
fix later

Jul 7th, 2014
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  1. 04:40:38 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous2 has entered the room
  2. 04:40:38 - EVENT :: Registered user Vilde (Vilde) has entered the room
  3. 04:40:38 - EVENT :: Registered user Brittany (Brittany) has entered the room
  4. 04:40:38 - EVENT :: Full moderator HGL (HGL) has entered the room
  5. 04:40:38 - EVENT :: Unregistered user b1 has entered the room
  6. 04:40:38 - EVENT :: Unregistered user jackrabbit has entered the room
  7. 04:40:38 - EVENT :: Registered user goderek91 (goderek91) has entered the room
  8. 04:40:38 - EVENT :: Registered user Memes (Memes) has entered the room
  9. 04:40:38 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler has entered the room
  10. 04:40:38 - EVENT :: Unregistered user b has entered the room
  11. 04:40:38 - EVENT :: Unregistered user 56mm has entered the room
  12. 04:40:38 - EVENT :: Registered user Haley (Haley) has entered the room
  13. 04:40:38 - EVENT :: Moderator Hydrochloric (Hydrochloric) has entered the room
  14. 04:40:38 - EVENT :: Unregistered user 4chan has entered the room
  15. 04:40:38 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Clark_Kunt has entered the room
  16. 04:40:38 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous has entered the room
  17. 04:40:38 - EVENT :: Registered user Mody (Mody) has entered the room
  18. 04:40:38 - EVENT :: Moderator timaeusTestified (timaeusTestified) has entered the room
  19. 04:40:38 - Register:
  20. Help:
  21. Apply:
  22. D&D:
  23. Gallery:
  25. Planet1:
  26. 04:40:46 - Got board from Memes
  27. 04:40:50 - Got board from HGL
  28. 04:41:05 - EVENT :: Unregistered user jackrabbit has left the room
  29. 04:43:08 - (Brittany to Mody1): Hey has scotty been on?
  30. 04:43:30 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - Well, I can't know that. He's always on nlobby4 and I'm permabanned there.
  31. 04:43:58 - (Brittany to Mody1): Oh really? When's the last time you saw him there?
  32. 04:44:06 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - Maybe the day before yesterday.
  33. 04:44:12 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - I was evading my ban, y'know.
  34. 04:44:24 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - And now I'm on the verge of getting permanently serverbanned.
  35. 04:44:26 - EVENT :: Registered user Mody (Mody) has left the room
  36. 04:44:32 - (Brittany to Mody1): He's there a lot?
  37. 04:44:39 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - Yes.
  38. 04:44:48 - (Brittany to Mody1): I mean, frequently? Like everyday?
  39. 04:45:00 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Reddit has entered the room
  40. 04:45:15 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - Sometimes, but it's mostly just once every two days or so.
  41. 04:45:22 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - But he's pretty active.
  42. 04:45:36 - (Brittany to Mody1): What does he do online?
  43. 04:45:54 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - He's just there.
  44. 04:45:59 - Haley: Do Loki and Nomad come on anymore?
  45. 04:46:00 - EVENT :: Unregistered user 4chan has left the room
  46. 04:46:03 - (Brittany to Mody1): Who does he talk to?
  47. 04:46:06 - (Mody1) - loki is dead
  48. 04:46:27 - EVENT :: Registered user Lukey (Lukey) has entered the room
  49. 04:46:27 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - Well, most of his conversations are probably in mod chat, but
  50. 04:46:31 - (Haley to Mody1): You're kidding, right?
  51. 04:46:44 - (Mody1 to Haley) - Well. I was speaking figuratively.
  52. 04:47:09 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - he usually doesn't talk to anybody on chat.
  53. 04:47:10 - (Haley to Mody1): jfc don't scare me. That's like, my biggest fear. O.O
  54. 04:47:16 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - he's mostly on board, or afk
  55. 04:47:19 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - Mostly AFK.
  56. 04:47:19 - (Haley to Mody1): Anyway, even on Skype?
  57. 04:47:24 - (Brittany to Mody1): Oh, so you don't know who he's talking to?
  58. 04:47:29 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Reddit has left the room
  59. 04:47:50 - (Mody1 to Haley) - I haven't seen him in agggeeesss on Skype.
  60. 04:48:40 - EVENT :: Registered user Lukey (Lukey) has left the room
  61. 04:49:05 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - Are you suggesting that he's like
  62. 04:49:10 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - cheating on you? is it so?
  63. 04:50:00 - EVENT :: Registered user goderek91 (goderek91) has entered the room
  64. 04:50:00 - EVENT :: Registered user Vilde (Vilde) has entered the room
  65. 04:50:00 - EVENT :: Unregistered user b1 has entered the room
  66. 04:50:00 - EVENT :: Registered user Memes (Memes) has entered the room
  67. 04:50:00 - EVENT :: Unregistered user 56mm has entered the room
  68. 04:50:00 - EVENT :: Moderator Hydrochloric (Hydrochloric) has entered the room
  69. 04:50:00 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Clark_Kunt has entered the room
  70. 04:50:00 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous has entered the room
  71. 04:50:00 - EVENT :: Moderator timaeusTestified (timaeusTestified) has entered the room
  72. 04:50:00 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous2 has entered the room
  73. 04:50:00 - EVENT :: Registered user Brittany (Brittany) has entered the room
  74. 04:50:00 - EVENT :: Full moderator HGL (HGL) has entered the room
  75. 04:50:00 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler has entered the room
  76. 04:50:00 - EVENT :: Registered user Haley (Haley) has entered the room
  77. 04:50:00 - Register:
  78. Help:
  79. Apply:
  80. D&D:
  81. Gallery:
  83. Planet1:
  84. 04:50:06 - (Mody to Brittany) - I lagged out. Did you get my messages?
  85. 04:50:11 - Got board from Memes
  86. 04:50:28 - (Brittany to Mody): Yeah, those 2. What has he told you about us?
  87. 04:51:47 - (Mody to Brittany) - He didn't tell me anything, it was obvious.
  88. 04:51:52 - (Mody to Brittany) - I mean like, c'mon.
  89. 04:52:10 - (Mody to Brittany) - You were loving each other in the middle of the board,
  90. 04:52:18 - (Mody to Brittany) - and the way you talk.
  91. 04:52:23 - (Brittany to Mody): How is it obvious? I havent been on here in months.
  92. 04:52:25 - Brittany: lol
  93. 04:53:05 - (Mody to Brittany) - I've been here long enough to know.
  94. 04:53:25 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous has left the room
  95. 04:53:27 - EVENT :: Unregistered user b1 has left the room
  96. 04:53:31 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous has entered the room
  97. 04:53:37 - (Mody to Brittany) - He also asks about you sometimes, so.
  98. 04:53:47 - (Mody to Brittany) - Or used to.
  99. 04:53:59 - (Brittany to Mody): Haha, really? What did he ask?
  100. 04:54:19 - (Mody to Brittany) - "Have you seen Brittany recently".
  101. 04:54:25 - (Mody to Brittany) - But that was long ago, back when we were close.
  102. 04:54:28 - (Mody to Brittany) - He hates me now.
  103. 04:54:40 - (Brittany to Mody): Awww, why?
  104. 04:55:00 - EVENT :: Moderator timaeusTestified (timaeusTestified) has left the room
  105. 04:55:14 - (Mody to Brittany) - Well, he became a little bit power hungry, after he became authorized enough in nlobby4.
  106. 04:55:21 - (Mody to Brittany) - He's developing a god complex.
  107. 04:55:37 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler1 has entered the room
  108. 04:55:42 - EVENT :: Moderator Hydrochloric (Hydrochloric) has left the room
  109. 04:56:14 - (Mody to Brittany) - He just started disliking me, demodded me before my serverban, but I got remodded when it was over.
  110. 04:56:24 - Board has been undone by HGL
  111. 04:56:26 - (Mody to Brittany) - And now, I'm on the verge of getting permabanned.
  112. 04:56:44 - (Brittany to Mody): Oh, That's weird. Yeah, I wish I could tell you more about what's going on, but it's pretty personal. I just wanted to know if he still comes on and who he talks to.
  113. 04:57:00 - (Mody to Brittany) - Ah, I understand.
  114. 04:57:04 - (Mody to Brittany) - It's okay, no need to tell me.
  115. 04:57:08 - (Mody to Brittany) - But I really miss the old him.
  116. 04:57:17 - (Mody to Brittany) - Back when he was cool and stuff.
  117. 04:57:19 - (Brittany to Mody): :(
  118. 04:57:34 - (Mody to Brittany) - Now he just, banned me off nlobby4 because "he has to".
  119. 04:58:04 - (Brittany to Mody): I'm sorry Mody. Do you want me to talk to him?
  120. 04:58:10 - (Mody to Brittany) - Nah, it's okay.
  121. 04:58:30 - (Mody to Brittany) - I don't want to get back on nlobby4 anyway.
  122. 04:58:33 - (Mody to Brittany) - My pride wouldn't allow me.
  123. 04:58:51 - (Mody to Brittany) - Getting demodded twice, and permabanned, then you expect me to just walk in there like nothing happened? Probably not.
  124. 04:58:53 - (Brittany to Mody): Everyone in there hates me too, so no problem.
  125. 04:58:56 - (Mody to Brittany) - but ily
  126. 04:59:07 - (Mody to Brittany) - And I was there at one point, so not everybody.
  127. 04:59:22 - Board has been undone by HGL
  128. 04:59:38 - (Mody to Brittany) - I used to go on nlobby4 for the last few days, and gray the board out.
  129. 04:59:44 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous1 has entered the room
  130. 04:59:50 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous1 has left the room
  131. 04:59:53 - (Mody to Brittany) - Then a specific fucktarded untrustworthy user gave away my position.
  132. 05:00:02 - (Mody to Brittany) - And now I'm not even allowed to use a VPN. Orders from auto, the great admin.
  133. 05:00:11 - (Mody to Brittany) - If I did anything he doesn't like, I'm gone for good.
  134. 05:00:52 - (Brittany to Mody): Aw, haha yeah. I've never seen him like that and I'm sorry you had to. Lol, and that's crazy. What ever happened to anonymity
  135. 05:00:54 - (Mody to Brittany) - Don't tell anybody I told you that so.
  136. 05:01:06 - (Brittany to Mody): Of course not.
  137. 05:01:12 - (Mody to Brittany) - :^)
  138. 05:01:16 - (Mody to Brittany) - Well, I could tell you more then.
  139. 05:01:22 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler1 has left the room
  140. 05:01:22 - (Mody to Brittany) - Since I pretty much trust you enough.
  141. 05:01:31 - Board has been partially undone by HGL
  142. 05:01:34 - EVENT :: Registered user chipper (chipper) has entered the room
  143. 05:01:38 - (Brittany to Mody): Haha, lucky me!
  144. 05:01:51 - (Mody to Brittany) - We used to have a groupchat on Skype, me, Scotty, and another person.
  145. 05:01:56 - (Mody to Brittany) - Pretty sure he already told you that.
  146. 05:02:01 - EVENT :: Unregistered user 56mm has left the room
  147. 05:02:07 - (Brittany to Mody): When?
  148. 05:02:10 - (Mody to Brittany) - So, I copied something he said, and showed someone else. It was something stupid.
  149. 05:02:12 - (Mody to Brittany) - That was long ago.
  150. 05:02:14 - (Mody to Brittany) - Reallly long ago.
  151. 05:02:38 - EVENT :: Registered user MetalWings (MetalWings) has entered the room
  152. 05:02:47 - (Brittany to Mody): Oh, well we've been together for around half a year now.
  153. 05:02:49 - (Mody to Brittany) - He was just saying something about how he doesn't have voice confidence, and something dumb too.
  154. 05:02:52 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Al has entered the room
  155. 05:02:58 - (Mody to Brittany) - Heh.
  156. 05:03:00 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Firedestroyer has entered the room
  157. 05:03:02 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler has left the room
  158. 05:03:03 - EVENT :: Registered user Memes (Memes) has left the room
  159. 05:03:04 - (Mody to Brittany) - Well, anyway, I just log in one day.
  160. 05:03:11 - EVENT :: Registered user Memes (Memes) has entered the room
  161. 05:03:12 - Firedestroyer: Hi
  162. 05:03:13 - (Mody to Brittany) - You do know what his nlobby4 username is, right?
  163. 05:03:15 - EVENT :: Registered user rvg (RVG) has entered the room
  164. 05:03:24 - (Brittany to Mody): He had a few.
  165. 05:03:31 - (Mody to Brittany) - The one he always uses.
  166. 05:03:34 - (Mody to Brittany) - The current one.
  167. 05:03:38 - Firedestroyer: I love your drawings
  168. 05:03:38 - EVENT :: Unregistered user six6 has entered the room
  169. 05:03:45 - (Mody to Brittany) - You know it, do you
  170. 05:03:55 - (Brittany to Mody): honestly, he told me he didnt come on anymore...
  171. 05:04:03 - Firedestroyer: :D
  172. 05:04:10 - (Mody to Brittany) - Oh? So you don't know his current username?
  173. 05:04:18 - EVENT :: Registered user goalfucker (goalfucker) has entered the room
  174. 05:04:24 - (Mody to Brittany) - I saw him talk to you with it a lot.
  175. 05:04:29 - (Mody to Brittany) - And it seemed like you know it's him.
  176. 05:04:32 - (Mody to Brittany) - Hence the hearts and stuff.
  177. 05:04:37 - (Mody to Brittany) - brb, lag
  178. 05:04:43 - (Brittany to Mody): I might, what is it?
  179. 05:05:12 - Firedestroyer: i think i'm the only one that can't draw good
  180. 05:05:12 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous has left the room
  181. 05:05:40 - EVENT :: Registered user Mody1 (Mody) has entered the room
  182. 05:06:31 - EVENT :: Registered user goderek91 (goderek91) has entered the room
  183. 05:06:31 - EVENT :: Registered user Vilde (Vilde) has entered the room
  184. 05:06:31 - EVENT :: Registered user Mody1 (Mody) has entered the room
  185. 05:06:31 - EVENT :: Registered user rvg (RVG) has entered the room
  186. 05:06:31 - EVENT :: Registered user Memes (Memes) has entered the room
  187. 05:06:31 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Clark_Kunt has entered the room
  188. 05:06:31 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous2 has entered the room
  189. 05:06:31 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Firedestroyer has entered the room
  190. 05:06:31 - EVENT :: Unregistered user six6 has entered the room
  191. 05:06:31 - EVENT :: Registered user Brittany (Brittany) has entered the room
  192. 05:06:31 - EVENT :: Registered user MetalWings (MetalWings) has entered the room
  193. 05:06:31 - EVENT :: Full moderator HGL (HGL) has entered the room
  194. 05:06:31 - EVENT :: Registered user Haley (Haley) has entered the room
  195. 05:06:31 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Al has entered the room
  196. 05:06:31 - EVENT :: Registered user chipper (chipper) has entered the room
  197. 05:06:31 - EVENT :: Registered user goalfucker (goalfucker) has entered the room
  198. 05:06:31 - Register:
  199. Help:
  200. Apply:
  201. D&D:
  202. Gallery:
  204. Planet1:
  205. 05:06:35 - Firedestroyer: No
  206. 05:06:43 - Got board from goderek91
  207. 05:06:44 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Al has left the room
  208. 05:06:51 - Got board from Mody1
  209. 05:06:51 - Firedestroyer: ok
  210. 05:08:46 - Firedestroyer: FUCK MY FUCKING BROTHER
  211. 05:08:58 - MetalWings: n da but
  212. 05:08:59 - EVENT :: Registered user goalfucker (goalfucker) has left the room
  213. 05:09:17 - EVENT :: Unregistered user JOA has entered the room
  214. 05:09:37 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler has entered the room
  215. 05:10:39 - EVENT :: Unregistered user JOA has left the room
  216. 05:10:55 - EVENT :: Registered user chipper1 (chipper) has entered the room
  217. 05:11:06 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler has left the room
  218. 05:11:28 - Board has been undone by HGL
  219. 05:11:38 - Firedestroyer: How do you mute people?
  220. 05:11:51 - Firedestroyer: i don't want to mute people
  221. 05:11:51 - MetalWings: mod ship
  222. 05:11:55 - Firedestroyer: ohhhhhhhhhhh
  223. 05:12:06 - six6: you get a duct tape...
  224. 05:12:17 - EVENT :: Registered user Myth (Myth) has entered the room
  225. 05:12:22 - Firedestroyer: ?
  226. 05:12:23 - MetalWings: anda pness
  227. 05:12:36 - six6: such muteness
  228. 05:14:01 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler has entered the room
  229. 05:14:12 - Firedestroyer: oops :(
  230. 05:14:25 - Board has been partially undone by HGL
  231. 05:15:07 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler has left the room
  232. 05:15:21 - Board has been partially undone by HGL
  233. 05:16:10 - EVENT :: Registered user chipper1 (chipper) has left the room
  234. 05:16:15 - EVENT :: Registered user chipper1 (chipper) has entered the room
  235. 05:16:33 - EVENT :: Registered user goderek91 (goderek91) has entered the room
  236. 05:16:33 - EVENT :: Registered user Vilde (Vilde) has entered the room
  237. 05:16:33 - EVENT :: Registered user Mody1 (Mody) has entered the room
  238. 05:16:33 - EVENT :: Registered user rvg (RVG) has entered the room
  239. 05:16:33 - EVENT :: Registered user Memes (Memes) has entered the room
  240. 05:16:33 - EVENT :: Registered user chipper1 (chipper) has entered the room
  241. 05:16:33 - EVENT :: Registered user Myth (Myth) has entered the room
  242. 05:16:33 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Clark_Kunt has entered the room
  243. 05:16:33 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous2 has entered the room
  244. 05:16:33 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Firedestroyer has entered the room
  245. 05:16:33 - EVENT :: Unregistered user six6 has entered the room
  246. 05:16:33 - EVENT :: Registered user Brittany (Brittany) has entered the room
  247. 05:16:33 - EVENT :: Registered user MetalWings (MetalWings) has entered the room
  248. 05:16:33 - EVENT :: Full moderator HGL (HGL) has entered the room
  249. 05:16:33 - EVENT :: Registered user Haley (Haley) has entered the room
  250. 05:16:33 - EVENT :: Registered user chipper (chipper) has entered the room
  251. 05:16:33 - Register:
  252. Help:
  253. Apply:
  254. D&D:
  255. Gallery:
  257. Planet1:
  258. 05:16:42 - Got board from MetalWings
  259. 05:16:46 - Got board from chipper1
  260. 05:16:52 - EVENT :: Registered user Myth (Myth) has left the room
  261. 05:17:26 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous has entered the room
  262. 05:17:45 - (Mody to Brittany) - It's not like I'll steal you from him or something.
  263. 05:18:22 - EVENT :: Registered user Mody1 (Mody) has left the room
  264. 05:18:26 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler has entered the room
  265. 05:18:28 - EVENT :: Registered user Mody1 (Mody) has entered the room
  266. 05:18:31 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Vale has entered the room
  267. 05:19:12 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Vale has left the room
  268. 05:19:44 - (Mody to Brittany) - Also, Brittany, you owe me a pic.
  269. 05:19:49 - (Mody to Brittany) - Send pics of your face pls.
  270. 05:19:57 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler1 has entered the room
  271. 05:20:13 - (Brittany to Mody): Haha, that's a big no no.
  272. 05:20:17 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler1 has left the room
  273. 05:20:27 - (Mody to Brittany) - Why not thouuugh?
  274. 05:20:30 - (Mody to Brittany) - You've already seen me.
  275. 05:20:33 - (Mody to Brittany) - send pics plspls
  276. 05:21:04 - (Mody to Brittany) - britty pls
  277. 05:22:47 - EVENT :: Registered user goderek91 (goderek91) has entered the room
  278. 05:22:47 - EVENT :: Registered user Vilde (Vilde) has entered the room
  279. 05:22:47 - EVENT :: Registered user Mody1 (Mody) has entered the room
  280. 05:22:47 - EVENT :: Registered user rvg (RVG) has entered the room
  281. 05:22:47 - EVENT :: Registered user Memes (Memes) has entered the room
  282. 05:22:47 - EVENT :: Registered user chipper1 (chipper) has entered the room
  283. 05:22:47 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Clark_Kunt has entered the room
  284. 05:22:47 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous has entered the room
  285. 05:22:47 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous2 has entered the room
  286. 05:22:47 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Firedestroyer has entered the room
  287. 05:22:47 - EVENT :: Unregistered user six6 has entered the room
  288. 05:22:47 - EVENT :: Registered user Brittany (Brittany) has entered the room
  289. 05:22:47 - EVENT :: Registered user MetalWings (MetalWings) has entered the room
  290. 05:22:48 - EVENT :: Full moderator HGL (HGL) has entered the room
  291. 05:22:48 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler has entered the room
  292. 05:22:48 - EVENT :: Registered user Haley (Haley) has entered the room
  293. 05:22:48 - EVENT :: Registered user chipper (chipper) has entered the room
  294. 05:22:48 - Register:
  295. Help:
  296. Apply:
  297. D&D:
  298. Gallery:
  300. Planet1:
  301. 05:22:53 - Got board from Firedestroyer
  302. 05:23:47 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous has left the room
  303. 05:24:39 - EVENT :: Moderator Magus (Magus) has entered the room
  304. 05:24:47 - EVENT :: Moderator Magus (Magus) has left the room
  307. Planet1:
  308. 02:58:51 - Got board from Anonymous
  309. 02:58:51 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Doctor_Whooves has entered the room
  310. 02:58:52 - Got board from Anonymous2
  311. 02:58:52 - EVENT :: Unregistered user emily has left the room
  312. 02:58:56 - Got board from Clark_Kunt
  313. 02:58:56 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Dinorar has entered the room
  314. 03:02:41 - EVENT :: Unregistered user hampster_ass has left the room
  315. 03:03:08 - EVENT :: Registered user KuntBaggi (KuntBaggi) has entered the room
  316. 03:03:18 - EVENT :: Registered user KuntBaggi (KuntBaggi) has left the room
  317. 03:04:06 - EVENT :: Unregistered user 4chan has left the room
  318. 03:04:29 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous2 has left the room
  319. 03:04:39 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous2 has entered the room
  320. 03:04:46 - EVENT :: Unregistered user AbductRapeAndKillAToddler has left the room
  321. 03:06:37 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler2 has entered the room
  322. 03:06:49 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler2 has left the room
  323. 03:07:02 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Dinorar has left the room
  324. 03:07:49 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Dinorar has entered the room
  325. 03:08:19 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Doctor_Whooves has left the room
  326. 03:09:49 - EVENT :: Unregistered user 4chan has entered the room
  327. 03:09:59 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Doctor_Whooves has entered the room
  328. 03:10:02 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Dinorar has left the room
  329. 03:12:14 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler2 has entered the room
  330. 03:13:11 - EVENT :: Registered user Zebra (zebra) has entered the room
  331. 03:13:41 - Zebra: doc or just someone called doctor?
  332. 03:13:53 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Doctor_Whooves has left the room
  333. 03:14:08 - EVENT :: Lead moderator ▼ (▼) has left the room
  334. 03:14:09 - Hydrochloric: you asking if its the dude?
  335. 03:14:10 - Board has been partially undone by HGL1
  336. 03:14:24 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Doctor_Whooves has entered the room
  337. 03:14:32 - Zebra: yeah i am wondering if thats the doc i know or just another doctor
  338. 03:14:35 - EVENT :: Full moderator HGL1 (HGL) has left the room
  339. 03:14:39 - Hydrochloric: nope lol
  340. 03:14:40 - EVENT :: Full moderator HGL (HGL) has entered the room
  341. 03:17:12 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous2 has entered the room
  342. 03:17:12 - EVENT :: Registered user nahuel (nahuel) has entered the room
  343. 03:17:12 - EVENT :: Full moderator HGL (HGL) has entered the room
  344. 03:17:12 - EVENT :: Registered user goderek91 (goderek91) has entered the room
  345. 03:17:12 - EVENT :: Full moderator the_doctor (the_doctor) has entered the room
  346. 03:17:12 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Doctor_Whooves has entered the room
  347. 03:17:12 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler has entered the room
  348. 03:17:12 - EVENT :: Unregistered user 4chan has entered the room
  349. 03:17:12 - EVENT :: Moderator Hydrochloric (Hydrochloric) has entered the room
  350. 03:17:12 - EVENT :: Lead moderator ▼ (▼) has entered the room
  351. 03:17:12 - EVENT :: Registered user Chirp (Chirp) has entered the room
  352. 03:17:12 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Clark_Kunt has entered the room
  353. 03:17:12 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler2 has entered the room
  354. 03:17:13 - EVENT :: Registered user Zebra (zebra) has entered the room
  355. 03:17:13 - EVENT :: Moderator Levi (Levi) has entered the room
  356. 03:17:13 - Register:
  357. Help:
  358. Apply:
  359. D&D:
  360. Gallery:
  362. Planet1:
  363. 03:17:21 - Hydrochloric: aww
  364. 03:17:28 - Got board from Zebra
  365. 03:17:31 - Got board from the_doctor
  366. 03:17:33 - Got board from Anonymous2
  367. 03:17:33 - EVENT :: Registered user nahuel (nahuel) has left the room
  368. 03:18:03 - EVENT :: Registered user Zebra (zebra) has left the room
  369. 03:18:20 - EVENT :: Unregistered user kempy has entered the room
  370. 03:18:28 - EVENT :: Registered user Hannibal_Lector (Hannibal_Lector) has entered the room
  371. 03:18:46 - EVENT :: Unregistered user kempy has left the room
  372. 03:19:00 - Hannibal_Lector: i change names like a girl changes cloathes
  373. 03:19:09 - Hannibal_Lector: you're hot then cold
  374. 03:19:12 - Hannibal_Lector: in then out
  375. 03:19:22 - Hannibal_Lector: *sings katy perry*
  376. 03:19:47 - EVENT :: Lead moderator ▼1 (▼) has entered the room
  377. 03:19:50 - Omegler: what do you get when you crossover a cat and a dark horse?
  378. 03:19:54 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous1 has entered the room
  379. 03:20:01 - Hannibal_Lector: a cannibal
  380. 03:20:08 - Omegler: close
  381. 03:20:10 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous1 has left the room
  382. 03:20:10 - EVENT :: Lead moderator ▼ (▼) has left the room
  383. 03:20:12 - Omegler: a katy purry
  384. 03:20:13 - EVENT :: Lead moderator ▼1 (▼) has left the room
  385. 03:20:17 - EVENT :: Lead moderator ▼ (▼) has entered the room
  386. 03:20:17 - Hannibal_Lector: hehehe
  387. 03:20:37 - Hannibal_Lector: *stabs omegler repeadetly* *chops off his arm*
  388. 03:20:44 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Doctor_Whooves has left the room
  389. 03:20:46 - Hannibal_Lector: *begins to cook it*
  390. 03:21:08 - Omegler: what does the lion say
  391. 03:21:11 - Omegler: hold on
  392. 03:21:22 - Chirp: lel
  393. 03:21:29 - Chirp: rawr
  394. 03:21:35 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler has left the room
  395. 03:22:16 - Board has been partially undone by ▼
  396. 03:23:08 - EVENT :: Unregistered user jackrabbit has entered the room
  397. 03:23:40 - EVENT :: Unregistered user jackrabbit has left the room
  398. 03:24:19 - EVENT :: Registered user Chirp (Chirp) has left the room
  399. 03:24:35 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Q has entered the room
  400. 03:24:38 - Board has been partially undone by the_doctor
  401. 03:24:58 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous2 has left the room
  402. 03:25:06 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous1 has entered the room
  403. 03:25:32 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous1 has entered the room
  404. 03:25:32 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Q has entered the room
  405. 03:25:32 - EVENT :: Full moderator HGL (HGL) has entered the room
  406. 03:25:32 - EVENT :: Registered user goderek91 (goderek91) has entered the room
  407. 03:25:32 - EVENT :: Full moderator the_doctor (the_doctor) has entered the room
  408. 03:25:32 - EVENT :: Unregistered user 4chan has entered the room
  409. 03:25:32 - EVENT :: Registered user Hannibal_Lector (Hannibal_Lector) has entered the room
  410. 03:25:32 - EVENT :: Moderator Hydrochloric (Hydrochloric) has entered the room
  411. 03:25:32 - EVENT :: Lead moderator ▼ (▼) has entered the room
  412. 03:25:32 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Clark_Kunt has entered the room
  413. 03:25:32 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler2 has entered the room
  414. 03:25:32 - EVENT :: Moderator Levi (Levi) has entered the room
  415. 03:25:32 - Register:
  416. Help:
  417. Apply:
  418. D&D:
  419. Gallery:
  421. Planet1:
  422. 03:25:46 - Got board from the_doctor
  423. 03:25:55 - Got board from HGL
  424. 03:25:56 - Got board from Anonymous1
  425. 03:25:58 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Q has left the room
  426. 03:26:04 - EVENT :: Registered user Haley (Haley) has entered the room
  427. 03:27:28 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous2 has entered the room
  428. 03:27:52 - EVENT :: Registered user Chirp (Chirp) has entered the room
  429. 03:28:14 - Chirp: why was i kicked .______."
  430. 03:29:15 - Chirp: =-=
  431. 03:29:39 - EVENT :: Unregistered user b has entered the room
  432. 03:30:21 - EVENT :: Unregistered user 4chan has left the room
  433. 03:31:28 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous2 has left the room
  434. 03:31:35 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous2 has entered the room
  435. 03:35:58 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous2 has entered the room
  436. 03:35:58 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous1 has entered the room
  437. 03:35:58 - EVENT :: Full moderator HGL (HGL) has entered the room
  438. 03:35:58 - EVENT :: Registered user goderek91 (goderek91) has entered the room
  439. 03:35:59 - EVENT :: Full moderator the_doctor (the_doctor) has entered the room
  440. 03:35:59 - EVENT :: Unregistered user b has entered the room
  441. 03:35:59 - EVENT :: Registered user Haley (Haley) has entered the room
  442. 03:35:59 - EVENT :: Registered user Hannibal_Lector (Hannibal_Lector) has entered the room
  443. 03:35:59 - EVENT :: Moderator Hydrochloric (Hydrochloric) has entered the room
  444. 03:35:59 - EVENT :: Lead moderator ▼ (▼) has entered the room
  445. 03:35:59 - EVENT :: Registered user Chirp (Chirp) has entered the room
  446. 03:35:59 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Clark_Kunt has entered the room
  447. 03:35:59 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler2 has entered the room
  448. 03:35:59 - EVENT :: Moderator Levi (Levi) has entered the room
  449. 03:35:59 - Register:
  450. Help:
  451. Apply:
  452. D&D:
  453. Gallery:
  455. Planet1:
  456. 03:36:00 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous2 has left the room
  457. 03:36:03 - Got board from Omegler2
  458. 03:36:03 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous2 has entered the room
  459. 03:36:25 - EVENT :: Registered user Hannibal_Lector (Hannibal_Lector) has left the room
  460. 03:40:07 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous2 has entered the room
  461. 03:40:07 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous1 has entered the room
  462. 03:40:08 - EVENT :: Full moderator HGL (HGL) has entered the room
  463. 03:40:08 - EVENT :: Registered user goderek91 (goderek91) has entered the room
  464. 03:40:08 - EVENT :: Full moderator the_doctor (the_doctor) has entered the room
  465. 03:40:08 - EVENT :: Unregistered user b has entered the room
  466. 03:40:08 - EVENT :: Registered user Haley (Haley) has entered the room
  467. 03:40:08 - EVENT :: Moderator Hydrochloric (Hydrochloric) has entered the room
  468. 03:40:08 - EVENT :: Lead moderator ▼ (▼) has entered the room
  469. 03:40:08 - EVENT :: Registered user Chirp (Chirp) has entered the room
  470. 03:40:08 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Clark_Kunt has entered the room
  471. 03:40:08 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler2 has entered the room
  472. 03:40:08 - EVENT :: Moderator Levi (Levi) has entered the room
  473. 03:40:08 - Register:
  474. Help:
  475. Apply:
  476. D&D:
  477. Gallery:
  479. Planet1:
  480. 03:40:11 - Got board from HGL
  481. 03:40:18 - Chirp: dont give up hoopppee
  482. 03:40:33 - Chirp: my drawings seemed to regress for like 2 months it was weird
  483. 03:41:34 - EVENT :: Unregistered user b1 has entered the room
  484. 03:41:43 - Haley: :'3 Thanks for the encouragement. I rarely have down spells- but when they do hit, they're long and terrible. Same goes for writer's block.
  485. 03:41:49 - Board has been partially undone by the_doctor
  486. 03:41:54 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler2 has left the room
  487. 03:42:08 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler has entered the room
  488. 03:42:13 - Chirp: i suck at writing 100% so lol
  489. 03:42:44 - Board has been partially undone by Levi
  490. 03:43:24 - EVENT :: Registered user Vilde (Vilde) has entered the room
  491. 03:43:55 - Haley: I'm better at writing than arting... But Arting is more fun for me. *shrugs*
  492. 03:43:58 - EVENT :: Registered user Chirp (Chirp) has left the room
  493. 03:43:59 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler1 has entered the room
  494. 03:44:00 - (Anonymous) - arting ways
  495. 03:44:02 - (Anonymous) - hahagetit
  496. 03:44:08 - Board has been partially undone by HGL
  497. 03:44:08 - Board has been partially undone by the_doctor
  498. 03:44:18 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler has left the room
  499. 03:44:25 - Board has been partially undone by Levi
  500. 03:44:27 - Board has been partially undone by the_doctor
  501. 03:44:39 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous1 has left the room
  502. 03:44:48 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler1 has left the room
  503. 03:45:19 - EVENT :: Moderator timaeusTestified (timaeusTestified) has entered the room
  504. 03:45:27 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler has entered the room
  505. 03:47:09 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous2 has left the room
  506. 03:47:19 - EVENT :: Registered user Vilde (Vilde) has entered the room
  507. 03:47:19 - EVENT :: Full moderator HGL (HGL) has entered the room
  508. 03:47:19 - EVENT :: Unregistered user b1 has entered the room
  509. 03:47:20 - EVENT :: Registered user goderek91 (goderek91) has entered the room
  510. 03:47:20 - EVENT :: Full moderator the_doctor (the_doctor) has entered the room
  511. 03:47:20 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler has entered the room
  512. 03:47:20 - EVENT :: Unregistered user b has entered the room
  513. 03:47:20 - EVENT :: Registered user Haley (Haley) has entered the room
  514. 03:47:20 - EVENT :: Moderator Hydrochloric (Hydrochloric) has entered the room
  515. 03:47:20 - EVENT :: Lead moderator ▼ (▼) has entered the room
  516. 03:47:20 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Clark_Kunt has entered the room
  517. 03:47:20 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous has entered the room
  518. 03:47:20 - EVENT :: Moderator timaeusTestified (timaeusTestified) has entered the room
  519. 03:47:20 - EVENT :: Moderator Levi (Levi) has entered the room
  520. 03:47:20 - Register:
  521. Help:
  522. Apply:
  523. D&D:
  524. Gallery:
  526. Planet1:
  527. 03:47:26 - Got board from Anonymous
  528. 03:47:53 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous2 has entered the room
  529. 03:48:01 - EVENT :: Unregistered user 4chan has entered the room
  530. 03:49:11 - Omegler: Btw whoever the asshole was who decided to erase my friend's drawing to draw a muslim person saying "911 was an inside job", should be banned, that's all. <3 Bye.
  531. 03:49:16 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler has left the room
  532. 03:49:24 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler has entered the room
  533. 03:51:22 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler1 has entered the room
  534. 03:51:29 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler1 has left the room
  535. 03:55:57 - EVENT :: Unregistered user b has left the room
  536. 03:57:39 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous has left the room
  537. 03:57:46 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous2 has entered the room
  538. 03:57:47 - EVENT :: Registered user Vilde (Vilde) has entered the room
  539. 03:57:47 - EVENT :: Full moderator HGL (HGL) has entered the room
  540. 03:57:47 - EVENT :: Unregistered user b1 has entered the room
  541. 03:57:47 - EVENT :: Registered user goderek91 (goderek91) has entered the room
  542. 03:57:47 - EVENT :: Full moderator the_doctor (the_doctor) has entered the room
  543. 03:57:47 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler has entered the room
  544. 03:57:47 - EVENT :: Registered user Haley (Haley) has entered the room
  545. 03:57:47 - EVENT :: Moderator Hydrochloric (Hydrochloric) has entered the room
  546. 03:57:47 - EVENT :: Lead moderator ▼ (▼) has entered the room
  547. 03:57:47 - EVENT :: Unregistered user 4chan has entered the room
  548. 03:57:47 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Clark_Kunt has entered the room
  549. 03:57:47 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous has entered the room
  550. 03:57:47 - EVENT :: Moderator timaeusTestified (timaeusTestified) has entered the room
  551. 03:57:47 - EVENT :: Moderator Levi (Levi) has entered the room
  552. 03:57:47 - Register:
  553. Help:
  554. Apply:
  555. D&D:
  556. Gallery:
  558. Planet1:
  559. 03:57:52 - Got board from goderek91
  560. 04:02:43 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous has left the room
  561. 04:02:49 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous has entered the room
  562. 04:04:44 - EVENT :: Unregistered user 4chan1 has entered the room
  563. 04:07:12 - EVENT :: Unregistered user b has entered the room
  564. 04:08:22 - EVENT :: Registered user Memes (Memes) has entered the room
  565. 04:09:50 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous3 has entered the room
  566. 04:09:51 - Vilde: that's good, it will be done
  567. 04:09:57 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous3 has left the room
  568. 04:10:26 - EVENT :: Registered user Vilde (Vilde) has left the room
  569. 04:10:45 - EVENT :: Registered user Vilde (Vilde) has entered the room
  570. 04:11:11 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous has left the room
  571. 04:11:23 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous2 has entered the room
  572. 04:11:23 - EVENT :: Registered user Vilde (Vilde) has entered the room
  573. 04:11:23 - EVENT :: Full moderator HGL (HGL) has entered the room
  574. 04:11:23 - EVENT :: Unregistered user b1 has entered the room
  575. 04:11:23 - EVENT :: Registered user goderek91 (goderek91) has entered the room
  576. 04:11:23 - EVENT :: Registered user Memes (Memes) has entered the room
  577. 04:11:23 - EVENT :: Full moderator the_doctor (the_doctor) has entered the room
  578. 04:11:23 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler has entered the room
  579. 04:11:23 - EVENT :: Unregistered user b has entered the room
  580. 04:11:23 - EVENT :: Unregistered user 4chan1 has entered the room
  581. 04:11:23 - EVENT :: Registered user Haley (Haley) has entered the room
  582. 04:11:23 - EVENT :: Moderator Hydrochloric (Hydrochloric) has entered the room
  583. 04:11:23 - EVENT :: Lead moderator ▼ (▼) has entered the room
  584. 04:11:23 - EVENT :: Unregistered user 4chan has entered the room
  585. 04:11:23 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Clark_Kunt has entered the room
  586. 04:11:23 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous has entered the room
  587. 04:11:23 - EVENT :: Moderator timaeusTestified (timaeusTestified) has entered the room
  588. 04:11:23 - EVENT :: Moderator Levi (Levi) has entered the room
  589. 04:11:24 - Register:
  590. Help:
  591. Apply:
  592. D&D:
  593. Gallery:
  595. Planet1:
  596. 04:11:28 - Got board from timaeusTestified
  597. 04:11:37 - Vilde: hmm
  598. 04:11:44 - EVENT :: Lead moderator ▼ (▼) has left the room
  599. 04:13:51 - EVENT :: Unregistered user jackrabbit has entered the room
  600. 04:14:00 - EVENT :: Unregistered user b has left the room
  601. 04:14:08 - jackrabbit: so
  602. 04:14:14 - jackrabbit: gays are allowed to be mods now
  603. 04:14:17 - jackrabbit: what is this website coming to
  604. 04:14:50 - Anonymous: what
  605. 04:14:51 - Anonymous: who is gay
  606. 04:14:59 - jackrabbit: timaeusTestified
  607. 04:15:04 - Anonymous: i thought it was a girl
  608. 04:15:14 - jackrabbit: no he's a gay guy
  609. 04:15:18 - jackrabbit: damn communist
  610. 04:15:20 - Anonymous: but i saw her on tc
  611. 04:15:28 - EVENT :: Unregistered user 4chan1 has left the room
  612. 04:15:32 - timaeusTestified: The character in homestuck is a gay male, yes.
  613. 04:15:34 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler1 has entered the room
  614. 04:15:38 - Anonymous: disgusting
  615. 04:15:42 - Anonymous: homestuck and gay males
  616. 04:15:45 - Anonymous: double disgusting
  617. 04:15:50 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous3 has entered the room
  618. 04:15:52 - jackrabbit: GAY
  619. 04:16:05 - Omegler: wait is that jake
  620. 04:16:08 - EVENT :: Full moderator the_doctor (the_doctor) has left the room
  621. 04:16:12 - Anonymous: who is jake
  622. 04:16:15 - timaeusTestified: Dirk
  623. 04:16:17 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler1 has left the room
  624. 04:16:21 - Omegler: close enough
  625. 04:16:30 - EVENT :: Moderator Levi (Levi) has left the room
  626. 04:16:38 - timaeusTestified: I guess yeah xD
  627. 04:16:50 - Omegler: i cant remember their users but i usually remember names
  628. 04:16:53 - EVENT :: Unregistered user b has entered the room
  629. 04:17:47 - Anonymous: golgafagterror
  630. 04:17:55 - Anonymous: turntechdickhead
  631. 04:18:13 - Anonymous3: jackrabbit
  632. 04:18:20 - jackrabbit: what
  633. 04:18:25 - Anonymous3: is your other account called marl?
  634. 04:18:27 - Anonymous: jackrabbit is kool
  635. 04:18:31 - Anonymous: marl is gay
  636. 04:18:33 - Hydrochloric: lol
  637. 04:18:42 - Anonymous: hey lei
  638. 04:18:48 - timaeusTestified: I... like cheese.
  639. 04:19:06 - jackrabbit: yeah man
  640. 04:19:09 - jackrabbit: im cool and marl is gay
  641. 04:19:12 - jackrabbit: and where is lei?
  642. 04:19:23 - Anonymous: hydrolei
  643. 04:19:25 - Anonymous3: testified what happend to your twin
  644. 04:19:33 - Hydrochloric: um hai anon
  645. 04:19:34 - Anonymous3: who used to come to planet
  646. 04:19:35 - jackrabbit: oh hey lei
  647. 04:19:39 - timaeusTestified: Pardon?
  648. 04:19:40 - Anonymous: tim, where's namira
  649. 04:19:44 - Anonymous: where's namira
  650. 04:19:50 - Hydrochloric: why u no sign in anon
  651. 04:19:57 - Anonymous3: jake or derk
  652. 04:19:58 - Hydrochloric: u no liek ur name
  653. 04:20:04 - Anonymous: because droughts
  654. 04:20:08 - Hydrochloric: ugh
  655. 04:20:16 - timaeusTestified: NAmira is asleep anon
  656. 04:20:16 - Hydrochloric: that is gettign annoying
  657. 04:20:24 - jackrabbit: lei why u ditchin imgur
  658. 04:20:26 - Anonymous: are you implying my name is bad
  659. 04:20:30 - Hydrochloric: um
  660. 04:20:32 - Anonymous3: imgure died
  661. 04:20:35 - Hydrochloric: no anon
  662. 04:20:40 - Anonymous3: lava died
  663. 04:20:47 - (Anonymous1) - namira is cool
  664. 04:20:59 - Anonymous3: namira the person who draws cows?
  665. 04:21:07 - timaeusTestified: Cows? xD
  666. 04:21:08 - Anonymous: tell me you love my name
  667. 04:21:23 - Anonymous: lei pls
  668. 04:21:25 - Hydrochloric: i lvoe your name mody
  669. 04:21:26 - Anonymous3: cow kids
  670. 04:21:29 - Anonymous: thanks me too
  671. 04:21:29 - Hydrochloric: its so beautiful
  672. 04:21:35 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous has left the room
  673. 04:21:38 - Anonymous3: lei
  674. 04:21:42 - Hydrochloric: yes anon3
  675. 04:21:44 - Anonymous3: who is the person who draws cows
  676. 04:21:47 - EVENT :: Registered user Mody (Mody) has entered the room
  677. 04:21:49 - Hydrochloric: why u no sign in
  678. 04:21:49 - Anonymous3: with afros
  679. 04:21:52 - Hydrochloric: um
  680. 04:21:57 - Hydrochloric: idk
  681. 04:22:01 - Anonymous3: !
  682. 04:22:14 - jackrabbit: jackrabbit on inore
  683. 04:22:16 - Hydrochloric: hai mody
  684. 04:22:16 - jackrabbit: bye lei
  685. 04:22:20 - Hydrochloric: bye jack
  686. 04:22:29 - Anonymous3: jackrabbit
  687. 04:22:33 - EVENT :: Unregistered user b1 has left the room
  688. 04:22:39 - Anonymous3: did some one take the name brian rabbit
  689. 04:22:41 - Mody: Hello.
  690. 04:22:41 - Mody: see you jack
  691. 04:22:46 - jackrabbit: hey mody
  692. 04:22:50 - jackrabbit: anon3 sup
  693. 04:23:04 - Hydrochloric: lukeyyyyyyyyy
  694. 04:23:06 - jackrabbit: somebody keeps coming in as jackrabbit or jrabbit and pretending to be me
  695. 04:23:06 - Mody: what's up
  696. 04:23:08 - Hydrochloric: lukkkkkkeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  697. 04:23:20 - Anonymous3: lel lei face
  698. 04:23:29 - Hydrochloric: lol
  699. 04:23:32 - Anonymous3: ive seen many face jackrabbits
  700. 04:23:36 - Anonymous3: fake
  701. 04:23:44 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous3 has entered the room
  702. 04:23:44 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous2 has entered the room
  703. 04:23:44 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous1 has entered the room
  704. 04:23:44 - EVENT :: Registered user Vilde (Vilde) has entered the room
  705. 04:23:44 - EVENT :: Full moderator HGL (HGL) has entered the room
  706. 04:23:44 - EVENT :: Unregistered user jackrabbit has entered the room
  707. 04:23:44 - EVENT :: Registered user goderek91 (goderek91) has entered the room
  708. 04:23:44 - EVENT :: Registered user Memes (Memes) has entered the room
  709. 04:23:44 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler has entered the room
  710. 04:23:44 - EVENT :: Unregistered user b has entered the room
  711. 04:23:45 - EVENT :: Registered user Haley (Haley) has entered the room
  712. 04:23:45 - EVENT :: Moderator Hydrochloric (Hydrochloric) has entered the room
  713. 04:23:45 - EVENT :: Unregistered user 4chan has entered the room
  714. 04:23:45 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Clark_Kunt has entered the room
  715. 04:23:45 - EVENT :: Registered user Mody (Mody) has entered the room
  716. 04:23:45 - EVENT :: Moderator timaeusTestified (timaeusTestified) has entered the room
  717. 04:23:45 - Register:
  718. Help:
  719. Apply:
  720. D&D:
  721. Gallery:
  723. Planet1:
  724. 04:23:47 - jackrabbit: ugh
  725. 04:23:51 - Got board from Clark_Kunt
  726. 04:23:51 - jackrabbit: da fuq
  727. 04:24:10 - Requesting board from Mody
  728. 04:24:11 - Requesting board from Mody
  729. 04:24:28 - Got board from Mody
  730. 04:24:48 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous3 has entered the room
  731. 04:24:49 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous2 has entered the room
  732. 04:24:49 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous1 has entered the room
  733. 04:24:49 - EVENT :: Registered user Vilde (Vilde) has entered the room
  734. 04:24:49 - EVENT :: Full moderator HGL (HGL) has entered the room
  735. 04:24:49 - EVENT :: Unregistered user jackrabbit has entered the room
  736. 04:24:49 - EVENT :: Registered user goderek91 (goderek91) has entered the room
  737. 04:24:49 - EVENT :: Registered user Memes (Memes) has entered the room
  738. 04:24:49 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler has entered the room
  739. 04:24:49 - EVENT :: Unregistered user b has entered the room
  740. 04:24:49 - EVENT :: Registered user Haley (Haley) has entered the room
  741. 04:24:49 - EVENT :: Moderator Hydrochloric (Hydrochloric) has entered the room
  742. 04:24:49 - EVENT :: Unregistered user 4chan has entered the room
  743. 04:24:49 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Clark_Kunt has entered the room
  744. 04:24:49 - EVENT :: Registered user Mody (Mody) has entered the room
  745. 04:24:49 - EVENT :: Moderator timaeusTestified (timaeusTestified) has entered the room
  746. 04:24:49 - Register:
  747. Help:
  748. Apply:
  749. D&D:
  750. Gallery:
  752. Planet1:
  753. 04:24:56 - Got board from Haley
  754. 04:25:50 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Vale has entered the room
  755. 04:26:19 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Vale has left the room
  756. 04:26:58 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous3 has left the room
  757. 04:27:09 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous3 has entered the room
  758. 04:27:31 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous3 has left the room
  759. 04:28:19 - jackrabbit: omegler why are you so gay
  760. 04:29:00 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous2 has entered the room
  761. 04:29:00 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous1 has entered the room
  762. 04:29:00 - EVENT :: Registered user Vilde (Vilde) has entered the room
  763. 04:29:00 - EVENT :: Full moderator HGL (HGL) has entered the room
  764. 04:29:00 - EVENT :: Registered user Mody1 (Mody) has entered the room
  765. 04:29:00 - EVENT :: Unregistered user jackrabbit has entered the room
  766. 04:29:00 - EVENT :: Registered user goderek91 (goderek91) has entered the room
  767. 04:29:00 - EVENT :: Registered user Memes (Memes) has entered the room
  768. 04:29:00 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler has entered the room
  769. 04:29:00 - EVENT :: Unregistered user b has entered the room
  770. 04:29:00 - EVENT :: Registered user Haley (Haley) has entered the room
  771. 04:29:00 - EVENT :: Moderator Hydrochloric (Hydrochloric) has entered the room
  772. 04:29:00 - EVENT :: Unregistered user 4chan has entered the room
  773. 04:29:00 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Clark_Kunt has entered the room
  774. 04:29:00 - EVENT :: Registered user Mody (Mody) has entered the room
  775. 04:29:00 - EVENT :: Moderator timaeusTestified (timaeusTestified) has entered the room
  776. 04:29:00 - Register:
  777. Help:
  778. Apply:
  779. D&D:
  780. Gallery:
  782. Planet1:
  783. 04:29:01 - Omegler: idk i just wanted to draw trans people
  784. 04:29:08 - Got board from Memes
  785. 04:29:09 - jackrabbit: shhhhh
  786. 04:29:19 - Got board from Mody1
  787. 04:29:21 - Omegler: what if im a chick
  788. 04:29:28 - Omegler: do i still count as a flaming fag
  789. 04:29:34 - jackrabbit: i guess not, no
  790. 04:29:52 - Omegler: then i cant be a flaming fag
  791. 04:29:57 - Omegler: i need another label
  792. 04:30:12 - EVENT :: Unregistered user 56mm has entered the room
  793. 04:30:14 - jackrabbit: unless you're actually a guy but you believe there's a chick inside of you trying to be released
  794. 04:30:27 - jackrabbit: unless you were a chick then got a sex change and then became preggo
  795. 04:30:30 - Mody1: if you're a chick, send pics
  796. 04:31:07 - Mody1: them's the rules
  797. 04:31:19 - Omegler: maybe ill turn into my drawings
  798. 04:31:32 - jackrabbit: mayb
  799. 04:31:34 - Omegler: either grow bunny ears or morph into only having one eye
  800. 04:31:54 - jackrabbit: who me?
  801. 04:32:00 - Omegler: no me
  802. 04:32:03 - EVENT :: Registered user Mody1 (Mody) has left the room
  803. 04:32:04 - jackrabbit: oh
  804. 04:32:08 - jackrabbit: why one eye
  805. 04:32:20 - jackrabbit: you mean like a dick
  806. 04:32:21 - Omegler: cyclops
  807. 04:32:21 - jackrabbit: or a dick
  808. 04:32:35 - Omegler: idk i think the cyclops is mtf
  809. 04:32:42 - Omegler: and bunny is ftm
  810. 04:33:04 - jackrabbit: hmmm
  811. 04:33:10 - jackrabbit: i dont follow
  812. 04:33:15 - jackrabbit: i didnt really see ur drawings
  813. 04:33:24 - EVENT :: Unregistered user egg has entered the room
  814. 04:33:33 - EVENT :: Unregistered user egg has left the room
  815. 04:33:35 - jackrabbit: hey haley i was in ky on the 4th
  816. 04:33:46 - Haley: FFF
  817. 04:33:50 - Haley: WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME
  818. 04:33:54 - Haley: ON THE FOURTH
  819. 04:33:57 - jackrabbit: why would i tell you lol
  820. 04:34:03 - Haley: 'Couse
  821. 04:34:07 - Haley: I was borrred.
  822. 04:34:13 - Haley: And could've met someone
  823. 04:34:16 - Haley: I haven't in real life before
  824. 04:34:37 - EVENT :: Unregistered user b1 has entered the room
  825. 04:34:38 - jackrabbit: that would not be v plausable
  826. 04:34:40 - Haley: And I could have gotten out of babysitting
  827. 04:34:46 - (Anonymous) - you guys should've banged as well
  828. 04:34:47 - jackrabbit: did you atleast get fireworks
  829. 04:35:05 - Haley: Tch. Pathetic ones. ;w;
  830. 04:35:12 - EVENT :: Registered user Mody1 (Mody) has entered the room
  831. 04:35:18 - jackrabbit: :s
  832. 04:35:45 - jackrabbit: me and my ex gf poppers
  833. 04:35:47 - jackrabbit: and threw them at people
  834. 04:35:53 - jackrabbit: got poppers*
  835. 04:36:05 - Haley: Ahhhh THAT SOUNDS LIKE SO MUCH FUN
  836. 04:36:15 - jackrabbit: it wasss
  837. 04:36:35 - jackrabbit: some lady was like THATS NOT FUNNY
  838. 04:36:41 - jackrabbit: and we were like YES IT IS
  839. 04:36:46 - Haley: It is
  840. 04:36:49 - jackrabbit: right
  841. 04:36:52 - Haley: As long as it doesn't hit your face
  842. 04:37:05 - jackrabbit: playen it safe
  843. 04:39:10 - EVENT :: Registered user Mody1 (Mody) has left the room
  844. 04:39:20 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous1 has left the room
  845. 04:39:46 - (Anonymous) - Kick me.
  846. 04:40:25 - EVENT :: Registered user Brittany (Brittany) has entered the room
  847. 04:40:38 - (Anonymous to Brittany) - psst
  848. 04:40:38 - EVENT :: Registered user Mody1 (Mody) has entered the room
  849. 04:40:41 - (Anonymous to Brittany) - pssttt
  850. 04:40:53 - (Anonymous to Brittany) - pssssstttttttt
  851. 04:40:59 - (Brittany to Anonymous): Hellu.'
  852. 04:41:02 - (Anonymous to Brittany) - send pics
  853. 04:41:05 - EVENT :: Unregistered user jackrabbit has left the room
  854. 04:46:51 - EVENT :: Registered user Mody (Mody) has left the room
  855. 04:47:54 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Reddit has entered the room
  856. 04:50:16 - Haley: Do Loki and Nomad come on anymore?
  857. 04:50:17 - EVENT :: Unregistered user 4chan has left the room
  858. 04:50:23 - Mody1: loki is dead
  859. 04:50:44 - EVENT :: Registered user Lukey (Lukey) has entered the room
  860. 04:52:17 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Reddit has left the room
  861. 04:53:11 - EVENT :: Registered user Lukey (Lukey) has left the room
  862. 04:53:30 - EVENT :: Registered user goderek91 (goderek91) has entered the room
  863. 04:53:30 - EVENT :: Registered user Vilde (Vilde) has entered the room
  864. 04:53:30 - EVENT :: Registered user Memes (Memes) has entered the room
  865. 04:53:30 - EVENT :: Unregistered user 56mm has entered the room
  866. 04:53:30 - EVENT :: Moderator Hydrochloric (Hydrochloric) has entered the room
  867. 04:53:30 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Clark_Kunt has entered the room
  868. 04:53:30 - EVENT :: Moderator timaeusTestified (timaeusTestified) has entered the room
  869. 04:53:30 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous2 has entered the room
  870. 04:53:30 - EVENT :: Registered user Mody (Mody) has entered the room
  871. 04:53:30 - EVENT :: Registered user Brittany (Brittany) has entered the room
  872. 04:53:31 - EVENT :: Full moderator HGL (HGL) has entered the room
  873. 04:53:31 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler has entered the room
  874. 04:53:31 - EVENT :: Registered user Haley (Haley) has entered the room
  875. 04:53:31 - Register:
  876. Help:
  877. Apply:
  878. D&D:
  879. Gallery:
  881. Planet1:
  882. 04:53:42 - Got board from Haley
  883. 04:53:45 - Got board from goderek91
  884. 04:55:00 - EVENT :: Moderator timaeusTestified (timaeusTestified) has left the room
  885. 04:55:37 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler1 has entered the room
  886. 04:55:42 - EVENT :: Moderator Hydrochloric (Hydrochloric) has left the room
  887. 04:56:24 - Board has been undone by HGL
  888. 04:59:24 - Board has been undone by HGL
  889. 04:59:44 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous1 has entered the room
  890. 04:59:50 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous1 has left the room
  891. 05:01:22 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler1 has left the room
  892. 05:01:31 - Board has been partially undone by HGL
  893. 05:01:34 - EVENT :: Registered user chipper (chipper) has entered the room
  894. 05:02:01 - EVENT :: Unregistered user 56mm has left the room
  895. 05:02:38 - EVENT :: Registered user MetalWings (MetalWings) has entered the room
  896. 05:02:52 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Al has entered the room
  897. 05:03:00 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Firedestroyer has entered the room
  898. 05:03:02 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler has left the room
  899. 05:03:03 - EVENT :: Registered user Memes (Memes) has left the room
  900. 05:03:11 - EVENT :: Registered user Memes (Memes) has entered the room
  901. 05:03:12 - Firedestroyer: Hi
  902. 05:03:15 - EVENT :: Registered user rvg (RVG) has entered the room
  903. 05:03:38 - Firedestroyer: I love your drawings
  904. 05:03:38 - EVENT :: Unregistered user six6 has entered the room
  905. 05:04:03 - Firedestroyer: :D
  906. 05:04:18 - EVENT :: Registered user goalfucker (goalfucker) has entered the room
  907. 05:04:37 - Firedestroyer: i think i'm the only one that can't draw good
  908. 05:04:53 - EVENT :: Registered user goderek91 (goderek91) has entered the room
  909. 05:04:53 - EVENT :: Registered user Vilde (Vilde) has entered the room
  910. 05:04:53 - EVENT :: Registered user rvg (RVG) has entered the room
  911. 05:04:53 - EVENT :: Registered user Memes (Memes) has entered the room
  912. 05:04:54 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Clark_Kunt has entered the room
  913. 05:04:54 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous2 has entered the room
  914. 05:04:54 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Firedestroyer has entered the room
  915. 05:04:54 - EVENT :: Registered user Mody (Mody) has entered the room
  916. 05:04:54 - EVENT :: Unregistered user six6 has entered the room
  917. 05:04:54 - EVENT :: Registered user Brittany (Brittany) has entered the room
  918. 05:04:54 - EVENT :: Registered user MetalWings (MetalWings) has entered the room
  919. 05:04:54 - EVENT :: Full moderator HGL (HGL) has entered the room
  920. 05:04:54 - EVENT :: Registered user Haley (Haley) has entered the room
  921. 05:04:54 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Al has entered the room
  922. 05:04:54 - EVENT :: Registered user chipper (chipper) has entered the room
  923. 05:04:54 - EVENT :: Registered user goalfucker (goalfucker) has entered the room
  924. 05:04:54 - Register:
  925. Help:
  926. Apply:
  927. D&D:
  928. Gallery:
  930. Planet1:
  931. 05:05:07 - Got board from Clark_Kunt
  932. 05:05:07 - EVENT :: Unregistered user ghost4576 has entered the room
  933. 05:05:07 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - It's the name of a rapper, heh.
  934. 05:05:12 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - You probably know it.
  935. 05:05:14 - Got board from six6
  936. 05:05:15 - Firedestroyer: >.<
  937. 05:05:18 - (Brittany to Mody1): Just tell me.
  938. 05:05:32 - EVENT :: Unregistered user ghost4576 has left the room
  939. 05:05:32 - MetalWings: yes
  940. 05:05:33 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - No. You'll have to figure it out.
  941. 05:05:39 - (Brittany to Mody1): is it that stupid white rapper
  942. 05:05:41 - MetalWings: u can draw penis
  943. 05:05:53 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - yes
  944. 05:05:58 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - the swedish fag
  945. 05:06:09 - Firedestroyer: yeah i can but i don't want to
  946. 05:06:21 - EVENT :: Registered user Mody (Mody) has left the room
  947. 05:06:24 - MetalWings: drawa butt
  948. 05:06:25 - (Brittany to Mody1): Okay so what happened when you shared his issue with his voice?
  949. 05:06:31 - EVENT :: Registered user Mody (Mody) has entered the room
  950. 05:06:35 - Firedestroyer: No
  951. 05:06:40 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - Yeah, he also said his opinion of some user.
  952. 05:06:44 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Al has left the room
  953. 05:06:44 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - Anyway,
  954. 05:06:51 - Firedestroyer: ok
  955. 05:06:58 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - once I entered, he accused me of telling someone that he is scotty
  956. 05:07:19 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - Because he wanted to keep his nlobby4 identity a secret, and he pretends to be a female.
  957. 05:07:32 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - He accused me of telling someone that he is a guy and that he is scotty, which I didn't.
  958. 05:07:39 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - He asked me to show logs, or else I'll get banned.
  959. 05:07:52 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - He just, I showed logs, he said "that contains more incriminating evidence".
  960. 05:07:58 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - Then he demodded and banned me.
  961. 05:08:00 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - Even worse is
  962. 05:08:06 - (Brittany to Mody1): Wow, when was this?
  963. 05:08:09 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - That user knows that he is a guy
  964. 05:08:16 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - And that user knows that he is scotty
  965. 05:08:21 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - and Scotty knows that the specific user does
  966. 05:08:25 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - and I was technically set up
  967. 05:08:28 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - Not very long ago.
  968. 05:08:45 - (Brittany to Mody1): I need an exact time frame.
  969. 05:08:47 - Firedestroyer: FUCK MY FUCKING BROTHER
  970. 05:08:54 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - I'll check in my logs, maybe i'll find something.
  971. 05:08:58 - MetalWings: n da but
  972. 05:09:00 - EVENT :: Registered user goalfucker (goalfucker) has left the room
  973. 05:09:17 - EVENT :: Unregistered user JOA has entered the room
  974. 05:09:25 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - It was before June 14th.
  975. 05:09:29 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - Let me try to get a more accurate date.
  976. 05:09:36 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler has entered the room
  977. 05:10:21 - (Brittany to Mody1): Hey, don't tell anyone I'm talking to you about this, you know how people on here gossip like little girls.
  978. 05:10:35 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - Damn right i know how they gossip.
  979. 05:10:39 - EVENT :: Unregistered user JOA has left the room
  980. 05:10:43 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - I'll tell you about it.
  981. 05:10:46 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - When I get a date.
  982. 05:10:52 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - I think it might be even before the 6th of June.
  983. 05:10:55 - EVENT :: Registered user chipper1 (chipper) has entered the room
  984. 05:11:01 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - No, not before.
  985. 05:11:03 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - Waiiit.
  986. 05:11:06 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler has left the room
  987. 05:11:16 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - 16th of June, I was alive and there.
  988. 05:11:22 - Board has been undone by HGL
  989. 05:11:38 - Firedestroyer: How do you mute people?
  990. 05:11:45 - (Brittany to Mody1): Yeah, if you want me to talk to him about it I will. Most of the people here really suck, that's why I left.
  991. 05:11:51 - Firedestroyer: i don't want to mute people
  992. 05:11:51 - MetalWings: mod ship
  993. 05:11:52 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - Nah, no need to.
  994. 05:11:55 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - It's okay.
  995. 05:11:55 - Firedestroyer: ohhhhhhhhhhh
  996. 05:12:06 - six6: you get a duct tape...
  997. 05:12:17 - EVENT :: Registered user Myth (Myth) has entered the room
  998. 05:12:22 - Firedestroyer: ?
  999. 05:12:23 - MetalWings: anda pness
  1000. 05:12:23 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - Well, it was after the 16th of June.
  1001. 05:12:28 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - That's as accurate as I can get.
  1002. 05:12:35 - six6: such muteness
  1003. 05:12:48 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - So, add two, subtract two, you know.
  1004. 05:12:51 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - But it's close to that.
  1005. 05:13:07 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - Wait, I'll check screenshots.
  1006. 05:13:10 - (Brittany to Mody1): Yeah. He told me he quit so.... I just don't know.
  1007. 05:13:18 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - Wait, I'll try to get an exact date.
  1008. 05:13:41 - (Brittany to Mody1): It's fine. If it's in june... that's already too soon
  1009. 05:13:49 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - Ah well.
  1010. 05:13:58 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - Well, i think he did quit for a while, maybe when I was serverbanned.
  1011. 05:14:01 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler has entered the room
  1012. 05:14:01 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - But he came back.
  1013. 05:14:06 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - Either that, or he never left.
  1014. 05:14:13 - Firedestroyer: oops :(
  1015. 05:14:24 - Board has been partially undone by HGL
  1016. 05:14:27 - (Brittany to Mody1): and you don't know who he talks to?
  1017. 05:15:06 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler has left the room
  1018. 05:15:15 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - Date is either 17 or 18.
  1019. 05:15:20 - Board has been partially undone by HGL
  1020. 05:15:54 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - Well, no.
  1021. 05:15:58 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - But you should get on more often.
  1022. 05:16:10 - EVENT :: Registered user chipper1 (chipper) has left the room
  1023. 05:16:16 - EVENT :: Registered user chipper1 (chipper) has entered the room
  1024. 05:16:23 - EVENT :: Registered user Mody (Mody) has left the room
  1025. 05:16:27 - Firedestroyer: Thanks
  1026. 05:16:33 - EVENT :: Registered user Mody (Mody) has entered the room
  1027. 05:16:49 - (Brittany to Mody1): He gets mad if I talk to people on here. That's why I quit too. Like, he'll get mad I'm talking to you.
  1028. 05:16:52 - EVENT :: Registered user Myth (Myth) has left the room
  1029. 05:17:15 - (Mody1 to Brittany) - He shouldn't be.
  1030. 05:17:27 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous has entered the room
  1031. 05:18:27 - EVENT :: Registered user goderek91 (goderek91) has entered the room
  1032. 05:18:27 - EVENT :: Registered user Vilde (Vilde) has entered the room
  1033. 05:18:27 - EVENT :: Registered user rvg (RVG) has entered the room
  1034. 05:18:27 - EVENT :: Registered user Memes (Memes) has entered the room
  1035. 05:18:27 - EVENT :: Registered user chipper1 (chipper) has entered the room
  1036. 05:18:27 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Clark_Kunt has entered the room
  1037. 05:18:27 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous has entered the room
  1038. 05:18:28 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous2 has entered the room
  1039. 05:18:28 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Firedestroyer has entered the room
  1040. 05:18:28 - EVENT :: Registered user Mody (Mody) has entered the room
  1041. 05:18:28 - EVENT :: Unregistered user six6 has entered the room
  1042. 05:18:28 - EVENT :: Registered user Brittany (Brittany) has entered the room
  1043. 05:18:28 - EVENT :: Registered user MetalWings (MetalWings) has entered the room
  1044. 05:18:28 - EVENT :: Full moderator HGL (HGL) has entered the room
  1045. 05:18:28 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler has entered the room
  1046. 05:18:28 - EVENT :: Registered user Haley (Haley) has entered the room
  1047. 05:18:28 - EVENT :: Registered user chipper (chipper) has entered the room
  1048. 05:18:28 - Register:
  1049. Help:
  1050. Apply:
  1051. D&D:
  1052. Gallery:
  1054. Planet1:
  1055. 05:18:31 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Vale has entered the room
  1056. 05:18:41 - Got board from Brittany
  1057. 05:18:50 - Got board from Vilde
  1058. 05:19:11 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Vale has left the room
  1059. 05:19:57 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler1 has entered the room
  1060. 05:20:17 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler1 has left the room
  1061. 05:22:37 - EVENT :: Registered user Mody (Mody) has left the room
  1062. 05:22:48 - EVENT :: Registered user Mody (Mody) has entered the room
  1063. 05:23:47 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Anonymous has left the room
  1064. 05:24:39 - EVENT :: Moderator Magus (Magus) has entered the room
  1065. 05:24:47 - EVENT :: Moderator Magus (Magus) has left the room
  1066. 05:25:05 - EVENT :: Unregistered user Omegler has left the room
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