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Oct 2nd, 2017
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  1. GIANTS Engine Runtime 7.0.0 (14220) 64bit (Build Date: Feb 17 2017)
  2. Copyright (c) 2008-2016, GIANTS Software GmbH (, All Rights Reserved.
  3. Copyright (c) 2003-2016, Christian Ammann and Stefan Geiger, All Rights Reserved.
  4. Application: FarmingSimulator2017
  5. Main System
  6. CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4250U CPU @ 1.30GHz
  7. Memory: 3151 MB
  8. OS: Windows NT 10.0 64-bit
  9. Physics System
  10. Version: 5.9.5
  11. Thread(s): 2
  12. Input System
  13. Keyboard disabled
  14. Mouse disabled
  15. Gamepad/Joystick disabled
  16. Force Feedback disabled
  17. Sound System
  18. Driver: NULL
  19. Render System
  20. Driver: NULL
  21. NullConsoleDevice initialized
  22. Started 2 threads for threadpool 'Render threadpool'
  23. Hardware Profile
  24. Level: Low (forced)
  25. View Distance Factor: 0.750000
  26. Shadow Quality: 0.000000 Size: 1 Filter-Size: 4
  27. Shader Quality: 0
  28. Skip Mipmaps: 1
  29. LOD Distance Factor: 0.750000
  30. Terrain LOD Distance Factor: 0.750000
  31. Terrain Normal Mapping: Yes
  32. Foliage View Distance Factor: 1.000000
  33. Foliage Density: 0.300000
  34. Volume Mesh Tessellation Factor: 1.500000
  35. Tyre Tracks Segments Factor: 0.500000
  36. Max. Number of Shadow Lights: 0
  37. Max. Number of Lights: 512
  38. Max. Number of Lights Per Cluster: 32
  39. MSAA: 0
  40. Farming Simulator 17 (Server)
  41. Version: 1.4.4RC8
  42. Available Languages: de
  43. Language: de
  44. Time: 2017-10-03 00:51:24
  45. Register configuration 'inputAttacherJoint'
  46. Register configuration 'attacherJoint'
  47. Register configuration 'frontloader'
  48. Register configuration 'motor'
  49. Register configuration 'baseColor'
  50. Register configuration 'wheel'
  51. Register configuration 'rimColor'
  52. Register configuration 'design'
  53. Register configuration 'designColor'
  54. Register configuration 'vehicleType'
  55. Game vehicle types loaded
  56. Load mod: ClaasRollant250RCv2 (Version: 2.0)
  57. Warning: Missing l10n for button SET_WARNING_SIGN in ClaasRollant250RCv2
  58. Load mod: Claas_Cargos_700_Pack (Version:
  59. Load mod: CMT_FENDT_900_SERIES_MR (Version: 1.2)
  60. Load mod: DDR_EinachserService_Eigenbau_LS17wsb (Version:
  61. Load mod: disableVehicleCameraCollision (Version:
  62. Load mod: FBM17_MBtrac (Version:
  63. Warning: Missing l10n for button SET_DOOROPENER in FBM17_MBtrac
  64. Load mod: FBM17_TeraVitesse_CFS (Version:
  65. Load mod: Fendt700Vario (Version:
  66. Load mod: FruitHudText (Version: 1.3)
  67. Load mod: FS17Contest_FENDT_800_Favorit (Version: 1.0)
  68. Load mod: FS17Contest_ITS_Lemken_AzuritH (Version:
  69. Load mod: FS17Contest_KotteGarantVT14000 (Version:
  70. Load mod: FS17Contest_TajfunEGV80AHK_50k (Version: 1.0)
  71. Load mod: FS17Fendt_extended (Version:
  72. Warning: Missing l10n for button VarioGrip in FS17Fendt_extended
  73. Warning: Missing l10n for button iLight in FS17Fendt_extended
  74. Load mod: FS17JohnDeerePremiumBalers (Version: 3.0)
  75. Load mod: FS17_3points_Joskin_BsM (Version:
  76. Load mod: FS17_Agram_HydroGriffe_BsM (Version:
  77. Load mod: FS17_AIVehicleExtension (Version:
  78. Load mod: FS17_Betimax_RDS_6000_BsM (Version:
  79. Load mod: FS17_BigBaler_Pack (Version:
  80. Load mod: FS17_brantnerDPW18000 (Version:
  81. Load mod: FS17_choppedStraw (Version:
  82. Load mod: FS17_ClaasAxion800 (Version: 2.0)
  83. Load mod: FS17_claasDisco3450Plus (Version:
  84. Load mod: FS17_Claas_Lexion_700_Stage_IV (Version:
  85. Load mod: FS17_CotechFE108 (Version:
  86. Load mod: FS17_CSZ_set (Version:
  87. Load mod: FS17_DCK_Glance (Version:
  88. Load mod: FS17_DrawMixerWagon (Version: 17.0.1)
  89. Load mod: FS17_FarmtechTDK900_50k (Version: 1.1)
  90. Load mod: FS17_Fendt900VarioProfiPlus (Version:
  91. Load mod: FS17_FendtFavorit600LSA (Version: 3.0)
  92. Load mod: FS17_fendtWeightPack (Version:
  93. Load mod: FS17_FENDT_900_SERIES_MR (Version:
  94. Load mod: FS17_fillTypeMassAdjustment_realistic (Version: 4.0 FS17)
  95. Load mod: FS17_ForRealModule01_CropDestruction (Version:
  96. Load mod: FS17_ForRealModule02_TireDirt (Version:
  97. Load mod: FS17_ForRealModule03_GroundResponse (Version:
  98. Load mod: FS17_fortunaFTM200_6_0 (Version:
  99. Load mod: FS17_hayAsGrass (Version: 1.0)
  100. Load mod: FS17_Hilken_SSP6_Pack (Version: 1.0)
  101. Load mod: FS17_ITS_Lemken_Zirkon12_K (Version:
  102. Load mod: FS17_Joskin_Trans_7000_BsM (Version:
  103. Load mod: FS17_KroneBigPack120_80 (Version: 2.0)
  104. Load mod: FS17_KroneKWT11x22 (Version: 1.0)
  105. Load mod: FS17_KroneUltimaCF155XC (Version:
  106. Load mod: FS17_Lenkung (Version: 1.2)
  107. Load mod: FS17_LightAddon (Version: 2.0.1)
  108. Load mod: FS17_manualAttaching (Version: 1.2.2)
  109. Load mod: FS17_manurespreader6to12tons (Version:
  110. Load mod: FS17_marshallBC18 (Version:
  111. Load mod: FS17_MetalFach_Z560_v1_3_0 (Version: 1.3.0)
  112. Load mod: FS17_Metaltech_Trailer_Pack (Version:
  113. Load mod: FS17_placeableHydrant (Version: 1.0)
  114. Load mod: FS17_Placeable_refillPoint (Version:
  115. Load mod: FS17_Poettinger_Top_1252 (Version:
  116. Load mod: FS17_real_clock (Version: 1.1.0)
  117. Load mod: FS17_ReckJumbo2 (Version:
  118. Load mod: FS17_roewerEquipment_PC (Version: 1.0)
  119. Load mod: FS17_SaphirFrontweightPackage (Version:
  120. Load mod: FS17_saphirSilagePack (Version:
  121. Load mod: FS17_shovelPack (Version:
  122. Load mod: FS17_TrailerSound (Version: 4.0.0)
  123. Load mod: FS17_veenhuisW400_pc (Version:
  124. Load mod: FS17_VehicleWaterBreak (Version: 17.0.0)
  125. Load mod: FS2017_FinalVersionJD7530 (Version: 3.0)
  126. Load mod: FSM_BednarProSeed_3 (Version: 1.0)
  127. Load mod: FS_17ClaasJaguar900Typ497 (Version: 1.0)
  128. Load mod: Geringhoff_Harvest_Star_HV660_LS17ready (Version:
  129. Load mod: Gewicht_HP_Modding_KEV6620 (Version:
  130. Load mod: HoT_Ackerschiene (Version:
  131. Load mod: HoT_Krone_Emsland (Version:
  132. Load mod: HoT_WelgerAP730wc (Version: 1.1)
  133. Load mod: LS17_Fraese__2_ (Version:
  134. Load mod: Map_Wildbach_Tal (Version: 0.98 Beta)
  135. Warning: Missing l10n for button ANIMATED_OBJECT_OPEN_DOOR in Map_Wildbach_Tal
  136. Warning: Missing l10n for button ANIMATED_OBJECT_CLOSE_DOOR in Map_Wildbach_Tal
  137. Warning: Missing l10n for button LIGHTSWITCH_CLICK in Map_Wildbach_Tal
  138. Load mod: MF_8700FarmerSteven (Version:
  139. Load mod: MilfosnewHolland_1X0_90 (Version:
  140. Load mod: Quad_POLARIS_6x6 (Version: 1.0)
  141. Load mod: Stoll_universal (Version: 1.2)
  142. Load mod: Terrus_CVT (Version:
  143. Load mod: TM_John_Deere_7R (Version: 2)
  144. Warning: Duplicate l10n entry 'steeringWheel rotation' in mod 'TM_John_Deere_7R'. Ignoring this defintion.
  145. Warning: Missing l10n for button TXCABSUSP in TM_John_Deere_7R
  146. Warning: Missing l10n for button VEHICLE_ENTERING_ENTER in TM_John_Deere_7R
  147. Load mod: ZZZ_driveControl (Version: 4.10)
  148. Load mod: zzz_ErtragV1_7 (Version: 1.7)
  149. Load mod: ZZZ_GPS (Version: 5.01)
  150. Warning (compatibility): Texture C:/Users/Brinki/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_shovelPack/store/ width or height doesn't equal 2^n.
  151. Started network game (10823)
  152. Register vehicle type: ClaasRollant250RCv2.Rollant250RC
  153. Register vehicle type: CMT_FENDT_900_SERIES_MR.fendt
  154. Register vehicle type: DDR_EinachserService_Eigenbau_LS17wsb.EAHW
  155. Register vehicle type: FBM17_MBtrac.MBtrac
  156. Register vehicle type: Fendt700Vario.Fendt700
  157. Register vehicle type: FS17_3points_Joskin_BsM.Joskin3
  158. AutoSteeringEngine initialized
  159. Register vehicle type: FS17_Claas_Lexion_700_Stage_IV.Lexion700
  160. Register vehicle type: FS17_Claas_Lexion_700_Stage_IV.vario
  161. Register vehicle type: FS17_ClaasAxion800.Axion
  162. Register vehicle type: FS17_claasDisco3450Plus.claasDisco3450Plus
  163. Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.adattatoreCSZ
  164. Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaRotoballe
  165. Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaPunteReclinabili
  166. Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaExtraElevazione
  167. Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.pinzaMordente
  168. Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.pinzaFasciati
  169. Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaPallet
  170. Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaPalletExtra
  171. Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaPalletTrattenitore
  172. Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.pinzaTronchi
  173. Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.pinzaTronchiExtra
  174. Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaLetame
  175. Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.forcaPolivalente
  176. Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bennaGriglia
  177. Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bennaBietole
  178. Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bennaMultiusoL3000
  179. Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bennaMultiusoL4000
  180. Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bennaScaricoCentrale
  181. Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bennaTrattenitore
  182. Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bennaDesilatrice
  183. Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.lamaDozer
  184. Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.gancioSollevamento
  185. Register vehicle type: FS17_CSZ_set.bilancinoSollevamento
  186. Script loaded: Glance.lua (v1.0.3.40)
  187. @ Register Variable: BaseMission.modDrawMixerWagons
  188. Register vehicle type: FS17_FarmtechTDK900_50k.farmtechTDK900
  189. Register vehicle type: FS17_FENDT_900_SERIES_MR.fendt
  190. Register vehicle type: FS17_FendtFavorit600LSA.Favorit615
  191. Register vehicle type: FS17_ITS_Lemken_Zirkon12_K.Zirkon
  192. Register vehicle type: FS17_KroneKWT11x22.KroneKWT11x22
  193. Register configuration 'refillNetRoles'
  194. Register configuration 'refillFoilRoles'
  195. Register vehicle type: FS17_KroneUltimaCF155XC.KroneUltimaCF155XC
  196. Register vehicle type: FS17_KroneUltimaCF155XC.netRolePallet
  197. Register vehicle type: FS17_KroneUltimaCF155XC.PalletFoilCartons
  198. Register vehicle type: FS17_manurespreader6to12tons.manureSpreaderwithout
  199. Register vehicle type: FS17_manurespreader6to12tons.manureSpreaderconfig
  200. Register vehicle type: FS17_MetalFach_Z560_v1_3_0.mfz560
  201. Register vehicle type: FS17_Metaltech_Trailer_Pack.DB_Grain
  202. Register vehicle type: FS17_ReckJumbo2.ReckJumbo2
  203. Register vehicle type: FS17_roewerEquipment_PC.implement_cylindered
  204. Register vehicle type: FS17_roewerEquipment_PC.implement_configuratableMass
  205. Register vehicle type: FS17_roewerEquipment_PC.leveler_configuratableMass
  206. Register vehicle type: FS17_roewerEquipment_PC.silageDistributor
  207. Register vehicle type: FS17_saphirSilagePack.saphirGGK30B
  208. Register vehicle type: FS17_saphirSilagePack.saphirGGK30
  209. Register vehicle type: FS17_saphirSilagePack.saphirSW30H
  210. Register vehicle type: FS17_veenhuisW400_pc.VeenhuisW400
  211. VehicleWaterBreak v17.0.0 by Heady -
  212. Register vehicle type: FS17Contest_FENDT_800_Favorit.fendt
  213. Register vehicle type: FS17Contest_ITS_Lemken_AzuritH.Azurit
  214. Register vehicle type: FS17Contest_ITS_Lemken_AzuritH.Azurit_Deposit
  215. Register vehicle type: FS17Contest_TajfunEGV80AHK_50k.TajfunWinch
  216. Register vehicle type: FS17Fendt_extended.fendt900
  217. Register vehicle type: FS2017_FinalVersionJD7530.JD7530
  218. Register vehicle type: FS_17ClaasJaguar900Typ497.Jaguar900Marthu
  219. Register vehicle type: Geringhoff_Harvest_Star_HV660_LS17ready.geringhoff_harvest_star_HV660
  220. Register vehicle type: Gewicht_HP_Modding_KEV6620.StrawFork
  221. Error: Vehicle types unknown specialization HoT_Ackerschiene.pdlc_kuhnPack.extendedPto
  222. Register vehicle type: HoT_Krone_Emsland.Ballengitterwagen
  223. Register vehicle type: HoT_WelgerAP730wc.WelgerAP730wc
  224. Register vehicle type: HoT_WelgerAP730wc.WelgerAP730
  225. Register vehicle type: LS17_Fraese__2_.Fraese
  226. Register vehicle type: MF_8700FarmerSteven.MF8700
  227. Register vehicle type: MilfosnewHolland_1X0_90.newHollandFiatAgri
  228. Register vehicle type: Quad_POLARIS_6x6.GTXMFlatbedUAL
  229. Register vehicle type: Stoll_universal.RungeDrehkipp
  230. Register vehicle type: Terrus_CVT.Terrus
  231. Register vehicle type: TM_John_Deere_7R.JohnDeere_7R
  232. --- installing driveControl by upsidedown into Drivable, Steerable and VehicleMotor...
  233. dataS/cameraPath01.i3d (1.04) ms
  234. dataS/cameraPath02.i3d (0.18) ms
  235. dataS/cameraPath03.i3d (0.61) ms
  236. data/sky/skyUS_day_night.i3d (97.98) ms
  237. data/sky/rain.i3d (32.93) ms
  238. data/sky/hail.i3d (10.96) ms
  239. data/sky/dust.i3d (57.66) ms
  240. C:/Users/Brinki/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Map_Wildbach_Tal/maps/map01.i3d (8847.65) ms
  241. Error: 'Station' not defined in config file 'C:/Users/Brinki/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Map_Wildbach_Tal/maps/wildcreekvalley.xml'
  242. --- loading AI Vehicle Extension v1.0 by mogli ---
  243. *** ChoppedStraw v1.0.0.7 | register specialization
  244. *** ChoppedStraw v1.0.0.7 | specialization added to 7 vehicle types
  245. ## Glance: Seems to be running on a dedicated-server. So default built-in configuration values will be used.
  246. @ register spec DrawMixerWagon v17.0.1 by Heady -
  247. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  248. FillType Mass Adjustment FS17 by modelleicher loaded. Visit for more Mods and Support
  249. ............................................................................................................
  250. Fillable mass of Filltype squareBaleBarley changed to 1000 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  251. Fillable mass of Filltype poplar changed to 0.45 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  252. Fillable mass of Filltype woodChips changed to 0.36 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  253. Fillable mass of Filltype forage changed to 0.32 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  254. Fillable mass of Filltype sunflower changed to 0.35 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  255. Fillable mass of Filltype milk changed to 1.03 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  256. Fillable mass of Filltype roundBale changed to 1000 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  257. Fillable mass of Filltype fuel changed to 0.84 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  258. Fillable mass of Filltype squareBaleWheat changed to 1000 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  259. Fillable mass of Filltype soybean changed to 0.7 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  260. Fillable mass of Filltype forage_mixing changed to 0.31 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  261. Fillable mass of Filltype barley changed to 0.63 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  262. Fillable mass of Filltype wheat changed to 0.79 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  263. Fillable mass of Filltype seeds changed to 0.35 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  264. Fillable mass of Filltype pigFoodProtein changed to 0.6 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  265. Fillable mass of Filltype dryGrass_windrow changed to 0.07 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  266. Fillable mass of Filltype straw changed to 0.04 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  267. Fillable mass of Filltype silage changed to 0.7 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  268. ################ NOT IN LIST YET: powerFood cur. Val: 0
  269. Fillable mass of Filltype powerFood changed to 0 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
  270. Fillable mass of Filltype manure changed to 0.79 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  271. Fillable mass of Filltype chaff changed to 0.46 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  272. Fillable mass of Filltype squareBale changed to 1000 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  273. Fillable mass of Filltype rape changed to 0.72 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  274. Fillable mass of Filltype fertilizer changed to 1.1 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  275. Fillable mass of Filltype pig changed to 0.2 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  276. Fillable mass of Filltype cow changed to 0.64 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  277. Fillable mass of Filltype sheep changed to 0.1 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  278. Fillable mass of Filltype wool changed to 0.2 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  279. Fillable mass of Filltype maize changed to 0.8 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  280. Fillable mass of Filltype chicken changed to 0.003 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  281. Fillable mass of Filltype roundBaleBarley changed to 1000 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  282. Fillable mass of Filltype grass changed to 0.35 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  283. Fillable mass of Filltype treeSaplings changed to 0.2 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  284. Fillable mass of Filltype water changed to 1 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  285. Fillable mass of Filltype roundBaleWheat changed to 1000 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  286. Fillable mass of Filltype sugarBeet changed to 0.74 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  287. Fillable mass of Filltype roundBaleDryGrass changed to 1000 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  288. Fillable mass of Filltype roundBaleGrass changed to 1000 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  289. Fillable mass of Filltype grass_windrow changed to 0.35 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  290. Fillable mass of Filltype pigFoodGrain changed to 0.6 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  291. Fillable mass of Filltype digestate changed to 0.5 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  292. Fillable mass of Filltype pigFoodEarth changed to 0.64 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  293. Fillable mass of Filltype liquidFertilizer changed to 0.9 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  294. Fillable mass of Filltype pigFoodBase changed to 0.6 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  295. Fillable mass of Filltype egg changed to 0.1 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  296. Fillable mass of Filltype potato changed to 0.73 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  297. Fillable mass of Filltype oilseedRadish changed to 0.75 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  298. Fillable mass of Filltype liquidManure changed to 0.98 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  299. ################ NOT IN LIST YET: tarp cur. Val: 0
  300. Fillable mass of Filltype tarp changed to 0 tons per 1000 Liter (using the multiplier of 2 )
  301. Fillable mass of Filltype dryGrass changed to 0.07 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  302. Fillable mass of Filltype pigFood changed to 0.6 tons per 1000 Liter (according to real mass table)
  303. FillTypeMassAdjustment all fillType mass values have been updated. Note: This Log entry should only exist once, if you have several of these please check to make sure you don't have several FillTypeMassAdjustment Versions in your Modfolder.
  304. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  305. *-- hayasgrass:loadMap(name)
  306. *-- hayasgrass MOD - Perform Check: This line should only appear once
  307. *-- Try to insert hay into grass group during hayasgrass:draw - this should appear only once
  308. === Trailer Sound v2.4 by Mogli, LudmillaPower & charly_99 ===
  309. C:/Users/Brinki/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/LS17_Fraese__2_/materialholder/materialHolder.i3d (12.63) ms
  310. Warning: Unkown fillType 'compost' for MaterialUtil.onCreateMaterial
  311. Warning: Unkown fillType 'compost' for MaterialUtil.onCreateMaterial
  312. Warning: Unkown fillType 'compost' for MaterialUtil.onCreateMaterial
  313. Warning: Unkown fillType 'compost' for MaterialUtil.onCreateMaterial
  314. MaterialHolder for CompostMaster placeable loaded successfull!
  315. --- loading driveControl mod V4.10 (by upsidedown)---
  316. --- loading GPS mod V5.01 --- (by upsidedown)
  317. Disabled withering
  318. *** ChoppedStraw v1.0.0.7 | config file C:/Users/Brinki/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/Map_Wildbach_Tal/maps/choppedStraw_SDK/addChoppedStraw.xml not found. ChoppedStraw not available on this map!
  319. data/vehicles/trailers/kotte/VE8000.i3d (256.74) ms
  320. data/vehicles/trailers/farmtech/farmtechSuperfex800.i3d (195.30) ms
  321. data/vehicles/steerable/caseIH/caseIH1660.i3d (311.68) ms
  322. C:/Users/Brinki/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_AIVehicleExtension/AutoCombine.i3d (0.24) ms
  323. loading C:/Users/Brinki/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017//driveControl_config.xml for driveControl-Mod configuration
  324. driveControl module shuttle not started
  325. driveControl module fourWDandDifferentials started
  326. driveControl module cruiseControl started
  327. driveControl module showNearestFillLevel started
  328. driveControl module pipeCam started
  329. driveControl module implementControl started
  330. driveControl module softGas started
  331. driveControl module showMotor started
  332. driveControl module variGear not started
  333. driveControl module freeSteering not started
  334. driveControl module inching started
  335. driveControl softGas maxGasOnModifier set to 30%
  336. driveControl motor autoTurnOff set to false
  337. GPS mod inserted into Drivable Specialization (should happen only once!)
  338. GPS mod inserted into Vehicle Camera (should happen only once!)
  339. data/vehicles/cutters/caseIH/caseIH1030Cutter.i3d (212.93) ms
  340. C:/Users/Brinki/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17Contest_FENDT_800_Favorit/fendt_800.i3d (601.00) ms
  341. C:/Users/Brinki/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FBM17_TeraVitesse_CFS/i3d/strautmannTeraVitesse4201.i3d (200.18) ms
  342. C:/Users/Brinki/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FSM_BednarProSeed_3/bednar.i3d (149.84) ms
  343. data/vehicles/tools/amazone/amazoneCatros6002.i3d (549.92) ms
  344. C:/Users/Brinki/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Poettinger_Top_1252/poettingerTop1252.i3d (108.73) ms
  345. data/vehicles/tools/poettinger/poettingerNovaCat301.i3d (122.80) ms
  346. C:/Users/Brinki/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_fendtWeightPack/small.i3d (14.68) ms
  347. C:/Users/Brinki/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_fendtWeightPack/middle.i3d (6.81) ms
  348. C:/Users/Brinki/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_KroneBigPack120_80/BP120_80.i3d (93.70) ms
  349. data/objects/squarebales/baleHay240.i3d (21.24) ms
  350. C:/Users/Brinki/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FBM17_MBtrac/i3d/MBtrac.i3d (482.91) ms
  351. C:/Users/Brinki/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_CSZ_set/filename/forcaPunteReclinabili.i3d (44.40) ms
  352. data/vehicles/tools/stoll/stollFrontLoaderFZ60.i3d (61.15) ms
  353. C:/Users/Brinki/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_FendtFavorit600LSA/FendtFavorit615.i3d (379.46) ms
  354. data/vehicles/trailers/joskin/joskinAquaTrans7300.i3d (89.99) ms
  355. data/vehicles/trailers/siloking/siloKingTrailedLineDuo1814.i3d (161.05) ms
  356. C:/Users/Brinki/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/DDR_EinachserService_Eigenbau_LS17wsb/EAHW.i3d (61.04) ms
  357. data/vehicles/tools/poettinger/poettingerNovaCatX8.i3d (39.21) ms
  358. data/vehicles/tools/bredal/F2WS4000.i3d (127.58) ms
  359. C:/Users/Brinki/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_saphirSilagePack/saphirSW30H.i3d (114.10) ms
  360. C:/Users/Brinki/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS2017_FinalVersionJD7530/JD7530.i3d (593.53) ms
  361. C:/Users/Brinki/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/CMT_FENDT_900_SERIES_MR/f900_se.i3d (520.12) ms
  362. data/vehicles/cutters/capello/capelloDiamantHS8.i3d (134.36) ms
  363. C:/Users/Brinki/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_CSZ_set/filename/forcaLetame.i3d (35.37) ms
  364. C:/Users/Brinki/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_KroneKWT11x22/KroneKWT11x22.i3d (283.53) ms
  365. C:/Users/Brinki/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_brantnerDPW18000/dpw18000.i3d (120.29) ms
  366. C:/Users/Brinki/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/HoT_Krone_Emsland/kroneEmsland.i3d (211.65) ms
  367. C:/Users/Brinki/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/HoT_WelgerAP730wc/ap730.i3d (99.89) ms
  368. C:/Users/Brinki/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/HoT_WelgerAP730wc/bales/baleStraw120.i3d (11.62) ms
  369. C:/Users/Brinki/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/FS17_Metaltech_Trailer_Pack/DB_Grain.i3d (268.15) ms
  370. data/objects/squarebales/baleStraw240.i3d (14.50) ms
  371. data/objects/bigBagContainer/bigBagContainerFertilizer.i3d (46.50) ms
  372. dataS2/character/player/player01.i3d (433.81) ms
  373. data/firstPerson/chainsaws/stihl/stihlMS261.i3d (457.81) ms
  374. x_Brinki_x joined the game
  375. C:/Users/Brinki/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/MilfosnewHolland_1X0_90/newHolland1X0_90.i3d (439.32) ms
  376. removing
  377. C:/Users/Brinki/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods//GPS_config.xml
  378. from dedicated server
  379. Error: Running LUA method 'packetReceived'.
  380. C:/Users/Brinki/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2017/mods/ZZZ_GPS/GPS.lua:216: attempt to call global 'deleteFile' (a string value)
  381. Warning: Send called with unknown target address.
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