.GuestOsCredential.Password,
- vm.VmxFile.FullName, directoryPath))
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Installs VmWare Tools on the guest operating system of the specified virtual machine.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Sub InstallVmWareTools(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine)
- Dim stdOut As String = Me.RunProcess(String.Format("-T ws -gu ""{0}"" -gp ""{1}"" installTools ""{0}""",
- vm.GuestOsCredential.Username, vm.GuestOsCredential.Password,
- vm.VmxFile.FullName))
- vm.Refresh()
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Rename a file in the guest operating system of the specified virtual machine.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="srcFilepath">
- ''' The full path to a existing file in the guest operating system.
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="dstFilepath">
- ''' The new destination path for the file set in the <paramref name="srcFilepath"/> parameter.
- ''' </param>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Sub FileRename(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine, ByVal srcFilepath As String, ByVal dstFilepath As String)
- Dim stdOut As String = Me.RunProcess(String.Format("-T ws -gu ""{0}"" -gp ""{1}"" renameFileInGuest ""{2}"" ""{3}"" ""{4}""",
- vm.GuestOsCredential.Username, vm.GuestOsCredential.Password,
- vm.VmxFile.FullName, srcFilepath, dstFilepath))
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Copies a file from the host operating system to the guest operating system of the specified virtual machine.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="hostFilePath">
- ''' The source file path; the file to be copied from the host operating system.
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="guestFilePath">
- ''' The destination file path; the file being copied into the guest operating system.
- ''' </param>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Sub FileCopyFromHostToGuest(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine, ByVal hostFilePath As String, ByVal guestFilePath As String)
- Dim stdOut As String = Me.RunProcess(String.Format("-T ws -gu ""{0}"" -gp ""{1}"" CopyFileFromHostToGuest ""{2}"" ""{3}"" ""{4}""",
- vm.GuestOsCredential.Username, vm.GuestOsCredential.Password,
- vm.VmxFile.FullName, hostFilePath, guestFilePath))
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Copies a file from the guest operating system of the specified virtual machine to the host operating system.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="guestFilePath">
- ''' The source file path; the file to be copied from the guest operating system.
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="hostFilePath">
- ''' The destination file path; the file being copied into the host operating system.
- ''' </param>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Sub FileCopyFromGuestToHost(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine, ByVal guestFilePath As String, ByVal hostFilePath As String)
- Dim stdOut As String = Me.RunProcess(String.Format("-T ws -gu ""{0}"" -gp ""{1}"" CopyFileFromGuestToHost ""{2}"" ""{3}"" ""{4}""",
- vm.GuestOsCredential.Username, vm.GuestOsCredential.Password,
- vm.VmxFile.FullName, guestFilePath, hostFilePath))
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Capture the screen of the guest operating system of the specified virtual machine
- ''' and save it to a image file (in .PNG format) in the host operating system.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="hostFilePath">
- ''' The full path to the image file that will be created in the host operating system.
- ''' </param>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Sub CaptureScreen(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine, ByVal hostFilePath As String)
- Dim stdOut As String = Me.RunProcess(String.Format("-T ws -gu ""{0}"" -gp ""{1}"" captureScreen ""{2}"" ""{3}""",
- vm.GuestOsCredential.Username, vm.GuestOsCredential.Password,
- vm.VmxFile.FullName, hostFilePath))
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Gets the IP address of the guest operating system on the specified virtual machine.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- ''' <returns>
- ''' The resulting <see cref="IPAddress"/>.
- ''' </returns>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Function GetIpAddress(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine) As IPAddress
- Dim stdOut As String = Me.RunProcess(String.Format("-T ws -gu ""{0}"" -gp ""{1}"" getGuestIPAddress ""{2}"" -wait",
- vm.GuestOsCredential.Username, vm.GuestOsCredential.Password,
- vm.VmxFile.FullName))
- Return IPAddress.Parse(stdOut)
- End Function
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Send keystrokes to the guest operating system of the specified virtual machine.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="keystrokes">
- ''' The keystrokes to send.
- ''' </param>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Sub SendKeystrokes(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine, ByVal keystrokes As String)
- Dim stdOut As String = Me.RunProcess(String.Format("-T ws -gu ""{0}"" -gp ""{1}"" typeKeystrokesInGuest ""{2}"" ""{3}""",
- vm.GuestOsCredential.Username, vm.GuestOsCredential.Password,
- vm.VmxFile.FullName, keystrokes))
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Enable shared folders features in the guest operating system of the specified virtual machine.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Sub SharedFoldersEnable(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine)
- Dim stdOut As String = Me.RunProcess(String.Format("-T ws -gu ""{0}"" -gp ""{1}"" enableSharedFolders ""{2}""",
- vm.GuestOsCredential.Username, vm.GuestOsCredential.Password,
- vm.VmxFile.FullName))
- vm.Refresh()
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Enable shared folders features in the guest operating system of the specified virtual machine.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Sub SharedFoldersDisable(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine)
- Dim stdOut As String = Me.RunProcess(String.Format("-T ws -gu ""{0}"" -gp ""{1}"" disableSharedFolders ""{2}""",
- vm.GuestOsCredential.Username, vm.GuestOsCredential.Password,
- vm.VmxFile.FullName))
- vm.Refresh()
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Adds a new shared folder in the guest operating system of the specified virtual machine.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="shareName">
- ''' The name to assign to the shared folder.
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="hostDirectoryPath">
- ''' The full path to the directory on the host operating system being shared.
- ''' </param>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Sub SharedFolderAdd(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine, ByVal shareName As String, ByVal hostDirectoryPath As String)
- Dim stdOut As String = Me.RunProcess(String.Format("-T ws -gu ""{0}"" -gp ""{1}"" addSharedFolder ""{2}"" ""{3}"" ""{4}""",
- vm.GuestOsCredential.Username, vm.GuestOsCredential.Password,
- vm.VmxFile.FullName, shareName, hostDirectoryPath))
- vm.Refresh()
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Adds a new shared folder in the guest operating system of the specified virtual machine.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="sharedFolder">
- ''' The sharedFolder being added.
- ''' </param>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Sub SharedFolderAdd(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine, ByVal sharedFolder As VmSharedFolderInfo)
- Me.SharedFolderAdd(vm, sharedFolder.Name, sharedFolder.HostDirectory.FullName)
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Adds a new shared folder in the guest operating system of the specified virtual machine.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="shareName">
- ''' The name of the shared folder being removed.
- ''' </param>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Sub SharedFolderRemove(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine, ByVal shareName As String)
- Dim stdOut As String = Me.RunProcess(String.Format("-T ws -gu ""{0}"" -gp ""{1}"" removeSharedFolder ""{2}"" ""{3}""",
- vm.GuestOsCredential.Username, vm.GuestOsCredential.Password,
- vm.VmxFile.FullName, shareName))
- vm.Refresh()
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Adds a new shared folder in the guest operating system of the specified virtual machine.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="sharedFolder">
- ''' The sharedFolder being removed.
- ''' </param>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Sub SharedFolderRemove(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine, ByVal sharedFolder As VmSharedFolderInfo)
- Me.SharedFolderRemove(vm, sharedFolder.Name)
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Sets the writable/readonly access of a shared folder in the guest operating system of the specified virtual machine.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="shareName">
- ''' The name of the shared folder.
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="hostDirectoryPath">
- ''' The full path to the directory that points the shared folder on the host operating system.
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="allowWriteAccess">
- ''' If <see langword="True"/>, allow write access to the shared folder; otherwise, make the shared folder read-only.
- ''' </param>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Sub SharedFolderSetAccess(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine, ByVal shareName As String, ByVal hostDirectoryPath As String, ByVal allowWriteAccess As Boolean)
- Dim stdOut As String = Me.RunProcess(String.Format("-T ws -gu ""{0}"" -gp ""{1}"" setSharedFolderState ""{2}"" ""{3}"" ""{4}"" ""{5}""",
- vm.GuestOsCredential.Username, vm.GuestOsCredential.Password,
- vm.VmxFile.FullName, shareName, hostDirectoryPath,
- If(allowWriteAccess, "writable", "readonly")))
- vm.Refresh()
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Sets the writable/readonly access of a shared folder in the guest operating system of the specified virtual machine.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="sharedFolder">
- ''' The shared folder.
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="allowWriteAccess">
- ''' If <see langword="True"/>, allow write access to the shared folder; otherwise, make the shared folder read-only.
- ''' </param>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Sub SharedFolderSetAccess(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine, ByVal sharedFolder As VmSharedFolderInfo, ByVal allowWriteAccess As Boolean)
- Me.SharedFolderSetAccess(vm, sharedFolder.Name, sharedFolder.HostDirectory.FullName, allowWriteAccess)
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Kills a running process from the guest operating system of the specified virtual machine.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="pid">
- ''' The process identifier.
- ''' </param>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Sub ProcessKill(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine, ByVal pid As Integer)
- Dim stdOut As String = Me.RunProcess(String.Format("-T ws -gu ""{0}"" -gp ""{1}"" killProcessInGuest ""{2}"" ""{3}""",
- vm.GuestOsCredential.Username, vm.GuestOsCredential.Password,
- vm.VmxFile.FullName, pid))
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Runs a new process in the guest operating system of the specified virtual machine.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="executablePath">
- ''' The full path to the executable file in the guest operating system.
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="flags">
- ''' Flags that determine the runtime behavior. You can combine the flags.
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="arguments">
- ''' The program arguments.
- ''' </param>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Sub ProcessRun(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine, ByVal executablePath As String, ByVal flags As VmRunProgramFlags, Optional ByVal arguments As String = "")
- Dim flagsFormatted As String = String.Empty
- If Not flags = VmRunProgramFlags.None Then
- flags = (flags And Not VmRunProgramFlags.None)
- flagsFormatted = flags.ToString().Replace(", ", " -").Insert(0, "-"c)
- End If
- Dim stdOut As String = Me.RunProcess(String.Format("-T ws -gu ""{0}"" -gp ""{1}"" runProgramInGuest ""{2}"" {3} ""{4}"" ""{5}""",
- vm.GuestOsCredential.Username, vm.GuestOsCredential.Password,
- vm.VmxFile.FullName,
- flagsFormatted, executablePath, arguments))
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Runs a script in the guest operating system of the specified virtual machine.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="vm">
- ''' The VMWare virtual machine.
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="interpreterPath">
- ''' The full path to the interpreter executable file in the guest operating system. (eg. "C:\Windows\System32\cscript.exe")
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="flags">
- ''' Flags that determine the runtime behavior. You can combine the flags.
- ''' </param>
- '''
- ''' <param name="scriptContent">
- ''' The text content of the script to run.
- ''' </param>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Function ProcessRunScript(ByVal vm As VMWareVirtualMachine, ByVal interpreterPath As String, ByVal flags As VmRunProgramFlags, ByVal scriptContent As String) As String
- Dim flagsFormatted As String = String.Empty
- If Not flags = VmRunProgramFlags.None Then
- flags = (flags And Not VmRunProgramFlags.None)
- flagsFormatted = flags.ToString().Replace(", ", " -").Insert(0, "-"c)
- End If
- Dim stdOut As String = Me.RunProcess(String.Format("-T ws -gu ""{0}"" -gp ""{1}"" runScriptInGuest ""{2}"" {3} ""{4}"" ""{5}""",
- vm.GuestOsCredential.Username, vm.GuestOsCredential.Password,
- vm.VmxFile.FullName,
- flagsFormatted, interpreterPath, scriptContent))
- Return stdOut
- End Function
- #End Region
- #Region " Private Methods "
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Runs vmrun.exe process with the specified arguments and returns the standard output.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="args">
- ''' The vmrun.exe process arguments.
- ''' </param>
- ''' <returns>
- ''' The standard output of vmrun.exe process.
- ''' </returns>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Private Function RunProcess(ByVal args As String) As String
- Dim stdOut As String
- Dim exitCode As Integer
- SyncLock Me.Process
- Me.Process.StartInfo.Arguments = args
- Me.Process.Start()
- Me.Process.WaitForExit(Timeout.Infinite)
- stdOut = Me.Process.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd().TrimEnd()
- exitCode = Me.Process.ExitCode
- End SyncLock
- If stdOut.StartsWith("Error:", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
- Throw New VmRunException(stdOut, exitCode)
- End If
- Return stdOut
- End Function
- #End Region
- #Region " IDisposable Implementation "
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Flag to detect redundant calls when disposing.
- ''' </summary>
- Private isDisposed As Boolean = False
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Releases all the resources used by this instance.
- ''' </summary>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Public Sub Dispose() Implements IDisposable.Dispose
- Me.Dispose(isDisposing:=True)
- GC.SuppressFinalize(obj:=Me)
- End Sub
- ''' <summary>
- ''' Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
- ''' </summary>
- ''' <param name="isDisposing">
- ''' <see langword="True"/> to release both managed and unmanaged resources;
- ''' <see langword="False"/> to release only unmanaged resources.
- ''' </param>
- <DebuggerStepThrough>
- Private Sub Dispose(ByVal isDisposing As Boolean)
- If (Not Me.isDisposed) AndAlso (isDisposing) Then
- If (Me.Process IsNot Nothing) Then
- 'Try
- ' Me.Process.Kill()
- '
- 'Catch ex As Exception
- '
- 'End Try
- Me.Process.Dispose()
- End If
- End If
- Me.isDisposed = True
- End Sub
- #End Region
- End Class
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